
From Secondheaven

Revision as of 17:34, 30 October 2007 by Lissa (Talk | contribs)

Here every pre-existing character prior to game-start gets to edit in their reputation.

Yes. YOU.

This page will be unpoliced, but all we ask is that you edit it in in Alphabetical order (by last name!) in the style that the Modly Type Snapple had edited in.

For Teachers and Class Presidents/Reps this page is MANDATORY.

LOVE ♥!!



Simone Ayers

Journal: dropsofsun
Years at Establishment: 2
Subject taught: Writing

Nasty Rumours? She's trying to poison the school through her food. She pouts whenever she hears it because her food isn't THAT bad.

Reputation: Primarily that she's a pushover and/or she doesn't put a lot of effort into her class, but also that she's willing to read and discuss any sort of writing that someone puts in front of her, and discuss it honestly in both the faults and the positives.

As an Instructor: She's pretty relaxed when it comes to deadlines (excepting the final story for each year/semester), and does her best to push her students to think outside the box, color outside the lines, etc and so on. As it doesn't always work, she'll get discourged for about a day, and then come up with some other "brilliant" idea and try again. Many of her classes in second and third year are workshops, so that students can discuss stories with each other and get more views on their ideas and develop that way.

She's also a Italian/Jewish/Whatever Other Stereotypical Overfeeding mother, and will almost always have food in her office for her to snack on, and will bring them to workshop days, or to her club meetings, or leave it in the faculty office, etc.

About those clubs... She runs the Astrology/Astronomy club, since it was one of the few without supervisers, but likes it quite a bit. She's pretty knowledgable about Astrology now, thanks to it, but still fails as Astronomy. Also in the works is a Writing Club, which needs to be discussed still~

Justice Everette Bridges

Journal: intodeeperblue
Years at Establishment: .5, just starting as an actual Counselor this year.
Subject taught: Counselor

Nasty Rumors? Possibly dark on first glance because he wears so much black?...

Reputation: Friendly, easy-going, easy to talk to, bit of a trouble-maker, but somewhat distant.

As an Instructor: Justice is very open-minded, and though he may not have an answer to your problems or questions, he'll listen regardless. If you don't want answers or advice and you tell him this, he's perfectly fine with just listening, too.

About those clubs... DOES HE HAVE A CLUB?!

Genevieve Bronson

Journal: contrabalance
Years at Establishment: 7
Subject taught: English & Literature

Nasty Rumors? Crackhead! Whether it's that her cigarettes are laced with embalming fluid or that she drops acid before World Lit, there's always some rumor about Mrs. Bronson's drug use circulating.

She's really a lesbian! The marriage is just a front, she adopts all of her kids because she can't stand to have sex with her husband, and so on. Alternatively, she's sleeping with (insert male faculty member here - typically Mr. Lagus, why else would they fight so?!) because her husband is never home!

Reputation: "Clumsy, Strung-Out, Smoking, Crazy Leftist Nerd"

Genevieve is of the firm belief that there's a time and place for everything, and it's called "College."

If you do something illegal or against the school TOS while she's on rotation, she will probably give you a warning to this effect.

Loud music is a-okay, though if it's really crappy she might come knocking on your door (choose your vinyls wisely, children). Video game wars she has a little less tolerance for, so if the gaming gets too rowdy, there will be an English professor at your door!

Illegal substances are a no.

As an Instructor: Fair and rather lenient grader. Allows for a rather loose interpretation of the assignment, as long as the initial question is answered. Late papers make her frownyface and possibly give you an F.

If something comes up that reminds her of a particular event in her history, she might drop all class functions just to rattle on and on about it. Sometimes these anecdotes are funny and sometimes they ruin class for the entire day.

About those clubs... She chairs the English club! Mostly, she's a silent observer, but she might bring cookies or cupcakes or something in every so often (potbrownies?) Members of the club also probably realize that she is not, in fact, a crackhead. She might pick on them a little more in class, maybe by using their essays as examples.

Terre Caine

Journal: tyrantsface
Years at Establishment: 6
Subject taught: Science

Nasty Rumors? More than a few wild ones, usually to come up with some explanation (no matter how unfounded) to why he's such a bastard, or to prove that he's even more of one. He was orphaned, he fled America on horrifying criminal charges, kills puppies for fun, etc.

There are also a few concerning his son (who is SH AGE if anyone is interested nudge nudge), who he brought to class once when he was visiting him. Mainly that it's not his (though it is) and that he's a horrible father (which... is mostly true).

Reputation: Terre doesn't disappoint during his rotation. Breathe in a way he doesn't like, and he'll nail you for it. A few of the older students may have found a way around his music policy - he will give detentions for anything that isn't heavy metal. Have Sabbath? Blast it. You won't get in trouble, and he might even smile.

Everything else is fair game.  :') (Oh, and new metal? If you wanna royally piss him off and never leave detention for a few weeks, play it in front of him. But be forewarned.)

As an Instructor: Even if you do flash an Iron Maiden CD or two around him, Terre's easy on no one academically. You can be throwing-up-sick, had a grandmother die, suffer an emotional breakdown, and he won't care. This isn't to say he'll go out of his way to pick on students that stay out of his. He'll needle, of course, but if you shrug it off, he'll let it go. It's the ones that fight back that he'll continue to torture. Students that cry? Oh, you warm his heart. Keep it up and he might even pass you.

Outside of class, he's essentially the same. He may be slightly more lighthearted towards students that show promise in his subject, but never enough to be considered 'friendly'. He won't reach out to you, he won't hide rule-breaking for you, and really, he wants nothing to do with you. The students that figure this out early on will be the best off.

