Andrew Klock

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Revision as of 23:54, 19 November 2006

Name: Andrew Klock
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10th grade.
Extra Curricular Activity: N/A
School: Transferred from Shaker High to Barry Coleson High.

Appearance: Brown hair that goes to the base of his neck, and brown eyes. He wears a black sweatshirt, faded blue jeans, and black converse. He's about 5'2.

Biography: Born in Brooklyn, New York, but raised in Latham, Andrew had what could be called the typical middle class American family. Through most of his life, he was more of the typical (and a bit stereotypical) kid who did almost nothing but watch TV. One day he was sick and kept out of school. While flipping through the channels, he accidentally stumbled upon something called "Survival of the Fittest". He had heard of the abductions, and that only one student returned from these abductions, but he had never seen what happened. worse off, his class was one of the ones abducted. Out of fear, he convinced his parents to let him tranfer to Barry Coleson High. Luck saved him from that SOTF, but lightning would not strike twice for Andrew Klock...

Other: He's a bit crazy from watching his own class in the SOTF act last year.

Number: Boy #12

The above biography is as written by Slayer. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.


Designated Weapon: Machete
Conclusions: Ah...the lucky ducky guy. Quite funny, really, how he got into the SOTF ACT. I have a feeling that he's already insane from watching all his friends in the former SOTF ACT, and won't hesitate to kill the children of this ACT.


Game Evaluations

Kills: 0

Killed by: Shot in the face by David Jackson

Collected Weapons: Machete (designated weapon), temporarily Corkscrew when he pulled it out of his back after being stabbed.

Allies: None

Enemies: Xian Chun, Cole Hudson, Jimmy Moreland, Chi Masumi, Amanda Jones, Madelaine Shirohara, David Jackson

Mid-Game Evaluation: Andrew began his game by silently watching from the shadows as Xian Chun and Cole Hudson alleviated their pains from the game via the use of marijuana at the gazebo. Andrew'd come to the gazebo looking for easy prey, and he certainly found it. However, he wasn't quite expecting the fight that Cole and Xian put up for their lives. After a prolonged fight, the two fled. Andrew, who was also exhausted (and seriously wounded, having been stabbed in the back and struck with quite a few heavy blows from the sledgehammer, one nearly breaking his foot) from the battle, opted not to follow them. Instead, he passed out, sleeping for several hours. When his woke up, he clumsily bandaged the wound that had nearly caused him to bleed to death and moved on, his journey would lead him into the woods...

At the woods, he would encounter the duo of Chi Masumi and Jimmy Moreland. Once again, Andrew failed to expect the retaliation he would get from the duo. After putting up quite the fight, Chi and Jimmy took off into the unknown and Andrew -- who was now physically weakened by the onslaught of battles he'd just fought -- was once again left alone. Deciding that it was time to find individuals who would be more easily massacred, Andrew headed off for the open field.

In the open field, Andrew encountered the trio of Amanda Jones, David Jackson, and Madelaine Shirohara. As Andrew approached the trio, David became wary and demanded the boy halt. Of course, Andrew had no intentions of stopping anything -- he had planned on making the three his first victims in the game. Frightened at Andrew's failure to comply and determined to enforce himself by any means necessary, David Jackson did the only thing he could do -- he fired -- and unwittingly eliminated Andrew Klock from the game early.

Post-Game Evaluation: Kid had the right idea, of course. Kill to survive. Kill to win! 'Course, it might've help if Andrew had actually been able to kill anybody. If he'd made it stick, he'd have eliminated seven people from the competition within the span of a day, and quite frankly, he would've gotten rid of the nuisances that were Shirohara, Jones, and Jackson and kept them from ever attempting to orchestrate an escape.

Memorable Quotes: "You two seem to be enjoying yourselves. I guess that's a good thing on the last day of your lives." - Andrew grabs Cole and Xian's attention

They all want to kill me. Everyone. Kill or be killed is the rule. The only one that doesn't hate me is me. They all want me dead! - Paranoia sets in


  • By far the least developed and most godmodded of Slayer's characters, Slayer killed him without a second thought because he "just didn't give a damn about that waste of potential anymore", to quote him.
  • His bio was one of SOTF's first retcons, the idea of Shaker High being in the same SOTF ACT as Aberthol High (Sydney Morvran's school) being accepted as canon rather quickly.
  • Shaker High is a real high school.
  • David Jackson was originally going to kill him by throwing him into the fires of the Bamboo Coppice, but when Lien volunteered Kichiro Taka for the flame death, the idea was revoked.
  • Andrew played to survive, but ironically he wouldn't have been killed by David if he hadn't attacked him. He might even have become an ally eventually if he had just heeded David's words and left him and his group alone when they met.
  • In the Third Announcement, it is mentioned that one of the terrorists made an Andrew Klock fansite.
  • Slayer, though reading the posts shames him, is currently in the process of editing all of Klock's posts, showing his inner thoughts and rationale (none of his actions in the fight against Cole have been edited as of yet, as doing so would require the fight itself to be changed seeing as those actions have already gotten reactions.).


Below is a list of threads that contain Andrew, in chronological order.

Your Thoughts

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