
From Secondheaven

Revision as of 00:18, 30 April 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Here every pre-existing character prior to game-start gets to edit in their reputation.

Yes. YOU.

This page will be unpoliced, but all we ask is that you edit it in in Alphabetical order in the style that the Modly Type Snapple had edited in.

For Teachers and Class Presidents/Reps this page is MANDATORY.

LOVE ♥!!



Sascha Holloway-Lagus

Journal: darktivity
Years at Establishment: 8
Subject Taught: PE

Nasty Rumours? That he's capable of chopping off people's heads -- this is of course contributed to the guillotine tattoo on the nape of his neck.

Reputation: During rotation Sascha will bust you on anything. We're talking anything. Pop your gum loud enough by his quarters and bam, detention. Music too loud? Bam, detention. (By the way, if he can hear the lyrics? It's considered a noise ordinance to his crochety ass and he'll bust you doubly hard.) He goes so far as to try and bust the girls for midriffs - but to no avail. His weeks are the weeks of hell discipline wise...

But for the athletically inclined, every night he runs the dorms there's a midnight sport of his choice held out by the greenhouse. Down, dirty, skirmishes - a good place for people to just hang out. The teams are as large as they need to be, and on the last day of his 2 weeks he himself breaks the rules and holds a small bonfire. (Though he's gotten it preapproved, he never openly says so, and pretends it's a huge secret.)

The Occult Club kids can find their weeks relatively incident/report free.

His star sports players find their weeks extra strict.

As an Instructor: Sascha is known to push people so hard they sometimes break - and if they do, and they're female, and they cry, they're often taken out for ice cream after school mysteriously and with guilty conscience. This has given him a sort of undercurrent of responsibility and kindness that his students may have heard of - but most he takes out for ice cream he makes them promise on pain of not receiving the treat that they tell no one of his insurrection.

To the Occult Club kids he plays obvious favourites, often going so far as to try to develop lasting relationships with them.

To the kids who seem lost and homesick, lonely or inauthentic, Sascha also secretly reaches out - he remembers that feeling all-too-well.

In the end, Sascha honestly loves teaching, loves his job, and loves physical activity. He's only hard on those that put no emphasis to it, or those with no natural talent.

About those clubs... He runs Basketball, Football, and Occult Club. His teams are the flagships of the school, in fact, and when in intramurals with private schools around the area are often tops.


Syao Li Wei Jia

Sei Matsuura

Candide de Roucher

Yngve Sverreson

Clyde Takagawa

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