As head of Journalism, he does have at least one good quality - so long as it's well-written and won't get him immediately fired, he doesn't care what you write about. The more outlandish, exaggerated, controversial the article? The more he likes it. He might even laugh and congratulate you. So students, be creative!  :Db

About those clubs... He runs Journalism, and his standards are high. Even if your articles are about Sascha being the son of Stalin, it better be well-written, grammatically perfect, and arranged nicely, or it's going nowhere.

Althaea Chen

Journal: butterflypaint
Years at Establishment: 4
Subject taught: Art

Nasty Rumours? That she has bedded at least half of the school between faculty and teachers. Naturally any student trying to join the ranks of the lucky will find that the rumors seem to indeed be false!

Reputation: During her rotation weeks, Althaea's pretty lenient. She'll warn you (and probably give a brief lecture) if she catches you doing something wrong, though she's usually not as lenient a second time - get caught once and she'll go easy on you; get caught twice and she'll start thinking of the consequences for herself if she doesn't write a report. Generally though she doesn't 'catch' anything unless she is informed or flat out runs into someone doing something - she's a fan of looking the other way when it comes to things like students making out in a hidden corner.

Anything illegal does get reported though, so don't even try to bring drugs to school!

As an Instructor: If you're an Art student, you'll find yourself with a flexible teacher, but strict in terms of grading - you'll hardly get anything less than a C with her unless you never show up and never turn anything in, but getting grades above a B+ would take more than just talent - she doesn't care how talented you are, she cares that you make an effort. If you do, and you turn everything in, you'll be doing just fine - although A+s tend to be reserved to only those with exceptional works, sorry!

She's a polite and charismatic person in class and won't try to turn your life into hell (unlike that grumpy Mr. Caine). She likes talking and will engage in friendly conversations with the more talkative students, and generally leave the not-so-talkative ones alone. She's usually either in her office or the studio when not teaching, and always available if you want to ask something or need help with something.

About those clubs... Althaea runs the Anime Club, and is very much an otaku. She is open to long-winded, detailed discussions about anything anime with the club members, and will lend you her collection of anime DVDs if you ask nicely.

Cornelia Cook

Journal: tenakoutou
Years at Establishment: 5
Subject Taught: History

Nasty Rumours? She once slapped a student for insulting her eyeglass strap!

Reputation: Cornelia, during her rotation in the dorm, is fairly strict on the rules. She won't actively search out wrong-doers, but should she outright see something wrong, or should someone pass along word of wrongdoing, she will come down hard and fast. Everything will be reported and met with discipline as it is outlined in the rule book, so you shouldn't expect her to diviate from that unless you are being beligerant. She'll make you regret it.

Teachers and some students who get close enough to chat with Cornelia will often find themselves subject to her conspiracy theories, which are very convolusted, confusing, and most likely not true. However, if you do express interest in history or chess, you will get some degree of favoritism.

As an Instructor: Cornelia is a fun teacher - she is excited about the subjects that she teaches and puts that passion into her lectures. Her assignments are often more than just "write a paper", and more often than not are more subjective than objective

However, she's also extremely strict; no other work is to be done while she lectures, no cellphones or other inane little gadgets going off/being used during her class and certainly talking or otherwise cutting-up is met with swift and merciless disiplinary action. This can range from detentions to writing a parent or even just being forced to march to the front of the class and apologize to everyone.

She doesn't play very visible favorites, but they do exist. If you are in chess club, talk to her regualrly or do well in the class, the more you can get away with. Cornelia will deny all of this, of course. Except for maybe her love for the chess kids.

Clubs: In Chess club, Miss Cook is quite talkitive and very friendly to the students. If you are in chess club, you are part of her little group and you will find yourself able to rely on her for most anything because she loves her little chess junkies.

Juan Diaz (Blanco)

Journal: juanblanco
Years at Establishment: 2
Subject taught: Home Economics

Nasty Rumours? He really killed his wife! (It's so unbelieveable, you might just believe it?)

He has a fanclub! Because he's the Cute Teacher? The fanclub rumour is true!! Katya Heissenrech is the head of it! He facepalms every time he hears about this fanclub, though.

Reputation: He will let you get away with anything that does not put yourself or another person in physical danger! He'll give, "just make sure it doesn't happen again!" type warnings for everything else, no matter the offense. He only brings down administrative punishment if he knows he'll get in trouble if he doesn't, or if he absolutely must (such as cases of physical harm etc!). So BASICALLY he's got a reputation as the laid-back easy-going teacher. In other words, the one whose shift you wait for so you can get away with all the stuff you need to get away with.

As an Instructor: Easy class, easy A, just pay attention and do the work and you'll do well. He takes about a week to learn the names of students, and in the meantime he'll totally fuck up all their names trying to get it right. He teases quiet students for not talking but not maliciously, just enough to be annoying! On the first day of class he introduces himself as Blanco and says that Mr. Diaz just sounds weird and Blanco or Mr. Blanco is easier to respond to.

About those clubs... Home ec club obviously! He appointed Penna as prez because she's his teacher's pet! He also brings his daughter to club meetings more often than not and though super-protective of her lets her get away with murder.

Sascha Holloway-Lagus

Journal: darktivity
Years at Establishment: 8
Subject Taught: PE

Nasty Rumours? That he's capable of chopping off people's heads -- this is of course contributed to the guillotine tattoo on the nape of his neck.

Occasionally he gets wrapped up in rumours about the female professors he's often at odds with - Ms. Bronson is in that list.

Reputation: During rotation Sascha will bust you on anything. We're talking anything. Pop your gum loud enough by his quarters and bam, detention. Music too loud? Bam, detention. (By the way, if he can hear the lyrics? It's considered a noise ordinance to his crochety ass and he'll bust you doubly hard.) He goes so far as to try and bust the girls for midriffs - but to no avail. His weeks are the weeks of hell discipline wise...

