
From Secondheaven

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These are held according to holidays, and are put on by the class president and the individual classes often compete for prizes in the festival! For example, various clubs might have booths to see who can get the most fundraising, or who can fundraise the most money for their individual class for a special lunch.

Oftentimes, competitions include teacher's study notes for tests! Whoever can raise the most money for their classroom will get a certain teachers notes to said class to use on the final! These sorts of prizes are treasure troves - so students go to any means for festivals!

Though anime often exaggerates the lengths students will go, I, Harold Arrowny, fully agree with this exaggeration for Second Heaven High! Dress up the girly pretty boys in dresses to try and win some dough! Write an awesome play and have people perform it in drag! We don't care! Just as long as it's fun.

The most important part to remember about festivals is that though sometimes preparations will cancel entire days of classes (remember those extra 60 from section 1? Ho ho!), they are entirely student run, and their success is a group effort resulting in many students getting to enjoy themselves doubly fold.

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