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Alan Waldock (Awaldock)
Nationality: Aquatan
Home Dimension: Sunscorch
Born: 1972


Physical information

Eye color: hazel
Hair color: blue
Clothing description: red Aquatan general's uniform with a dark green cape. Wears no metals or rank indenfiers.

Character Information and Background

General Awaldock of Aquata is one of the Aquatans: a tribe that died out at the begining of Micron's ice age but survived in another dimension. Although not nobility himself, the Waldock family are trusted advisors of the royal family and have traditionally made all of the kingdom's military decisions.

Awaldock followed in his father's footsteps, joining the Aquatan military at the very young age of 13. Although he lacked the tactical sense of a high-ranking officer, his exceptional swordsman skills quickly promoted him through the ranks.

At age 16, he was put under his father Ewaldock (Earl Waldock) during a raid against Lekuan. They never reached the city, however. During an electrical storm, Ewaldock's force met up with a Lekuan convoy that was carrying the Lekuan royal family to Kajar. A skirmish broke out between the two that brought the five year old Erika Lekuan and teenage Alan Waldock face-to-face for the first time. During the fight, King Lekuan severly injured Ewaldock (he survived) and both Queen Lekuan and Princess Cerra Lekuan went missing. Although Awaldock was completly uninvolved in the vanishing of the royal family, Erika began to hate him with unspoken fury. The Aquatans retreated after the injury of their leader.

Awaldock continued to climb up the ladder of military achievement until he was placed directly under his father as the second in command. By this time, Awaldock had grown quite skilled in the traditional Aquatan art of water and ice magic. In Aquata he was very popular, although he never married, and elsewhere in the world he became to be renowed and feared.

The swordsman crossed paths with his rival ten years later in 1998. He was assigned to guard a shipment in Thassala from Lekuan attacks and, sure enough, the Lekuans showed up to capture it. Awaldock was patrolling the inner city when the conflict first started, and he rushed to the outskirts to aid in the defense, but was stopped short. Before him stood 15 year old Erika Lekuan in sparkling Lekuan battle armor, her thin blade already drawn. Awaldock knew that this was it between them and prepared to fight.

Although Erika was physically weaker then Awaldock and her sword training was not yet complete, she was amazingly fast, countering blows with her thin sword and striking back with the utmost precision and speed. Erika struck first with a glancing cut along Awaldock's leg, which has never healed. Awaldock countered with a fierce magical water sword strike, but was suprised to be attacked with a wind sword blast in return. Erika has also learned magic, but not the traditional terra elemental type: she was a wind mage.

Awaldock's advantage in strength finally won out when his powerful board sword smashed through Erika's blade. Erika discarded the hilt, flipped backwards, and launched an amazingly strong gust attack against Awaldock, causing him to lose grip on his heavy sword and sending it flying several feet away. Awaldock knew better then to run for the downed blade, and attacked with a water jet combo, knocking Erika off balance and giving him time to use his infamous Ice Cage to freeze her in place. The dual had ended.

Awaldock retrieved his sword and stared down at the princess, who stared back, eyes full of hatred. Two Lekuan soldiers rushed to Erika's aid. Although Awaldock undoubtedly had enough time to finish the princess and escape, he gave one final look and ran off. The ice around Erika melted but did nothing to cool her anger. Yet again she failed to settle the score between them.

In 2000, Aquata was rocked by the arrival of the prophet Magus. Magus stated that the Aquatan legend of paradise was more then just a pipe-dream. He said that the kingdom could go there themselves with the proper tools. One, which Magus provided, was the techonology to send the kingdom through dimensions. The other was antigravity, needed to raise the castle to the location where the teleport could be made. Magus said that the one who would teach them antigravity would come soon, and all they had to do was wait.

Unfortunatly, Lekuan spies within Aquata discovered the plot and built strong weapon towers around the mountain's summit. Although virtually useless against an attack on Lekuan, the towers could be used to destroy a fliying target such as Aquata castle. To counter this, Magus sent one of his agents to the city to steal Lekuan's guardian stone: Terra's Prayer. The city vanished, and the outsider who knew antigravity was found near Aquata Castle.

Everything was going acording to plan...

Personality and Skills

Awaldock is a natural soldier who easily takes orders from authority and yet is able to improvise on the fly. Although he lacks the tactical sense to normally be a general, Awaldock is ruthless, cunning, and extremly deceptive. He follows his mission objective to the letter, acomplishing every goal he set out to do before returning. Awaldock is usually calm and level-headed, although certain people (namely Erika) can quickly get under his nerves.

Awaldock is extremly talented with a sword, making him easily the best swordsman in the CoD team. He prefers a two-handed wide double-bladed sword that his strength can take advantage of, although he is deadly with any variety of weighted sword.

He is also a trained water/ice mage, making him a sword mage to boot. His "Ice Cage" technique of freezing and slowly weakening a foe is known all over Sunscorch. He also knows several varieties of direct-damage elemental magic and sword/magic combos.

Social Interaction


General Gman
Commander Assassinite
Scott Siskind
Thomas Hubert


Erika Lekuan
Bill Trihus
Jason Steffke

Awaldock Spoiler Information


The bliss of Aquata's plans for domination were thwarted when an Aquatan scout met him near one of the bridges. The scout brought grave news: not only was Lekuan (and their pesky cannons) back, but a Lekuan attack force had been launched and was rapidly moving down mount Urojea. He ordered the large number of troops stationed at the West Tower to move to intercept, and then Awaldock returned to the castle to inform the king and coordinate a possible defense of the caste. Fortunatly for them, the West Tower force drove the Lekuans back and then took over Kajar to use as a supply base for future defenses.

Meanwhile, a few terrorist Lekuan spies managed to infltrate Aquata Castle. They were quickly locked in a safe dungeon, but Matt, the outsider that helped Aquata with their antigravity problems, sprung them loose and attemped to flee the castle. Awaldock himself almost stopped the escape, but he was wounded and used an Aquatan teleport device to escape to Kajar.

In Kajar, Awalock met Magus again and decided to push their plans forward. Awaldock spent a few days gathering an attack force and then sailed them to a hidden cave in mount Urojea that would let them bypass the Lekuan blockade at the base. As Awaldock's force climbed the mountain, they saw the West Tower fire a mightly blast at Aquata Castle! Although the castle was not hit, many of its defenses were totally annhiliated.

Awaldock continued his accent and assaulted Lekuan's gates. Magus's magicommandos were already inside the palace and had disabled the weapon systems: Awaldock only had to serve as a distraction. Sure enough, the same outsiders from the escape at the castle showed up to save Lekuan, but other plans were in motion. Aquata Castle had lifted up into the sky, and the Aquatan airship Firestorm picked up Awaldock and his group. Dimensional teleportation was mere hours away and there was nothing Lekuan could do... unless they wished to be smashed flat in the process.

They didn't, but the Aquatans spotted a Lekuan balloon on approach vector. Awaldock took command of his personal airship, the Morning Light, and intercepted the balloon. In an absolutly insane move, the outsiders dove onto the airship and boarded it, taking control. Awaldock challenged them in battle, but once again was defeated. The ship was spiraling out of control, and Awaldock and his crew were forced to evacuate via escape balloons.

With the teleport less then an hour away, Awaldock prepared for his honor guard duty, completly unaware that the outsiders had survived an assault on the castle, killed the king and queen, and damaged the machine. Awaldock attacked in a fury, but the castle was shaking itself to pieces and the outsiders escaped again. It looked like they would make a clean get away too, but the machine was only damaged, not destroyed. A dimensional teleport pulled the ruined castle and balloon into another world.

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