Ali Grayston
From Sotf Wiki
Name: Ali Grayston
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen [16]
Grade: Sophomore [10th]
School: Bathurst High School
Homeroom: Mrs. Rowena's Homeroom
Hobbies and Interests: Varsity Cheerleading Squad, Dance Committee, Homecoming Candidate
Appearance: Tall and slender, Ali stands at 5'6" and has a ridiculously curvaceous, nearly perfect hourglass figure. Of course, most people don't realize that Ali achieves this figure with a lot of help from a wonderful little contraption called a water bra. Her hair is long and a mocha brown in color, and it is debatable whether or not this is her natural hair color. Ali'd never tell. Her hair is highlighted with an array of blondes, browns, and reds, giving it a shining, almost glimmering look. Her skin, a deep bronze in color, is completely devoid of even the smallest pimple... probably because of the vast array of acne and blemish creams that line the walls of Ali's bathroom. Ali's eyebrows are formed into a fine arch, and not a single strand of hair is ever out of place. In addition, her eyes are a piercing green in color, and always seem to hold some sort of secret behind them, like Ali always knows something you don't. Having full, voluptuous lips, Ali always seems to have a permanent pouty expression affixated to her features.
To go with her almost exotic and wild look are her wild ways. The lower back tattoo featuring a tribal looking butterfly and the ever-protruding bellybutton ring that "Daddy" signed for on her sixteenth birthday are two indicative signs of this fact. While Ali's got quite the reputation for being a bit wild and crazy, she's a girly-girl to the core, as her always manicured nails and pedicured toes prove. In terms of attire, Ali always seems as though she's striving to be the next teen idol. She's constantly decked out in clothes that are a bit too revealing for school, though funnily enough, she never gets in trouble for them. Perhaps that has something to do with the Senator's charitable donations to the funding of the school on a regular basis. In addition, if it isn't designer, it doesn't go anywhere near Ali Grayston. After all, "cheap clothes are for poor people".
Biography: Even as a small child, Ali was very close to her parents, especially "Daddy", known to the outside world as Senator Andrew Vincent Grayston IV. From her first moments on earth onward, Ali was relentlessly pampered by both her parents, being the only child of the Grayston household. In second grade, "Daddy" bought her a pony because she'd had a bad week at school. Mr. Grayston certainly has the money to throw around. He's been a big player in politics since he was a young man himself. Neither one of her parents are around much. Andrew is always off playing politics, usually in D.C., and Gloria (his wife and the mother of Ali) is generally with him, networking and socializing, pushing her husband's campaigns.
As such, the closely knit group of friends that Ali has been close to from a young age onward are practically like family to her, and she spends countless nights with the group, doing the usual: gossiping, partying, getting a little too tipsy and stripping on the pool table at some kid's party... but that was only one time. It should come as no surprise that Ali's quite the party girl, somewhat of a lightweight drinker, and, to put it bluntly, a little bit on the easy side. Not that most of the kids she went to school with would ever know that fact.
Ali's a dominating figure at Bathurst High School, and along with the rest of the group, tries to control the social population of the school. Ali's clique is the girl group that defines what cool is, and who gets in with the "in crowd". To outsiders, Ali seems unapproachable, even hostile at times. She's a vicious and spiteful girl to those she doesn't like, often publicly humiliating them just for a good laugh. Ali enjoys the luxuries of being popular among the student body, mostly for her looks and her "award-winning" personality to the students who don't deserve to be part of the "in crowd".
Of course, there's another side to Ali Grayston - a softer, sweeter, gentler side that not many have had the pleasure of ever seeing. Like most sixteen year old girls, Ali is fully aware of the "Queen Bee" image that she has established over the course of her time at Bathurst High School. In fact, it was all purely intentional. Spoiled from birth, Ali was always used to getting her way, by any means necessary. This led to her bossy attitude and almost immature, nit-picky nature. Ali has always enjoyed the fruits associated with being beautiful and popular and oftentimes goes out of her way to ensure that she never loses hold of what could be considered her two most prized possessions.
