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Asterisk/Trixbox SIG
General Information About The Group
The Asterisk/Trixbox/<your open source voice platform of choice> was formed to serve the needs of Asterisk/VOIP users/developers/consultants in the San Fernando Valley. There is a lot of interest in Asterisk in this area and no group to help those with an interest get there feet wet. Many people want to use it for home/personal use as well as in a business environment.
We hope to foster an environment that encourages growth and innovation using Linux/Asterisk/Festival/Sphynx/<insert cool thing here>.
Meeting times/locations
Our Asterisk SIG is reorganizing after scheduling difficulties with our telephony expert Strom Carlson. Brian is now going to head the Asterisk SIG with meeting schedule to be announced once organized.
Group Goals
Our goals are:
- 1. Assist people with deploying and basic configuration of asterisk/trixbox/other voip platforms
- 2. Give guidance on more advanced configuration of asterisk.
- 3. Put asterisk consultants in touch with customers looking for telcom solutions.
Asterisk/Trixbox etc can do many amazing and complex things limited only by your imagination. Some things can require a lot of time and effort to get running. We ask that you are reasonable in the amount of free help you seek from our group members. Don't abuse it. Many of them make there living from Asterisk deployments and are highly knowledgeable. Please be respectful of that and try to compensate them for there time when it seems right.
Asterisk Information
* link Asterisk homepage * Trixbox * Digium The creators of asterisk. They manufacture T1 and Analog interface cards. * VOIP/Asterisk Wiki. A wealth of community built information on VOIP and Asterisk.
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