Game 11
From Reydala
Log filename is "reydala2-03-09-05.html", system is is logging.
(5) Aknier: Decisions, decisions...
(5) Aknier: What were the domains of Lucion again, if I may?
(2) Tanja: + 1 to hide, + 1 to Move Silently, +1 to Open Lock, +2 to Balance, + 1 to Sleight of Hand, +2 to Disable Device, +1 to Search, and +2 to Climb
(3) Tony: Ermm.. scott, if you're still there
(2) Tanja: should bring Hide to 7, Move Silently to 7, Open Lock to 7, Balance to 6, Sleight of Hand to 8, Disable Device to 6, Search to 7, and Climb to 6
(8) Evanthe (enter): 22:03
(8) Evanthe: WHOOPS.
(8) Evanthe: Sorry ^_^
(2) Tanja: sleight of hand to 7
(2) Tanja: sorry
(2) Tanja: missed the 7 key :)
(8) Evanthe: Anything going on? :o
(2) Tanja: nah, just finishing up my level crap that i hadn't taken care of yet
(5) Aknier: I'm currently in a heated debate with myself.
(8) Evanthe: Awesome
(8) Evanthe: Who's winning?
(5) Aknier: I don't know. But I'm getting my ass kicked.
(8) Evanthe: xD
(2) Tanja: did all that work out, tony?
(5) Aknier: Basically, it's whether Aknier should be a Cleric of Lucion or a Cleric of Muline.
(5) Aknier: *Mu
(5) Aknier: *Mulinel
(5) Aknier: Because I've horribly interpreted the Lucion faith.
(5) Aknier: *misinterpreted
(8) Evanthe: Oh, I dunno what it's about :o
(2) Tanja: that's one of the reasons i didn't go
(8) Evanthe: TONY Are you proud of me?
(2) Tanja: too much study of religious dogma ;)
(3) Tony: Noted those skill points
(8) Evanthe: I posted on the community.
(2) Tanja: i'm half done with mine!!
(8) Evanthe: More than ONCE.
(3) Tony: For dying and living to tell about it?.. Hm.. that sounds weird
(2) Tanja: *sulk*
(2) Tanja: angel's showing us all up
(3) Tony: Yes yes, I'm proud of everyone... But I haven't read the 2nd one yet..>_>
(8) Evanthe: Well
(8) Evanthe: The 2nd one has 2
(8) Evanthe: so....extra ha!
(8) Evanthe: J needs to sign off WoW already
(7) Tristen: I am off WoW :P
(7) Tristen: im just quiet
(8) Evanthe: ;D
(7) Tristen: Angel just hasnt caught onto the addiction yet
(8) Evanthe: Gettin' there
(7) Tristen: since we're in Night elf territory and its boring there
(3) Tony: Alrighttt
(8) Evanthe: We startin?
(2) Tanja: *cheer*
(5) Aknier: Second question. >_>;;
(3) Tony: What? On time? never
(3) Tony: Go ahead ^_^
(8) Evanthe: xD
(5) Aknier: Would it complicate things if the town that everyone's in right now is Aknier's home town?
(5) Aknier: Er
(5) Aknier: That they *were* in.
(9) Seara (enter): 22:10
(2) Tanja: aren't we still in Sanoan?
(3) Tony: Everyone's still in sanoan.. If you want it to be his hometown that's fine
** (5) Aknier nods. **
(5) Aknier: Thank you~
(8) Evanthe: Yeah I'm recuperated and everything :D
(9) Seara: KWEH
(9) Seara: ((or is that KWEH))
(5) Aknier: That's how I'm thinking he re-enters the story.
(9) Seara: oh I'm safe
(9) Seara: :3
(3) Tony: Chocobo?
(2) Tanja: i'm just
(2) Tanja: riding up on horseback right as this game starts
(3) Tony: Just a secc, reticulating splines
(8) Evanthe: Khar Khar Khar~
(8) Evanthe: hahahaha
(9) Seara: angel angel angel~
(2) Tanja: SimHumor
(3) Tony: Got an icon yet Kiros?
(3) Tony: Elect your fearless leader too
(5) Aknier: Oh!
(8) Evanthe: what was it
(8) Evanthe: blurring reality lines?
(2) Tanja: i elect anybody but me
(8) Evanthe: Anyone want leader?
(8) Evanthe: I do't.
(8) Evanthe: don't*
(7) Tristen: I dont want to be leader again, pulled in too many directions :P
(5) Aknier: Um...
(8) Evanthe: Are we gonna hafta roll for leader guys?
(5) Aknier: Evokers are natural leaders but...
