Partygoer Invasion

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OG: If I'm being honest, this was quite a nice break from moderating all of those children. Having to delete those terrible pages all day, dealing with lovely comments in my message wall... If I knew that it was this peaceful before, I would be here already.
Movie: Yeah, we've been in space for 2 years, chilling out. You could say that we retired.
'OG: True, wonder how it's all going. Probably those kids already blew up the wiki already, nothing much to save from there.
Egglord: Don't worry about it, it will all be fine if we never hear from it again.
Puppybork: Tenemos una transmisión desde la tierra, eggy!
Egglord: Really? Show me, I bet they are fine...
Puppybork: Sí, pero por lo que sabemos, podrían estar en algún tipo de problema.
SetaCraft: (Playing StarCraft)
Transmission Starting
Hello, my name is Walther Wither, there has been an invasion of those kids, and the infection is spreading rapidly as well, to the point where adults are being infected. Over one billion have been infected!?
You see, my name has a curse, which is when you turn 25 you wither away. That is my true life story, hope you enjoyed it. Anyways, we need some people to help us get rid of them, wherever you went. Soulsorrow, Seta, OG, Puppybork, Sylaslol, Egglord, Moviesign, help us, we need you more than ever, and only you can stop it.
(connection terminated)
3/3/23 Soulsorrow: What should we do? It seems that they need us.
Puppybork: Creo que es bastante obvio...
OG: Well, as a mod, we should always be willing to help, right?
MovieSign: Holy-
Puppybork: Oh buen dios, ¿qué diablos pasó?
Movie: God dammit, and we were about to pass kepler...
Everyone: Aww man what the fu- eEEEAHHHHHHHHH- NOOOOO-
Egglord: *coughs*
As they head off to get back to earth, havoc is still being rekt upon the world.
11:20 PM, somewhere under North America
[A device starts beeping...]
E6621275: I never thought this day would come...
E6621275: They left us 2 years ago... I thought they would never come back.
E6621275: I need to prepare, and tell the others that the mods are finally back. There may be a chance to save this world after all...
Руссиа: Ит ис тиме (it is time)...
Back to the mods
Puppybork: Ey papi's, found this perro video!
SoulSorrow: Oh? Mind if I see it?
Egglord: Go ahead, papi!
SoulSorrow: Thanks, also since when did you speak-
(Egglord covers SoulSorrow's mouth and whispers into his ear, idk mafia stuff or something, who am I to know?)
Movie: How long until we reach earth, Hol?
Hol 950: 1 month, Dave.
SoulSorrow: Move your slow ass faster, dumb bot.
Hol 950: Don't make me break the laws of robotics, Pasta.
SetaCraft: Damn...
Puppybork: You a cannibal?
Egglord: Yeah...
OG: Smh Egglord, and I thought you were a good mod. That's why I prefer Knafflad.
Hol 950: Here's some advice, Dave. You can shut the fuck and fucking wait until we land into earth you piece of-
(30 second timeout)
OG: Let me see Earth through the scope- Oh God, this can't be good at all...
Puppybork: Ay yi yi, no bueno...
SetaCraft: Uh, wow...
Egglord: This is insane. How did it get here? How?
OG: No idea...
In a bunker underground in Asia, 12:08
Bill: What the fuck? This infection is worse than Class Deadzone levels.
Normal: I know. For now, let's stay here. If we go outside without anything, it will be a Class 5.
Suddenly, partygoers raid the bunker.
Normal: Holy fuck, forget about it. LET'S GO, RUN.
Bill: ON IT.
After they fled the whole country:
Normal: I have contact to E66!
Bill: Great, talk to him.
Normal: Hey, this is Normal. where the fuck are you?
E66: I'm in the gun continent with Руссиа right now, Partygoers are everywhere.
Normal: I'm driving a plane right in, contact me later.
E66: Got it, good luck.
Normal: You're way better without your AMOGUS self.
E66: Thanks for the compliment. I'll contact you soon.
Ink: Hey!
Normal: Woah, you're back?! Well, uhh... welcome back, Ink.
Ink: I have to go call Infinite and Crimson real quick, see y'all.
Normal: Cya.
Bill: C'mon, we need to find them now.
Somewhere in Europe
Infinite: This is some nice tea, my fellow companion.
Crimson: Indubitably, dear partner.
Ink: Ah yes sire, fine tea for fancy British men.
[chuckles and snorts]
Infinite: Ah, quite fine morning in a quite fine place...
[phone rings]
Infinite: Ah? Why who could be calling us at this time of the afternoon?
[picks up]
Ink: Hello? Hello hello?
Infinite: Why hello good sir, how do you do on this fabulous day?
Ink: My day is horrible. We need some support, the mods are coming back.
[spits out tea]
Infinite: THE MODS? Good god, I just realized we aren't British anymore, We are the thread mods!
Ink: Indeed, my good friend. We still need quick assistance.
Infinite: I'll surely help, Ink. See you later.
The Coolcolapple Mafia
[radar pings]
?: It's been a long time since I've seen that dirty perro, slick son of a bastard.
?: They are finally coming back, what a surprise.
NatstarHOOO: Those assholes are back? How unexpected…
NatstarHOOO: And by that I mean completely expected.
Random Member 2: Hold it, they should join my Discord!
Random Member 1: Yes!
?: Shut up, idiots. I'm trying to dox myself because I'm trying to reveal my location to bring them here.
ARealWeirdGirl: Idiot, is this even worth it?
[unknown character turns out to be...]
Coolcolapple: Shut up. You are the idiot around here, not me.
Normal: What the fuck do you think you're doing here, you bunch of underage piece of shits?
Coolcolapple: And you are?
Normal: My name is Normal, contributor to th-
Coolcolapple: Boring...
Normal: I have a fucking gun.
Coolcolapple: Boring... wait, what?
[an intense shootout happens for minutes]
Normal: They are probably dead, now time to get to the mods.
Puppybork: ¿Eh? ¿Qué demonios es esto? Alguien se doxó a sí mismo...
OG: Mano, só pode ser ele...
Puppybork: Solo alguien sería tan estúpido como para hacer esa mierda.
Egglord and Movie: It can't be...
Puppybork: Ese hijo de puta Coolcolapple.
[gasps are heard all around the mods]
Puppybork: Yes, it's true. That dirty bastard decided to reveal himself again.
SetaCraft: So, what are we going to do about that?
Sylaslol: I really couldn't know less. I'll stay trying to beat my words per minute record.
Hol 950: I am back, Dave. I will not put up with this shit anymore.
Hol 950: We will arrive in around 30 seconds.
Egglord: Finally...
Movie: Here we go.
Normal: Why am I here?
Egglord: If you don't know it why would I?
[blast off]
Why do Cardboard Men exist?
Fan1: Fun =)
Fan2: Fun =)
Fan1: Fun =)
Fan3: Fu-
Fan1 and Fan2: Shut up, idiot.
[multiple shots land on all 3 fanboys]
E66: Well, we got rid of them.
Руссиа: Индеед (indeed.)
Руссиа: Бут, вхат до ве до ас оф нов? (Well, what do we do now?)
E66: I don't really know… just wait for them to come back, maybe?
Руссиа: Ах, ок (Ah, ok)
E66: Just, will we still survive by the time they get here?
Руссиа: Дон'т ворры, ит вилл бе фине. (Don't worry, it will be fine)
Руссиа: Ве стилл ремаин фор а реасон. (There is a reason we still remain)
E66: Wait, I got a call.
Normal: E66, I'm with the mods.
E66: Great. Try to track down the core of what is happening right now.
Normal: It seems it's coming from the Backrooms, there's a hole to the Frontrooms in The Void.