But for the athletically inclined, every night he runs the dorms there's a midnight sport of his choice held out by the greenhouse. Down and dirty, skirmishes - a good place for people to just hang out. The teams are as large as they need to be, and on the last day of his 2 weeks he himself breaks the rules and holds a small bonfire. (Though he's gotten it preapproved, he never openly says so, and pretends it's a huge secret.)

The Occult Club kids can find their weeks relatively incident/report free.

His star sports players find their weeks extra strict.

As an Instructor: Sascha is known to push people so hard they sometimes break - and if they do, and they're female, and they cry, they're often taken out for ice cream after school mysteriously and with guilty conscience. This has given him a sort of undercurrent of responsibility and kindness that his students may have heard of - but most he takes out for ice cream he makes them promise on pain of not receiving the treat that they tell no one of his insurrection.

To the Occult Club kids he plays obvious favourites, often going so far as to try to develop lasting relationships with them.

To the kids who seem lost and homesick, lonely or inauthentic, Sascha also secretly reaches out - he remembers that feeling all-too-well.

In the end, Sascha honestly loves teaching, loves his job, and loves physical activity. He's only hard on those that put no emphasis to it, or those with no natural talent.

About those clubs... He runs Basketball, Football, and Occult Club. His teams are the flagships of the school, in fact, and when in intramurals with private schools around the area are often tops.

Markus Kraulis

Journal: threefigures
Years at Establishment: 0
Subject taught: Math

Nasty Rumors? He only got the job because he married Arrowny's daughter, he's a child molester, he's mentally unstable.

Reputation: n/a

As an Instructor: He's always willing to help those who are willing to admit they need it. Students, however, who try to coast by will find themselves losing points on format, handwriting, you name it. No one gets an easy A.

About those clubs... Heads Tech Club.

Reilanin Myvara

Journal: deselfing
Years at Establishment: 1
Subject Taught: N/A- she's the librarian

Nasty Rumours? She must have some sort of crazy ESP or x-ray vision or something to be able to find you wherever you are in the library. And the way she just looks at you? Like she's looking into your soul? That's just creepy. Maybe she caused Mrs. Woodgrove's heartattack? Maybe she can read your mind???

Reputation: She's got an uncanny knack for finding out everything you did wrong during rotation. Everything gets written down in a book she doesn't let get out of her sight. Detentions abound, and the penalty is usually having to help her or another professor, possibly even during classtime- you'll still have to make up all that work you miss, however.

Has anyone ever seen her smile? No? Thought not.

As an Instructor: She looks like she can be easily pushed around, but she rules the library with an iron fist, no joke. Not even other faculty get away with making a ruckus. This includes any Terre/Benny mishaps that might occur. But so long as you aren't in the library, she doesn't much care.

She's always in the library. Unless she's not, in which case she's in the teacher's lounge or gone home.

She's actually very nice to people who are gneuinely curious or enthusiastic about materials, and is more than helpful. It just depends on how you act in the library. Some people have caught on to this, some haven't, and some don't need to.

About those clubs... She's got none yet!

Luca Gabriel Rinaldi

Journal: sublimazione
Years at Establishment: -
Subject taught: Japanese

Nasty Rumors? -

Reputation: -

As an Instructor: -

About those clubs... -

Benjamin Silas

Journal: changingmyplea
Years at Establishment: 4
Subject Taught: N/A- he's the nurse

Nasty Rumours? He was once a surgeon and killed someone under the knife, students only get roles in the school plays through bribery, he'll sell you prescription meds if you ask nicely enough.

Reputation: Unless you're caught doing something illegal, Benny will let you off with a warning. If he doesn't... it could mean his job for not reporting you, yeah? He likes his paycheck. But if he finds girls in the boy's dorms, vice-versa, or people making a ruckus? Students just get a warning and a pretentious one-liner about subtlety. If he has to give a student like oh three warnings for the same thing, they'll get written up.

Oh, and if he has to get out of bed for a student, he won't be happy. The warning rule still applies, but he will NOT be happy.

As an Instructor: He's the school's living "Where's Waldo?" Benny can be found in his office about 1/5 of the time. He now has a beeper. The beeper number is listed on his office door. If you're dying, page him. Apologies, but being the nurse is boring. :(

About those clubs... Drama kids will learn to read his mood or find a new hobby. A play is only as good as its cast and if he finds a prima donna? Don't expect to get cast in a major role again. Also, he's been known to make cryptic, threatening speeches before productions if there's a problem actor in the cast. If he mistakenly worried your character, again, he apologizes, but it probably helped keep them in line.


Maya "Basil" Amaya

Journal: []
Homeroom: 1-2
Rank: 27
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Marlene Appleby

Journal: obnoxioun
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 5
Started In: New transfer
Nasty Rumors? None yet.
Embarrassing Moments? None yet.
Reputation: Stuck-up London bitch.
Douweis thinks... Marlene is weird. Nice, but weird.

Shinya Asamiya

Journal: negativeproton
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 6
Started In: Fresh!
Nasty Rumors? None yet.
Embarrassing Moments? None yet.
Reputation: The kid who brags a lot, so far.

Kass Auchinleck

Journal: asafesaccharide
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 19
Started In: 13
Nasty Rumors? Kass missed many days of school in his initial year and a half at Second Heaven, and students generated rumors that he'd be working on a curse or some shit like that when he wasn't in class.