(9) Seara: I can't be, I dunno enough
(2) Tanja: i think we may have to roll
(8) Evanthe: So unless Khar wants to do it
(8) Evanthe: ROLLING
(8) Evanthe: d20 everyone ;D
(9) Seara: xD
(8) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [7] = (7)
(2) Tanja: eeeeeeverbody rolls
(8) Evanthe: BOOYAH
(2) Tanja: [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
(9) Seara: [1d20] -> [3] = (3)
(2) Tanja: bitch.
(7) Tristen: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
(8) Evanthe: HAHA
(5) Aknier: [1d20] -> [11] = (11)
(9) Seara: WOOYEAH
(7) Tristen: safff
(3) Tony: [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
(7) Tristen: eee
(8) Evanthe: Tony's leader!
(9) Seara: LOL
(5) Aknier: xD\\
(2) Tanja: tony leads!
(2) Tanja: our DEATH
(3) Tony: I've tasted player blood now, look out
(7) Tristen: oh lord
(2) Tanja: i guess...this means i lead?
(5) Aknier: Just like a bear...
(2) Tanja: thieves don't lead!
(2) Tanja: we skulk
(8) Evanthe: Yeah
(2) Tanja: its hard to pick your pockets if i'm in front
(8) Evanthe: He had fun with my death
(8) Evanthe: "Bending in ways that were just wrong"
(8) Evanthe: Though that kinda made me giggle >.>;
(2) Tanja: lol
(1) Mikhal: i'm back
(2) Tanja: me too when i read it
(7) Tristen: scott has to roll yet
(5) Aknier: Oh, third uquestion
(8) Evanthe: Oh yeah!
(5) Aknier: *question
(8) Evanthe: Scott roll ;D
(2) Tanja: scot
(1) Mikhal: [1d20] -> [2] = (2)
(8) Evanthe: Unless you want leader
(1) Mikhal: :D
(5) Aknier: May I change my feats?
(2) Tanja: i will love you forever if you get...
(2) Tanja: nevermind
(8) Evanthe: Then you automatically get it
(3) Tony: Sure if you want, I'm not picky
(8) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
(5) Aknier: Thank you, agian.
(8) Evanthe: hahahahah rolls this game are gonna suck
(8) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [12] = (12)
(8) Evanthe: >.>
(2) Tanja: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
** (8) Evanthe gives up. **
(7) Tristen: [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
(2) Tanja: *trades*
(3) Tony: Though might wanna wait till after the game and just keep the ones you have right now..
(8) Evanthe: Yeah, see?
(5) Aknier: There were some special feats in the
(2) Tanja: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
(5) Aknier: Ah, sure. Will do.
(2) Tanja: jeez
(5) Aknier: I need a reminder on my character status. >_>;;
(7) Tristen: [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
(3) Tony: Ermm..
(3) Tony: You were at the library of lucion, so you could just say you went home
(5) Aknier: No no. I mean, lik
(9) Seara: [1d20] -> [17] = (17)
(2) Tanja: waste
(9) Seara: ah, now my good roles start
(5) Aknier: Ah, nevermind. I'm going crazy. /swt
(9) Seara: >.>
(9) Seara: rolls
(9) Seara: <.<
(8) Evanthe: xD
(8) Evanthe: ROLES.
(3) Tony: So the thief is leading?
(9) Seara: ssh
(9) Seara: lol
(2) Tanja: isn't that ironic?
(7) Tristen: just a bit
(3) Tony: Please arrange the party how you see fit =)
(2) Tanja: everybody in front of me
(2) Tanja: hm...
(2) Tanja: me and no paper = do not mix
(3) Tony: Wizards (Wizard..) Send me spells if they're different
(9) Seara: ooh arranging partay
(5) Aknier: xD
(5) Aknier: Er that's it
(5) Aknier: I need to remember which spells I have?
(7) Tristen: Mikhal in front :)
(9) Seara: stick evanthe in the middle so she doesn't die again ;)
(7) Tristen: he gets to take the beating
(1) Mikhal: Tristen in front
(1) Mikhal: he has better armor
(2) Tanja: shaddup! lol
(2) Tanja: i'm arranging!
(7) Tristen: you have more health :P
(1) Mikhal: only 43 ;-;
(3) Tony: Preferably within a 3x3 grid
(7) Tristen: ONLY?
(7) Tristen: I have 29
(9) Seara: I have 24 now!!11
(9) Seara: ooh
(1) Mikhal: what level are yo now though?
(9) Seara: I have almost as much as the paladin
(7) Tristen: 3
(3) Tony: Magic Missle, Identify, Mage Armor, Jump, Charm Person, Ray of Enfeeblement That's your first levels
(9) Seara: HUMP
(3) Tony: You know all 0th, and all cleric spells are automatically known
** (5) Aknier nods. **
(5) Aknier: Khar: SHSUH
(5) Aknier: *SHUSH, even.
(2) Tanja: so wait...we have a paladin, a barbarian, a rogue, a ranger, a wizard, and a cleric?
