V3 Locations
From Sotf Wiki
The V3 island varies drastically from the V2 island in that the island, formerly an old military base (presumably belonging to the U.S. or Great Britain at one point in time, seeing as the graffiti on the wall of the storehouse is in English), has been abandoned for approximately forty years. Most of the island is still largely intact, despite the fact that in the past forty years, it's apparently undergone some harsh storms. Still, having been a temporary military base, much of the island is uninhabited and full of vegetation.
- Bodies:
- Lance Barrett (Outside; in front of front entrance)
- Heather Tilmitt (Examination room; on examination table)
The Jailhouse: The jailhouse sits away from the main settlement on the island, probably as a precautionary measure to keep the townspeople safe from those in lockup. It's a simple, two-story building with a row of cells on the bottom floor and a spare room, probably where the guard used to sleep, upstairs. The cells seem lonely now and beckon for a new body to be locked behind their bars.
- Bodies:
- N/A
The Small Cottage: A solitary cottage that sets off by itself, away from the main settlement. It's a simple place of only four rooms, and it was probably the island home of one of the higher-ups on the military base at one time. Outside sits a small well that it's hard to see the bottom of, even in the middle of the day. Overall, the place has a peaceful atmosphere... one that begs to be destroyed.
- Bodies:
- N/A
The Barracks: A cluster of plain gray buildings that once housed the soldiers occupying the island base. There isn't much to speak of in the barracks except for rows of cots, but it's an ideal place for a large group to horde up in... or the ideal place for an ambitious player to mow down the competition in.
- Bodies:
- Josh Goodman (Interior of Barrack, standing in pool of blood)
- Tanya Bonneville (Interior of Barrack, lying in pool of blood next to Goodman)
The Lagoon: Overlooked by large cliffs to the north and surrounded by tall trees to the south, the lagoon was formed ages ago when a tsunami hit the island. Since then, it's become an untouched beauty of the island... but be mindful of the lagoon's beautiful waters. You never know who might sneak up from behind and drown you in them.
- Bodies:
- N/A
The Showers: Separate from the barracks, the showers are exactly as their name would suggest. The room is, in essence, a large bathroom facility with an open shower area. It's an ideal place to rest, but don't loiter around for too long. The lone door in the front of the building could sign your fate if an ambitious player follows you inside.
- Bodies:
- N/A
- Bodies:
- Charlie Burchman (Scattered in small pieces all around first floor)
The Mess Hall: Moss and vines have overtaken the outside of the mess hall, and the inside looks as though it hasn't been touched for years. The multiple tables sit in perfect rows in the dining room, and the kitchen and even the deep freeze are layered in a thick coat of dust. There might be some leftovers in the deep freeze, but eating meat that's over 40 years old is quite the dance with death, perhaps more hazardous than the competition on the island.
- Bodies:
- Alex Steele (Lying in the Deep Freeze, gunshot wound in chest)
Still to Come:
- The Marsh
- The Hollow Tree
- The Swinging Bridge
- The Airfield
- The Storehouse
- The Graveyard
- The Chapel
- The Overgrown Trail
- The Quarry
- The Caves
- The Jungle
- The Babbling Brook
- The Sea Cliffs
- The Field of Flowers
- The Northern Coast