He will curse/jinx/hex and otherwise make your life miserable if you get on his bad side, though. In fact, he already has. A group of rowdy students stole his coat one day and for a week after that, all participants involved suffered clumsy accidents and massive diarrhea. :)
Embarrassing Moments? In his first year, he'd be talking to someone when he'd order them to do something, then stare in shock when they didn't listen. THEN he'd try subtle threats, and on the disliked amount of occasions it didn't work, he'd get so pissed he'd walk off campus. It took until around the middle of first year for him to get over this.
Reputation: Stuck up, snobby, irritable, creepy and weird asshole that has come back after a year absence and WHY THE HELL DID HE COME BACK ANYWAY?
(last updated 070429)

Ian Baines

Journal: []
Homeroom: 3-2
Rank: 21
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Mihai Benjamin Benedek

Journal: fadingscrim
Homeroom: 3-1
Rank: 3
Started In: 1-1, 2-1
Nasty Rumors? I think there's enough material he provides without needing to resort to rumors to make fun of him.
Embarassing Moments? Towards the end of his second year, his uncle Benjamin Silas (the school nurse) let slip to a loud-mouthed student that Mihai was gay. Cue the whole school knowing, and Mihai having a bit of a breakdown. (Lots of these --> !!!!!!)
Other less notable embarrassing moments are frequent, so I won't list them here. Just assume he's made a fool of himself somehow and you'd probably be right.
Reputation: Bossy, pretentious, perfectionist, and very, very gay. Also best friends with Eleanor Sridar, and he will get all up in any girl's face that tries to get in Ellie's.
Marlene thinks... He likes to pretend he's better than people to make himself feel better (ie admonishing her for the major fight at the beginning of the year), but that he does this because his self-esteem is really quite low. He's oversensitive and if you told him something was off ("your glasses are crooked") he'd fuss about it all day.
Guin thinks... He is a TEACHER'S PET and a NARKER.

Sebastian Shimizu-Bertrand

Journal: []
Homeroom: 3-1
Rank: 4
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Dagnar Jarmila Bodilsen

Journal: wwiiflyingace
Homeroom: 2-3
Rank: 60
Started In: 1-3
Nasty Rumors? ??
Embarrassing Moments?  ??
Reputation: ??

Samantha Arielle Bronson

Journal: chasingdeath
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 13
Started In: Current year
Nasty Rumors? ??
Embarrassing Moments?  ??
Reputation: ??

Ashlee "Lee" Walker Buck

Journal: highfivecity
Homeroom: 1-2
Rank: 40
Started In: Current year!
Nasty Rumors? None yet.
Embarassing Moments? None YET.
Reputation: Has bragged to anyone who'll listen about his famous mom. Also smells mightily of the mary-jane. And... dumb as a brick.
Marlene thinks... He's a dumb, desperate little kid who's never going to get laid. Needs to grow the fuck up.
Siegmund thinks... He's giving 1-2 a bad rep (or...a worse rep). But he's also a good patsy if he and John ever need somebody to pin some blame on for their own shenannigans.

Edmund Caine

Journal: [1]
Homeroom: 1-1
Started In: 1-1
Nasty Rumors? Terre Caine's son. (Actually that's not a rumour but it's still pretty nasty.)
Embarrassing Moments? Having to wheel his dad to school. Candide hitting on him in the library and consequently getting smacked for pointing it out. Everything having to do with Alma accidently elbowing his nose in.
Reputation: A nice kid, but definitely has a bit of the dad in him. Takes stuff apart- mostly kitchen appliances. Hangs out with Sam Bronson. Plays too many videogames. Embarrassed by his dad's social stupidity frequently and will not talk about it.

Abigail Cartwright

Journal: [2]
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 1
Started In: 1-1
Nasty Rumors? She's insane!
Embarrassing Moments?
Reputation: She's...insane? Always smiling, very happy Class President.

Kathérine Marie Lewis-Cristophe

Journal: []
Homeroom: 2-3
Rank: 44
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Maxmillian Krisna Deveraux

Journal: []
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 7
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

John Doe

Journal: []
Homeroom: 1-2
Rank: 25
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Ezra Eremite

Journal: cool_monsoon
Homeroom: 3-2
Rank: 24
Started In: 1-1 (and 2-1)
Nasty Rumors? Isn't he in love with Candide?...
Embarrassing Moments? Slipped on his own banana peel during lunch second year. Nearly ended up with a concussion.
Reputation: Ezra, aka: the skinny tall kid with the camera and the tattoos. He takes pictures of everyone. E-v-e-r-y-o-n-e. He'll have excuses, and most of them will be legit, but some won't. The people he pesters the most are newcomers and fellow third-years, the latter mostly because he likes to know he's keeping memories he can happily look back on. He's upbeat, positive and supportive, and busy as all get out. He's dabbled in almost every club and keeps loose ties with all of them. Everyone sees him eventually. He adapts easily, and when he's punished- say, during Terre or Sascha's rotations- he takes it with a grin and cheerful "yes sir!". He's also been known to get in between fights, verbal or physical, though he's never gotten into one himself. A very peaceful, respectful and "go with the flow" kind of guy. He's like a big brother to a lot of students and hopes that 1) he can set a good example for his peers and 2) help see to it that everyone has a great a time at Second Heaven as he has.

Agust���­���­n Takeshi Fujiwara Luna

Journal: entonacion
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 18
Started In: 1-1
Nasty Rumors? -
Embarrassing Moments? -
Reputation: -
(last updated 071029)

Nadezhda (Nadia) Fyodorov

Journal: hyacinthwild
Homeroom: 2-2
Rank: 29
Started In: 1-3
Nasty Rumors? - Dmitri date-raped her. Communist?
Embarrassing Moments? -
Reputation: - Stone cold bitch. Non-native English speaker and it shows. Either a slut or an icy vagina. She's completely nasty to everyone she talks to.