(2) Tanja: did i nail them all?
(9) Seara: <3
(7) Tristen: cleric/wizard
(9) Seara: dangit
(2) Tanja: job call! lol
(9) Seara: [Bad dice format] - [<3]
(9) Seara: err
(9) Seara: *insert heart here*
(9) Seara: >.>
(3) Tony: Paladin, Barbarian, Ranger, Ranger, Rogue, Cleric/Wizard
(2) Tanja: two rangers and a cleric/wizards
(2) Tanja: okay that's where i messed up
(7) Tristen: Flamer is a cleric too
(8) Evanthe: Flamer isn't here
(3) Tony: ..Exactly
(7) Tristen: and a new person that will be joing us soon is a wizard
(2) Tanja: yeah i don't care about people not here :P
(7) Tristen: oh ok
(7) Tristen: wasnt sure what you were asking
(8) Evanthe: she's trying to arrange us ;P
(9) Seara: new?
(7) Tristen: yeah an old friend of mine
(9) Seara: ah, cool
(7) Tristen: hes new to D&D but not new to role playing
(5) Aknier: We should switch off leadership~
(8) Evanthe: It's easier for the DM with a leader
(2) Tanja: i'm at a tossup as to who should be in front...with 6 people, i'm doing two rows of 3...
(5) Aknier: Ah.
(5) Aknier: Still getting a picture, one sec.
(2) Tanja: maybe i should do 3 rows of 2...
(8) Evanthe: Khar
(2) Tanja: okay, done
(8) Evanthe: What's your hp now?
(9) Seara: \\24
(9) Seara: -\\
(2) Tanja: well wait, do you rangers melee? *i hate layouts!)
(8) Evanthe: I prefer not to melee
(9) Seara: I do both
(2) Tanja: which do you prefer?
(9) Seara: I'm not picky ;)
(2) Tanja: ...
(2) Tanja: fine, then
(9) Seara: xD
(9) Seara: arrange by hp or something
(9) Seara: brb
(2) Tanja: first row = Mikhal / Tristen / Seara second row = Aknier / Evanthe / Tanja in those orders
(2) Tanja: since seara has 1 more HP than me....i twas a tossup which of us was in
(7) Tristen: haha
(3) Tony: Oh and... Jaze?
(2) Tanja: ...
(7) Tristen: so Im in the middle eh?
(2) Tanja: wherever you want him to be, tony
(2) Tanja: he's your guy
(3) Tony: In the monster's jaw, wonderful
(1) Mikhal: tristen sandwich!
(2) Tanja: hey i saw you stave off a hydra ... you can handle it :P
(7) Tristen: yeah yeah
(7) Tristen: and then the hydra froze my ass
(3) Tony: Alrighttt... without further aduee
(3) Tony: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
(5) Aknier: Wait wait!
(2) Tanja: ((we're already late...))
(3) Tony: ((Further adue?))
(5) Aknier: ((nevermind. >_>;;))
(7) Tristen: ((Uh oh, he broke the 4th wall))
(7) Tristen: ((PUNISH))
(8) Evanthe: ((No no say it Kiros))
(5) Aknier: ((Magic Missle x2))
(2) Tanja: ((further ado...))
(8) Evanthe: ((Especially if you have a question :o))
(2) Tanja: ((adue? ado? adoooo))
(5) Aknier: (( for a picture...))
(3) Tony: The sun sits high over the town of Sanoan... it is midafternoon
(5) Aknier: (())
(3) Tony: A gentle breeze blows over the city and the tatched roofs..
(3) Tony: ((Getting a fetching icon and nothing much else... sure that's the exact url?))
(8) Evanthe: ((it worked for me :o))
(5) Aknier: ((Let me double check))
(2) Tanja: ::still rumpled from the ride in, having not stopped since setting out from the Library:: i'm...uh...sorry for being late...
(5) Aknier: ((I'm doing this over two computer))
(5) Aknier: ((*computers))
(2) Tanja: ::scuffs her feet:::
(8) Evanthe: ((Wait, are we all there?))
(8) Evanthe: ((I was planning my entrance :o))
(3) Tony: ((Enter away..^_^*))
(5) Aknier: ((I'm not, but I'm doing the same))
(1) Mikhal: ((where are we in sanonan currently?))
(2) Tanja: is...uh... ::cough:: is she okay?
(3) Tony: ((Those of you without a special entrance, outside the inn is fine))
(2) Tanja: ((i cut my entrance since everybody else has special
(2) Tanja: ((so we'll just assume i just rode up))
(9) Seara: (( are we just standing around waiting to hear about eva?))
(8) Evanthe: ((no I'm fine))
(9) Seara: ((oh okay))
(1) Mikhal: *stretches and yawns* she should be fine by now
(3) Tony: Outside the inn where the adventurers have been put up for free... there is a large circus tent put up in the square... lots of people are gathered around... a happy musical melody floats in the air...
