Tales of the Shadows

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Control of Destinty 3 represents three different time periods. In each Time period, the theme and setting seems different. In 1 AD, Microns were the supreme species and were at its zenith of the Golden Age. In 2012 AD, the Flying Islands of Jasonia were still going strong. And in 2110 AD, Tymaria controlled most of the world under its grip, and strangly, other species other than humans were there as well.

But what connects these three times?

Legend has it that in a different plane, there exist a race of beings of shadows, beings of chaos. Little are known about these beings, but there was one group of mages that knew and specialized to eradicate these beings: The Tecnomaezj. The race of the Tecnomaezj is unkown, but they seem to have features of both jasonians and microns. It would make sense, since the Tecnomaezj specialized in both Science and Magic. They call these beings Fiends. Where these had come from no one truely knows, but there is one legend of the Ancient Solarians.

At one time, during the Great War of Destruction, Innoruuk, God of Evil, made a pact with Bristlebane. Although Bristlebane did favor the negative quintessences, he was mostly neutral in the war, as was his people, the Hobbits. Innoruuk thought of a new race to beat the Human, Elven, and Micron nuicense, and Bristlebane came out of his neutrality to create a chaotic species. Using the shadow of Pure Evil, and adding Mischief, horrible discorderly beings named Fiends were born. They only lived to create chaos, and Innoruuk gave an army of these Fiends to the Imperials.

The fiends were awesome in combat - They were etheral beings of shadow, so they were immune to physical attacks, and seemed to be immune to magical attacks. Countless battles were lost to the fiends, but then a new hope had arisen. Clistiro, God of Intellect and humans, felt simpathy to the humans' plight, and didn't want to have their lands ruled by the chaos of the fiends. So, he enlightened the most unlikeable race of humans to be mages - the Shirerothians. These enlightened Shirerothians became to be known as the Tecnomaezj. The Tecnomaezj fought back, and began to use spells to banish the fiends to the Plane of Chaos. This became a turning point in the war...

From the beginning of their race, the Atterans had always considered themselves a warlike culture. However, in the ancient Past in the Age of Fantasy, they practiced the dark arts of necromancy under the influence of the Dark Elves that lived nearby. While eventually after the Eve of Destruction their lost their knowledge of magic, they replaced it, like most former Triballians, with Technology. The year was 2014. The leader of Attera was Diga Makkonen IV. While no one had noticed it, the Universe had begun to deteriate, and it started with the Quintessence of Diga. He slowly learned about the dark arts of his ancestors, and started to have a dream to create a new Atteran Empire to rule Micron. However, Micron was declining - Shireroth had just obliterated the FIoJ in a war and created with the remaining Apollonian states the Hegemony of Alexandros. Under the rule of King Julian Starr, Interland was slowly declining economicly and politically. The citizens of the Free Republic began to lose interest as well. So, using his manipulating skills, he discussed a merger between the four nations. Thus, Tymaria was born. Things seemed bright as a new superpower was born - Tymaria was the largest merger in modern Micronational History! However, everything was going to plan - Diga's plans that is. He had gone to the ancient Khaz Moden Islands and gone to the ruins of the Tecnomaezj. There he learned about the fiends, the spawn of evil and chaos, and how the Tecnomaezj banished them. This had seemed familar, and he was reminded of the Neo-Demesosian Empire of Jasonia - ruled by a so-called "Dark BIll." Looking around the world for more clues about the fiends, he eventually went to Tapfer to the Ruins of the Temple of Apollo. There, he learned about the Six Quintessences of Apolloism. It made sense to him - Fiends were merely life that was made from Pure Evil. He then learned about Hypon, the power of Pure Good, and was obviously disgusted. But he learned about how to extract Hypon. From each being of Pure Evil that had been slain, there were reminents of the quintessence as well. He created the Alloy Metal used by the Microns and created a tower, but enchanted it with an evil power. It collected the remenents of Evil; Dark Bill, Magus, RainbowJDS, the Imperials, the Fiends, the Reptites, evil humans, Orc Necromancers, no matter what time period, all was collected to create a shadow ball. By enchanted this magic ball, he could create beings of Shadow much like the Fiends. But instead of making the beings mindless ghosts, he created intellectual, power hungry humans - The Erudites.

The Erudites did not know of their creation, and became citizens of Tymaria. Their intellectual ability made many rise to power. Many veteran citizens of the former nations felt apprehensive, but still welcomed these new citizens. Some of these people might seem familar: Philip Locke, William Jesmer, 8obby, Austi Scot, Yuri... All Erudites. Austi Scot became the Prime Executive of Tymaria, and he became psychicly controlled by Diga. Austi allowed Diga to go ahead on any military projects, as Diga was the Minister of Defense. Diga targeted Babkha - a nation that Attera had a grudge on, the Babkhans were a chaotic people from the desert. He led the Tymarian Military to begin to take over Morovia, a nation that Babkha began to have friendly realtionship with. Morovia had lost their King and recently became a republic, and Tymaria sought to take over it. However, there was one member of the Tymarian Military who knew that the operation was wrong. One who knew evil in the face. His name was Bill Dusch, Paladin of the former Jasonia, and knew about evil since he was possessed by Pure Evil itself. He told Empress Leos, who knew what to do.

