User talk:LongSotryShortIStuckAWholeBagOfJellyBeansUpMyAss
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Revision as of 03:07, 29 January 2017 by LongSotryShortIStuckAWholeBagOfJellyBeansUpMyAss (Talk | contribs)
Help, i was in the middle of fucking my dishsoap, and my penis got stuck, what do i do?
Also, i ran out of butter and i want to the store with the dishsoap bottle on my penis, and everyone looked at me weird.
Long story short i stuck a whole bag of jelly beans up my ass.
MY NAME IS WigglyDick, and I'm looking for a female partner who is interested in sticking jelly beans up my ass, foot fetish, and wiggly frys, OH YES DADDY!