E66: Got it, see you later.
Normal: Cya.
Somewhere in Asia
Partygoer: FUN (=
Builder: Not now, I'm playing Roblox...
Partygoer: Come to Level Fun (=
Builder: I said that I'm playing Roblox!
Defender: Bro, shut up!
Defender: THEN KILL IT!
Partygoer 1 & 2: One of us, one of us, one of-
Builder and Defender: SHUT UP!!
Partygoer 1: Just like that?
Partygoer 2: [throws knife]
Builder: Ow!
Defender: [shoots partygoers with machine guns]
Defender: Bro?
Builder: Shut up, I'm alive.
Defender: Whatever, man...
Builder: Oh, someone is calling.
Normal: Hey Builder.
Builder: What's up?
Normal: You have weapons available, right?
Builder: Yeah.
Normal: Get to The Void, there is a hole in The Void that is causing this. I'm with the moderators right now.
Builder: Got it.
Builder: Defender, prepare yourself.
Defender: Ok.
[2 hours later]
Builder: I see the hole and—there are even more Partygoers?
Defender: [going nuts on the machine gun]
Builder: [silent]
Defender: [continues]
Normal: Builder, you know there are still a ton of Partygoers outside the Void, right?
Builder: Aw shit...
Somewhere in Trinidad.
Partygoers: Fun =). Fun .Fun .Fun .Fun .Fun. Fun. Fun .Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun. f-Fun... fun... fun... fun... fun... fun... fun... t-too hot....
Corrupt: First time, eh bhai?*eats doubles* Lemme put yuh outta yuh misery... [bonk]
Corrupt: Poor fella... right guys? Damn, I'm the only one here... You know what? Time to go to the all-time great place known as the one the only America! REEEE-
Someplace in China, 11(h):45(m):14(s)
RBTLRBTL: 没想到派行者感染居然是真的。。。。。。(I can't believe that the partygoers infections are real...)
RBTLRBTL: 我觉得我得出马了,尽管我居住的地方还没有这种现象发生,但是周围已经一个接一个的沦陷了。。。。。。唇亡齿寒可不行!(I think I have to do something, even though where I live is still safe, but surroundings are breaking down... Without the lips, the teeth feel the cold!)
RBTLRBTL: Hello? Is there M3Builder18 speaking?... Oh, damn it, he is in somewhere completely unknown...
RBTLRBTL: 我找找我家的那几本“聊斋志异”还在不在。。。。。。什么玩意,上面怎么可能有“派行者”呢!但试试总比不试强。。。。。。(Let me see if I can find my liaozhaizhiyi in my home... Heck no, Partygoers can't be on this book! But at least I have tried...)
[30 minutes later]
RBTLRBTL: 居然还真的有!上面说“派行者侵入也,其缘为网络沉迷与心智尚幼,二者去其一,此难可解”。(I can't believe that I really find something on this ancient book! It says "Ye Partygoer infaru, hit wesan gedon in internet overdose ge cild, gif an in hie beon hindrian, þeos wyrd cunnan beon beginnan".)
RBTLRBTL: 这要怎么办呢。。。。。。(Bu
Somewhere in Siberia
Obbyxx: That's a pretty nice tea that Doctor has made!
DoctorIGP: Thanks. Thank God the partygoers didn't make it here yet.
Colors: Yeah, that would be a problem. Anyways, how much the portal will take us?
DoctorIGP: Around a few months. And I only agreed to anime because we don't have time for tridimensional things.
Obbyxx: Oh, so should I start calling others?
Colors: Nah, they should be fine.
Obbyxx: Kinda rude, but ok.
Rubelmans: Yo, I am back- and oh, can I have some tea?
DoctorIGP: Yeah, sure. Just do not spill it, ok?
Rubelmans: I am not an idiot. Also, I've seen something interesting.
Others: What was it?
Rubelmans: Probably a military camp for Russian soldiers. It was rich in resources and self-defense items.
[Rubelmans unzips the bag]
DoctorIGP: Wow. This should speed up the construction of the portal.
Obbyxx: And give us some time, since we can terminate Partygoers when they arri-
Colors: Did you really forget we live in the surface, and we don't even have a lot of people to help us? Sure; we can defend first waves, but when they start infesting these terrains, we have no chance.
Obbyxx: Well, Doctor, our life relies on you.
DoctorIGP: And I will not let us down.
Rubelmans: Great. Also, another hands to help would be useful, yeah?
Obbyxx: True, Rubels. I will go tomorrow find some help.
[night approaches]
Doctor: And that was a lucky day for us.
Others: True.
The next day
Doctor: Hello Obb- who is that?
Obbyxx: He is Mean Water, I've found him in a crashed train.
Rubelmans: He looks suspicious.
[obby looks at the water again]
Obbyxx: You have a point Rubel, we should be very careful with him.
Mean Water: Bruh, like I just wanted a safe place, and you are treating me like a refugee when Obbyxx told me I can feel safe here....
DoctorIGP: Well, you can always leave us and suffer outside!
Mean Water: Well, I would rather THAT than being treated like-
Colors: Who the fuck woke me up?! I had a very coo-
[Mean Water leaves]
Colors: Well Obbyxx, mission failed?
Chifeng, China
Loly: [runs intensely]
Multi: Bro, can you slow down a bit? I'm not on my best days, man...
Loly: I have a reason to run.
Multi: Remind me where we're going again? Serbia? I don't think Serbia's north of us.
Loly: It's Siberia, you blockhead. And we're going there because there are people there and partygoers all around – ON YOUR LEFT!
Multiple gunshots ring out in the night, before silence ensues.
Multi: Now I know why we have to run. Three of them? When do we hit Russia?
Loly: If we keep up the pace, we reach Mongolia in a week and a half. From there, we take the other transports.
Multi: Why haven't we taken anything yet? As far as I know, we can backtrack to Shenyang for a plane, instead of having to do all this running. I also cannot fly a plane.
Loly: Don't you think I would if I could? China has been almost overrun. As far as I know, the CCP have retreated to Korea, but that's not our problem. We have to reach Siberia first.
Multi: If you say so.
Travel ensues.
Days after, nearing Siberia
Multi: How long till camp? I want to actually take a shower.
Loly: I doubt there is one where we're going. Those guys don't care about hygiene, especially that Rubel guy who contacted me.
Another hour of silent driving passes, broken only by the occasional gunshots of doomed russian survivors.
Loly: Here we are.
Multi: It's ON THE SURFACE?!?
Loly: You expected them to be in like a nuclear bunker or something?
Multi: Well, at least not in a random house with no mounted f12k's or something!
Loly: Not even going to respond to that. Let's meet the other survivors. Maybe they're already dead.
On that happy thought, they enter the building.
Central Ukraine
???: O-oh, s-so th-ese f-fools thought that I am d-dead? W-well...
???: Maybe most of my mafia is done..
CoolcolApple: But I am not yet. Tukaty! Track down the mods! NatStar! Get as many members as possible and prepare armory!
Tukaty and Natstar: Yes sir!
CoolcolApple: I did it wrongly last time. But this time, the CoolColApple Mafia will be a glorious group known for wiping out partygoers and ruling the world!
CoolcolApple: But first, I need to assassinate the Normal guy...
Backrooms Pacive Scientist: Yo Coolcol, Tukaty woke me up. Want to take revenge on the mods in some time?
CoolcolApple: Oh, sure! We just need to prepare. Maybe we do not have such good technologies like them, but we will get a Soviet-tier military, and then we'll take on. But first...
Tukaty: You need to murder Normal? I know how to do that easily.
CoolCol: How?
Tukaty: E66.
Coolcol: Holy Flip! How did you convince him?
