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Player Info

Name: R/Raven</br> E-mail: ravenwhitesong [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk
Player AIM: ravenwhitesong
Player Journal: whiteravensong

Character Info

Name: Alma Liang Sima
Age: 17
Birthday: 11th February 1990
Height: 5’5 (1.64 m)
Weight: 105.82 lbs (48 kg)

Visible Markings: A faint scar above her left eyebrow, and bruises on her shins from bumping into her table/chair/bed one too many times.

Appearance: Alma keeps her long dark tresses up in a scruffy pony tail – its length sometimes bothers her but she can’t be bothered to get a proper haircut. She doesn’t have perfect vision, but since her eyesight isn’t that bad, Alma does without her spectacles (thin, frameless) when she can – which just happens to be most of the time. Physique wise, she’s lean from years of running around and roughing it out with her cousin. In addition, she’s got pierced ears, which she adorns with simple green studs and has a simple anklet she wears on her left ankle at all times.

RL PB: Rainie Yang Cheng Lin
Character AIM: for the apples
Character Journal: applesoul
CR Page: Alma Liang Sima

History Not many people know, but she would have had an older brother had her mother not suffered a miscarriage. Her parents gave her the Chinese name he was meant to have, and placed their aspirations for him onto her.

As a requisite of her parents’ jobs, her family frequently shifted from city to city, moving from Vancouver to Taiwan and finally, to London. This nomadic lifestyle meant that the only constants in her life were change and Raphael, her older cousin who lived with the family. As a young child, Alma was shy, solemn, and found it hard to socialise. The only person she could confide in was Raphael, and with his encouragement, she soon outgrew her awkwardness and gained confidence, blossoming into an easy-going, sociable girl. Despite this, her family never stayed long at any given location, making it hard for her to solidify any fleeting friendships she may have forged.

By the time Raphael was sent off to Second Heaven, she was more independent and had little trouble getting by without having to rely on him. Still, his companionship was sorely missed and she had trouble getting used to his absence in the household. She got her chance to join him in his boarding school fun when she scored well enough on the entrance exams to qualify for Second Heaven. Now in her second year, Raphael has graduated and moved on, whereas Alma has finally, for most part, found some measure of stability for herself.

Personality When she’s actually awake enough to be interacting in class, people will find that Alma’s a pretty laid back and easy going girl. Playful and restless, she’d rather spend her time hanging out on the tracks or running around with the boys than the girls. This is partly her cousin’s fault – as kids, she was treated like one of the boys and her playmates then hardly gave any thought to the fact that she was a girl, resulting in a definitive lack of femininity in Alma’s character.

Because of this, Alma also has certain difficulties relating to females of her age and her relationships with females often lack the playful camaraderie she shares with the boys. She doesn’t understand the “mysterious allure” of boys they often speak about, nor does she understand why their voices become particularly soft and high pitched, or why their personalities become soft and obliging once they’re around the opposite sex. She’d rather curse, swear, jump around and play rough with the boys.

Alma can also get pretty vocal when she wants to be and this mince-no-words attitude of hers sometimes gets her into trouble – more often with girls than with boys. The way she sees it, boys are easier to get along with and aren’t as manipulative or psychotic as some girls tend to be.

Whilst she’s immensely laidback, this doesn’t mean she’s unmotivated; it’s just that she’s what you would call the antithesis of an obsessive-compulsive neurotic. Likewise, she dreams big, but knows it’s hard to eke out a successful living in this competitive world. The way she sees it, the world’s too anal - it doesn’t need anymore speed and just needs to take it easy. In the grand scheme of things, she believes she’ll achieve her dreams in time to come: after all, slow and steady wins the race. Lackadaisical attitude aside, she can be focused and driven once she’s set her sights on something she really wants immediately – like bullying Max into another race.

School Info Classroom 2-1; World History, Music (drums!!!), Track, Hockey.


Birth Location: Vancouver, Canada.
Why Second Heaven?: Raphael schooled and graduated with honours from Second Heaven. Given this, her parents thought it would be fitting if she was educated Second Heaven as well. Personally, she wanted to go to Second Heaven because she missed Raphael’s company.
Favourite Color/Food/Activity!/Subject: Green/Honeydew/Gaming/History
Least Favourite Color/Food/Activity!/Subject: Pink/Spinach/Shopping/Home Ec
Other Likes: Chocolate sticks, pomelo tea, spicy foods, running, temporary tattoos, graphic novels, bullying Max into racing with her
Other Dislikes: Losing her pens (which she almost always does), whiny people, spoilt people, Guessing games, pranks, Sailor Constellation (with a passion)
Not readily visible Markings: Birthmark on her right hip.
Family: Both paternal and maternal grandparents, parents. Older cousin Raphael (2 years older) and a deceased brother (1 year older). Extended family is huge.
Languages Known: English, Mandarin, Japanese and is currently learning German.

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