Niniko Kishinawa

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Revision as of 00:12, 20 November 2006 by Adam (Talk | contribs)
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Name: Niniko, Kishinawa
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Grade: 10th
Extra Curricular Activity: N/A
School: Barry Coleson High

Appearance: Long black hair with normal everything. He basically looked like Kazuo Kiriyama (see Battle Royale) and was a stand out among students, with his hair constantly changing. He has scars all along his face.

Biography: Above all else, Niniko is deaf, but he can read lips. He has made numerous charges against the government. He has formed gangs to take down certain government officals. He has failed in every attempt. He is also classified as criminally insane, and tries to kill everyone in his sight without regard for his personal safety. He knows how to work a gun, and his gang brawls will help him later on. He attacks the government because his brother, Jinitchi Kishinawa, is trying to take the government down, and the government killed his mom and dad.

Other: He is basically trying to kill everyone else, and he is deaf.

Number: Number 19

As written by Sarigasi Lian. Edits and alterations affecting only spelling and grammar errors but not changing the context of this article have been made.


Designated Weapon(s): Boxing Gloves
Conclusions: One insane kid. There's not much else to him, really. He'll probably get the first kill, seeing how insane he is. He'll get the SOTF ACT really running. Shame he had to get the boxing gloves, though.... If he is as crazy as he seems, he might be lucky enough to get his hands on a gun and be the SOTF ACT's top dog.



Kills: 0

Killed by: Collar Explosion

Collected Weapons: Boxing Gloves (designated weapon, disguarded), Bamboo Chute

Allies: None

Enemies: Presumably Sydney Morvran, Tayli E. Vreeland, and Xian Chun, as they were the only people he encountered while on the island.

Mid-game evaluation: Niniko's story began at the bamboo coppice, where he immediately disguarded his designated weapon (a pair of boxing gloves) and made a weapon from a bamboo chute upon awakening. At the coppice, he encountered Tayli Vreeland, Sydney Morvran, and Xian Chun. Niniko attacked the trio in hopes of stealing a gun, but Syd retaliated with a flashbang and the group ran off. Niniko decided to wait in the coppice until the next announcement. He must've fallen asleep or something, because the next thing he knew, the collar around his neck had detonated, ending this potential contender's game abruptly.

End-game evaluation: He had a lot of potential, but his disability hindered him greatly and he was one of the very first unlucky fools to die via our magnificent collars.

Memorable Quote(s): "Well, well, well..." - Niniko's only line throughout SOTF


  • He was both the first character to go inactive and the first to die by collar explosion.
  • Nobody, Niniko's handler Sarigasi Lian included, seemed to note the fact that Niniko Kishiawa was deaf. Even his handler mentioned repeated things like "Niniko was going to wait for the next announcement at the coppice". How would he have ever heard the announcement?
  • Niniko was one of a select few SOTF characters to actually make weapons from objects around the island rather than using their designated weapon.
  • Niniko's boxing gloves have presumably been left in the bamboo coppice since they were disguarded at the very beginning of the game.


The various threads that contained Niniko. In order from first to finish.

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