Michaela "Mike" Shayna

From Secondheaven

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Basic Information

Full Name: Michaela "Mike" Shayna
Player: The Guindo
Date of Birth: April 3, 1989
Age: 18
Journal: blazingmica
Height: 5'11"
Weight:: 175 lbs (ALL MUSCLE BABY)


Her hair is blonde and kept short, usually styled up or slicked back to make it look shorter. When it's down it's actually a lot longer than you'd expect, somewhere around her ears, but it's rarely ever down. She has brown eyes, usually thickly outlined with dark eyeliner occasionally accompanied by pink eye shadow. She has a nose piercing and four ear piercings, and while this is a bit more conservative than she'd like to be, she knows she can't really push the envelope with this just yet. No tattoos either, much to her chagrin.

She's tall and muscular, and with her overbearing attitude she can intimidate quite well. She carries herself with confidence, there's just an air about her that says she doesn't give a fuck what you think. Her clothing style tends to vary radically, but she's usually seen in something punkish or boyish. She prefers suits over dresses, pants over skirts, but that doesn't mean she won't wear either if she can make a statement out of it. She hates having to wear a skirt for her uniform and usually wears shorts under it. (Sometimes rolls the skirt up so you can see the shorts, but takes it back down as soon as a teacher gives her shit for it.)

Unfortunately, she's kind of grunge as well and commonly goes days at a time without showering and wears the same clothes too many days in a row. Ouch. She also never shaves her legs. Ever. Armpits, sure, that's hygiene, right? Legs? Fuck that game.

Mike's PB is P!nk.


Mike is a Berkeley girl. This is the easiest and quickest way to describe her. In other words, she's opinionated, outspoken, and fearless. She's an activist for equality; women's equality and gay rights are at the top of her list. She doesn't put up with shit from anybody and gives as good as she gets. Fuck with her and she'll fuck you up. This means that on the surface, she does kind of seem like a bitch. Fact of the matter is, if you're not trying to piss her off, Mike's actually pretty easygoing and fun to hang out with. Sure she makes those offhanded comments about how your mother probably dropped you on your head a few times or tells you she doesn't like your face, but it's all in good fun. She doesn't get scathing until you piss her off. Until then, it's just the usual Mike teasing. She is not for the thin-skinned.

She is a lesbian and proud of it; any guy who hits on her will learn this very quickly, and if he persists he will learn that this is a bad idea, also very quickly. She has no qualms with flirting with girls in public, but while she may be looking for a casual hookup, a long-term relationship is most definitely not on her list of wants right now.

Despite all this, she's actually very religious. She was raised by a priest who preached acceptance and love and actually believed it. Her god is a good and loving god, and she most definitely does not buy into the belief that homosexuality is a sin under His eyes. If it was, why would He make them that way?

She is also madly in love with Suzanne Vega. YES THIS IS AN IMPORTANT PERSONALITY TRAIT, REALLY.


Mike grew up with her three older brothers and her father. Her mother ran out on the family when she was very young, Mike hardly remembers her mother anymore. This left her father to the task of raising four children by himself, which was not easy for him. He was a priest, and he raised all his children to believe in God's love and to have faith. He was, at the same time, raising them in Berkeley, so he also taught them to be accepting and open-minded.

She was always close to her brothers. They taught her a lot about the world, and most importantly how to hold her own in a fight. She had to follow them in school; by the time she got into a class at least one of the other Shaynas had already passed through, and so as a result she spent most of her school years as so-and-so's sister. It wasn't all bad, though. Her brothers had reputations as troublemakers and tough guys and she didn't mind living up to it one bit.

Unfortunately, her grandparents were far less kind than her father. They tried to take over his job, feeling that since his wife was gone he would need help. They were over-religious biblethumping sorts, the kind who will call anything a sin and find evidence to back it up. Feeling that their son was not taking good enough care of their grandchildren, they decided that it would be best for the kids to go to boarding schools, to make them worldlier and classier and to keep them in line. They heard about Second Heaven through somebody in their church and decided it was an excellent place to send the Shayna kids.

So, one by one, her brothers left, and she found herself alone for two years before getting to follow them off to SH. During these two years, she came out as gay, and her father supported her wholeheartedly, saying that God made her that way for a reason and she shouldn't listen to anybody who told her otherwise. Her grandparents, on the other hand, were convinced that there was a way to change her and fix this and that this was definitely just a phase and that the boarding school would fix her. So she rolled her eyes and put up with their badgering for two years before getting shipped off herself, a first year while Jordan, the youngest son, was a third year.

Her grandparents would be furious to know that SH has done nothing to discourage her sexuality. She plans to rub this in their faces once she graduates.

Other Information

Birth Location: Berkeley, CA, USA
Why Second Heaven?: WHY INDEED??
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: Pink / Pizza (pepperoni) / Sex uh sports!! / Music
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Green / Buttered Popcorn jelly beans (seriously wtf?) / Homework / History
Likes: Suzanne Vega, Suzanne Vega, Suzanne Vega, please marry me Suzanne Vega; also cute girls and being able to stand out in a crowd, also Suzanne Vega
Dislikes: Misogyny, homophobes, those guys who hit on her constantly like idiots, large amounts of homework that steal her valuable and already scarce free time
Family: Father, three older brothers, grandparents
AIM SN: boyinthebelfry
Student #: 90050038

School Information

Year: 3
Rank on testing: 37
Classroom: 3-2
History?: World
Art?: Music

Clubs: Drama
Sports: Track, Football

Weekly Schedule:

2:30 - 3:30 Track
4.30 - 5.45 Football
7:00 - ?? Drama

2:30 - 3:30 Track
7:00 - ?? Drama

2:30 - 3:30 Track
4.30 - 5.45 Football
7:00 - ?? Drama

2:30 - 3:30 Track
7:00 - ?? Drama

2:30 - 3:30 Track
4.30 - 5.45 Football
7:00 - ?? Drama


7:00 - ?? Drama



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