Empress secretly told the operation to her closest friends - the former members of the Control of Destiny team. While they did not have Shireroth or Jasonia to resist against the measure, they worked on revealing the secret. Diga never knew what was coming. Scott Siskind, Elder of Hyperborea and Editor of the Apollo Fireball, got enraged by Diga's insults to his newspaper. He released the plot to Tymaria. It seemed that the nation would side with them against this morally unjust operation...

However, for some reason, time seemed to change. Reality seemed to be altered from the path it was supposed to be. Austi Scot branded the CoD team traitors, and the CoD team went to run from the Tymarian Military. Everywhere, former supportive Free Republicans, Atterans, and Interlanders wanted them dead. They went to have a "talk" with Diga and see what was really going on. When they reached outside the tower, they saw new soldiers of the military - and one of them looked suspeciously like Bill. In fact, it looked like Bill with the evil smirk he had on his face, Dark Bill. Empress wanted to know what was going on, and tried to talk to this reincarnation of Dark Bill. But his name was not even Bill, no, it was Philip Locke - and he was going to make sure that the CoD team would not escape the Tower of Shadows. He called Diga and the CoD team went to prison. They then were told by Diga about the Erudites, and how every major position, by next election time, would be taken by them. When that happened, he would introduce the Arcane Arts of magic back into the world, and make the most powerful Erudites Necromancers. But the CoD team would not live to see this day, however, Diga said. He placed them in a maze filled with powerful ancient fiends and other mythical creatures that didn't exist for over 2000 years. The CoD Team barely escaped, and went to the top of the tower floor by floor until they met Diga for the final battle. It was a tough fight, and Diga was weakened, but as one last action, he banished the CoD Team into the end of time...

Diga's wishes were won, and the Erudites one the next election. And again. And again. Soon, the Erudites were simply the Elite of Tymaria. Scientists found a major discovery - the power of magic could be activated by magical jewels, and channeled through chants in Solarian. However, before they could spread out the knowledge to all of Tymaria, the Erudites stole the jewels and became the only arcane mages, learning through the libraries of old Solarian texts. Something strange had happened in 2040 - out of nowhere, mythological creatures became to appear - elves, microns, ogres, reptites and other races began to appear in distinct corners of the world. The new races began to settle into the nations and interbreed with humans as well. The Erudites did not tolerate this, and began the Grand Inquisition of 2045. Most of the races were either killed or exiled. The only nation that would welcome them was the Barony of Treesia. Treesia had recently aquired the ruins of Jasonia and the Elpiferno Archipelio, which had been all but abandoned when Tymaria was created. The elves, microns, and some Treesians founded the new city of Pita, and renamed Treesia to Elpidos.. Magic flourished, and technology was carefully placed as well, using the powers of Hypon and Silmarien to power their nations instead of the destructive arcane powers of sigilarities. However, tensions had begun to rose between Tymaria and Treesia, and this lead to a war in 2055. The war raged on for 5 years, and it was a minor victory for Tymaria. Tymaria aquired the ruined islands of Nelaga and Armoria, as well as West Maraguo. There were still a few villages left in the old Jasonian cities, but the Tymarians began to built in Negala, and built big. Shadowing the old cities, these giant skyscrapers were meant to become the new Erudite home. The Erudites mistakenly considered themselves the decendents of the Jasonian Magi, and after all, Jasonia WAS the home of the Jasonians. The original inhabinants of the old cities didn't want to leave when the orders came out to move from the old cities, so they were executed. Their souls still haunted the sectors of Thassala, Kajar, and Aquata to this day, in more places than others. As the erudites lived luxerious in their towers, the rest of the Tymarians lived in the slums. This new Island city, the largest in the world, was named Jasoniapolis. The Erudites became even more disgusted with how tha land the city was located became pollucted, but all they did was build even higher. However, a new, mysterious guild of mages were founded in the ancient Tower of Thassala in Old Thassala. They called themselves Time Mages, but always kept their guild secret from others...

These shadows, the Erudites and Fiends, were both created from Pure Evil. Some Erudites had founded Freenesia when Locke was exiled from Tymaria himself. The Erudites never knew their true purpose, but Diga watched, from his Tower of Shadows, now a Dark place covered in thick black fog. If nothing was going to change, the universe would become consumed by the corruption that Diga was causing - For Diga, while looking Human, had become immortal and timeless, a being of pure corruption. He would become one of the Three Seeds of Fate - As well as his other creation, Austi Scot, and the leader of the Imperials of 1 AD as well. When the three combined, the universe would be destroyed and restarted - For corruption is a mere sign of old age of the universe, and the universe itself is timeless - All time periods would be destroyed if Fate was released, as if they never existed. Innoruuk himself realised his mistake, as he surely didn't want to cease to exist either. The gods needed to find the only quintessence able to beat corruption, the Chrono - but alas, the Chrono were spread from three different time periods, into three different women. They had all at one point got control of a pendent, a symbol of themselves - they did not know that they held the power of the chrono inside themselves. Divine contact needed to be reached, and time altered, if any saving of the universe need to be made...

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