Entity -188
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Entity Hazard: Class 1
》Entity Number: -188
》Habitat: Native to Level -188
Entity -188 is a fully black male humanoid with winter clothing on, along with a backpack to carry his stuff, and he's also the owner of the cabin on Level -188. He seems to lack a face, thus he is mute. Despite how cold it is on any level, he will always wear the winter clothing and it seems to be immune to temperature, hence it is able to go to dangerously cold/hot levels. It has been seen wandering random levels in search of supplies to take back to its level. It will make no effort to communicate with any wanderer aside from those who have made a strong relationship with it.
Entity -188 moves in a calm and patient manner, however when it is attacked it will immediately lash back. The method it uses to kill its target is to shoot it with his shotgun, or simply use his strength. Entity -188 has demonstrated to throw a Smiler past the limits of Level 11 at an incredible speed and send beings to other levels.
The following information includes the levels it has been seen on and actions performed by it.
Level -150 Result: Glowfolk offered Entity -188 exceptionally rare items, some of which was Neon Water.
Level Karma Result: Entity 137 attempted to crash its car into Entity -188, just like it does to any other wanderer. Entity -188 threw the car with his bare hands. The car and Entity 137 were spotted a week later on the same level, seemingly undamaged except for both of the windows in the backseat being broken and a dent in the hood.
Level 6.1 Result: Wanderers that have visited Level -188 gave him supplies. The rest avoided him.
Level 5999 Result: Entity -188 got way more supplies than he needed.
Very Fun Level =) Result: Entity -188 left immediately after he discovered what the Partygoers were capable of, and made no attempt to return.
Level 2 Result: Several dead entities that attempted to attack Entity -188. A wanderer was found and taken to Level -188.
Level 3999 - Random Wanderer was taken with him Result: Entity -188 stayed for an entire day. The wanderer that was taken with him joined the Café Studio 52-1.
Nightime Result: Entity -188 decided to explore this Level. He was attacked by a horde of Partygoers and retreated after killing them off.