(2) Tanja: ((lots of people....gathering...crowds... $.$ ))
** (8) Evanthe runs up to the group "Have you guys been to the circus yet?" **
** (8) Evanthe has food in both hands, alternating between the two. **
(7) Tristen: *Tristen doesnt say much, looking toward the temple spires glimmering in the distance, wondering how Evanthe is doing*
(8) Evanthe: ((scrapped the special entrance))
(2) Tanja: Eva!
** (9) Seara steals some food from one of Eva's hands **
(9) Seara: Not yet, we should go together
(8) Evanthe: Tanja! Glad to see you! You'll appreciate this circus stuff!
(8) Evanthe: Hey hey!
** (1) Mikhal smiles at evanthe "do you really need to ask me that question?" **</font>
(7) Tristen: *turns around alittle shocked*
(2) Tanja: ::Nods enthusiastically:::
(2) Tanja: maybe we can get Tristen to crack a smile!
** (8) Evanthe pulls on Tanja's hand toward the circus **
(8) Evanthe: Oh wait
** (8) Evanthe stops. "Where's Jaze? **
(7) Tristen: *smiles... half way*
** (3) Jaze timidly comes from the inn door, looking sleepy. **
(2) Tanja: ::points:: almost!
(8) Evanthe: ((it's cause tony mentioned the circus that i had to go to it ;_;))
(2) Tanja: Jaze!
** (8) Evanthe smiles, waving a little. "Hey Shortstuff." **
(2) Tanja: ::eyes stray to the circus, even while greeting Jaze::
** (3) Jaze looks at Evanthe, as if almost scared. "Hi Everyone..... Are you okay?..." **
(7) Tristen: Maybe they will have some contests of skill there.
(2) Tanja: ::blinks:: okay? Of course i'm okay! its you guys who had the fun without me! ::sticks her tongue out::
(7) Tristen: ((late))
(1) Mikhal: after today's show, maybe i can let you all meet everyoen in the circus
** (8) Evanthe tackles Jaze. "Just as solid as you are." **
(8) Evanthe: I told you I'd be fine and that I'd protect you!
(2) Tanja: i betcha if *i* had been here, you guys would've been a-okay!
(2) Tanja: ::teasing grin::
** (3) Jaze smiles a little at Evanthe, looking toward the Circus. **
(8) Evanthe: I just kinda...went overboard..
** (8) Evanthe grins sheepishly. **
(8) Evanthe: Yes! Fun!
(2) Tanja: ::nods solemnly:: it happens to the best of us... ::Coughs, thinking back to a certain instance with a case and fire::
(5) Aknier: *yells* Hey! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey!
** (8) Evanthe speeds towards the circus pulling Jaze, Tanja, Seara, and whoever else she can manage to pull **
(8) Evanthe: guys hear something?
** (5) Aknier bursts through the doors of the Mulinel temple, and makes a bee line straight for the group. **
(2) Tanja: i hear circus!
(7) Tristen: *walks casually ... about as casual as a paladin can toward the circus after them*
(3) Jaze: It's just a dumb circus..*pouts*
** (8) Evanthe pokes Aknier, "Where the heck have you been?" **
(2) Tanja: then come to the dumb circus with us!
(1) Mikhal: *frowns at jaze* that's the circus i worked for
(5) Aknier: Duties, of couse! Tending to your body, for one.
(3) Jaze: Further proof
** (5) Aknier begins wakling with the group, almost subconciously. **
** (8) Evanthe giggles at Jaze "You shouldn't be mean to your bodyguard." **
(7) Tristen: *cracks a smile at Jaze's comment but then stifles it*
(2) Tanja: ::bursts out laughing at Jaze's comment::
(2) Tanja: he got you, Mikhal!
** (8) Evanthe turns back to Aknier "You were one of...?" **
** (5) Aknier laughs **
(5) Aknier: Only an attendent, if you will.
(8) Evanthe: Well you did a good job! Just as sturdy as before!
(3) GM Voice: All around outside there are merchants trying to take advantage of the crowds, setting up their booths... most people are just there for the music and festivities..
(1) Mikhal: but i'm still the one who solved the puzzle at the temple of mulinel in kresavae
(2) Tanja: ::points:: circus! now!
(5) Aknier: I'm not *nearly* of rank to be ressureciting.
(5) Aknier: Oh! The yearly circus~
(8) Evanthe: Hmmm
** (8) Evanthe pokes Seara in the ribs with her elbow **
(8) Evanthe: I bet I can beat you in a game.
(8) Evanthe: Hell, I bet I can beat ALL of you.
(2) Tanja: ::cocks an ear to listen to the music::
(2) Tanja: hah!!
(8) Evanthe: Who wants to play me?
