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Revision as of 23:04, 11 November 2007 by Atomic Waffle (Talk | contribs)

Real Name: Adam Dodd

Very current photo of Adam circa December 2006.

Time with SOTF: Essentially since the beginning, lurked for a week before finally deciding to join.

Internet Aliases: d0ddi0slave, has settled into using either his last or first name out of simple lazyness, also because everyone calls him by those anyways.

V1 Characters: Adam Dodd, Andrew Lipson, Cole Hudson, Amanda Jones, Gilbert Archambault, Sidney Crosby, Eddie Serjeantson, Arturo Villamor, Angelina Kaige

V2 Characters: Andrew Panturescu, Adam Amato, Sarah Dao, Rupert Stockton, Alexander Ovechkin, Burton Harris, Zilya Merchenkov.

Random Facts:

  • Has been playing hockey for about fifteen years.
  • Currently in his third year of study at York University in Toronto, Ontario.
  • Hates spiders and mushrooms.
  • Enjoys beer, primarily that of the Canadian variety.
  • Works full-time hours at a video/cable/internet/wireless retailer.
  • Since joining SOTF in July of 05, has gone from 240 lbs to 180.
  • Often bases his characters upon people that he knows - Cole, Gilbert, Burton and Rupert are his only characters who are not based off of a real person.
  • Popularized the 'music post' and considers it a trademark of his. Disapproves that it's currently being bastardized by its intense usage.
  • Favourite movie: Memento.
  • Lives with both parents, two younger brothers, and a dog named Maggie.


Born in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, Adam Dodd is, at 21 years of age, one of the older members on staff. He'll fill in the rest of his biography at a later date.

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