
From Secondheaven

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(Clyde Takagawa)
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===Clyde Takagawa===
===Clyde Takagawa===
<br>Journal:</b> [ interseptur]<br>
<b>Journal:</b> [ interseptur]<br>
<b>Homeroom:</b> 2-3<br>
<b>Homeroom:</b> 2-3<br>
<b>Rank:</b> 54<br>
<b>Rank:</b> 54<br>

Revision as of 00:41, 30 April 2007

Here every pre-existing character prior to game-start gets to edit in their reputation.

Yes. YOU.

This page will be unpoliced, but all we ask is that you edit it in in Alphabetical order in the style that the Modly Type Snapple had edited in.

For Teachers and Class Presidents/Reps this page is MANDATORY.

LOVE ♥!!



Sascha Holloway-Lagus

Journal: darktivity
Years at Establishment: 8
Subject Taught: PE

Nasty Rumours? That he's capable of chopping off people's heads -- this is of course contributed to the guillotine tattoo on the nape of his neck.

Reputation: During rotation Sascha will bust you on anything. We're talking anything. Pop your gum loud enough by his quarters and bam, detention. Music too loud? Bam, detention. (By the way, if he can hear the lyrics? It's considered a noise ordinance to his crochety ass and he'll bust you doubly hard.) He goes so far as to try and bust the girls for midriffs - but to no avail. His weeks are the weeks of hell discipline wise...

But for the athletically inclined, every night he runs the dorms there's a midnight sport of his choice held out by the greenhouse. Down, dirty, skirmishes - a good place for people to just hang out. The teams are as large as they need to be, and on the last day of his 2 weeks he himself breaks the rules and holds a small bonfire. (Though he's gotten it preapproved, he never openly says so, and pretends it's a huge secret.)

The Occult Club kids can find their weeks relatively incident/report free.

His star sports players find their weeks extra strict.

As an Instructor: Sascha is known to push people so hard they sometimes break - and if they do, and they're female, and they cry, they're often taken out for ice cream after school mysteriously and with guilty conscience. This has given him a sort of undercurrent of responsibility and kindness that his students may have heard of - but most he takes out for ice cream he makes them promise on pain of not receiving the treat that they tell no one of his insurrection.

To the Occult Club kids he plays obvious favourites, often going so far as to try to develop lasting relationships with them.

To the kids who seem lost and homesick, lonely or inauthentic, Sascha also secretly reaches out - he remembers that feeling all-too-well.

In the end, Sascha honestly loves teaching, loves his job, and loves physical activity. He's only hard on those that put no emphasis to it, or those with no natural talent.

About those clubs... He runs Basketball, Football, and Occult Club. His teams are the flagships of the school, in fact, and when in intramurals with private schools around the area are often tops.

Althaea Chen Keaulani

Journal: butterflypaint
Years at Establishment: 4
Subject taught: Art

Nasty Rumours? That she has bedded at least half of the school between faculty and teachers. Naturally any student trying to join the ranks of the lucky will find that the rumors seem to indeed be false!

Reputation: During her rotation weeks, Althaea's pretty lenient. She'll warn you (and probably give a brief lecture) if she catches you doing something wrong, though she's usually not as lenient a second time - get caught once and she'll go easy on you; get caught twice and she'll start thinking of the consequences for herself if she doesn't write a report. Generally though she doesn't 'catch' anything unless she is informed or flat out runs into someone doing something - she's a fan of looking the other way when it comes to things like students making out in a hidden corner.

Anything illegal does get reported though, so don't even try to bring drugs to school!

As an Instructor: If you're an Art student, you'll find yourself with a flexible teacher, but strict in terms of grading - you'll hardly get anything less than a C with her unless you never show up and never turn anything in, but getting grades above a B+ would take more than just talent - she doesn't care how talented you are, she cares that you make an effort. If you do, and you turn everything in, you'll be doing just fine - although A+s tend to be reserved to only those with exceptional works, sorry!

She's a polite and charismatic person in class and won't try to turn your life into hell (unlike that grumpy Mr. Caine). She likes talking and will engage in friendly conversations with the more talkative students, and generally leave the not-so-talkative ones alone. She's usually either in her office or the studio when not teaching, and always available if you want to ask something or need help with something.

About those clubs... Althaea runs the Anime Club, and is very much an otaku. She is open to long-winded, detailed discussions about anything anime with the club members, and will lend you her collection of anime DVDs if you ask nicely.


Syao Li Wei Jia

Journal: sawitonyourkeys
Homeroom: 1-1
Rank: 2
Started In: N/A
Nasty Rumors? N/A
Embarassing Moments? N/A... FOR NOW.
Reputation: So far only known as Mao Shi's crazy sister.

Sei Matsuura

Journal: drilledahole
Homeroom: 2-1
Rank: 3
Started In: 1-1, Rank 3
Nasty Rumors? "Matsuura's so busy because he works." So far, no one who actually has corroborative evidence has come forward.

"Penna's boyfriend dumped her because of Sei!" At the dance, directly after her scene on the floor, she went over to Sei's fortune telling booth.

  • Evidence For:
Sei calls her Penna, and refrains from using first names from almost anyone else
Doesn't Sei actually see her outside school? He doesn't see anyone outside school.
Sei will eat lunch with her sometimes and he usually avoids us all!
They're both not affectionate people so it works that we wouldn't see anything public!
  • Evidence Against:
Penna doesn't seem really affectionate...
Neither does Sei...

Embarassing Moments? Sei has a good cap on his public image.
Reputation: A strict, no-fucking-around, cold, distant perfectionist, Sei handles everything he does with an air of focus. He's known for blowing people off if they get too close but he usually prevents that - and he manages to be friendly and kind, so he's not an asshole, just not interested. He refuses to use first names without prior knowledge and he finds your insistance that he does rude.

He lives with his mom in the city, and he will use this as leverage to get out of any social outing ever known. Most know the answer to requests to hang with Sei: "Sorry, gotta go home to my mother."

He's known to be way-too-into his astrology, stubborn about respecting Sridar on the football field, and to be close to Miss Ayers.

Candide de Roucher

Yngve Sverreson

Journal: skaal
Homeroom: 1-2
Rank: 30
Started In: N/A
Nasty Rumors? N/A
Embarassing Moments? N/A
Reputation: Sat around in the hallways during move-in and interviewed/interrogated as many people as possible.

Clyde Takagawa

Journal: interseptur
Homeroom: 2-3
Rank: 54
Started In: 2-1, Rank 9
Nasty Rumors? CONFIRMED TRUE: Clyde is the youngest son of the founder, Harold Arrowny, and lives in a compound in Schubert! Embarassing Moments? Clyde was outed by Penna after the Semester break, when she revealed she'd seen him going home. He flipped out in the middle of class about it, honestly.

During one of the Festivals last year, he broke a blood capsule too early and sent it flying all over the classroom.

He once lost it on a girl about her make-up, and publically revealed just how much he knew about it to the 1-1ers.
Reputation: Too loud for his own good asshole, who probably lies about a lot more than he lets on. He's considered a spoiled rich kid now, and has to fight against that reputation as much as possible.

After appearing in the SH magazine in his last year in Visual Kei garb he's also known as a crossdresser, but it's still alarming when he's caught in it day-to-day - he avoids full-out dress on campus to avoid shit-talking and other such unpleasantries.

He's known for ditching almost anything and for trying to talk his way out of near anything.

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