(7) Tristen: *walks through the booths looking at the potential weapons and armor, seeing if he can find anything that might be of value*
(2) Tanja: me!
(2) Tanja: i'll beat you like its cool!
(5) Aknier: Ah, I was never good at these games, but absolutely~
(8) Evanthe: Hah, we'll see.
** (8) Evanthe looks for a game to play. **
(1) Mikhal: might as well try
(8) Evanthe: None of you circus tricks to win *eyes Mikhal*
** (1) Mikhal rolls his eyes **</font>
(2) Tanja: ::whistles::
(3) GM Voice: Amongst the many performers are a magician performing parlor tricks... a couple of animal trainers... and of course the musicians, accompanied by a dancer that is getting alot of attention..
(8) Evanthe: Yeah well, when I beat you circus tricks and all, you'll have nothing to say for yourself huh
(5) Aknier: ((Must..stop...tilding))
(2) Tanja: ::distractred by the dancer::
(8) Evanthe: ((xD))
(8) Evanthe: Not many games in this circus...
(1) Mikhal: *grins* atleast i hit stuff when i fight
(5) Aknier: Palor tricks...*muses* The base workings of many mages.
(3) GM Voice: A Few disreputable booths are running find the peanut under the bowl games
** (8) Evanthe cocks her head at Mikhal "So do all of us" **
(1) Mikhal: you just have a lot of..warning shots, right?
(8) Evanthe: Excuse me?
** (3) Jaze looks around in excitement.. alternating with trying to look bored. **
(5) Aknier: Well..I suppose we all hit, even if it's in vain sometimes...
(8) Evanthe: Need I remind you of certain fights where you misssed the enemy?
(2) Tanja: ::wanders off from the others, charmed by the dancer and the music::
(7) Tristen: *seeing nothing at the booths that interested him he moves to the group again, looking for a game of skill to prove himself*
(1) Mikhal: *laughs* i'm just joking Eva
(8) Evanthe: You're not as accurate as you'd like to think.
** (8) Evanthe bristles. **
** (5) Aknier examines his spellbook, which now showed a large dent. **
(5) Aknier: *on the surface.
(8) Evanthe: How about that peanut game guys?
(7) Tristen: ((haha thats right he whacked the guy with the book))
(8) Evanthe: ((hehe))
(3) GM Voice: A few other booths are running knock the bottles over games.. generally a wide assortment of cheap things people can set up for a buck
(8) Evanthe: OOh! Knock the bottles over!
(1) Mikhal: i was just about to suggest that one
(7) Tristen: ((because you cant think of the actual name for it xD))
(5) Aknier: Why not!
(8) Evanthe: ((well duh))
(8) Evanthe: I'll show you my aim isn't that bad!
(3) GM Voice: ((Well what do you want to call it? =p))
(1) Mikhal: and i'll probably end up missing horribly
(2) Tanja: ::waves distractedly:: be there in a sec guys!
(7) Tristen: Hmm Im no good at those types of things myself.
(8) Evanthe: Scared, Tristan?
(8) Evanthe: I would be, too if I were you.
(7) Tristen: There is much more honor in fighting an enemy face to face then from afar *to Evanthe*
(1) Mikhal: i'll go first
** (3) Jaze wanders over by the magician, seemingly in study.. **
(1) Mikhal: *walks over to the booth*
(8) Evanthe: It's more fun to shoot things
** (5) Aknier follows Jaze, in part, curiosity. **
(3) GM Voice: ((...Everyone knew I'd have to make this alias eventually..)
(1) Mikhal: ((carnie?))
(8) Evanthe: ((Fizban!))
(3) Carnie: Yes sir! Yes sir! Step Right up!
(8) Evanthe: ((Oh))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(5) Aknier: *To Jaze* He's not bad, is he?
(1) Mikhal: how much for this game?
(1) Mikhal: ((and the magican is a woman ;D))
(5) Aknier: *SHE
(8) Evanthe: ((Oh damn))
(5) Aknier: ((I lose. >_>;;))
(3) Carnie: 1 GT for a try times three!
(1) Mikhal: *looks at the prizes*
(8) Evanthe: Hurry hurry Mikhal
(3) Jaze: "She's definitely operating under her skill level... Look at her gestures..."
(1) Mikhal: *hands the carnie one GT*
** (5) Aknier nodded in agreement. **
** (9) Seara zooms up **
(3) GM Voice: There are 10 bottles... arranged in a pyramid formation..
(9) Seara: ooh I'm in!
(1) Mikhal: ((ranged attack?))
(7) Tristen: I might take you up on that challenge Evanthe
(3) Jaze: "I'd like to see the real fireworks..."
(3) GM Voice: ((Yes))
** (1) Mikhal picks up a ball and launches it at the bottles **</font>
(1) Mikhal: [1d20+6] -> [9,6] = (15)
(8) Evanthe: ((ranged attack means what bonuses? dex?))
