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Revision as of 20:34, 26 November 2006 by Slacker (Talk | contribs)
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One of the younger and more perverse members of SOTF, Slacker finds himself on the outside of many molds. He currently has held every position of authority on the forum (He started of as a Mini-Mod, then went up towards the rank of Admin, then to Mod, then to member, and then to v2 Mod in training and now back to member). It has been noted by many that Slacker's rather wild acension throughout the ranks of the forum lead him to becoming the "next generation" of SOTF, and Adam Dodd has all but handed the torch over to him for "Most Overrated Writer on SOTF".

He joined SOTF on October 5th, 2005. With high ambitions and an even higher ego he's been known to boast jokingly about the pwnage of his posts with Andrew Munteaneau and how he was no doubt the actual protagnist of v1. His flagship for v1 would come in the form of Peri Barclay (whom he had adopted) which many of us know as the killer turned flaming homosexual. His adamant hatred of Pre-Game along with his rather radical views on the forum leadership (meaning he rarely agrees with them and when he does argue his record usually shows that he will eventually be proven right over and over again).

He was rejected from the initial v2 mod applications only to be upped to it again for his work on RP Guides, things where going well for Slacker when he and the v1 mods organized that infamous "Original SOTF Insurgency", at the start of the v2 site Slacker gained the controversial role as admin (mostly for his work in the v2 storyline), he would later relinquish this role due to the arguments he had with Slayer. He would be demoted again mostly because the staff disagreed with his maverick ways and of course as he was teh sex.

His acension to forum moderator in training lies with his disdain for some of the leaders on SOTF, his faux leaving was provoked due to forum hostility and he was brought back due to Adam Dodd's persuasion and the false definition that people wanted him back by giving him the Moderator in Training position. It would later be revealed that people simply gave him that position since they did not want him to leave and he would lose it a day later (however you wish to interpret this is directly related to whom you get the story from). Now Slacker stays on the forum due to the actions of Dodd and him cultivating friendships with both Makaze, Jotun, and Aphrodite.

Slacker awaits for the moment where everyone will come towards him and tell him that he was indeed right about everything, it happened with the mod rankings and it will happen with his demotion, when this happens he will assert himself with a well placed smug fuck you and then go back to writing posts about his characters ejaculating in other characters face.

Till then he promises you that if there is drama anywhere on the site he will be found directly in the middle of it.

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