Jae Yoon Shin

From Secondheaven

Revision as of 05:30, 16 February 2008 by Ephe (Talk | contribs)


Basic Information

Full Name: JaeYoon "Jay" Shin
Player: Ephe
Date of Birth: December 15th, 1991
Age: 15
Journal: crosstheborder
AIM: kame is sex
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140 lbs
Visible Markings: Scraped body parts from various sports. Light skin discoloration on forearm [birthmark]


Often looks deceivingly delicate. His hair is bleached blond (dark/sunburned under certain light) and is kept medium-length and tidy. Fair skin, lean to medium build. Standard piercing on each ear. Maintains a sparkly-blinding-happy smile almost all the time :D/

JaeYoon's PB is Kim JunSu.


Keywords: caring, emotional, friendly, genuine, happy, naive, polite, a bit shy. Gullible.

JaeYoon is a kid. In many ways. He's naïve, honest, genuine, and while he stops believing that the world is made of cotton candy and sugar at... say, around 12, he still believes that people are basically kind, that good will always triumph over evil, and that God loves all His creations. He's the kind that trusts people very easily and believes that everyone deserves two hundredth chances. He's also sensitive and easily caught in wave of various emotions—-and he's very expressive about his emotions which makes him a lousy liar. He's quick to apologize, quick to forgive, and he likes most things. He's also very, very polite and careful as to not offend people :]

With all his quirks and naivety, JaeYoon still has a hidden, negatively emotional side he'd prefer to not show; not only because he's embarrassed by it, but also because he doesn't want to trouble people. Also, he's a pushover, yes, bordering on being a doormat.

JaeYoon might have convinced himself that he was in love with a boy from his old junior high school in Japan. He's still sad about having to move to Korea :( Second Heaven reminds him of good time in Japan, so. ♥


JaeYoon came from a rich Korean family of four. His father is a big business owner that for some reason loves to hop countries to conduct business—-mostly around Europe and Asia-—hence, little JaeYoon spent most of his early years home-schooled, skipping a grade here and there, and junior high in two different schools. JaeYoon has a perfect heir-material big brother. Approximately five years older, big brother is the epitome of perfect Korean son-in-law: smart, polite, well-groomed, hardworking, affable, worldly, heir of a flourishing business, and, most importantly, straight. Shin boys were raised to be such, and Jay could have easily be another son to be proud about, if only he wasn't [1] naïve, and [2] gay.

Jay has known about his sexuality since he was 13, and while his mom is all right with it, it just isn't a subject to be discussed on or off dinner table. His father and brother mostly pretend as if it doesn't exist. The fact that his brother is the golden boy of the family actually alleviates the pressure and attention from JaeYoon quite a bit. Despite all that, though, JaeYoon doesn't hate them; in fact, he was somewhat thankful for his brother for being firstborn.

Earlier this year, the head of Shin family decides to stay for indefinite amount of years in Korea due to personal reasons. This means reacquainting with extended family members and colleagues. Daddy is not pleased. Daddy is afraid that the relatives will hear about JaeYoon's "deviance". Hence, daddy decides to send JaeYoon to international boarding school.

JaeYoon knows, but he pretends not to, because acknowledging it means acknowledging that he doesn't like his father—-and while that might be half true, JaeYoon is not comfortable admitting it.

Other Information

Birth Location: Seoul, South Korea.
Why Second Heaven?: Daddy wanted him to.
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: sunset colors; bulgogi; playing football; PE.
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: olive; carrot; studying science; science.
Likes: nice people, sweet things, fruit-scented stuff, kids, puppies/kittens, sunset, nature, sports, milk, manhwa, white flowers, helping people.
Dislikes: drinking, smoking, drugs in general, cockroaches, bigots.
Family: Father, Mother, Older Brother, all in Korea.
Not readily visible Markings: None
Languages Known: [fluent] English, Korean, Japanese; a little bit of French, Mandarin, German...

School Information

Year: 1
Rank on testing: 11
Classroom: 1-1
History?: Japanese History
Art?: Music

Weekly Schedule:
Student Council: F 3.45-4.15
Track (Sp/Su/Fall): M-F 2.30-3.30
Astronomy/Astrology: T/Th Lunch, F Midnight
Home Ec: Sat 12-5
Photo Club: M + F 2.30-3.30
Football: [Su/Fall] MWF 4.30-6.30
Basketball: [Wt/Sp] T/Th 4.30-6.30


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