V3 Locations

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The V3 island varies drastically from the V2 island in that the island, formerly an old military base (presumably belonging to the U.S. or Great Britain at one point in time, seeing as the graffiti on the wall of the storehouse is in English), has been abandoned for approximately forty years. Most of the island is still largely intact, despite the fact that in the past forty years, it's apparently undergone some harsh storms. Still, having been a temporary military base, much of the island is uninhabited and full of vegetation.

The Rundown Hospital: A basic three-room facility which once served the residents of the island. The waiting room is nothing to speak of, with only a few dust-covered chairs, an old lamp, and a stack of ancient magazines sitting on the table. The examination room is even blander, containing nothing except some expired medical supplies and an old examination table. The third room holds two rows of cots and was once used to quarantine sick patients.
Lance Barrett (Outside; in front of front entrance)
Heather Tilmitt (Examination room; on examination table)
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