As grown-up, sophisticated, and cultured as Ali tries to act, the fact remains... she's simply a sixteen year old girl. This fact always seem to show through, despite the faςade she tries to put on in front of others. Her naϊveté toward the world around her and the people in it is a prime example that defines her age. Ali's often revealing and sexually alluring attire is only adorned because she thinks that's what guys like, and apparently, they do. At least, in Ali's own personal experience. Never once has Daddy's Little Girl stopped to think that perhaps the attention she received from said guys was negative, or that they were only attracted to her because she conveyed herself as being somewhat of a bimbo.
In truth, many of Ali's actions and deeds are done in an attempt to impress the opposite sex, because, just like any sixteen year old girl, Ali's a bit boy-crazy. However, there is one certain guy who seems to be a step above all the other men in Ali's life... a guy she has placed upon a proverbial pedistal and would do anything and everything for. Of course, said guy is older than her, and this fact has a lot to do with why Ali attempts to act more grown-up and mature than she really is. Ali desperately tries to impress this particular guy, and her efforts always seem to be in vain. It never occurs to her that he isn't into her dressing in a revealing manner and conveying the message that she "puts out". Why wouldn't he like that? Everyone else seems to.
As obsessed as Ali is with this particular individual, she has never let this fact slip out to the masses. It's a personal secret Ali has kept for a very long time. She hasn't even told any of the Sisterhood girls... girls who are supposed to be her best friends... girls she considers family. Why she would keep her infatuation with Gregg Archer a secret from friends and family alike is rather unclear. Really, there are several reasons behind Ali's secrecy. For starters, embarrassment plays a key factor. Although she seems to throw herself at him every chance she gets, Gregg never seems interested, and the great Ali Grayston would hate for anyone to know that even she had trouble getting a man sometimes.
Ali also has her reputation to think about. She would knowingly and willingly be manipulated and used by this certain guy just to be with him. What if that got around school? Even if he weren't like that, who's to say that somebody prowling the halls of Bathurst wouldn't be? Who's to say they wouldn't use that information to their advantage? Besides, Ali Grayston, the Queen Bee of Bathurst High School, the judge, jury, and executor of the cool and uncool wasn't supposed to have a weak side. She wasn't supposed to have a warm, caring, and compassionate side. She wasn't supposed to be smitten over a guy that she could probably never have. Thus, Ali's infatuation is kept locked up within the confines of her mind, never to be released to the outside world
Advantages: Ali's looks have gotten her quite far in life up to this point. In a game of survival, having a pretty face could be one of the deciding factors between your opponent shooting you down or sparing your life. Ali and the remainder of the Sisterhood are extremely close and her bond with Gregg Archer is a strong one. While it'll definitely be a shock to run into both groups on the island, in a way, they help solidify Ali's survival... or at least prolong it.
Disadvantages: Throughout her time at Bathurst High School, Ali's been mean, spiteful, and vindictive to many of her classmates. In a way, now is their ultimate chance for payback. Ali -- who's never been in an actual fight in her entire life -- just may wind up atoning for her sins by paying the highest pentance possible.
Number: Female Student no. 17
Designated Weapon: Garden Hose
Conclusions: Well now, G17's quite the wild card. I suppose she could go after the classmates she's tortured for years and put them out of their misery, or she could form an alliance with that girl group of hers and provide us with eye candy. Maybe she'll even align herself with B37, I do hope so, unrequited love is so tragic. It'll be even better if B37 dies in her arms, not to mention awesome for our ratings.
The above biography is as written by Megami. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.
Contents |
Kills: None
Killed by:
Collected Weapons: Garden Hose (issed weapon), Nail Bat (from Jameson Doeert)
Allies: Presumably Carmen Somerset, Sera Wingfield, and Gregg Archer.
Enemies: Mariavel Varella considers Ali an enemy, although Ali doesn't consider her anything more than a nuisance; Tanesha Lexx
Mid-game Evaluation:
End-game Evaluation:
Memorable Quotes:
- Ali's middle name is Marie.
The various threads that contained Ali. In order from first to finish.
- Who Needs History When You've Got the Present?
- Something's Getting in the Way...
- Doin' Rounds
- Lunch Room
- A Side Lesser Shown
- Tranquility
Version II:
Your Thoughts
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