(1) Mikhal: ((yeah))
(8) Evanthe: ((you hve a 6 dex bonus? O_o))
(5) Aknier: "Well, unless there's a Arcanist duel schedualed...unfortunately I doubt it..."
(1) Mikhal: ((no. base attack + dex))
(3) GM Voice: ((Hm... just make it a dex check, actually..;) ))
(1) Mikhal: ((boo))
(9) Seara: ((haha))
(8) Evanthe: ((yeah unfair ;P))
(1) Mikhal: Dex check: [1d20+2] -> [8,2] = (10)
(3) GM Voice: ((1d4 Mikhal))
(1) Mikhal: [1d4] -> [2] = (2)
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal's ball crashes into the bottom of the stack of bottles... it takes out the middle bottles but leaves the two on the ends...
(1) Mikhal: figures..
(8) Evanthe: Who wants to go next?
(1) Mikhal: i still have 2 more balls
(7) Tristen: I will
(8) Evanthe: Oh
(7) Tristen: ahh
(1) Mikhal: *picks up the next ball and goes for the bottle on the right*
(8) Evanthe: Use your superduper strength!
(1) Mikhal: Dex check: [1d20+2] -> [16,2] = (18)
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal easily knocks the bottle on the right over!
(1) Mikhal: *goes for the last bottle*
(2) Tanja: ::runs up, breathless:: sorry guys! got distracted!
(1) Mikhal: Dex check: [1d20+2] -> [5,2] = (7)
(1) Mikhal: ((damn >_>))
(8) Evanthe: ((there are 10 bottles aren't there?))
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal's last ball goes wide...
(8) Evanthe: (( so you hit 2 bottles down?))
(1) Mikhal: ((i knocked 9 down))
(3) Carnie: Aw... Too bad there son, try again later!
(8) Evanthe: ((ohkay
(8) Evanthe: ))
(8) Evanthe: Good try Mikhal!
(1) Mikhal: oh well *Shrugs*
(8) Evanthe: Tristan?
(7) Tristen: *steps up to the lady and hands her his gold terreme*
(8) Evanthe: ((need a 10 or above to hit o.o))
(3) Carnie: "3 balls for the man in the armor!"
(8) Evanthe: ((that's kinda easy, no? :o))
(2) Tanja: ::watches closely, not trusting the Carnie to play a fair game::
(7) Tristen: *picks up one of the balls and throws it at the stacked bottles*
(8) Evanthe: ((well until i roll a 4))
(7) Tristen: [1d20] -> [12] = (12)
(3) Carnie: Tristen throws a ball into the stack!... d4!
(7) Tristen: [1d4] -> [2] = (2)
(3) Carnie: Tristen's ball hits a similar location to where mikhal struck.... those stubborn two bottles on the ends stay standing, taunting him. The other 7 fall to the ground
** (8) Evanthe smirks **
(3) Carnie: ((8..>_>))
(8) Evanthe: Those darn bottles
(7) Tristen: *glances at Evanthe and then promptly picks up another ball and launches it*
(7) Tristen: [1d20] -> [11] = (11)
(3) GM Voice: Tristen's second ball whiffs inbetween the two remaining bottles..!
(7) Tristen: *throws the last ball alittle angrily* [1d20] -> [3] = (3)
(2) Tanja: ::tactfully:: you shouldn't get frustrated like that
(7) Tristen: *huffs and turns around* Ridiculous game, no real skill involved.
(3) GM Voice: Tristen's last ball flies past the table and bounces off the side of a building... harmlessly slowing to a halt a distance later
(8) Evanthe: Now you have a bit more appreciation for how much more of a challenge is involved in archer---pffffft what?
(1) Mikhal: if no real skill is involved, then why did you miss?
(7) Tristen: You throw a ball at a bottle, it has nothing to do with REAL combat.
(8) Evanthe: Oh Tristan
** (3) Jaze wanders back over to the rest by the ball game... **
** (8) Evanthe sticks her tongue at him. **
(7) Tristen: *with that walks back to the booths to look at the weapons again*
(9) Seara: Then you should win easily~
(2) Tanja: can i go next? ::eagerly::
** (8) Evanthe nods, stepping back. "I don't mind" **
(9) Seara: Sure, go ahead
(2) Tanja: ::hands over her money, hefting a ball experimentally::
(2) Tanja: hm..
(3) Carnie: Thank you! Thank you! Lots of skillful people today! Good Luck!
(2) Tanja: ::after studying the target carefully, she winds up....and throws!::
(2) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [17,4] = (21)
(2) Tanja: [1d4] -> [4] = (4)
(9) Seara: ((lmao))
(3) GM Voice: Tanja tosses the ball...! It strikes dead center of the bottles.... they all come tumbling down!!