Maggie Gamble

Journal: butterscotcher
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 16
Started In: N/A
Nasty Rumors? She's likely to crack and shoot up the whole school at any second, closet lesbian, RAISED BY WOLVES????
Embarassing Moments? She fell out of a tree towards the beginning of the year and nearly broke her neck climbing like an idiot. Aside from that, all her minor anxiety attacks when talking with her classmates (females ones especially).
Reputation: Tomboy, socially retarded, mousy, prudish, nerd girl.

Helios Apollo Han

Journal: yaoban
Homeroom: 2-2
Rank: 33-2
Started In: 1-2
Nasty Rumors? None I can think of?
Embarrassing Moments? None I can think of?
Reputation: -
(last updated 071029)

Katya Heissenrech

Journal: []
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 12
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Siegmund Heissenrech

Journal: ravingvalkyrie
Homeroom: 1-2
Rank: 35
Started In: New.
Nasty Rumors? The whole family's a bunch of vampires! Backed up by the fact that he does not deny this, and he's uh rarely ever seen actually eating anything. (This is, however, because he is a super-picky eater and keeps kosher, so he can't eat a lot of what's served in the cafeteria.) Disclaimed by the fact that he's always wearing a Star of David under his shirt (vampires and religious symbols don't mix!) and walks in sunlight (though he claims it burns).

He speaks in tongues. (Guys it's Yiddish chill.)

His family was involved with the Nazi side during WWII and are still part of the Nazi party. (If you say this one to his face he will be very angry and declare that WTF HE IS JEWISH and his GRANDPARENTS SPENT THE ENTIRE WAR INTERNED AT DACHAU.)
Embarrassing Moments? None yet.
Reputation: Vampire, Trenchcoat mafia, Sacrifices live animals to the dark gods in his spare time, etc etc. Among the anime club he's got a rep as a major Ragnarok Online fanatic. Online as Valkyrie (or Valk) he has a reputation as a major badass, or a major jerk, depending on whether you like him or not.

Conrad Himmelreich

Journal: mondphasen
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 7
Started In: New.
Nasty Rumors? None yet... I think.
Embarrassing Moments? None yet.
Reputation: The cold, stuck-up and usually silent boy (He talks more on the boards). Some people might notice his resemblance to movie star Conrad Vahlberg.
(last updated 070521)
Douweis thinks... <3 Conrad is one of her favorite people, easily.

Yun-Hsin Hsu

Journal: lovemeh8thegame
Homeroom: 3-2
Rank: 25
Started In: 1-2 (37)
Nasty Rumors? Generally, he's not considered interesting enough to gossip about, though being rumored as Benedek's lover is pretty nasty...
Embarassing Moments? Any/all of the Midsummer performances, his cell phone constantly going off in class first year and getting confiscated, drunkenly rapping at 3-1's karaoke, most run-ins with girls his age.
Reputation: Boring, closet case, uncool/cool (depending on how you look at it), dumb, clueless, unspecifically Asian (he's from TAIWAN remember it someone ;_;) boy.

Guinevere Hyla

Journal: bn_n
Homeroom: 2-2
Rank: 20
Started In: 1-2
Nasty Rumors? She's the letter writer
Embarrassing Moments?  ??
Reputation: ??
Douweis thinks... Guin is crazy. Harmless, but crazy. But more than likely not the letter writer.

Chidori Itou

Journal: []
Homeroom: 1-2
Rank: 37
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Syao Li Wei Jia

Journal: sawitonyourkeys
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 2
Started In: N/A
Nasty Rumors? N/A
Embarassing Moments? N/A... FOR NOW.
Reputation: So far only known as Mao Shi's crazy sister.

Zakiyaa Kahil

Journal: yeux_au_ciel
Homeroom: 2-3
Rank: I forget...
Started In: 1-3
Nasty Rumors? To be continued.
Embarrassing Moments? Got in a spat with classmate Clyde over makeup- put the tube of mascara he lent her in her bra. He tried to repeat it with a tube of lipstick, but that she put in her desk. (She gave them both back.)
Reputation: Max and Alma's friend, Mr. Kahil's kid, frenchie. She's the boyish one- some people have to look twice. Eats everything, runs everywhere, looks funny in the school uniform, not at all smart, one of, if not the top tennis player in the school.

Ji Soon Kang

Journal: []
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 10
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Angela Kwon

Journal: maxangel
Homeroom: 2-2
Rank: 22
Started In: New.
Nasty Rumors? None yet, but don't worry they'll start soon.
Embarrassing Moments? None yet.
Reputation: Cheery, talkative and overly friendly girl. Wears too much pink outside of class. (Nothing else for now.)
(last updated 070521)

Bailey Xiang Li

Journal: []
Homeroom: 3-2
Rank: 22
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Fusako Maruyama

Journal: voilaintruder
Homeroom: 2-3
Rank: 51
Started In:1-2 (32)
Nasty Rumors? Candide's slutty sidekick, she'd fuck anything with a penis, faghag extraordinaire, slept with a teacher and STILL flunked (ouch), alcoholic, boyfriend stealer, can't eat a meal without throwing up afterwards.
Embarassing Moments? Passing out at a track meet, mid-sprint, drunk bitch antics in the dorms.
Reputation: Loud, slutty (sportfuck), stupid, color-blind, shameless bitch-squad rep.

Sei Matsuura

Journal: drilledahole
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 3
Started In: 1-1, Rank 3
Nasty Rumors? "Matsuura's so busy because he works." So far, no one who actually has corroborative evidence has come forward.

