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Revision as of 17:52, 20 August 2007 by Clueless (Talk | contribs)

Member since May 28, 2007. Characters include Bobby Jacks, Tyson Neills, Sean O'Cann, Ric Chee, Keiji Tanaka, Chris Joesi, Katie Nellt and Simon Wood.

Alias: Speedy

Age: A tender 14

Location: Jersey, Channel Islands.

Roleplaying history: As of July 25th, Clueless has been roleplaying for about seven months, although two of those were spent gnashing his teeth at his lack of computer.

SOTF relevant: Wow, can't believe I've already been a member for almost two months. Hardly impressive, but I hadn't realise I'd been around so long. I found the site about two weeks after I read the book of Battle Royale, being a bit of a roleplay fiend, the book immediately caught my attention. Chancing upon the old site, I discovered SOTF V2 and lurked for a couple of days before finally deciding to join, despite my first intentions not to. In fact my primary reason not to join was because I did not actually understand the rules. If anybody cares, this was the reason for my username, I felt absolutely Clueless, though I am glad to say I have the hang of things now.

Contact: You can get a hold of him at Irritationdelux on Aim, or for e-mail and MSN.

A little bit of trivia:

Clueless is somewhat inconsistent with roleplaying: He sometimes comes up with epic posts, and occasionally cannot produce anything more than one-liners. Luckily he has found himself with plenty of muse for this roleplay, and in fact his most tricky task was making characters.

In total, Clueless wants seven V3 characters, thought he isn't sure if he can manage it. However, the way things are panning out he might end up with eight.

Clueless cannot total heights/weights to save his life, and has almost no idea how to correctly balance them.

Though he hasn't yet tried to roleplay a member of the fairer sex, Clueless remains utterly convinced he'd be absolutely horrible at doing so.

V3 Character Katie Nellt will be his first attempt as such.

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Fear... THE BOX!!!


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