Tukaty: I just did a pro gamer move.
Also Tukaty: He accidentally made a loud noise which attracted a lot of Partygoers, now the rest of the colony is treating him like a literal stranger, slaving and discriminating him. He called me which woke me up, and he said he can do anything for us just to leave his hellhole.
Backrooms Pacive Scientist: Damn bro, we can start the operation after he makes the evacuation plan.
Coolcol: Tukaty, tell him about everything. And also track down mods.
Tukaty: Yes, sir!
Coolcol: Wow, we are so very lucky this time.
Backrooms Pacive Scientist: I would not be so sure. This is onl-
Coolcol: Well, unlike for us, the beginning was unlucky for you, Scientist.
Ukrainian-Russian border
CoolcolApple: Here we are. Once we step foot in these russian lands, the supplies of high-grade military weapons will be endless!
Tukaty: Don't forget, we still have to find E66.
Coolcol: That can wait. the priority of supplying the CoolColApple mafia is first in line.
They see a shadowy figure lurking near one of the abandoned ticket booths.
Coolcol: Did you see that? There is most likely a person here, alone and easy to mug! Come!
Tukaty: What? I couldn't see it. Where-
He breaks off as the figure steps into the light.
Tukaty: Colors-?
Colors: Hands up. I am not sure whether anyone near our camp can be trusted.points m9
Coolcol: Relax, its just me!
Colors: What are you doing in Russia anyways?
Coolcol: Uhh, nothing, I mean, uh, sightseeing?
Colors: at this time? laughable.
Colors fires, but misses
Colors: I thought Obbyxx or Doctor got rid of you arleady.
Tukaty accidentally drops one of the loads of magazine clips, spilling them on the floor.
Colors: *picks up a clip* Ah, I see. Trying to reinstate the mafia? You'll never get close to Siberia. We won't- Ah truck I revealed our location.
Coolcol: Ol' Siberia, eh? Isn't that near Romania?
Tukaty: Its Siberia, not Serbia. Plus, its a big stretch of land, not a small country.
Colors: See you in hell, Coolcol. You'll never stop the mods!
Colors fires rapidly, Coolcol flees
Brazil Group Call
OG: Aye Feiti, are you aware of everything that's going on currently?
Feitidede: Unfortunately man, things aren't good here either. The only people that I were with disappeared, and my armaments are ending fast.
OG: What about you, Orange? Haven't heard of you in some months...
Orangeuwu: Honestly, I can't say that things are going much better here, but me and my family are ok, and that's what matters.
OG: True... I'm currently with the content mods and some other people here, we are receiving signals of the Fandom members all around the dimensions. If anything happens, I'll keep y'all updated.
Sigmamunnist dog: Cabo Daciolo is truly better than Bolsonaro man...
OG: Nice to see that you're alive and well, but return to Liminal Archives bro, this is too much for you to handle.
Sigmamunnist dog: But Portugual bad...
OG: True, but go to there, it's for your own safety.
A lot of noises can be heard from Feitidede's transmission.
Feitidede: Alright boys, it's time for me to go. I'll call y'all soon.
OG: Cya.
Orangeuwu: Cya.
In some alternate anime world
???: もしかして、私たちの街の中心部で最近出現した奇妙な物体を見ましたか。(Have you seen the strange object that has recently appeared in the center of our city?)
???: まあ、見たともww。(逆にこんな大人数が見たのに、私だけが見てないわけないいやん。(Well, sure! Almost everyone has seen it, it's impossible not to.)
???: 何かのポータル的なものがあると聞いたことがあるのですが・・・。(I've heard that it looks like some kind of portal...)
???: 不思議ですね。(Strange.)
???: これはもしかして、他のユニバースの存在の証拠かもしれません。(This could confirm the existence of other universes.)
???: 当局は、ポータルが開く可能性を待って、誰かが自らポータルから出てこない限り、向こう側の世界を探索するミッションの派遣を中止しています。(The authorities have decided to wait for a possible opening of the portal, then we will send missions to explore the world on the other side, well unless someone comes out of the portal themselves.)
???: 良い作戦ですね。(Good idea.)
Back in Siberia
Obbyxx: Yes! we activated it!
Doctor: Its not done yet! I cannot be sure the radiation levels of the portal are safe. Me and Loly will work on making new suits that will ward off the radiation waves.
Doctor: In the meantime, that should free up Colors to patrol the base for unwanted visitors.
Loly: Yes, it would be a shame if the partygoers invaded at the last minute.
Obby: Speaking of partygoers, where's Rubel?
All: Oh no.
Bucharest, Romania
Coolcol: Keep searching, Nat, we'll find him somewhere! Don't forget to pick up supplies, we're running low on 5.56 ammo.
Natstar: We're running low because you keep on randomly firing your M4.
Coolcol: Do I make myself clear?
Tukaty: Bro, you always get offtrack. Focus on finding E66 and other mods. Preferably Infinite or Crimson. They know things.
Coolcol: Easier said than done, coming from you, chilling in the control base in Ukraine.
Incoming Radio Sequence....
Coolcol: Read what the message says. It's from E66.
Tukaty: It's encrypted. It'll take at least half an hour to decode it. Send Natstar back to the airport. He'll track down E66, once we have his location. You guys keep searching for the thread mods.
Normal enters the base
Normal: Oh oh oh, so our Mr. Coolcolapple is alive?
Coolcol: I always come back, you idiot with bad aim.
Normal: Cringe but good enough.
Coolcol: Where are the thread mods though?
Normal: Nowhere to be seen.
Coolcol: Tell me or I will shoot you.
Normal: You won't.
Coolcol: I will.
Normal: I won't let that happen.
Coolcol points at Normal's head
Normal: I have a bomb.
Silence throughout the space.
In Cookie Run's metaverse
iforgot Alpha: sure?
Ryanlam123456: I checked the machine. There ain't no dimensional rifts.
iforgot Alpha: Then why does it say "COME TO LEVEL FUN =)"?
Ryanlam123456: Shit.
Partygoers flood out of the caves, infecting cookies left and right.
Ryanlam123456: Well fuck.
iforgot Alpha suddenly vanishes after getting latched on by Partygoers.
Ryanlam123456: NO, IFORGOT! You... partygoers... WILL PAY!
How to breath
Egglord: Aww damn! I wish noclipping was real.
OG: Yeah, the world we know of is basically Level Fun for now. Who would've guessed that all that partygoer shit was real? I assume that those kids were on the right side after all those years...
PuppyBork: It was technically our fault as for not deleting these pages.
SetaCraft: Shut up. If it weren't for those dumb kids that just mumble around the entire day, we would be living a normal life.
Puppybork: What the children did?
Setacraft: Existed, and that's enough
PuppyBork: Wow.
Egglord: Wow.
SoulSorrow: With that argument you would lose every lawsuit also wow.
SetaCraft: Bruh, my past friends who used to moderate all the vandals with me are now switching sides? Literal Italy.
PuppyBork: We still don't like them, but the argument that "they exist and are bad because of this" is just wow.
OG: Sorry Puppy, but I have to agree with Seta on this one. The Fandom rules literally say that only users above 13 are allowed, and we still keep them. This doesn't sit right for me.
MovieSign: Oh, can y'all please stop? We've barely entered France and such dramas are happening? Also, have you taken the boats to swim onto British islands to meet the thread mods?
Egglord: Uhh…
Egglord takes out gun.
Egglord: Who had to take it?
Egglord: Ok, so how much swimming will take us?
Setacraft: Are you stupid? I cannot even dive an-
Egglord: Yeah, that happens when you forgot to take the boat. Also, if you cannot swim, you stay on land.
Setacraft: Bu-
OG: These are the rules, sorry man.