"Penna's boyfriend dumped her because of Sei!"

  • Evidence For:
At the dance, directly after her scene on the floor, she went over to Sei's fortune telling booth.
Sei calls her Penna, and refrains from using first names from almost anyone else
Doesn't Sei actually see her outside school? He doesn't see anyone outside school.
Sei will eat lunch with her sometimes and he usually avoids us all!
They're both not affectionate people so it works that we wouldn't see anything public!
  • Evidence Against:
Penna doesn't seem really affectionate...
Neither does Sei...

Embarrassing Moments? Sei has a good cap on his public image.
Reputation: A strict, no-fucking-around, cold, distant perfectionist, Sei handles everything he does with an air of focus. He's known for blowing people off if they get too close but he usually prevents that - and he manages to be friendly and kind, so he's not an asshole, just not interested. He refuses to use first names without prior knowledge and he finds your insistance that he does rude.

He lives with his mom in the city, and he will use this as leverage to get out of any social outing ever known. Most know the answer to requests to hang with Sei: "Sorry, gotta go home to my mother."

He's known to be way-too-into his astrology, stubborn about respecting Sridar on the football field, and to be close to Miss Ayers.

Marlene thinks... That he is way too hardass with how he handles his class. Publically he is a cold, unfeeling monster, and he forever earned her disfavour by throwing her earrings off the side of the roof. She doesn't think he has any sympathy for anybody. Privately, not in the classroom, his silent intensity really intimidates her and she's never sure what to say around him.

Guin thinks... He is one heck of a class president! He has a lot of good ideas and does a really good job managing the class, but he can be a little too strict sometimes.

Douweis thinks... He may be a good president, but he will probably destroy himself if he keeps going as he is. He may be an arse, but she still respects him as a person.

Penna Mentel

Journal: smilegarden
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 12
Started In: 1-1
Nasty Rumors? "Penna's boyfriend dumped her because of Sei!"

  • Yes:
She went to him directly after the break-up fiasco
They both refer to each other by their first names (though Penna keeps that to a minimum in public).
Penna will offer to eat lunch with him, or practice with him.
If Penna ever gets wind of this rumor she denies it vehemently!
  • No:
If Penna ever gets wind of this rumor she denies it vehemently!
No official word on them dating. Ever.
Penna is still choked up about her ex-boyfriend, anyway.

"Penna is dating... Atolo/Katsuro/Conrad"

  • Yes:
She has talked to Atolo on many occasions! Gave him some cake once!
Sits with Katsuro during lunch sometimes??
Conrad gave her a cell phone!
  • No:

Embarassing Moments? Penna's boyfriend broke up with her at the end of the dance at the cultural festival, in front of a large group of people. She still might cry if you bring it up. It was also embarrassing that Clyde flipped out in class over her pointing out that he was the founder's son.
Reputation: Penna is that girl that is never down about anything, and smiles no matter what you say to her. While she obviously does have a wider range of emotion, she doesn't tend to show much other than "happy!" and "optimistic!" to her peers. In her clubs and sports, she's like the cheerleader who supports everyone and congratulates everyone and tries to raise spirits. Be annoyed or flattered at your own discretion.

She also has a harsh rep in the dorm; she will turn you in if she catches you doing anything - aka she tattles. Otherwise, she likes to run around the dorm and get people to meet each other and will sometimes make little construction paper nametags for the dorm doors based around seasons/holidays.

Sophia Lee Merchant

Journal: heartramble
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 1
Started In: 1-1
Nasty Rumors? Not really.

Embarassing Moments? And not really here either.

Reputation: Sophia is known to be happy as a rule, and a bit of a pushy class president. She's usually able to enable anyone into doing what she wants them to do for school events. Firm was far as rules come, but she's not completely unreasonable even if she's not known for making exceptions either.

She's known for being social and helpful, as well.

Xiao Mei Ming

Journal: xiangrikui
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 20
Started In: Fresh!
Nasty Rumors? None yet.
Embarrassing Moments? None yet.
Reputation: The loud obnoxious kid who apparently plays videogames!

Chaton Aika Neige-Mizuki

Journal: []
Homeroom: 3-1
Rank: 2
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Christine Neige-Mizuki

Journal: sustenido
Homeroom: 2-3
Rank: 56
Started In: 1-1
Nasty Rumors? Word has it that Little Red Riding Chris used to be a perfectly fine person until Clyde the big bad wolf came along and ruined her with his powers of ruinsome ruin.

Evidence For:

Chris started out ranking #8, above him, and dropped to #56 in year 2, below him;
She never showed any evidence of wearing those freaky clothes at the start of the year, and by the end of the year anyone could see her walking around in the corridor in off hours wearing STRANGE THINGS;
Clyde made the first few attempts at conversation;
The rumors of them getting in each other's pants proved true;
They are usually seen together doing the same things;

Evidence Against:

She never paid much attention to class even before they started talking;
She doesn't really listen to Clyde or anyone else, does just fine on her own;
Clyde doesn't go out of his way to get her to slack off;
They're not that horrible to people who don't annoy them.

Embarrassing Moments? None.
Reputation: The rather strange, seemingly horribly rich twin of Chaton from Year 3, and the two are as different as water and wine. She's known to be antisocial and a slacker, doesn't participate in anything unless Clyde drags her into it. She's also known to be his best friend (and a little more) of sorts, and anyone taking music would know that she's very dedicated to it and is a talented violinist and soprano.

