Evan Angler

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== Other/Trivia ==
== Other/Trivia ==
''Coming soon...''
*Evan shared a math class with [[Nadine Willowbrook]].
== Threads ==
== Threads ==

Revision as of 06:45, 23 March 2008

Name: Evan Angler
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Grade: Senior (12th grade)
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Tennis Team, Swim Team, Improv Team, After school job (Fast Food)

Appearance: Evan stands a lanky 6'1", and although he appears skinny, is actually quite fit, and weighs in at around 158 lbs.. His hair is deep brown and usually varies in style and length (though mostly it's kept short and spiked). His eyes are green and his jawline is very square. He wears designer clothing that his parents spare no expense on, and always has on his trademark Prada sunglasses, even inside or at night. His clothing is always stylish, usually consisting of collared polo shirts or dress shirts and dark slacks. He seems to have the newest pair of sneakers every week. He also has a skin pigment problem on his back, that causes his back to be slightly lighter and splotchy-looking.

Biography: Evan comes from a wealthy background. His father, Greg, and mother, Shandi, are both very successful executives and bring home close to seven figures a year each. As such, Evan was spoiled growing up as an only child. His parents bought him a car for his 16th birthday, and so is one of the few kids at school who has one. He is very popular (though mainly because he has a lot of nice things and his own car, not so much for himself) and often looks down on other people.He would frequently bully the younger kids at his school, and more than once has been sent to the principal's office for injuring a classmate.

Growing up, Evan was used to having things done for him, and because of this, has become increasingly lazy over the years. Realizing this trend, his parents forced him to get a job at a fast food restaurant (to pay for gas money, they say) in hopes that he would grow out of it. Evan's relation with his parents is distant at best, and they buy him nice things as their way of showing affection.

Evan himself is not so much intelligent as he is witty, and finds comfort in letting loose with his school's improv team, where he is accepted as being very funny. His school marks suffer, due to his laziness, and his parents threaten to take away his "toys" unless his marks improve.

A few years ago, Evan would fake migraine headaches to get out of going to school. After several bouts of "headaches" his parents took him to a psychologist who came to the conclusion that the headaches must be stress related. Evan has since been a quite convincing actor when it came to faking sickness to get out of school. He cares very little for other's feelings, but doesn't like feeling left out, and will let people "use" him for his belongings so long as he can call them freind.

Evan is very allergic to shellfish, and also suffers from harsh ragweed allergies in the spring. He carries an epinephrine pen with him in case he accidently ingests some shellfish (he has had a few close calls), and takes medication for his Spring-time allergies.

He is best friends with Gabe McCallum, and has been since the fourth grade. The two of them used to work together at the same fast food restaurant, but after a while Gabe left and Evan got bored. Evan tends to be overly jealous of the people that monopolize Gabe's time, as he has few serious friendships, but cherishes the ones he has.

Advantages: Sharp wit, good actor, seen as "a better class of person" than his peers, somewhat athletic.

Disadvantages:' Very lazy, lacking in compassion, no strong parental bonds.

Designated Number: Male Student no. 25

The above biography is as written by RePeate. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.


Designated Weapon: Tickle-Me-Elmo Doll
Conclusions: Hahaha! Hey B25, did you have one of those when you were a kid? I bet it brings back some fond memories, doesn't it? Unfortunately, Elmo isn't going to do too much in the way of saving this kid's life. Part of me thinks that he'll get tired of playing and just lay down and die, and I'd find that quite funny.


Game Evaluations


Killed by:

Collected Weapons: Tickle-Me-Elmo (issued weapon), Stick (given to by Neil Sinclair)

Allies: Neil Sinclair, Ric Chee, presumably Gabe McCallum, Kara Holmes, Steve Digaetano, Courtney Blaggé, and Viki Valentine.


Mid-Game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:



Below is a list of threads that contain Evan, in chronological order.



Your Thoughts

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