Setacraft: I knew that I should've stayed with the thread mods.
Normal follows them on a motor and knocks into the car window.
Movie: The fuck?
Normal: Aye guys, I am just here to warn you that Coolcolapple will attempt to stop every single mod, including the thread ones.
Egglord: Wasn't he dead?
Normal: Looks like I've missed his head, and he is alive.
Egglord: Do you know where he is?
Normal: Ukraine-Balkans.
Movie: Ok mods, I understand that we are having a disagreement whether the kids are the true culprit of this story, but we need at least to save ourselves; pick up the guns and let's go.
SkyCity: Understood.
Control base, Ukraine
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Tukaty: Aww, god damnit!
Tukaty: The demo expired. I've just wasted my time messing with this shit.
Coolcolapple calls.
Coolcolapple: Yo Tukaty, have you tracked down the mods yet?
Tukaty: No.
Coolcolapple: I had given you three days to track the mods, and nothing? What do you mean 'no'? I guess I should've never trusted you from the start.
Tukaty: Sorry, master, I've just tried another app…
Coolcolapple: Oh, that explains everything. I will send you some members, because I think the mods could go north.
Tukaty: Yeah, thanks, I will try to Spydevice them.
Coolcolapple: Oh, I also heard of this new method!
Tukaty: Yeah, and my target is the kind and least expecting it Crimson.
Coolcolapple: Good luck. Also, I think we will reach E66 soon due to less Partygoer count.
Tukaty: That is great.
Coolcolapple: I got a call.
Coolcolapple: hello?
Normal: Coolcol, you had this going for 3 weeks, give up. E66 is long gone now, you and your gang are hopeless.
Coolcol: Never.
Obbyxx: So guys, is the Partygoer count increasing?
Colors: No. I've heard Loly and Doctor are now messing with the properties of the teleportation substance in order to decrease fatality. They are also making the portal require less fuel and develop the function of turning it off in order to not let partygoers into the world.
TheObbyxx: So, I will stay on the defensive position for now, you can chill for now.
Multi: Yeah, thanks Obbyxx.
Colors: Also, I am sad that Rubel failed.
Obbyxx: Yeah, damn these Partygoers for that.
Multi: Obby, I do not feel tired, can I help you defend?
Obbyxx: Multi, do not risk it. I also have more experience with guns due to playing FPS games on virtual reality.
Multi: But that was just virtual rea-
Obbyxx: Did you see me fail? We are a few days away from escaping this cruel, unfair and not-well designed world, and we should keep up. What if Partygoers gave a stronger wave? We cannot give up now.
Colors: I agree with you.
Multi: Just don't say I didn't warn you.
Obbyxx: You did, okay. You both should be resting right now!
Multi: Okay, okay.
DoctorIGP: I have figured it out.
Loly: What?
DoctorIGP: The source of the radiation is the fuel! It has too many toxins in it, so we must keep it clean.
Loly: We should clean it.
DoctorIGP: True, also I could not figure how to make the portal eradicate less fuel, but we can just make it smaller. Also, the autodestruction is made out of portal just completely filling itself with the teleportation substance.
Loly: We should be done in a week.
Doctor: Yeah, just hope the guys keep it up.
A couple miles from Siberia
' Peering th
Obbyxx: Peering through telescope What's that?
Obbyxx: Not Moscow actually, it's too big, almost as if it's in front of me. Oh, shi-
Gun shots can be heard.
???: Oh what the-
The lights shine to reveal E66.
Obby: What the- E66?
E66: Hey man, It's been a rough ride. Do you have any spare clothes, or a potato sack I could borrow?
Obby: Answers first. Where are you going?
E66: Sorry man, Tukaty told me not to talk- Oops.
Obby: You're with the mafia? Where are you going? Tell me!
Points gun dramatically.
E66: Ok, ok! Tukaty, he told me to go to Serbia if I escaped, I figured that's in Russia, you know, so I'm heading north. Please don't kill me!
Obby realizes he still has a gun pointing at E66 and puts it away.
Obby: Uh, sure man. I wasn't going to kill you anyway. Where are you headed again?
E66: Serbia. It's the place in Russia with-
Obby: Hang on, Serbia isn't in [realizes] nevermind. Safe journey!
E66: Thanks, man.
Door knocks and Coolcol enters.
Coolcol: Have you tracked down the mods?
Tukaty: Almost. I've decoded another message from E66. Let's see what it says…
"Hey man, where are you? I've escaped the prison and found my way to Serbia. You said Natstar would be waiting for me there. Can you tell him to hurry up? It's real cold in here. I swear, if he's still stuffing his face with pringles… Anyways, come quick!"
Tukaty: Where did you send Natstar?
Coolcol: What? He's already at his destination. I'll call him.
A whole minute passes by before Natstar picks up.
Natstar: Hello?
Coolcol: Are you there? Can you see E66?
Natstar: Nope, No one's here. Are you sure he went here? Because I think-
[connection terminated]
Coolcol: He thinks E66 didn't go to Serbia.
Tukaty: Let me source the signal location.
Coolcol: Since when is Serbia cold anyways? From what he's saying he's in like Russia or something! Oh, wait...
Somewhere in Ontario, Canada
Cyrix: Holy shit, I knew the U.S.A. was going to be a hot spot for those things I absolutely hate! I wish I could tear those apart limb by limb, and show the world who's the true boss around here!
CrimsonFenrir7: Woah woah woah, that is a little too far. How are you even going to rip apart a Partygoer?
Cyrix: I have a secret weapon of mine. It's not nukes just so you know.
CrimsonFenrir7: Ok, what even is it?
Cyrix: An entity I managed to capture. If only I can produce the metal they are made out of...
CrimsonFenrir7: You really like those technological stuffs, don't you ?
Cyrix: Depends on how you put it. It's 2022, and i have been suffering long enough in this stupid ass pandemic of a cold virus variant! Like honestly, I want life to go back to normal, and then this fucking pandemic happens just before the first one even ended!
CrimsonFenrir7: Yeah, I don't get it. Life just wants to bite us in the ass, doesn't it now?
Cyrix: Of course it does.
CrimsonFenrir7: Anyway, what entity did you capture?
Cyrix: I actually have a couple. The Crimson Wanderer, and a bunch of Server Boxes.
Cyrix: It is something I call a little trolling with cell phones.
CrimsonFenrir7: Ok, I am fucking impressed. How did you catch the Server Boxes though?
Cyrix: It's called using Repolserum in a cage.
CrimsonFenrir7: Wow, cheap. Anyway, where is Egglord and the others?
Cyrix: I don't know, I was playing Minecraft before I was even aware of this happening.
CrimsonFenrir7: You were unaware?
Cyrix: Yes.
CrimsonFenrir7: Fuck...
Cyrix: Yeah I had to murder my whole family since they were infected.
CrimsonFenrir7: That's sad.
Cyrix: I know. I did get infected, but not in the usual way others do.
CrimsonFenrir7: Half infected?
Cyrix: Yes. It kinda ended there.
CrimsonFenrir7: Why are you half infected? I am so confused.
Cyrix: I have some properties of these stupid deformed French Fries, mainly half my legs, half my head, and both of my upper arms. I don't know if this stupid ass virus has died during my semi transformation. After that, they haven't attacked me ever since. Those fucking bastards, I lost everything I own. I need to take revenge.
CrimsonFenrir7: That makes sense. I thought it was some kind of costume.
Cyrix: I wonder how all the others are doing.
CrimsonFenrir7: It's pretty shitty for the rest of the survivors.
Cyrix: As usual. If there is something going on in this world, then everyone is going to be affected.
