True CoD Secrets

From Soloralwiki

Control of Destiny 3 is a very strange game. It some ways it can be considered a prequel, and some ways a sequel. Either way, it shows how Time Travel can mess up history forever. In the original Time Path, humans did rule the world normally, as it is now, there was no magic, etc. No Tymaria, no Freenesia, no Menelmacar, no Elpidos.

In 2012, the Apollo Sector got over its differences and united to make the Antya Confederacy. As the people of the Apollo Sector grew to finally get along, progress ensued. However, in 2100, something drastic happened. The Imperials, a race of Pure Evil that was evicted from the planet 10,000 ago, and returned in 1 AD to change Micron forever (Which eventually got warded away, but it was too late by then) had returned. Outsmarting the Antyans with their own technology, they came down from the moon of Micron, Atropos, and used their own SuperOmen Class Gravships to utterly destroy city by city until each human nation surrendered. The Imperials then ruled a ruined Micron as it slowly deteriated as Micron was slowly decaying towards becoming Pure Evil.

This changed, however, when in 2000, the brother of Bill Trihus of Jasonia, Matt Trihus, invented a Time Machine. It was a time of celebration as Hyperborea was recently annexed and Jasonia was at its peak of its golden age. At this celebration, or the Hyperborea Fair, Matt showed off his Time Machine. Bill and his friend, the president of the country, Jason Steffke, taunted him to use it. Unfortuanatly there were still bugs in the machine, and Matt was transported back into a couple months ago, into the Imperial Audentior Age. As many Veteran Apollonians know, that was a dangerous time, and Matt certainatly couldn't survive it. So Jason and Bill traveled back in time, starting a great adventure to save Micron.

By accident, they arrive in 2200, 100 years after Micron had been conquered by the Imperials. Horrified by this bleak future (And particularly Jason, since the Imperials stole his technology) the team decided to save history and prevent this future from happening. Thus started Control of Destiny. Eventually, they managed to the SuperOmen Class fleet and battled the Imperials and their leader, the Imperial Brain. This is where time started getting FUBAR. Apparently some Imperials, before they were killed, sent a distress signal to the Imperials in 1700 AD to attack Micron then so this incedent wouldn't happen. After the battle was won, the CoD team went into the present, only to see the situation to be exactly the same. Eventually they went to Atropos and wiped out the Imperials then, hoping that they would never have to time travel again.

Now why does this matter, you say? Because since the Imperial Attack never happened in 2100 AD, time went a different course.

After their second CoD adventure, (Which invovled Magus from a different dimension to try to destroy the regular dimension, too weird to describe here, but doesn't have much an effect in history) Innoruuk, the god of Evil, knew that the Imperials were destroyed 300 years ago. So he lured Bill Trihus and others to go to the City of the Sun, where his quintessense, Pure Evil was concealed by the Microns in CoD2. While Bill only thought it was a mission to seal a great evil from spreading, all he did was release it. Pure Evil quickly possessed Bill to become Dark Bill, the antithesis of Bill, a spawn of Innoruuk, pure hatred and wickedness.

Dark Bill poisoned Jason Steffke, President of Jasonia, and put the team in prison. He then overthrew the democratic government of Jasonia to create the Neo-Demesosian Empire. Millions of Jasonians were slaughtered in the hands of Dark Bill, as Bill only wanted the islands for the Demesosians. The CoD team however, would not give up. Battling through the islands and overthrowing the dictatorships, the CoD team eventually met Dark Bill, but accidently killed him in a frenzy. Dark Bill's corpse was taken to the City of the Sun, in a secret area where there where two pedistels and a platform in the middle. There was a description saying "Place the Sword of the Sun towards the land of Bristlebane, and the Sword of the Mundane towards the lands of Good. Place the body of the fallen one in the alter - if all is right, the Killer of Evil will be reborn." The "land of Bristlebane" was Shireroth, which was west, and the Sword of the Sun was the Sun Sword, which Dark Bill corrupted to be used as his weapon, so it was placed on the left pedastel. The lands of Good meaned the land of the Microns. The land of the Microns was Micronae, which is today Tapfer, so it is placed in the east pedistal. Bill's corpse was placed in the alter. Bill was revived by the ancient power of the Microns, and became a Paladin, as he was the Killer of Evil. Bill was not from the planet of Micron, but from a different one - Bill wasn't even his real name. Bill was a crusader of Mithoran from Earth who was blessed with Holy Powers by him to defeat Innoruuk at Earth. He was teleported to Micron years ago, with his memory wiped, to defend against Innoruuk's new home since he escaped from Earth to Micron. Eventually, Innoruuk was sealed again, but the scar to Jasonia and the world was done.

