SCP Series
From Scp Wiki
Bring r Me a Out of h e e l l S I L E N T
Shshh .
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be monitored by Foundation bot Jarvis on a 24/7 basis to prevent knowledge of objects and persons under Foundation control. If any other personnel outside of this clearance if to be administered Class A-amnestics or higher, and is to have all access to a internet source eliminated. SCP-XXXX is to have a fire wall created to make the possibility of a civilian accessing SCP-XXXX an impossibility.
Description:SCP-XXXX is a edit-this wiki page titled 'Scp wiki' founded in 2008 by a group of unknown individuals, often referred to as SCP-XXXX-1. The site included several objects, including several known objects under containment by the Foundation, including, but not limited to: SCP-002, SCP-003, SCP-004, SCP-008, SCP- 11, and others. Several other objects were included among the catalog, but were not found on Foundation records as to never have been on that particular slot. It has been theorized that SCP-XXXX has access to other Foundations from other universes, although no evidence has been shown to exist at this time. It is unknown how much information SCP-XXXX has to Foundation records. SCP-XXXX has been deemed number one priority by the Foundation to eliminate it's existence, through any means necessary.