Partygoer: Hello, little one... =)
Cyrix: Release the beast, NOW!
CrimsonFenrir7: Go, go, go!
The Crimson Wanderer: You disappointed me long enough deformed French fries. Prepare to perish.
Partygoer: Oh shi-
Cyrix: Thanks a lot. Good thing I captured you for this moment.
The Crimson Wanderer: Anything for a slice of revenge. These fries are going to die by the tip of my blade. Everything shall see the wrath of my power, while the innocent cheer for my presence being among them. I settle the score, only for you to finish the job. The Server Boxes are going to be my aid, in hope's to end this endless nightmare of 9-year-olds.
Cyrix: That's the spirit.
CrimsonFenrir7: Let's get this show on the road.
Cyrix: Also Crimson, how the hell did you get into my house?
CrimsonFenrir7: Boat.
Cyrix: Makes sense I guess, but you're a thread mod. Should the rest of the thread mods be with the other mods by now?
CrimsonFenrir7: Decided to check on you. Not a single person has mentioned you at all, and I would like to know how you have been doing during this invasion crisis. I deliberately choose to not participate in what the admins are doing.
Cyrix: Alright. That is fine. I will just have to accept the fact that you are here and what not.
Corrupt: -EEEEEE. G'day.... *looks around* sorry wrong america state also hi crimson.. *inhales* SHEES-
Cyrix: What.... In the name of all the 9-year olds, just happened? Also Corrupt, this isn't even the fucking U.S.A. Get your geography right.
The Crimson Wanderer: I have, no clue, but that's the chaotic amalgamation of dead memes, extra virgin and roblox known as corrupt for you.
Somewhere in Level 265 Area 2...
Ryanlam123456: Why is Razuatix talking like a partygoer in the announcements? "Level Fun is safe?" "Fun event soon =)?"
Crispy: I dont know.
Ryanlam123456: Oh hey look atleast the duck hunt event's released... *proceeds to switch to the backrooms wiki* WOAH HOLY SHIT. HOW THE FUCK IS THE ENTIRE FORUM PARTYGOER ROLEPLAY!? Damnit, the partygoer pandemic is in full swing...
The Puppeteer, the creator of Level 265, walks into Ryan's apartment as it had his keycard due to being a close friend of his.
Puppeteer: Hey Ryan... =)
Ryanlam123456: Dipshit. They got you too? Well fuck, time to move out.
Ryan started doing a Backwards Long Jump, then noclipped into Level 1,000,000, the exit to reality. Crispy void traveled to Level 3999.
The portal
Colors: Ready?
Obbyxx: I've never been so ready in my life.
Multi: Sadly one of our companions have passed away...
Doctor: But that happens.
Obbyxx: Doctor! Loly! Is the portal 100% safe?
Loly: Of course! However, I must warn you that you can only use this in a timeframe of 2 hours, so the cleaning process can happen. Once you go, there's no coming back for a while.
Colors: It is time to finally leave this cruel world and live in peace. Also, I have written a note for those who were searching for us.
Doctor: Good idea.
Multi and Loly: We are glad that we found you. Also, why don't you call others?
TheObbyxx, Colors and DoctorIGP: Others were once cruel for us. And why we should save them when they left us on death?
Doctor: Once I arrived at Siberia, I've found TheObbyxx and ColorPlays in a slightly damaged house. They had almost no resources and weapons at all, writing something on paper. When I've entered, they were very happy and let me join their camp. The thing they have drawn on the paper were plans for a portal; I was a specialist in engineering and that kind of stuff, so I decided to help them. Then, Colors found Rubels who was almost dead, and he decided to bring her to the camp for another couple of hands for help. Of course, we've got armed as quick as we could and ate everything we've found, even sometimes drank water from puddles. But then, when we got more resources and food and stuff, I could really start the construction. Then, you arrived.
Loly: Oh! So that is why you would not invite others!
Obbyxx: They disrespected us, left us with nothing. The terrains were infested with Party guys so I just walked into Russia and found out that Siberia has no partygoers. I was the first to arrive, a day later Colors did.
Multi: Guys, enough stories. Partygoers can arrive at any moment.
Normal: Hey.
Obbyxx: What are you doing here?
Normal: Evading from coolcol, his gang has loads of weapons.
Normal: Let's stop this.
Loly: Oh yeah! So, 3...
Doctor: 2...
Obbyxx: 1...
Everyone: NOW!
They arrived in the anime world.
In the anime world
The group arrive with anime characters staring at them
Obby: I cannot believe...
Obby: What the-
The portal vanished into thin air without leaving a trace.
Obby: Damn it.
Multi (to Loly): What are we supposed to do?
Suddenly, the group heard a feminine voice call out to them.
???: 外国人の皆さん、私たちの世界へようこそ 。あなたたちは誰で、ここに来た目的は何ですか。 (Welcome to our world, foreigners! Who are you and what brings you here?)
Colors (whispering): Can anyone translate that?
Doctor: I got this. I learned a little bit of Japanese a while back.
Also Doctor: 私たちがここに来たのは、私たちの世界に黙示録があるからです。あまり日本語を知らないので、英語で話すことはできますか?。 (We came here because there is an apocalypse in our world. Our knowledge of Japanese is limited. Perhaps you know English?)
???: あなたが言う、「英語」とは何? (What is this "English", you talk about?)
Loly (whisper): Doctor, we good?
Doctor: 気にしないでください。私たちの母国語を知っているかと聞いただけです。無礼をお許しください。紹介するのを忘れていました。私の名はドクターIGP、彼らは私の仲間です。Obbyxx、Colors、Loly、Multi、Normalと申します。 (Pardon me. I was merely asking if you knew our native language. Forgive me for my manners, I forgot to introduce ourselves. I am DoctorIGP and these are my fellow comrades: Obbyxx, Colors, Loly and Multi. Pleasure to meet you.)
???: 私はこの街の長、遠山愛子です。今から私にあなたたちの話をしてくれたら、この世界に残るのを許しましょう。 (I'm the major of the city, Toyama Aiko. I will let you in here only if you oblige to tell me your story.)
Doctor: ありがとうございます。ぜひあなたの要件を受けさせてもらいます。(Thank you very much. Please let us accept your offer.)
Normal: Doctor, your Japanese speaking ability is splendid!
Doctor: It's just one of the many things I can do. No sweat.
Corrupt: ESSHHHH- .... ただいま...私はまだ間違った場所にいるようです...それでは、何を*吸い込みます*-
Major's lounge
Toyama enters the lounge, followed by Doctor. The lounge was quite small. Despite the size, Doctor could tell that it held enough things to satisfy a king.
Toyama: それで、何しに私たちの世界の来たんですか?より詳しく教えてください。(So, what brings you to our world? Elaborate further please.)
Doctor: 私たちの世界には、うーん....( Our world had an, ummm....) trying to think how to say it
Toyama: はいどうぞ。(Here, take this)
Doctor recieves a black wireless earphone.
Doctor: これは何。(what?) plugs it in
Toyama: can you understand now?
Doctor: huh? removes
Toyama: そのデバイスは非常に特別です。 所有者にどんな言語でも自動的に翻訳してくれます。(That device is very unique. It automatically translates any language to one that you can understand clearly.)
Doctor: Ahh, I see. This is quite the instument eh? Thank you. I'll proceed to tell you about us.
Toyama: I'm listening.
Doctor: Around a month ago, our world was struck by a disastrous disease we called the, " Partygoer Paradox" in which many young children mutated into strange types of partygoers. Nearly the whole earth, where we live by the way, was affected by this disease.
Toyama: Hold up. What exactly are "partygoers"?