Because of this, Jasonia was weakened, Shireroth destroyed Jasonia, and the Apollonian nations were greatly weakened at this shift of power. Tymaria was born out of the weakened Apollo Sector and other semi-powerful Triballian nations, leading to Diga's rise to power in Tymaria, creating the Erudites, et cetera. However, this does not stand for the history of the Time Distortionists, Amy, or the nonhumans in the Age of Neomagic.

Now the story of the Temporal Distortionists.

In 4000 Before Counterstrike, there was a golden age in the city of Micron. At this time, there was a large number of Ptian Microns living there, who worked on increasing the scientific mind of Elpidos. Using the power of Hypon, the greatest Micron Scientists started researching the unkown sciencific arts - Time and Dimensional travel. They were successful and the whole group vanished to somewhere and somewhen else. However, it sent an eerie shockwave over the entire continent. The citizens of Ptia were alarmed, and the tower was sealed up. From that time forward, Microns banned the research into time and dimensional travel.

But what happened to the Research Group? They travelled to a period deep into the future, millions of years away from their own time period. They travelled at the Existance Core, the center of both the universe and the Empathi field. It is only there where the Quintessences are in an equal amount as it is where the quintessences come from - true tranquility exists as it is the only place where the universe is balanaced. The birthplace of Mithoran and Innoruuk, and the gate to the other universes where the other major gods came into our universe, the Existance Core is a gate to every place in the universe, and every time period. In the Existance Core, living beings become Omnipotent with all the knowledge of the universe - all its history, all its secrets, all its knowledge. Not just our universe as well, but of all the different planes and dimensions. The Research Group were shocked at the new knowledge that they got from being in the Core. They realized a horrible secret - the Universe eventually collapses through its own corruption through a being called Fate - a being that destroys existance itself, destroying the quintessences, the gods, the planes, the dimensions, the life, and matter. Eventually the universe would restart, but it would be a completely different universe. Fate was timeless - if one part of the universe was made non-existant, it was never existing at all. They realized the different disasters of the universe, particulary their own planet - The Eve of Destruction, the Second Imperial Invasion, the War of the Gods. They also knew of the different paths of the universe which would eventually be taken - Tymaria in particular - the Banishing of the Apollonians and the Purge of Nonhumans. They knew what was the leading piece of corruption - Diga Makkonen. Diga would eventually gather all the corruption of the universe - he didn't know it himself and thought it was his hunger for world power, but he would be reborn into Fate. They realized that the gods themselves could not defeat Fate. Knowing this knowledge of the Universe, the research team founded the Temporal Distortionists - a mysterious group of sentient speicies that made it their job to fix the universe.

The Temporal Distortionists tried to find a cure for Fate, but it seemed to be impossible. The only remote cure was the quintessense the Chrono - a quintessence that controls the path of Time itself. However, the Chrono was spread in three different time periods in three different women - in fact, one of the Chrono, the one from the future, could not have her powers tapped until time was altered to go to the Tymaria path. Knowing this, the Temporal Distortionists went in different areas of time in Micron, gathering potential members to try to fix Time. The vast majority of these new recruits had small amounts of the Quintessence of the Chrono in them and became Time Mages. Some were extremly powerful mages that did not know how to tap into their power unless taught, and no mortal knew these arts - these were called Sorcerers. Accidently, one of the new Temporal Distortionists was One of the Chrono,a female human named Amy Leonarkos from the year 2110 AD. Amy Leonarkos was the direct descendent of another One of the Chrono, Empress Leos. However, Amy's powers were depleted by the presence of the Imperials in the normal Time Strain, and only had the powers of a normal Time Mage. Amy was taught of the magics of a Time Mage, and was sent to have the hardest mission of all of the Temporal Distortionists - help a team of humans alter time into the Tymarian time strain. She timetraveled into the small refugee human village named Micronia, named after the island of Micronia in the older times. As predicted, the CoD team had travelled into the future and went into Micronia Village, where they found Amy. Amy became a perfect addition to the group, and although she did not reveal her time magic at first, guided the team into victory. She knew that Time would not be completely altered until the Infernal attack, when Innoruuk tried to invade Micron again after his failed attempt in corrupting with Pure Evil. Saving the world once again, time was altered, and Amy was no longer there - in fact, no one in the time of the CoD team remembered any part of Amy being in their time period. Amy, however, was not lucky - she lost her omnipotence of a Temporal Distortionist, and was a simple servantgirl to an Erudite Wizard in Jasoniapolis. Sirithil, an High Elven Sorceress and Temporal Distortionist originally from the Age of Fantasy, was sent to Amy's true time in disguise as a member of the nation of Varja, where the decendent of Thomas Hubert, El'Dorni, led. All went to plan, and El'Dorni took over the nation - Sirithil was displeased, but went to the former lands of Alteria, as well as the non-communist Varjans to create the nation of Menelmacar.

