The Application

From Secondheaven

Revision as of 03:42, 1 April 2007 by Ginga (Talk | contribs)

So you wanna come play? We want you to! YAY! Fill out this app darlings, and you'll be well on your way!

Now! Before we get down and dirty with the application, let's have a quick run-down on what you can and can't app here.

What You Can App

  1. Original Characters, period.
  2. Recycled Original Characters from any era, setting, or previous livejournal game.
  3. Recycled Canon characters from any era, setting, BUT MUST BE FROM a previous livejournal game.

The last on the list requires some clarification. You will not be playing Sora from Kingdom Hearts. You will be playing a student named Sora who might have a similar personality, but might not even be PB'd by Sora in this game... as this is a recycling sort of thing, you'll be expected to modify his background and his current situation to fit the setting of this game! You see? :3

PB's go on a first come first serve basis, so don't be discouraged if the canon you are apping's PB's already been used! Just pick another one and maybe turn them into an OC instead! ♥

Without further ado!

Please fill out the following and send it to secondheavenmods [at] gmail [dot] com! Thank you! :3


Player Info




AIM (required for logging)

Player Journal:

Character Journal (required at time of app):

Character Info






Visible Markings:


PB (Played-By; refers to the anime character you will use to represent them in their icons.):

RL PB (we highly recommend providing for any application previous to April 20th both a PB and a Real PB):

Default Icon*:


Personality: [At least one paragraph!]

School Info [N/A for Teachers]


Preferred rank on testing:

Second choice?


Preferred Classroom?

Class Rep?

Class Prez?

World History or Local/Japanese History:

Art, Music, or Writing:

--if 3rd year, Science or Humanities:

Clubs and Sports:


Birth Location:

Why Second Heaven?:

Favourite Color/Food/Activity!/Subject:

Least Favourite Color/Food/Activity!/Subject:

Other Likes:

Other Dislikes:

Not readily visible Markings:


Languages Known:

Administrative Purposes

If not a recreated character, please ignore!

Previous Game:

Previous Journal Name: (if different)

Canon/OC? If Canon, please provide game, and note that if we receive 2 Canon chars it will be first come first serve on who keeps the name - if you've already changed your name, then n/m!

The Dreaded Samples

Internet Post Sample:

As this game works in many mediums, we'll need a sample of this, prz! This can just be a theoretical chat-log, or a meme, or something like that! :3

First Person Post Sample:

Third Person Sample:




Years at Establishment:

  • One of your images is going to be your ID picture! Whenever you rotate out your default icon, this image will be your ID image now! So something tasteful and you know, that the snobby like school heads wouldn't pull a Naruto and say REDO.
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