Level 999
From Scp Wiki
- Mysterious Properties
- Unknown Information
- Undocumented Entities
Level 999 has the appearance of a dark tropical island hovering over an endless, pitch-black void. The island consists of things like sand, palm trees, and water, all of which are shrouded in complete darkness. There are no confirmed entities on this level. Falling off the island into the void below will result in you falling back onto the island from above.
As you spend more time on Level 999, it is likely you will experience hallucinations/visions of your memories. These memories consist of your biggest regrets, and the most horrible things they've done in their life, in or outside of The Backrooms. They will begin to shift into the possible visions of their future, most of which are usually dark and grim, such as dying young, but can also be visions of a better version of themselves, showing what they could've been if they hadn't made certain errors and mistakes in their lives. Finally, whispers from an array of voices will flood the person's mind, taunting them for their regrets and mistakes. These visions have been described as "torture".
Entrances And Exits:
Walk for several hundred miles into Area 3 of Level 998. When you eventually succumb to exhaustion, starvation, and/or dehydration, you will fall unconscious. Upon waking up, you will find yourself on Level 999, with all symptoms that led to you passing out gone.
There is only one way to leave Level 999, to repent all of the sins you have committed in your life. Every single one. It will be easy to remember them since the whispers will force you to relive them all. Not everyone has the willpower to do this when being tormented by the visions. Depending on the severity of your sins, you will either die or be sent back to Level 0 if you cannot repent. It is possible the whispers will decide on another fate for you, which could be more specific to the sins you have committed.
If you are able to repent successfully, the whispers will say, "You have been forgiven. You can go further beyond". At this point, you will wake up in Level 1000. This is the only way to access Cluster II.