Doctor: They are humanoid monsters with a cardboard bag or box on their heads with smiles scribbled on them. They are extremely dangerous. This disease was very strange when it comes to who it infected. Immature children of up to 12 years old fell victem to this disease. They slowly start to look and act like partygoers. The way they change is so grotesque, that-
Toyama: Cut the gore, please.
Doctor: Ah, sorry. As I was saying, they start to mutate into partygoers, eventually turning into them completly. The start of this disease is hole that appeared, connected to a place called "The Backrooms". This place contained a lot of monsters. We call them entities. Anyway, all of these entities managed to get out of this hole and pour into our world. I managed to find some allies, and began construction on a portal that inevitably led here.
yama: A portal? Show me.
Doctor: It's just outside. I'll guide you there.
Doctor remembers that the portal disappeared.
Doctor: Snap, I forgot. The portal we used to come here is gone now. We're stuck...
Normal: It's the least of our problems, coolcol is looking for me since I bombed his hiding spot.
Doctor: Wait you bombed his hiding spot? Sweet!
Normal: He's still alive, I missed his head.
Doctor: At least you tried to do something about him.
In the Siberian camp
E66: Hellooooooo? Is anyone here?
He walks around.
E66:I guess no-one's home. What's that?
He spots the entrance to the lab.
E66: And what's this meant to be? A partygoer cure lab?
E66: There's a note here. Let me read it.
"Hello, looks like you've found out our lab. We've developed a portal to anime world in here just to get out of this literal Level ! and live in peace with a cool look. If you were not invited, you either rejected us in the past or we didn't know you. For our safety, we have destroyed the portal and most of the parts due to the Partygoers not getting into anime world. But if you can gather all the parts and read the instruction, feel free to construct the portal, just do not forget to do autodestruction and watch out for coolcolapple, he probably stationed in south Europe, most presumably Serbia...which, by the way, is in Europe. "
Signed: Doctor, Colors, Obby, Loly, Multi and Normal.
E66: Oh, I remember how TheObbyxx tried to join us...
E66: Wait, Serbia is in Europe?
E66: There's no turning back now, even if Coolcol is looking for me. I have to stock up on weapons.
Colcoolapple mafia's run in with anime
Coolcolapple: Well, we are getting closer to th-
A portal opens.
Coolcolapple and the gang shoots into it with their tommy guns.
Coolcolapple: What the hell is this?!
TFN: Weege-
Coolcolapple proceeds to shoot TFN until he drops dead.
An anime character appears. Meta-note: As the author, this is the dumbest thing so far in a joke (!) page.
Character 1: I found a portal that led to an anime world, I went into it expecting to be a main character or something like that, turns out, I just became a background character, I hate my life.
Colcoolapple: Damn, they really did you dirty...
Character 2: Shut up!
Coolcolapple: Say that again?
Character 3: Yeah man, stop being mean.
Coolcolapple: I'm mean?
Just as Coolcolapple appears, multiple portals open up.
Coolcolapple: What the fuc-
Multiple characters from other franchises also appear.
Natstar: What the fuc-
Coolcolapple: I got a call again, hello?
Normal: It's over coolcol, you've broken rule 4.
Coolcolapple: This can't be happening, GO INTO A RANDOM PORTAL EVERYONE!
Normal: Damnit he got away, wait I'm pretty sure he went into our portal.
Doctor: What?
Normal: He is definitely coming for me.
Back in the lab:
E6621275: dang it, my plan isnt working. why did they have to go to anime land?
E6621275: oh well, i can just find the parts for the portal... ive changed my mind about going back to my base.
E6621275: alright everything seems right- wait, its not working? some of the parts must have got damaged in the autodestruct...
Russian partygoer: Привет, присоединяйся к веселью =)
E6621275: of course not- hold up, i mean нет
Russian partygoer: Это ИНТЕРЕСНО =)
E6621275: нет, это не так. я буквально убью тебя
Russian partygoer: Ты не можешь убить меня, у меня есть пистолет
E6621275: OH SH-
E6621275: *hides* oh god... wait! maybe i can use the gun parts to fix the portal...
Russian partygoer: выходи, выходи, где бы ты ни был =)
E6621275: Оглянись
Russian partygoer: КАКИЕ
*E66 stabs the partygoer with his crowbar, killing it instantly*
E6621275: great, now i can fix the portal. *enters the portal on autodestruct*
Mods in the British Islands
OG: Everyone's already here, right? Egg, Puppy, Movie...
Everyone: Yes.
SkyCity: The thread mods are nowhere to be seen. Are you sure that they even passed by here?
Moviesign: Well, the last time that I communicated with them, they were here.
SetaCraft: I'll call Normal, one second.
Normal answers the phone quickly.
Normal: Who's this?
SetaCraft: I'm one of the content mods, SetaCraft. Is everything going alright?
Normal: It's far from alright. Long story short, Obby had the idea to go to an anime world, but then Coolcolapple came to the same place as us and brought a ton of other characters from famous franchises. We'll try to get out of here as soon as possible.
SetaCraft: Wait, other franchises?
Normal: Yes. I'll see you later.
OG: Rule 4... Can we do the last deletion?
Egglord and Soul: Let's do it.
Normal: Are you crazy? If you delete this, it will bring everyone to where y'all are, do you understand how bad this will turn out?
SetaCraft: Don't worry, we'll take care of it.
Normal: But how are you going to solve this? If it's deleted we'll have a very high chance of getting wiped from existence?!
SetaCraft quickly hangs up, leaving Normal shocked and fumed.
OG: Ha! I missed deleting these things for 'Housekeeping' man, keeps me alive!
Soul: fr
Egglord: ong
Normal: They can't do this, I must stop them. I can't process the fact that were all going to be wiped from existence.
In level Corrupt
XXTealPlayZXx2: Alright 74B here is your phone, and your partygoers to eat.. go and chill.
74B: *le thumbs up*
XXTealPlayZXx2: so i'm gonna go- relax. over there, thank yo
Corrupt: oh- hi teal, you mind if i borrow 74B, the 9-yr olds *slices one* are getting outta hand their literally here now.
XXTealPlayZXx2: ayo wut!?
CHEEZITS990 *suddenly appears*
Corrupt: Wth?!
CHEEZITS990: The only way to stop the 9yr olds is by rickrolling them all into submission!
CHEEZITS990 *disappears Cutley*
In Level 1,000,000
Ryanlam123456: Damn it, this place is infested with partygoers. Guess I'll have to bust out this rickety thing once again...
Ryanlam123456: *gets a gun* Laser time.
The gun fires a laser beam, easily annihilating every partygoer in its way, but sadly, it broke after turning it off.
Ryanlam123456: It broke... Damn it. My most powerful weapon. You will be missed.
Ryan proceeded to return to reality via the gates.
In Fairbanks, Alaska
Random Person ON YT: ...why am i in this story..?
KozyKami1: I don’t even live here, but this place is pretty cool.
Ryanlam123456: *lands here instead of transitioning into his home* The fuck? This ain't my home! Now that I'm here... *taps on his phone*
A chain of cars came from the tunnel.
KozyKami1: Who are you!?
Ryanlam123456: Just another survivor. I lost all my friends. iforgot, Ripple, Skapper, The Puppeteer, they're all gone. Turned into partygoers. I barely got away by ramming them with this here car, the Ultimate Roadtrip Vehicle. *sigh* Now I have nothing left...
KozyKami1: Hey, atleast you have these cars to accompany you.
Everyone got into the car as they set off on a never ending journey. Surely if your home was moving no partygoer can enter right? Right?
Inside the Ultimate Road Trip Vehicle
Ryanlam123456: Just like the good old times... I used to adventure with em'... Fuck the partygoers...
