Joseph van Burace

From Secondheaven

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*'''[[Agustin Fujiwara|Agustín Fujiwara]]''' - Roommate.
*'''[[Agustin Fujiwara|Agustín Fujiwara]]''' - Roommate.
*'''[[Bailey Xiang Li]]''' - Friend.  Rather infatuated with.  Awkwardness at the moment due to stoned make-out session.
*'''[[Bailey Xiang Li]]''' - Friend.  Awkwardness at the moment due to stoned make-out session.
*'''[[Genevieve Bronson]]''' - Favorite teacher.
*'''[[Candide de Cunegonde de Roucher]]''' - Dated off and on in the past, mainly as a confidence booster.
*'''[[Candide de Cunegonde de Roucher]]''' - Dated off and on in the past, mainly as a confidence booster.
*'''[[Fusako Maruyama]]''' - Former make-out buddy.
*'''[[Fusako Maruyama]]''' - Former make-out buddy.
*'''[[Sebastian Shimizu-Bertrand]]''' - Friend and partner-in-smarm.
*'''[[Ezra Eremite]]''' - Considers him a friend, looks up to his photography skills.
*'''[[JiSoon Kang]]''' - Hit on him once thinking he was a she.  Oops.
*'''[[Mihai Benjamin Benedek]]''' - Respected him once.  Not so much anymore.
*'''[[Elia "Eleanor" Sridar]''' - Class president.  Same as above.

Revision as of 22:19, 6 July 2007

Name Joseph van Burace
Age 18
Birthday November 1st, 1988
Home San Diego, California.
Height 6' 4" / 1-- cm
Weight 190 lbs / 86.2 kg
Family Father (Frederick), mother (Alanna), brother (James).
Languages Fluent: English, Spanish Conversational: French Lame: Japanese
Visible Marks None.
Not readily visible Marks Tattoo of the hanzhi for 'Serenity' on his upper left arm.
Year 3
Rank 10
Dorm 2-G
History Local/Japanese History
Elective Art
Science or Humanities Humanities
Extracurriculars American Football, Football, Photo, Anime.
Played By Hayden Christensen.
Journal nakedbootleg



A handsome young man with blonde hair, blue eyes and a ready smile. Joseph's hair looks slightly mussed most of the time, but that's because of the waviness that he can't quite get rid of. He also knows how and when to dress sharply, but prefers to dress comfortably when not in uniform.


Joseph was born to follow in his father's footsteps. At least, that's how dear ol' dad puts it. Intelligent, handsome, charming, athletic- he's his father's son. At least, that's how dear ol' dad puts it.

Joseph's father made his fortune with shrewd investing in the real estate market long before the giant boom of the late 90's-early 00's (which only made him richer, really). He was also an accomplished athlete in high school and college (Yale, thank you very much).

And Joseph, being the first-born, was to follow in his footsteps. Diligently, Joseph has done all that he can to follow in his father's shadow, even if in truth he doesn't want to. His mother is of no help, really. She's the prototypical trophy socialite wife whose responsibility to her children ended when- as she so eloquently put it one fine evening when she got nice and drunk- she shat them out.

Joseph, then, was mainly raised by a nanny. He and his younger brother have never been particularly close.

So he welcomes the opportunity to be far away from his parents' influence, even if he has continued to allow himself to be molded in his father's image. Joseph's too comfortable in his persona to really want to dispose of it just yet.

Of late, he's been indulging in a passion he's had but has never found the opportunity to express- Photography.


Keywords: Friendly, easy-going, charming

Friendly, easy-going and some would say charming, Joseph is the kind of person that makes friends reasonably easily. He seems pretty down to earth for a jock, and even seems to keep up with his work, diligently. He does have a sort of weak spot for the ladies, and he's seldom seen without some sort of companionship over the first two years at Second Heaven. The sight of Joseph by himself has become increasingly more frequent in his third year, but there doesn't seem to be any change to his outward behavior.

Other Information

Why Second Heaven?

His parents could afford it. And he'd always wanted to study abroad and get the hell away from his dad. This works out perfectly.

Favorites and Likes

  • Color Green
  • Food Any kind of pasta
  • Activity Taking photographs
  • Subject Art
  • Other Likes Women, solitude, playing the guitar, taking pictures of people.

Least Favorites and Dislikes

  • Color Blue
  • Food Most red meats
  • Activity Attending rallies
  • Subject Science
  • Other Dislikes Being stereotyped (IRONY), having so many expectations.



  • NONE
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