In the new altered time period, and as in the past, the three ones of the Chrono (Sai'Kar Lum'Eth, Empress Leos, and Amy Leonarkos) all possessed a pendent representing that they were Ones of the Chrono, which focused their powers when they were united later on. Diga, the Ingredient of Fate, realized that if the Three were at the same time period, they would destroy his plans. So as the universe corrupted, Diga ordered a chase in the different time periods - Diga told the Imperials in 1 AD to get the pendent from Sai'Kar. Diga told the TYSOG of Tymaria in 2014 AD to get the pendent from Empress. Diga told the Erudites of Tymaria in 2110 AD to get the pendent from Amy. In all of these time periods, a great tragedy occured. The Imperials wiped out the Microns and Elves in 1 AD, Shireroth wiped out Jasonia in 2014 AD and the Apollonians were exiled from Tymaria, and the purge of the Nonhumans occured in 2110 AD as Diga himself lead the invasion against the nations of Elpidos and Menelmacar, the former being a paradise of Humans, Elves, and Microns, and the latter being the rebirthing home of Apollonia.

Meanwhile, the a Micron Force in the Eve of Destruction lead by Sai'Kar herself tried to fight the Imperials - through her adventures she learned about the Corrupt T3, the plague, and the doom of the Microns. A small group of Microns and Elves, including the Solarians themselves, went into the Sun Tower. The Solarians informed Sai'Kar that the city had a statis field that could preserve life indefinitly. Sai'Kar decided to do it, and the 50 or so Microns and Elves within the city went into statis for 2000 years. Time went its normal path for the next 2000 years as the elves and microns died out.

But you may ask, "What about the nonhuman species of Treesia, Elpidos, and Menelmacar? Don't they exist today?" Ah, that is another time alteration, and a great one at that, as it doomed Micron in the future. If the Micronian Destiny team had known what awaited them, then perhaps they would have chosen a different path...

In Febuary 2001, a group of human scientists managed to enter the City of the Sun and encover some (but not all) of the mysteries of the place. They were greeted by the same Solarians that had greeted Sai'Kar millenia ago, but the humans mistook the Solarians for other humans. The team learned of the Solarian immortality and left amazed. After this event, the city lied forgotten for a while. However, in August 2001, the second Control of Destiny battle was raging. Beings crossing dimenions were interfering with the order of the worlds, and if something was not done quickly, all of the universe could destabalize.

The world had three hopes, at this time. One hope was the Control of Destiny team, a party of modern-day magical Humans that were determined to fix things. The other hope lied in the scattered Fate Restortion crystals which, if united and correctly bonded to their Fate masters, could reseal the worlds. The third hope were the Temperal Distortionists. It was these people that called some of the Microns in the City of the Sun. It was them that freed several of these trapped Microns, brought them up to speed, and sent them on their way. It was them that sent them into the worlds to protect the Fate Restortion cyrstals and make sure they found their proper owners.