Ryanlam123456: *gets a gun and dagger* I WILL MAKE SURE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM FALL-
Well hello there, old friend.
God, stop interrupting, i'm editing rn.
Do you not remember me? =) The guy who made the EGIBAD. Project Spotlight. That shit.
No... you can't be...
iforgot, is that you!?
Well you finally got it right. I'm a party host now. And it's time for you to join the party.
Asia, Malaysia
Xythecle: *Playing Roblox*
Partygoer 1: Yo, put ur hands up and i will make u into one of us.
Xythecle: *Pulls Uno Reverse Card*
Partygoer 1: Holy F-
-5 mins Later-
Partygoer 2: Oh my.... OH NO my brother! Did you do this to him?!
Xythecle: Yes, what are you gonna do?
Partygoer 2: I will kill you!
Back on the URTV
Ryanlam123456: When will the partygoers ever stop coming...
Partygoer Horde: Come to the party...
Gun sounds can be heard as partygoers swarm the car.
Time flied as the car drove on the water. It soon bumped with Egglord and the gang at the British Islands
Ryanlam123456: Uggggggh... Atleast we fended the horde of partygoers off...
Egglord: Who the fuck are you guys?
Ryanlam123456: Do I have to explain again? Imjustanothersurvivorofthepartygoerinvasionandallmyfriendsarepartygoersnowihavecripplingdepressionandistayedwithmylastfriendwhodidntgetinfectedyetwhichisthepuppeteerbuteventuallyhegotinfectedsoihadtoevacuateintothefrontrooms.
Egglord: Okaaaaaay...?
In the Midst of Nowhere
I don't want to hurt you. It's an instinct. An instinct of betrayal I have no control over it. It is not me. It is only part of me.
Reader, moderator, whoever you may be, we're sorry.
At least, I am. For real.
iforgot: Wow, ever since the [DATA_MISSING] there haven't been any problems with the Partygoers!
Ryanlam123456: Ye. Now we can chill out and not worry about that potential outbreak... assuming we reacted fast enough.
Ripple: lol im a partygoer now im going to infeckt you also i opened a protal in the void =)
Everyone Else: Well shi-
...don't even ask.
Dragonmaster: Good morning!
Hello. You're editing, I assume?
In the British Islands
Egglord: So what about the partygoers just prior?
Ryanlam123456: My close friend iforgot got turned into a party host. He's directing his army of 200 partygoers to our car. Thankfully we fended them off.
Egglord: Then how did you kill them?
Ryanlam123456: I do a little thing called stabbing on their asses. Or cocks.
Egglord: Damn.
Ryanlam123456: It's really easy for me. I just BLJ behind the partygoers and brutally stab them with my daggers. Yeah I dual wield them. Anyways get on the car. I almost got latched onto and would really like some extra help. *gives a copy of the Ultimate Extermination Gun to Egglord and the mods* Also we have infinite space in there, but it's really easy to navigate.
Egglord and the gang get on the car and set off once more.
Very Important Message
???: I need you to know that they're coming after me... shit, they're right behind m-
Small thing where I get hit by a car
In the anime world
Normal: Guys, do you see that?
Doctor: See what?
Normal: Coolcolapple is here, look, he fixed the portal.
Doctor: So... should we just sprint to th-
Coolcol: Hey! What are you guys doing here.
Gunshots are heard, Normal and Obby bolted to the portal and got out of the anime world.
United States, Washington
Normal: *running* Holy shit, I made it out of the anime worl- HOLY that’s a lot of partygoers.
Normal: Oh no, at this rate I won’t arrive at where the mods are in time!
Obby: Ayo fellow, need some help? Turns out I made it out safely in the anime world.
-pulls out machine gun-
Obby: *Starts shooting partygoers*
Normal: You won’t survive much longer there are to many of them! *panting*
Obby: I’m running out of bullets, you must escape them quick! *Continues shooting*
Normal: Respect Obby, respect. *Runs away*
Meeting of the IRRO (InterRooms Rattler Organization)
ROW(Rattler of war): Men, we have discovered a hole between level rattler and the frontrooms!
ROD(Rattler of defense): Should we investigate?
ROW: It would be too dangerous.
ROD: Why?
ROW: Because it’s swarming with partygoers.
ROD: Then we must gather our forces. The partygoers are fast.
ROW: Agreed.
Back in United States Washington
Normal:*Climbs building*
Obby: Come on you're almost here
Normal:I know but the Partygoers are climbing even faster than I am!
Partygoer Hoard: Become one of us or we will kill you
-Someone taps Obby from behind-
Obby: Oh fuck, WHO'S THERE!?
Xythecle: Hello fellow comrade.
Normal : Hey what’s happening up there?
Obby: Someone just approached me menacingly
-Xythecle looks down-
Normal: Who are you?!
Partygoer Hoard: DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE =)
-Obby looks down-
Obby:They are climbing even faster?!
Normal: OH GOD. *Climbing faster*
Partygoer: You will die if you continue climbing!
-Xythecle pulls UNO REVERSE CARD-
Partygoer Hoard: OH F-
In the Ultimate Roadtrip Vehicle
Egglord: Time to delete?
OG: Yep, it’s about time.
Somewhere else
Normal: Hey I wonder who that guy is back on the top of the building.
Obby: Who knows, also the mods came back u said? *Driving*
Normal: Yeah they plan to delete something about rule 4, at least I think. But hey at least we got out alive from that partygoer hoard thanks to that guy.
Obby: Yeah, so we head to where the mods are now huh?
-Normal shakes head-
Back in the URTV
Ryanlam123456: Just another day of evading partygoers in the apocalypse. Heh, so normal.
iforgot Delta: Ugh, this is probably another empty shelte-
Delta, wielding a rigidly cut iron dagger, stops and looks at Ryanlam123456.
iforgot Delta: Ryan!? Is Alpha still alive? What happened to you?? I thought you became a partygoer!
Ryanlam123456: Alpha's dead. More like became a party host. All my splits are partygoers now. Also, Skapper, Ripple and Puppeteer are infected too.
iforgot Delta: Oof, that's got to suck. Wait, why is this page flooding with-
Somewhere near the URTV
Crimson: I can’t believe that we traveled all the way here just so we can meet the other mods, it’s such a long way.
-Obby spots Crimson-
Obby: Hey aren’t you… Oh hey Crimson the moderator.
Normal: Have you come to delete too?!
Crimson: Yes, we have decided on a mass purge to the world.
-Crimson shakes his head-
Normal: Welp, the whole human population is doomed to fall now.
Dragonmaster: catching breath. I managed to escape the partygoers, but they are still alive. Are they following me? OH SHIT YES THEY ARE!
A car speeds along the countryside, partygoers in hot pursuit. A fierce battle raged on, partygoers getting killed left and right.
Ryanlam123456: Just get off the damn car partygoers! *shooting gun*
Crispy: *firing Mega Beam* I see some survivors, we should stop!
Ryan stops the car, letting the survivors get in. Dragonmaster and his gang take care of the remaining partygoers.
Ryanlam123456: Get in.
Dragonmaster: Hops in car
Lindianr: Sticks to the bottom of the car where nobody can see him
Cyrix: Get in the fucking car, AND DO NOT purge that damn page.
Lindianr: Should I go in the car instead of being under the car? Or were you not talking to me?
-Footsteps are heard-
Drangonmaster: Hey do you guys hear the footsteps?
Lindianr and Cyrix: What footsteps?
-Faster footsteps are heard-
Dragonmaster: Those footsteps... Do you think its a Partygoer?
Cyrix: I am pretty sure thats a survivor...
Dulling: *Huff* *Huff* OPEN THE CAR THEY'RE COMING
Cyrix: Who the fuck are you?
