JiHoo Lee

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Basic Information

Full Name: namu (Lee Ji Hoo)
Player: Soapie
Date of Birth: 16th of June
Age: 18
Journal: [[1]iikoreaii]
Height: 180cm
Weight: 59kg


Although tall and somewhat lanky, Ji Hoo often appears shorter than he is because of the baggy clothes he wears. He has a slender, but toned figure due to preparation for the obligatory military service in South Korea. His hairstyle, semi-long, is mostly worn into a loose ponytail at the bottom of his neck. He often opts to wear a hat over his head rather than style his hair. Smooth jaw line and long neck make up for a handsome profile.

namu's PB is lee ji hoo.


Ji Hoo grew up very quickly and has often felt like the adult in their family of three. He�s never felt the need to stand out, but somehow manages to. Like a sponge, he absorbs information fed to him with ease. He developed responsibility when taking care of his little sister and has applied it to most aspects of his life, including school. He is a person who expresses himself through actions, not through words. Although he loves his grandmother and his sister, he�s never felt like he had someone he could speak to or someone who could really relate to him. He�s secretly angered that he doesn�t know his father, that his mother became pregnant and widowed at such a young age, that he wasn�t old enough to properly take care of his family, that his mother remarried with a selfish man ridden by money, that his mother never took care of him like a mother should, that they moved to Seoul when he wanted to stay with their grandmother. He doesn�t understand his anger and pushes it back, represses it. It makes him seem cold and aloof because he doesn�t let things affect him. He is, however, a sweet guy deep down and would really just want to have fun.


Ji Hoo grew up in Busan with his mother (Lee YooMi) and her family before moving to Seoul when he entered high school. He has a sister three years his junior, Lee Eun Byul. His mother had him at a rather young age (21) and has always struggled to raise them as well as providing for them. It was their grandmother who took care of them, most of the time, and Ji Hoo has always felt closer to her than his actual mother, often absent from home. Simple-minded, young and inexperienced, YooMi often worked in bars or nightclubs and got herself in all the wrong relationships. Ji Hoo quickly grew distant from his mother when they moved to Seoul and took upon himself the role of raising his sister as well as taking care of his mother whenever she came back. He became friends with people of the streets, relating to common problems of family and money. Although considered somewhat of a delinquent, Ji Hoon has always been excellent in school and has won three scholarships in high school. It�s only in his third year that he decided to break away and use his scholarships. His mother remarried last year.

Other Information

Birth Location: Busan, South Korea.
Why Second Heaven?: He wanted to get away from home.
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: red, ramyeon, listening to music, chemistry.

Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: purple, nothing, shopping, Japanese.

Likes: graffiti, photography, smoking, walking, eating, sleeping, soju.
Dislikes: people who are driven by money, sodas gone flat, people that are too curious, uniforms, people who abuse of their authority/power.
Family: little sister (Lee Eun Byul), mother (Lee YooMi), grandmother, stepfather, unknown father.

School Information

Year: 3-1
Rank on testing: 5
Classroom: 3-1
History?: World History
Art?: Art
Science: Chemistry and Physics

Clubs and Sports
Photography Club


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