(2) Tanja: ((*beans the carnie*))
(1) Mikhal: *claps his hands for tanja*
** (8) Evanthe coughs, hiding a smile behind her hand. **
(3) Carnie: "Welll, It seems we have a champion here!"
(2) Tanja: oh look what my NO SKILL accomplished!
(8) Evanthe: Neat trick, Tanja.
(2) Tanja: ::carries her voice over to Tristen::
(2) Tanja: why thank you ::smiles modestly::
(9) Seara: That's how it's done *glares at tristen*
(7) Tristen: *hears but ignores her, seeming to be inspecting a sword*
** (8) Evanthe giggles **
(8) Evanthe: Seara, want a go?
(8) Evanthe: If not, I'll go
(3) GM Voice: Tristen doesen't find many weapon stalls at all... the one he does find has weapons that look like they'd fall apart under real combat.. Maybe it's best not to trust these vendors...
(9) Seara: Sure thing, I'll give it a try. *hands Carnie the coins*
(9) Seara: [1d20+3] -> [15,3] = (18)
(2) Tanja: so...uh...what'd i win?
(8) Evanthe: Apparently the title of champion. Booo.
(3) Carnie: "*cough* Why, satisfaction over your peers, of course..!"
(9) Seara: *oh yeah, lauches the ball* ((xD))
(8) Evanthe: ((xD))
(9) Seara: [1d4] -> [1] = (1)
(9) Seara: ((boo))
(2) Tanja: ::looks somewhat crestfallen::
(8) Evanthe: ((i don't even know what the 1d4 is))
(3) GM Voice: Seara lets lose the ball.... it rams into the left side... taking the side three bottles down!
(7) Tristen: *looks at what other booths are around, seeing if there is anything interesting, perhaps a seller of scroll or books of lore*
(9) Seara: *launches the next one*
** (1) Mikhal wanders over to the performers **</font>
(9) Seara: [1d20+3] -> [14,3] = (17)
(3) GM Voice: Tristen finds the vast majority of the booths are decidedly mundane.. selling produce and livestock...
(9) Seara: [1d4] -> [1] = (1)
(9) Seara: ((lmao))
(8) Evanthe: I'm telling Kebron *teases Seara*
(7) Tristen: ((not giving me much Tony :P ))
(3) GM Voice: Seara's second strike crashes into the bottom of the stack...! Only the one on the very left remains...
(8) Evanthe: He'd make you do the basics all over again if he saw this!
(9) Seara: Hush, at least I'm hitting them... or something
(3) GM Voice: ((It's a peasant carnival in a small town.. there's not going to be level 20 wizards selling armories of destruction ;) ))
** (8) Evanthe laughs **
(9) Seara: [1d20+3] -> [5,3] = (8)
(9) Seara: ((LOL))
(7) Tristen: *slowly makes his way back to the group, not at all paying attention to any of them at all in particular*
(9) Seara: ((I jinxed myself))
(2) Tanja: ::innocently:: find anything?
(8) Evanthe: I'm sure I'll do much worse
(3) GM Voice: Seara's last ball sails wide.. leaving the last bottle standing
(1) Mikhal: ((i was an armorie of invulnerability ;-;))
(9) Seara: Oh I doubt it *chuckles*
(7) Tristen: *notices Jaze just standing there and moves to him* Are you having fun? What do you want to do Jaze?
(9) Seara: I jinxed myself
(3) Carnie: "Oooo almost...."
(2) Tanja: ::leaning up against the carnie booth, losing interest in the game now that she's THE BEST::
** (8) Evanthe steps up, paying the Carnie **
(8) Evanthe: Okay, gotta at least hit some.
** (3) Jaze quickly tries to hide his awe and puts on a pouting face **
(3) Jaze: "Do we really have time to be playing around?.."
** (8) Evanthe picks up a ball and tosses it **
(8) Evanthe: [1d20+4] -> [4,4] = (8)
(2) Tanja: of course we do
(2) Tanja: there's always time for playing around
** (5) Aknier grins. **
** (8) Evanthe makes a face at Jaze **
(8) Evanthe: Stop distracting me Squirt
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe's first ball sails over the bottles.. not hitting a single one..
(2) Tanja: isn't that right, Tristen?
(7) Tristen: *scratches his chin but really hides his chuckle at Eva's throw*
** (8) Evanthe raspberries Tristen **
(7) Tristen: Aye, enjoyment of life is never something to be taken for granted
** (9) Seara laughs **
(8) Evanthe: If you don't watch it, I may forget and aim for you.