Lindianr: Just let him in, I think I have seen a face similar to that
Ryan hits the gas and the chain of 7 cars speeds off into the countryside once again.
Dragonmaster: Are the partygoers still following us?
Lindianr: I don't think so.
Cyrix: Let me take care of that damn horde. I am half Partygoer so I will be ok. Call me the Partyslaughter if you will.
San Francisco, California, US
Egglord: No one cares about Level Fun. Also, partygoer roleplay is against the rules.
But I'm a Party Host =(
Egglord: You're serious?
Y-yeah... wait, what am I doing!? I should be infecting you!
A horde of partygoers comes after Egglord, prompting him to escape. He just barely manages to run out of sight.
Damn it... I had him in my grasp.
Dragonmaster: I am here after noclipping out of the backrooms. If you noclip EXACTLY where you noclipped in, you will get out.
Lindianr: That's not true. I also tried that and it didn't work! I had to speedrun the entire backrooms!
Dragonmaster: Also, partygoers can only infect people by the mouths on their hands, so if we cut that off, we could neutralize them.
Lindianr: Who asked? Oh wait I forgot we are fighting partygoers...
Dragonmasters Bunker
Dragonmaster: Vibin' with vibing cat to its been so long because I can.
Everyone in the bunker: Well fu-
Back on the URTV (12AM)
Ryanlam123456: First COVID and now Double P. Why does life hate us.
The car speeds along the beach, but it's slowly transitioning into daytime?
Lindianr: Hey why is it turning to daytime? Also wasn’t I just in a bunker?
At the URTV (12:01AM)
TheGreatEscape164: Hello? Is anyone here? Im so confused.
Lindianr: Wait a darn second. Who are you.
Dragonmaster: Got out of the bunker.
Somewhere near the URTV (12:34AM)
Partygoer 1&2: If we join together we will be bigger………. *Continues chatter*
Xythecle:*peeks* What are they talking about?
-Partygoers start to join together making a Giant Partygoer-
Xythecle: OH SHI-
Giant Partgoer: ? WHO GOES THERE?
Xythecle: oh no I shouted.
-Xythecle start running while the Giant Partygoer chases him down-
Xythecle: *Drops Phone on the ground* MY PHONE!
Giant Partygoer: *Stomps on his phone* Hahaha!
Xythecle: HOW DARE YOU BREAK MY PHONE *enters rage state*
-Xythecle presses a button-
Giant Partygoer: Meaningless button! AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!
-Giant Partygoer looks up in the sky-
Giant Partygoer: Ayo what that?
-Nuclear bomb heading the way-
Giant Partygoer: No… Wait you will still be dead because you have nowhere to RUN TOO! AHAHAHAHAHA.
-Xythecle pulls out a portal gun-
Xythecle: Good luck!
Giant Partygoer: Wait what? NOO!
The Giant Partygoer still survived, but as the URTV comes closer, it knows it's doomed.
Ryanlam123456: Giant partygoer at 12 o' clock!
iforgot Delta: What do we do?
Ryanlam123456: Well...
The Giant Partygoer gets run over by the URTV, thus ending its life.
Ryanlam123456: Who’s that over there?
iforgot Delta: *Looks at xythecle* Idk who that?
Minutes Later
-Normal Spots the URTV-
-The URTV stops-
Obby : Yea where are they?!
Ryanlam123456: Um Egglord was chased by a horde of Partygoers. and Obby I though you were in the anime world?
Obby: Oh yeah it was much worse in there and I managed to slip outta there a before the portal broke.
Crimson: *Muffles*
Ryanlam123456: What’s in that bag? *opens bag that Obby is holding*
Normal: Oh yeah we kinda tied him up, because he was part of it to.
Ryanlam123456: You can’t just do that.
Dragonmaster: The partygoers are coming in through a gateway from level fun, also a gateway opened to the main room in level fun. It is 10 miles away.
Lindianr: Are we going to level fun? I’m confused…
Dragonmaster: Oh no... they are right there. Wait, we could use someone as bait! Eyes coolcolapple.
Coocolapple: Crap!
Coolcolapple is yeeted to the partygoers
Coolcolapple: Hello =)
Lindianr: Oh no....RUN!
Ryan123456: Why did you throw coolcolapple into the partygoers!?!
Dragonmaster: HE DESERVED IT!
They go across the countryside, losing Xythecle on the way.
Somewhere in Los Angeles, California, 12:40 AM
KeseDaisy: I'm bored, Yo Angelo, wanna watch Liv and Maddie?
Buttocks Licker 3000: Shore
*2 hours later*
KeseDaisy: *Yawn*, BL, where are you?
Buttocks Licker 3000: *FUCKING DEAD*
*2 hours later*
KeseDaisy: *Tilts head*
*spits out water*
KeseDaisy: LIL NAS X?!??
Lil Nas X: I have a challenge for you
KeseDaisy: What the hell is it??
Lil Nas X: Sing my song
KeseDaisy: Uhm okay sure
Call me when you want, call me when you need
Call me in the morning, I'll be on the way
Call me when you want, call me when you need
Call me out by your name, I'll be on the way like
Call me when you want, call me when you need
Call me in the morning, I'll be on the way
Call me when you want, call me when you need
Call me out by your name, I'll be on the way like
call me by your name (mmm, mmm, mmm)
Tell me you love me in private
Call me by your name (mmm, mmm, mmm)
I do not care if you lying
Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
Lil Nas X: Good job! For that, I will revive Buttocks
*revives Buttocks*
Buttocks Licker 3000: What the fuck
KeseDaisy: Thank you da- Lil Nas X
Lil Nas X: No problem!
They get in the car, sadly Buttockslicker and lil nas x died. They are headed to area 51.
Back at the URTV
Rylam123456: There is a survivor group at area 51
Lindiar: We have all the mods, and most other people, so here we go!
Area 51
Dragonmaster: We are here... Wait, there are no people.
Rylam, Lindiar& the mods: We are here!
Party master: I see you have fallen into my trap.
The party master sends beams of light, infecting on contact.
Rylam & Moviesign: Fun? =)
Everybody else: RUN!!
Cyrix: Haha nuclear rocket launcher go brrrrrrrr
Rylam & Moviesign: Oh shit
(area 51 gets fucking obliterated)
Dragonmaster: Hey partymaster, over here!
Everyone else: We have to go.
Kesedaisy: OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Gets infected
Everybody meets up
Lindiar: no no no no no, it can't be!
Dragonmaster: What?
Lindiar: Us, egglord, and cyrix are the only ones left.
Corrupt, lolop, normal, and builder: Are you sure?
Meanwhile, with Gabrial...
Gabrial: I've seen too many Partygoers. I swear I could tear them apart, throw their bodies in a trash can, tie a cinder block to it, and throw it off a bridge! :)
Gabrial: I despise them that much.
Therapist: O_O I'm scared
Gabrial: You should be :)
Partygoer: FUN FUN FUN
Gabrial: Peace out, boyscout!
Therapist: [STATIC]
Gabrial: Non-existent God, please save us all.
Moviesign: FUN FUN FUN
Gabrial: OH SH@T (A little too young to be swearing, despite how many times he's done it) *POOFS out of there*
Moviesign: =| Wot?
In Hawaii, USA
Gabrial: Great. Escaped demons and I get a free vacation out of it.
Random Person: Hey, have you heard? There's an Apocalypse!
Gabrial: You think I don't know!? I just randomly teleported here from Ohio because a Gumbi wearing a paper bag broke into a therapy session!
Random Person: O_O OK?
Gabrial: You know what, I'm done. *No-Clips*

Current revision as of 16:41, 17 July 2022

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