Ethan "Wolf" O'Donnell

Journal: []
Homeroom: 2-2
Rank: 32
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

SeungYoon Park

Journal: seuregee
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 18
Started In: 1-2
Nasty Rumors? -
Embarrassing Moments? -
Reputation: -
(last updated 071029)

Nathaniel Quinn

Journal: []
Homeroom: 2-3
Rank: 43
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Alexander Yuu Kikuchi-Reeves

Journal: []
Homeroom: 3-1
Rank: 8
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Cale Brannon Reliance

Journal: anywhichway
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 18-2
Started In: Late transfer into 2-1
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Candide de Roucher

Journal: frenchbaptism
Homeroom: 3-1
Rank: 20
Started In: 1-1, Rank 19
Nasty Rumors? "Candide's the sluttiest slut to ever slut!"

  • Evidence For
See Embarrassing Moments
See Reputation
See Profile
  • Evidence Against
See Not Much

"Candide's in love with Ezra, isn't she?"

  • Evidence For:
He's the one boy she'll talk to like a human being.
He's the one boy she'll blush about a little.
She trips up whenever he talks to Eila in jealousy.
  • Evidence Against:
She sleeps with everyone BUT him.
She doesn't seem to want him identified with her in some moments when maybe she should.
She's quite regularly verbally loving on a different boy.

Embarassing Moments? In Year One, once had her skirt up so high that when she bent over everyone got to see her panties. :'3

During the Fesitvals in 2005 she screwed up the dancing SO BAD for one of the festivals it was horrendous.
Reputation: Candide, Candide, Candide.

For the first two years so painted by make-up was she that she earned several nasty titles. She's mean. She's preppy. She's bratty. She's self-absorbed. She's obsessed. She has that typical teenage low self-esteem. She likes every boy.

She's pretty short-tempered, short-fused, and a horrible student compared to her other class 1 mates. However, she'll follow Chaton to the deaths, and often is seen going redfaced in defense of her stony silent friend. She and Fusako are old childhood friends, but she'll never defend her just that hard.

Douweis Sanna

Journal: fallintoclouds
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 5
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?If any, it's regarding the letters.
Embarrassing Moments? Many. She runs into things, runs into people, trips on flat ground, is usually covered in bruises, etc and so on and so forth.
Reputation: We shall see!
Marlene thinks... Douweis is clumsy, trips over her own feet, and needs to open up more. Girl's too quiet, she's gonna cause a lot of trouble someday.

Katsuro Sasaki

Journal: asuregoner
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 5
Started In: 1-1
Nasty Rumors? None?
Embarrassing Moments? Walked into a tree...
Reputation: Loud and immature.

Dmitri Schaefer

Journal: givin35percent
Homeroom: 1-2
Rank: 35
Started In: N/A
Nasty Rumors? Date-raped Nadia (that's the only way he'll ever get laid, isn't it?), actually considers himself to be a good musician.
Embarassing Moments? Prancing around in a fairy costume, though it wasn't so terrible, prancing around in a dress (he's not having such a good time in drama), Candide's pre-audition "inspiration".
Reputation: Ridiculously horny (like he'd fuck Oprah horny), retarded, ugly, rude, loud-mouthed, cocky over nothing stoner-drummer.

Caspar Schr���¶der

Journal: bornabluebird
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 14
Started In: Current year.
Nasty Rumors? None yet.
Embarrassing Moments? None yet.
Reputation: So far? Clyde's broody roommate.

Mikaili Shamala

Journal: finalaudition
Homeroom: 1-2
Rank: 22
Started In: N/A
Nasty Rumors? He's a Muslim dude who'll lock you up if you date him?
Embarassing Moments? N/A
Reputation: He's that muslim kid? He also likes Korea?? WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THOSE LIONS, ANYWAY? Also should be known for his dancing skills now, due to the breakdancing bonanza!

Michaela Shayna

Journal: blazingmica
Homeroom: 3-2
Rank: 37
Started In: 1-2
Nasty Rumors? She's a militant femminazi, if you're male and left alone in the same room with her she'll castrate you for looking at her funny, she never showers (this one is true, they tend to be a weekly affair), her hair is slicked back on virtue of natural grease only (true in the latter part of said week)
Embarrassing Moments? Has accidentally hit on one of the pretty boys at the school thinking he was a girl before.
Reputation: Mike is well-known for hating the skirt requirement with the uniforms. Her first year, she wore a boy's uniform one day and was promptly sent to detention for it. She laments this unfairness whenever it comes up. She also had three older brothers come through the school before she did, so among older faculty she is mostly known as "so and so's sister." While a first year, her brother Jordan's friends all called her "Jordan's little sister," as well.

She's also rather well-known as being the school's free-love lesbian. Mike is all about sex with no strings attached, so if a decent girl wants a good time, she's more than willing to oblige.
Douweis thinks... Mike is one of the weirder Christians she knows, but she at least practices most of what she preaches and is easy to be around, so she's cool.

Oyuki Shibahime

Journal: still__running
Homeroom: 2-2
Rank: 24
Started In: 1-2
Nasty Rumors? They got kicked out of Japan because of her, she's psychotic and it's working its way out of those panic attacks, she's a faker for attention
Embarrassing Moments?
Reputation: Only japfags or kids from Japan would have an idea of her and her family's history, and the last one to really notice it was in third year last year. She avoided her like the plague. Other students just get the idea that something happened because questions about her family make her act weird. Has had several severe panic attacks during class or club time- once was during basketball- which usually result in her being pulled out of classes for a few days.

She is pretty demanding and "me me me pay attention to meeeeee", especially if she's just gotten back from having been pulled out of class. A little spoiled and exciteable, but a nice girl. Likes to be melodramatic over little things. Can't stop acting. Likes hanging out with boys more, but gets along with most of everyone.

