St Patricks Day

From Richiepedia

Revision as of 15:40, 12 April 2006 by (Talk)
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Upon starting studies at UEA Richie suddenly became Irish and started celebrating St Patricks Day.

In 2005, Rory, Kit, Adam, and Richie ripped up the LCR, with a green shirt and black marker pen. Everyone who's anyone, but usually female, were approached to sign Richie's shirt. Rory and Adam were successful in getting Richie's shirt adorned in messages of love (Kiss me I'm ginger/Fuck me, I'm Irish, etc) but the one group Richie spoke too looked mortified and walked off. He still has not lived this down.

2006 was a much more sedate affair, involving losing a society quiz,a pub crawl, kareoke, nearly getting attacked by chav, but not much alcohol.

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