Bobby Jacks

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Name: Bobby Jacks
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Bobby is completely dedicated to his favourite sport � boxing, and also reads a great deal. The books are on virtually any subject, and Bobby reads through them slowly but inexorably.

Appearance: Bobby is a pretty big black guy, around six feet and two inches tall, and weighing approximately 235 pounds. Bobby is no lightweight, but a good deal of his weight is muscle, as he�s been utterly devoted to boxing (and the training involved) since he was nine years old.

Bobby�s nose has been broken at least twice, and he has a fairly battered looking face, despite having a hell of a chin for taking punches. He has a little bit of facial hair - a small goatee, and almost shoulder length hair, which is usually bound in a ponytail, both beard and ponytail are blond.

Biography: Bobby has never really associated himself closely with anybody, for some peculiar reason, companionship doesn�t appeal to him in the slightest.

Of course, there are always those out to make friends, but whenever they approach the serious young man, they always seem to find themselves politely, but firmly brushed off.

Anybody who attempts to find the reasons for his self-imposed social exile invariably turns out absolutely stumped. The best that it could be put is that �Bobby Jacks doesn�t have friends because people don�t interest him,� and even that is a bad summary.

Bobby always was a big guy, he was born bigger than most of those his age, and as he grows up, he looks to be staying that way. Bobby could be intimidating if it wasn�t for his quiet and serious nature, most people would put a label on him which would say something along the lines of �The quiet, serious guy,� Very few fellow students could claim to have held meaningful conversation with him, and virtually none could say they were a friend.

Up until he discovered boxing, Bobby was always slightly overweight. He was occasionally ridiculed for it, but his silence was usually found unnerving, and it was boring � Why mock somebody you can�t get a rise out of?

When he was nine, his father (a huge fan of boxing) took him to see a professional match. From there, for Bobby, it was plain sailing. Bobby immediately besieged his father with requests to get taught boxing, as he had absolutely loved the fight. His father, overjoyed that his son shared his passion for the sport, and that he was finally showing an interest in something physical agreed almost straight away.

It was indeed a straight road from there, Bobby has been completely dedicated to the sport for nine years now, and he has a record of twenty-five fights, twenty-three wins and seventeen knockouts. The two losses were in his first two fights, both were a learning process (and also a discovery process, finding he had a natural affinity for boxing anyway) after that, Bobby was up and away, boxing his first professional fight at sixteen and managing to win a small time competition.

From there Bobby has set his eyes on championship gold, though whether he will ever reach that is unknown�

Advantages: Bobby is a strong puncher, has prodigious stamina, and can absorb a lot of punishment, if that resilience will carry from punches to other wounds remains to be seen� Bobby is also a particularly cool-headed individual, he�s calm in a crisis and can plan well. This may help to keep his head during the progress of the game, but you never know who�ll crack�

Disadvantages: Bobby has pretty much no hope of joining up with a group, he has no close friends, and it�ll be difficult to trust somebody so obviously strong and tough. Another disadvantage will be a basic impulsiveness and opportunistic streak, that could lead to him making bad decisions, which can and have led in the past to injury and conflict.


Below is a list of threads containing Bobby, in chronological order.

V3 Pregame
The Bonfire
The Mind of Angelic Ones


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