One of these Microns, Sai'Kar Lum'Eir, joined with the Control of Destiny team. She helped reunite the Elemental Seal and save the world. In the process, she also learned her true name: Sai'Kar Lum'Eth. section. After the CoD2 battle, Sai'Kar assumed her role as the leader of the Microns, being their only surviving princess. When she found that Pure Evil, Innoruuk's quintessence, had escaped from Eclipse and was loose in the world, she offered to put her life essence into the Sun Tower's (City of the Sun's) power system to trap Pure Evil inside. She did just that, and Pure Evil was contained within the City in 2002. But the Humans detected Pure Evil and broke the seal in 2006. All sorts of problems were caused by this (As covered earlier), but the humans eventually destroyed Pure Evil forever, dealing a fierce blow to the forces of evil! Their victory was short lived: Pure Evil called back the Imperials before it was destroyed. In 2008, a branch of Imperials known as the Infernals conquered the world. The humans fought back and, after a very long campaign, managed to rid the world of them before they could carry out a horrible plot. In the process, the Humans revived Sai'Kar from the City of the Sun. (This also added to the weakness of Jasonia and the other nations)

With the world at peace once again in 2009, Sai'Kar wanded the world until she found the ancient location of Ptia. Sai'Kar returned to the City of the Sun and gathered her companions of old. She told them of the state of the world and how Ptia may be their last hope. The Microns traveled to the modern-day location of Ptia and broke the spell around it, revealing the city. What they found broke their hearts. All the inhabitants of the city were statues of stone, destroyed by the city's defense system. Sai'Kar raged. The Microns wandered the city until they came to the sealed tower of Ptia. They went inside and were pulled into the Existance of the Temporal Distoritionists. Sai'Kar learned of the power of this place and was about to use it to alter history when Bill and Jason, two human CoD team members, challenged her. Sai'Kar was the victor, but Amy, (Her Non-Chrono self however, and still member of the CoD team at this time) Temperol Distortionist proposed that instead of altering history, they could let Ptia be alive and full of Microns again. Sai'Kar agreed, and it was done. The horrors of Ptia were reversed, and Tar'Mul was brought back to life. Elpidos and the nonhuman races were revived in the future, completing the rebirth of Amy Leonarkos as the Last One of the Chrono, and the Mistress of Time. Time was altered once again, as Amy transformed into the Chrono Amy. The rest of the CoD team, including Empress herself, came to the Existance Core as well.

The Three of the Chrono were finally united. Realizing their destiny from the Temperal Distortionists, the Three of the Chrono, and their party members from their time periods, were sent out into a period between the madness, into the year 2003 - a period of relative tranquility, the time of the Union of Apollo States. Meanwhile, however, Fate was released as Diga gained enough power to be reborn as Fate. The CoD3 team were horrified as the army of corruption, the Fiends, invaded the Union of Apollo States and other nations of Micron. They were horrified as Fate itself made countries to simply not exist as large parts of the land became empty. Quickly going to battle, the CoD3 team went to fight the Fiends. Eventually, they went to the Tower of Shadows in Attera, Diga's Headquaters in 2014 and 2110, and the Imperial Headquaters in 1 AD. Unlike what they had seen before, it was a place of pure chaos and corruption, something that Innoruuk himself would not be pleased about. Battling through the tower, they eventually managed to go to the Plane of Chaos, a twisted and corrupted combination of the Plane of Shadows and the Plane of Mischief. Battling through true horrors with the weapons of the gods and of the Chrono, the CoD3 team eventually managed to find Fate itself, feeding on existance in every time period. In a glorious final battle, the team managed to subdue his Shell of Corruption, only to find a wicked being, True Fate. Using his Corrupting powers, he attempted to make the CoD3 team cease to exist. However, the Chrono was activated at the last moment as the team existed again. Knowing that his Fately powers won't work on the team, he battled the team in the conventional way, in the Final Battle of Existance, that went to prove the fate of existance itself. It was a long and dreary battle as many had died, but Fate had been weakened to a point when the Ones of the Chrono could combine to make the true Quintessence of Chrono. Chrono possessed Fate, and destroyed it. The universe was saved from restarting as the CoD3 team did the impossible - completely change the fate of the universe itself.

What happens to the people of the CoD3 team, however, is not important, but I will tell you that the team lived successful lives. However, Jason Steffke, a member of the original CoD team, had been De-Existed originally when Fate was Reborn in the Tower of Shadows when he attempted to destroy Diga. The CoD team mourned for his lost, but knew that he did not die in vain.

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