Simon Wood

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Revision as of 07:38, 23 February 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Name: Simon Wood
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and interests: Simon spends half of his life on the computer and the other half out running wherever his feet take him. He does virtually nothing else, or rather, nothing else interests him. The only times Simon is really enjoying himself are when he is sitting in front of a computer screen or running in the open air.

Appearance: Simon stands just a shade less than 6 feet tall and he has the physique of a runner. Unsurprisingly, as Simon is a runner, his build only reflects his activity. Simon will wear pretty much whatever comes to hand, and generally he dresses in a combination of smart and casual clothes, the look sitting well on him. Simon's hair is short and so blond as to be close to white, though generally it is incredible untidy as Simon pays no attention to it whatsoever. Simon has a fairly small nose, upon which he perches a pair of glasses, the lenses of which are square with rounded corners. His eyes are a deep blue in colour, and they are always alert and quick, darting around and taking in everything they see. Simon's face perhaps would not be unpleasant to look upon if he paid a little more attention to his appearance, as it is his face harbours a scruffy chin strap type affair as a beard and it is often said Simon would look a lot better without it. Simon looks like one of those guys who sits indoors and lives on their computer and dresses like it, though his tanned skin is testimony to how long he spends running outside. Also of note is Simon's right arm, which is badly twisted and mangled due to an accident, and remains tucked across Simon's stomach at all times.

Biography: Simon was born in California and for most of his life was raised in California. Half Irish and half American, Simon is also the cousin of Sean O'Cann, though they are not close, and indeed have only met a few times in their lives. Growing up, Simon found a love for football and excelled in the sport from a young age. Indeed he was hoping to play football for a club team when his life was turned upside down and took a drastic turn.

Simon was sixteen when the accident occurred. It was an everyday thing really, something that happens to many people all of the time. That didn't make the reality of it any less traumatizing or any more pleasant. Riding on the back of a friend's motorcycle, Simon was part of a horrific accident, which killed three people. In short; a trailer hit a car that was flipped over and knocked into the air briefly, smashing into the motorbike. Pinned underneath the car with two people, one of them screaming and one dismembered, Simon found that his dream were shattered. When he was freed his fears were confirmed; his right arm was smashed and mauled beyond repair, he wouldn't be able to play football properly any longer.

Despondent, Simon retreated into his room for hours on end, sitting up at night on his computer and waking up in the morning sprawled over his keyboard with his glasses askew. After near on six months of living like this, Simon ventured to look at himself in a mirror and see what his arm was like. Seeing it just as bad as ever Simon was shocked to see himself putting on a great deal of weight and looking decidedly unhealthy. Lacing up a pair of running shoes Simon went out running and he didn't stop until he couldn't run at all anymore. From that day, Simon promised he'd never let himself down like that again and everyday thereafter made progressively longer runs, building up his stamina and fitness once again. Simon also made an effort to improve his grades and his school life. Teachers and peers alike were amazed in the change in the lethargic and lazy Simon and soon he was a favoured student and near to the top of the class.

Simon isn't naturally a particularly social person but he does make an effort and he isn't exactly a recluse either. Since his self enforced rehabilitation Simon has been a deal more outgoing and friendly where previously he had been sullen and depressed. Simon contents himself with how he is now, though he does not have many friends due to the time he spends on his computer and working out, he doesn't really mind it that way.

Advantages: Simon is intelligent and decisive, as well as fit from his running.

Disadvantages: He is not widely liked as he does not actively seek out companions, and in any kind of fight Simon is likely to lose due to his injury.

Designated Number: Male Student no. 33

Designated Weapon: Laser Dazzler

Conclusions: I sure hope those running skills come in handy for B33, because with his arm a destroyed mess of flesh, I don't see him faring very well in hand-to-hand combat. Really, all I can say about B33 is that the hunt is always that much more fun when the prey runs for their lives.



Game Evaluations

Killed By:
Collected Weapons: Laser Dazzler (issued weapon)
Mid-Game Evaluation:
Post-Game Evaluation:
Memorable Quotes:


  • According to the V3 Pre-Game, Simon is the boyfriend of Madison Conner. Whether the couple is still together during SOTF's third season has yet to be revealed.


Below is a list of thread containing Simon, in chronological order.



Your Thoughts

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