Margaret "Maggie" Gamble

From Secondheaven


Basic Information

Full Name: Margaret Gamble
Player: Lissa
Date of Birth: September 5th
Age: 16
Journal: butterscotcher
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 126lbs


Maggie, were it not for her hips, could easily pass for a boy. Her features are small and androgynous, though her lips are a bit too pouty to be a boy's. Her brown hair is cropped short and curls softly around her face, Small through the shoulders and chest and rather wide through the hips and legs, the girl looks like something of a human pyramid. Maggie wears big sweatshirts and boys' jeans to try and make herself appear more balanced. Not one to bother with make-up, she could be considered plain, with small brown eyes and fish-belly white skin.

Visible Markings: A jagged, horizontal scar on her left knee, a few freckles over her nose and cheeks and a large mole squarely in the middle of her chest.

Not readily visible Markings: Freckles on her shoulders, thighs and back and a scar along the knuckles on her right foot.

Maggie's PB is Ellen Page.


Timid and prone to emotional breakdowns over imagined slights, Maggie's "tough girl" face belies her personality. Still, sometime she gets in sync with her appearance and can be extremely critical, callous and downright hurtful. She always kicks herself later for her unkind behavior, but usually neglects to hand out an apology. Not exactly shy but most definitely introverted, she says little but enjoys being in the company of others. She has a nasty habit of inviting herself along when nobody really wants her there. Surprisingly, being unwanted doesn't seem to phase her, while any other insult will send her into a fit. Maggie also has a poor sense of humor and takes herself far too seriously. Still, when her self-importance cracks, she can laugh, honestly and awkwardly. A loyal, if not somewhat boring, friend, she'll spend as much time as she can to help others, usually at her schoolwork's expense. And, while she can sometimes give into her altruistic streak, she mostly sticks around because, well, she's too nervous to excuse herself.


As she spent the majority of her life as an only child, Maggie was somewhat spoiled. But more than this, she was lonely. Her father worked long hours at the university and her mother hated to sit around the house. After her eighth birthday, babysitters weren't seen as a necessity and more often than not, Maggie was stranded at home, alone, after heading back from school. The Gamble family, especially Mr. Gamble, prided themselves on not having a television, so these lonely hours were usually spent by Maggie reading, cleaning or fixing her dinner. Until her teenage years, this routine suited her fine. Now, she can hardly stand to be alone for a few hours, let alone an entire day.

On her twelfth New Year's Day, her father demanded a divorce. Maggie's mother, who had little education and fewer job skills, was hesitant to give it to him, but finally yielded around the end of February. During those two months, it was a surprise to see either of her parents in the house for more than five minutes, and never, never together. Soon after the divorce was finalized, Maggie's father remarried. She found little wrong with the new extension of her family, except that her step-mother was wasteful, crude and selfish and that her step-sister, as well as being those things, was vapid and stupid. In her opinion. Still, the years passed relatively smoothly, though her visits to her mother's apartment have become less and less frequent.

Other Information

Birth Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Why Second Heaven?: Her father heard from a colleague that it was a good place to get an "international education" and decided to send her there, partly to have a new talking point at cocktail parties.
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: Gold/Deep-fried ice cream/Reading and napping, alternately/Math and History
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Fuschia/Asparagus/Cooking/Science
Likes: Listening to records in the dark, greasy foods, ancient history, anthropology, grass stains, bugs, rain, Radiohead, her bottle collection, and gum.
Dislikes: Wool (sheep in general), most vegetables, assemblies, talking about herself, TV, being alone, make-up, her ass (body in general), getting her picture taken, arrogance and hot weather.
Family: Father, Seymour Gamble, 46, a Communications professor; Mother, Diane Cavendish, 39, a waitress; Step-mother, Rachael Radford-Gamble, 42; Step-sister, Gemma Radford, 17.

Languages Known: English.

School Information

Year: 1
Rank on testing: 16
Current Rank: 16
Classroom: 1-1
History?: World History
Art?: Music

Clubs and Sports Tech Club, Chess Club, Journalism, Archery, Hockey, Orchestra (oboe).


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