Level ⎛
From Scp Wiki
Survival Difficulty: Class Habitable
》Sustained Communities
》Devoid of Harmful Entities
Level ⎛ is a secret level of the Backrooms
Level ⎛ is an infinite space resembling waterfalls from the Frontrooms. The Water is safe to drink and has the same effect as Neon Water. There are rumors of this level being some kind of beautiful sub-layer of The Barrier, and every living being that has entered this level said to have experienced true peace. Sometimes, the sky above will show activity in The Frontrooms, being rocket ships, airplanes or even birds. Astronomical Eagles reside here, mostly protecting it's land. If you intentionally harm any creature here, it will start attacking until it eventually gets ahold of you, then it will send you to Level 彡. Despite having peace and houses built by Enderlings, it's very hard to find any other human beings.
There are many quiet areas with waterfalls flowing, however there is one that stands out from the rest. Enderlings have called it "The End of the Line" Waterfall, since there have been reports of wanderers getting into the Frontrooms from jumping into the water there. - It's the most beautiful sight we've ever seen.. 555 - There have been some reports of Gymsanities and Everlasters going on seperate sides of this huge waterfall and throwing objects to each other from there. They've even thrown Wanderers and other entities across under the supervision of an Astronomical Eagle.
Houses Houses are small spaces that mostly Enderlings build for Wanderers and Entities to live in. If one decides to live in a house, Enderlings will likely be living in an unseen section. It will always be nearby a Waterfall, and Enderlings will restock the food every 2 hours. There will likely be Astronomical Eagles outside the windows watching the Wanderer inside.
Entrances and Exits
- Find a Waterfall in The Barrier and dive into it.
- Go through a waterfall in Level -150.3.
- Dive into a body of water on Level 8.3.
Exits Travel far enough to get to The Barrier. Go through a waterfall made of Neon Water to get to Level -150.3. Going too far into the sky might bring you to Grandfather's House by unknown means. Angering an Astronomical Eagle may result in a trip to Level 彡.