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From Snugradio

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'''Greetings''', This is the Official Snug wiki...We did try Wikipedia but they're grumpy bastards and kept deleting us!<br>  If you decide to edit anything on this page, drop us a line and let us know.
'''Greetings''', This is the Official Snug wiki...We did try Wikipedia but they're grumpy bastards and kept deleting us!<br>  If you decide to edit anything on this page, drop us a line and let us know.
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Put your pin on our Frappr Map[]<br>
Put your pin on our Frappr Map[]<br>
Befriend us on Myspace[]<br>
Befriend us on Myspace[]<br>
Got to The Snug Forum & join the lively discussions[]<br>
Got to The Snug Forum
Read and COMMENT on the SnugFans Blog[]<br>
Read and COMMENT on the Why Snugradio is Awesome Blog []<br>
Buy Stuff from The Cafe Press Store(vintage designs)[]<br>
Add us as a friend on Yahoo Messenger<br>
==Regular \\ Recurring Slots==
Tamara Sings<br>
This week's silence<br>
The 10:00 spot<br>
==Friends Of The Snug (FoTS)== +
#Jeff Daniels[]
#Gaijin A Go Go[]
#Rachel Arrief[]
#Roadside Attraction[]
=== Fans of The Snug ===
Cindy B from Arlington, Texas, USA<br>
Tamara from Canada<br>
Fluffy from The UK[]<br>
Gareth from North Wales<br>
== Interviews ==
Biggest celebrity interview to date has been Jeff Daniels[]<br>
First celebrity interview was Japaneseque Go-Go Band - Gaijin A Go-go<br>
==Comments & Thoughts On The Latest Episodes== +
==Unofficial 'What people need to know about The Snug' section== +
==Origin Stories (or 'How I started Listening to The Snug)==
Every hero needs an origin story and this section will hopefully contain the stories of the real Snug heroes, our top listeners.<br>
It would make things easier if, when adding yourself, you try and keep the alphabetical ordering :)<br>
Feel free to be as verbose as you want.<br>
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===FluffyLamb - UK=== +
Gareth dragged me here kicking and screaming!! Been stuck here ever since. (I like it really)
===Gareth - Wrexham, Wales, UK===
Me and Maf go waaaaaaaay back. Well, to around 2003, anyway. I met Maf in July 2003 when I joined up with a local paranormal investigation group (North Wales Paranormal Research, now disbanded). As for Lee, I met him during one of the karaoke nights in Prestatyn while out on a NWPR pis.. *ahem* beer drinking session. Anyway, Maf said he was starting up a radio show, so we all listened in. So that's my story, in a nutshell.
===Puppy - UK===
===Tamara - Canada===
<br>Well I did a search on live365 for talk radio from the UK and The Snug popped up. I went and had a listen and also noticed they were giving away a book called Random Acts of Kindness, all you had to do was send an e-mail. So I did. The next live show I listened and chatted to Maf and Lee using Yahoo (I had no idea how to use chatrooms at that time) It was really cool to be noticed by radio gods! I eventually found my way to the (old) chatroom and was welcomed warmly. I've been here ever since. There was a time when my frankin-computer wouldn't let me listen (man did I try every week), now that I have a rockin' laptop I don't have problems listening anymore. The Snug is my social life, a way for me to take some time out in the week to chat, listen and laugh my guts sore. I got my book by the way, I think it was their way to lull listeners into a sense of security. You think 'Random Acts of Kindness' they must be really nice fellas, and they are at first, and then the work piles on. 'Blog this', 'write me a complaint letter', 'add photos', 'tell us you loves us'... Hee hee hee, It's great fun guys! T

Current revision as of 10:15, 16 November 2007

sitacelc Greetings, This is the Official Snug wiki...We did try Wikipedia but they're grumpy bastards and kept deleting us!
If you decide to edit anything on this page, drop us a line and let us know.

Welcome to the Official Snug Radio Wiki

I just don't have much to say lately. Eh. Not much on my mind lately.

[edit] The Snug Story

The Snug broadcasts from the back room of a sleazy nightclub owned by a badly accented Italian-American Family known as the Fettucinis. They used to be regularly raided by the Welsh branch of the FBI until the Family went legit. They now use The Snug to cover any nefarious operations.

[edit] The Real Snug Story

In 2004, Maf was listening to a Live365 station called The Lounge. Bob and Rob (the hosts) have a lot to answer for because listening to them encouraged Maf to have a go himself. One new account with Live 365 later and The Snug was born. Maf and Lee are broadcast their first show in May 2004 and have rarely missed a live Thursday night show. (Maf now even books holidays from a Friday morning to a Thursday morning so as not to miss a show.)

[edit] Cool Snug Things You Should Do

Listen to The Snug ALL WEEK at Live365
Send photos to our Flickr Listener stream[1]
Put your pin on our Frappr Map[2]
Befriend us on Myspace[3]
Got to The Snug Forum

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