Abigail Denise Cartwright

From Secondheaven

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Basic Information

Full Name: Abigail Denise Cartwright
Player: Shay
Date of Birth: June 3, 1991
Age: 15
Journal: minorexplosions
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 100 lbs
ID Number:: 900500035


Abigail is tiny. She is very, very tiny, has layered honey blonde hair (dyed – her stepmother was dark-haired and she would like to avoid any connection to her for as long as possible) and dark brown eyes. She has a very waif-like face and a skinny, curve-free frame. Pink is her makeup color of choice, when she wears it.

Her breasts very possibly do not exist, that is how tiny she is. If you blow on Abigail too hard, she will fall over. That is how tiny she is. She also eats all the time, loves junkfood, and never gains an ounce. She has a slight, rather charming accent, but, being an actress, is able to mask or exaggerate it at will.

Abbie's PB is Alison Lohman.


Abigail HATES being tiny. She hates being small and cute and breakable. She is a little spitfire in a southern belle's package, though she is not a particularly angry person. She is, however, extremely energetic, and when angered, prone to large tantrums. On the surface, she is both amicable and excitable.

Breaking the southern hick stereotype in half, Abigail is quite smart—or rather, she has a voracious appetite for knowledge on all subjects, and this leads to her being a very bright and curious student.

She is wary of all women and faster to disrespect them than men. As for male teachers, she seems drawn to them, and if one is particularly angry or disappointed with her, she takes it as a personal blow.

As a friend, she has a "puppy dog" personality – if you're in with her, then you're set. She is affectionate and loyal to a fault. Do anything to break up the delicate balance of her life, however, and she is volatile and mean-spirited. It takes a lot to make Abigail turn on someone she was formerly friendly with, but once she does, she hardly ever goes back.

She is both a very good actress and a very creative scientist, and may very well become the world's first chemist-star.

(She's also a little prejudiced. Shhh.)


Abigail's mother died giving birth to her, and for the first few years of her life the girl was alone with her father, a wealthy early retired man who thought the world of his daughter and spoiled her extensively. In fact, his solution to most problems was to throw money at them. When Abbie was six, her father met another woman, a very young French graduate student, and married her within the span of four months.

A jealous woman faced with a jealous child, her stepmother mistook Abigail's envy for disobedience, and convinced her father that the child should be sent to boarding school for discipline. She also convinced him that the best place was her alma mater, a Catholic all-girl's school on the outskirts of Paris.

And then she convinced him that Abigail was suffering from several conditions (key among them separation anxiety and depression), and that it was in their best interest to medicate.

So not only was Abbie in France – learning the language on her own – she was heavily medicated for over three years. Luckily, it WAS only three years, and with some therapy Abigail recovered – and was returned to boarding school. Now, there are no visible remnants of her medical ordeal. She began to invest herself thoroughly in studying, even when she came home to visit.

About a year ago, Abigail's father realized that his perfect, beautiful wife had sucked all of his retirement funds away, and now there was little left of the family fortune. Abigail's father pushed the abort button, divorced his French floozy, and ran with his daughter to That Country, where he was forced to re-enter the work force as an overpriced lawyer, and where Abigail, finally alone with her father again, decided to look for schools close to home. Close to home being "several house away", in this case.

Other Information

Birth Location: Sandy Springs, Georgia
Why Second Heaven?: It was close to her father and carried a high reputation and daddy threw money at it!
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: Orange/ANYTHING with peaches/Tennis & Acting/Science
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Green/Celery/Basketball (too short)/Business
Likes: her father; cats; country, pop, bluegrass, and jazz music; flavored lip gloss acting, chemistry; poetry, science fiction, and fantasy novels
Dislikes: her stepmother; rap music; salt and vinegar potato chips; alcohol, coffee
Family: Father
Languages Known: English, French (though she pretends not to)

School Information

Year: 1
Rank on testing: 1
Classroom: 1-1
History?: Local/Japanese History
Art?: Writing

Clubs and Sports
Student Council - F, 3.45-4.15
Home Ec Club - S, 12-5

Tennis (Spring/Summer) - M, W, F - 4.30-5.45
Swimming (Winter) - M, W, F - 4.30-5.45

Drama - M - S - 7.-?


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