Sebastian Shimizu-Bertrand

From Secondheaven

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Name: Sebastian Shimizu-Bertrand
Age: 18
Birthday: 9th May 1989
Height: 1.78m
Weight: 65 kg
Classroom 3-1 [Science Major, does Chemistry (Main), Physics (Secondary) & World History; Chess Club, Fencing and Judo]

Character AIM: inpsyched
Character Journal: weatheredghosts
CR Post: Sebastian Shimizu-Bertrand

He's the one you see

Visible Markings: Calluses on his palms and feet.
Not readily visible Markings: A birthmark to the right of base of his spine, which is surrounded by a small tattoo. The tattoo is circular in design and features two cranes wrapping themselves around the birthmark.
Appearance: Unlike his brothers, Sebastian isn’t a pretty boy, nor is he roguishly handsome. From certain angles, his features look a little too sharp for him to be considered strikingly good looking. At best, he’s only “a little handsome”.

Seb takes care to make sure that he is presentable at all times. Comfort comes first though, and whenever possible, he can often be found without his school blazer on (likely hanging over his arm), and the sleeves of his shirt rolled to his elbows. His tie will be on but it’s likely to be hanging as loosely as is acceptable – ties make Seb uncomfortable because he feels like he’s being choked to death – with the first two or three buttons of his shirt left undone.

You wish you knew

Favourite Color/Food/Activity!/Subject: Monotones/Curry/Tie between mucking things up and people watching/World History
Least Favourite Color/Food/Activity!/Subject: Bubblegum or bright colours/Vegetables/Being forced to sit for tests/Physics
Other Likes: Soursop on ice or soursop juice/strong, black coffee/instigating and irritating people – he reckons it is the fastest measure of judging a person’s character/people who are willing to take risks, who think outside of the box, who are capable and aren’t afraid to achieve what they can/common sense/studying social politics/Namie Amuro – he won’t admit it but he thinks she is the epitome of what hot is.
Other Dislikes: You. Just kidding. Doesn’t like people who are overly emotional, and people who seem to fill their lives with angst, angst, and more dramatic angst/Peanut butter/Surprise tests/Tests in general/His tie (he thinks its sole mission in life is to try and choke him to death)/ briefs (he thinks his boys should be allowed some breathing space)
Languages Known: Fluent in English, French, Japanese.

Personality: Sebastian definitely does not have a moral compass of conventional standards. He’s got his own rules and his own values and proclaims “Fuck it” to everything else (within means). He’s friendly and amiable enough but you won’t see him volunteering to help someone out of a fix. If anything, he thinks that people should be capable enough to get themselves out of whatever shit holes they’ve dug for themselves. While he’s not beyond manipulating someone else for his own means, he isn’t malicious. Given his exceptional curiosity regarding human behaviour, he sometimes instigates quarrels or awkward situations to see how people react. The bottom line to remember is that Seb is a watcher, and he doesn’t really give a rat’s arse about you.

The things that make him

Birth Location: Paris, France
Why Second Heaven?: Because he thinks it is the only school challenging enough for him. Also, it means he can get away from home.
Family: Father (Avram Bertrand), Mother (Yuko Shimizu), older twin brothers Benjamin and Benedict (both five years older), and a younger brother Sean (three years younger). Benedict has a son born out of wedlock named Rishi (two years old; Sebastian named the kid, a fact that he is immensely proud of) with his live-in girlfriend Amy.

History: Sebastian Shimizu-Bertrand was born into the family on a particularly bright and sunny day. That ridiculously useless fact aside, all the Shimizu-Bertrand children were taught to be independent from a young age and Sebastian was no different. Sebastian’s parents were young when they started having children and worked long hours to ensure they could afford a comfortable lifestyle for their family. As a result, it was not unusual to see the children working independently at their homework and helping to take care of each other. There were helpers around the house but generally, the children managed sufficiently well enough without them (except in the way of laundry, household chores and meals). This aside, Seb’s parents did try their best to make sure they spent some time with each and every one of their children even if time was scarce.

Trouble started when his older brothers entered Second Heaven High. Benjamin, who was usually the goody-two-shoes, began to find reasons to rebel and took it upon himself to question authority whenever and wherever he could. To Benjamin, rules were arbitrary words used to lord one’s power over another. He thought that in order to find his place in the world and what he was to accomplish, it was vital to question the way of the world. Benedict, who used to be the unruly child, was suddenly thrust into the level-headed position and this swapping of roles did not always sit well with him. What resulted was a strained relationship between the Shimizu-Bertrand elders and their bright, young boys. Efforts were made to bridge the quickly deteriorating relationship, and boundaries were pushed to their limits. During this time, Sebastian witnessed how once healthy relationships could break down and tried to make sure that Sean was never exposed to any outbursts of anger and quarrels. Thankfully, things began to settle down once his brothers were past their angst-ridden phase of life and things started to look up again.

Sebastian realizes that it is his turn to walk through that phase of life and is determined not to let his hot emotions lead to potentially destructive behaviour. Having learnt how his actions may affect family life and others, he has taken to being the well-behaved son and model student. It’s like a business transaction: He makes sure his grades are good and that he does not cause trouble for his parents, which leaves him free to pursue his own interests. Still, that underlying streak of rebelliousness that plagued his brothers, which he now feels, can be difficult to manage but he does the best he can.

Sebastian Shimizu-Bertrand is an original character created by R solely for the purposes of Second Heaven. He's played by Nishikido Ryo and no profit is being made from the use of his image. No copyright infringement intended.

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