Jae Yoon Shin

Journal: []
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 11
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Alma Liang Sima

Journal: []
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 8
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Amata Soto

Journal: []
Homeroom: 2-2
Rank: 30
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Eleanor Sridar

Journal: eleanorsays
Homeroom: 3-1
Rank: 1
Started In: 1-1
Nasty Rumors? She took the class presidency just to prove she could, cheated her way to the top of the class, pervs out in the girls' showers, secretly a man?
Embarrassing Moments? She once walked into a pole while talking with a teacher and knocked herself unconscious.
Reputation: Bossy, nerdy, compulsively eating, overly chatty, completely self-unaware definite lesbian. And she's a decent football player. Was known to throw down on the field (and maybe in a classroom or two) before turning president. Sadly, the rage has to be kept under wraps this year. Oh, and once she almost killed Candide with a desk.

Dakota Suzuki

Journal: []
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 19
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Yngve Sverreson

Journal: skaal
Homeroom: 1-2
Rank: 30
Started In: N/A
Nasty Rumors? He's been in the Letters twice.
Embarassing Moments? N/A
Reputation: Sat around in the hallways during move-in and interviewed/interrogated as many people as possible.

Clyde Takagawa

Journal: interseptur
Homeroom: 2-3
Rank: 54
Started In: 2-1, Rank 9
Nasty Rumors? CONFIRMED TRUE: "Clyde is the youngest son of the founder, Harold Arrowny, and lives in a compound in Schubert!"

"Clyde ruined Chris!"

  • Evidence For:
They both dropped fifty ranks.
They both started hanging out to a point unimaginable.
The rumours of them screwing each other beyond just ah, screwing up their grades - confirmed true, really.
Chris always dresses so nice and Clyde's always trying to break the rules!
Clyde's a liar, after all!
  • Evidence Against:
Chris seems to be just fine on her own - really doesn't listen to anyone's shit.
Clyde doesn't dote on her, nor does he seem to go out of his way to get her to slack off.
Clyde often seems to answer to Chris more than himself.
The two are pretty friendly to those who don't push their buttons... what is with that?

Embarassing Moments? Clyde was outed by Penna after the Semester break, when she revealed she'd seen him going home. He flipped out in the middle of class about it, honestly.

During one of the Festivals last year, he broke a blood capsule too early and sent it flying all over the classroom.

He once lost it on a girl about her make-up, and publically revealed just how much he knew about it to the 1-1ers.
Reputation: Too loud for his own good asshole, who probably lies about a lot more than he lets on. He's considered a spoiled rich kid now, and has to fight against that reputation as much as possible.

After appearing in the SH magazine in his last year in Visual Kei garb he's also known as a crossdresser, but it's still alarming when he's caught in it day-to-day - he avoids full-out dress on campus to avoid shit-talking and other such unpleasantries.

He's known for ditching almost anything and for trying to talk his way out of near anything.

Sienna Talven

Journal: oceanchaser
Homeroom: 2-2
Rank: 35
Started In: 35
Nasty Rumors? ??
Embarrassing Moments? ??
Reputation: ??
(last updated 070429)

Marina Danielle Tapia

Journal: []
Homeroom: 1-2
Rank: 31
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Seth Thomas

Journal: []
Homeroom: 2-2
Rank: 26
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Ceridwen Turcotte

Journal: andleavetherest
Homeroom: 3-1
Rank: 5
Started In: 7
Nasty Rumors? --
Embarrassing Moments? --
Reputation: Anti-social good-at-everything-but-is-quite-intimidating-and-so-people-don't-want-to-ask-for-her-assistance type. Somewhat of a snob. (Since she never talks to anyone it comes off as she being too good to talk to anyone.) Known to reject anything given to her at Valentine's Day.
(last updated 070429)

Erin Valente

Journal: collidingsun
Homeroom: 3-2
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Joseph van Burace

Journal: []
Homeroom: 3-1
Rank: 10
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Kaethe Vandersteen

Journal: []
Homeroom: 3-1
Rank: 9
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Sarika (Shane) Vivek

Journal: candysour
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 13
Started In: 1-1
Nasty Rumors? - Lesbian lesbian lesbian! She's got the hots for Eleanor Sridar/Kaethe Vandersteen/Someone. Everything she does she does for attention. Briefly pegged as the letter writer (in an actual letter)
Embarrassing Moments? - She got SUPER drunk at the first 3-1 festival this year and had a very loud, unfortunate screaming match with Eleanor Sridar. She's spilled paint all over herself. She publically fought with Clyde Takagawa, only to come to his rescue - in his dorm room, late at night, when Caspar was being a prick.
Reputation: - Hangs out with the smokers without actally being in their crowd. Takes little interesting in anything. The quiet art student.

Valerie Winter

Journal: falldeeper
Homeroom: 3-1
Rank: 7
Started In: 1-1
Nasty Rumors? None. People hardly even acknowledge her existence!
Embarrassing Moments? None.
Reputation: That one girl who people keep forgetting is there. She had artwork of hers published in the SH magazine, which may have sparked some curiosity, but outside of that, she doesn't get much attention. Students that do Swimming would know her as the best swimmer in the school (so far), and students in Art would recognize her as the one who's always in the corner painting.

Ju En "Rowan" Xu

Journal: []
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 2
Started In:
Nasty Rumors?
Embarrassing Moments?

Tsukiko Yadate

Journal: butterflyprayer
Homeroom: 1-2
Rank: 21
Started In: Firstie~
Nasty Rumors? None... yet.
Embarrassing Moments? Anything her class does is pretty embarrassing if you think about it.
Reputation: So busy, you don't notice she's not really doing anything. Could be considered an ineffective class rep, but come on, look at what she's got to work with! Usually seems a little on the tense or overworked side.

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