(7) Tristen: The gods revel in laughter and joy :)
** (8) Evanthe tries again, tossing it more forcefully **
(8) Evanthe: [1d20+4] -> [1,4] = (5)
(9) Seara: I might have jinxed you too... but Jaze's easier to blame
(8) Evanthe: ((let me hit smeone else xD))
(9) Seara: ((omg))
(7) Tristen: ((- :) ))
(8) Evanthe: ((PLEASE))
(8) Evanthe: ((make it hit someone))
(5) Aknier: What is life without happiness?
(1) Mikhal: ((the carnie is gonna die! XD))
(2) Tanja: ((didn't we kill a carnie in one of the lore nights?))
(1) Mikhal: ((we killed quite a few))
(8) Evanthe: ((I dunno, but I'd like to knock one out now))
(5) Aknier: One of Mulinel's wishes is for the children of the world to play in the waters without harm or danger.
(8) Evanthe: ((or knock one of you out))
** (8) Evanthe feels the ball slip from her hand "A--whoops" **
(2) Tanja: life isn't much fun unless you can...well...have fun
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe's ball flies way past the bottles again... bounces off the building, sailing back over the counter..... and bonking Tristen on the head
** (8) Evanthe bursts out laughing. **
(2) Tanja: ::giggles:: oh my gosh...are you ::giggles:: okay?
** (8) Evanthe calls over to Aknier "Are you sure you didn't get some of my wires crossed?" **
(7) Tristen: *turns around and looks at Evanthe rubbing the back of his head* No reason to get upset now because your aim is lacking.
(5) Aknier: Totallly.
(8) Evanthe: No reason to get upset now *mimics*
** (5) Aknier looks around, slightly awkwardly. **
** (8) Evanthe holds the last ball, smiling evilly at Tristen **
** (3) Jaze giggles a little, then sharply stops **
(8) Evanthe: [1d20+4] -> [19,4] = (23)
(2) Tanja: ::points:: i saw that!!
(2) Tanja: don't hide it!
(2) Tanja: i saw you laugh!
(7) Tristen: *crosses his arms at Evanthen, un amuzed*
(7) Tristen: ((amused even))
(9) Seara: Nice aim there!
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe's final ball sails straight into the center of the bottles.... Knocking them all to the ground!
(9) Seara: ((err that was about tristen >.>))
(8) Evanthe: So now you have to ask yourself.
(8) Evanthe: Was I purposely missing to make you feel better?
(7) Tristen: Luck.
(1) Mikhal: ((tony, did you note that i walked over to the circus people to watch?))
(8) Evanthe: Oh c'mon. I'm an archer. This is what I do.
(8) Evanthe: ((besides bluffing))
(9) Seara: ((xD))
(3) Jaze: I did not laugh! It was the guy over there!..
(7) Tristen: You recently have been to the planes, some god is smiling down on you now *shrugs*
(3) GM Voice: ((Noted))
(2) Tanja: i was looking right at you! don't lie, squirt!
(5) Aknier: ((It was the one eyed, one armed, man!))
(8) Evanthe: Some guy? It was Ragnae!
(9) Seara: ((I love how the great skills of an archer can go to hell so easilyjust by a bad roll :3))
(8) Evanthe: ((some god*))
(5) Aknier: I did *not* laugh...
(8) Evanthe: ((yeah really xD))
** (8) Evanthe pauses, looking briefly at Jaze **
(8) Evanthe: Did you want a go, Jaze?
** (3) Jaze grins... **
(9) Seara: Go ranger powah~
(7) Tristen: Well Ragnae obviously didnt want his prized archer to make a fool of herself, so he intervened
(7) Tristen: *gestures to the bottles*
(8) Evanthe: HER.
(3) Jaze: "Child's Play.."
(8) Evanthe: Don't make me call Regial a woman.
(2) Tanja: oooh really now?
(8) Evanthe: In fact, are you even sure Regial IS a woman?
(2) Tanja: lets see you break the awesome Tanja's record!
(8) Evanthe: ((IS a man*))
(2) Tanja: ::stretches::
(7) Tristen: Actually, the gods generally acsend gender, they only choose forms to appeal to us. *smiles alittle*
(3) Jaze: "...Jorue didn't give me my allowance... I knew I forgot something"
(8) Evanthe: I um...
(7) Tristen: ((ascend... god my typing))
** (8) Evanthe elbows Seara slightly **
(2) Tanja: ::fingers her pockets reluctantly..::
(8) Evanthe: Seara...
(14) Locke (enter): 23:24
(2) Tanja: ::looks around at everybody else from the corner of her eye, thinking to herself --- why can't anyone else speak up?::
(7) Tristen: ((dont mess with Tristen's knowledge of religions haha))
(5) Aknier: ((FLAMER! <3))
(5) Aknier: *))
(9) Seara: *whispers* hm?
(14) Locke: ((I'll just watch >.>;;))
(8) Evanthe: Come over here...I need to talk to you.
(2) Tanja: ::false cheer:: that's okay! i can pay, Jaze
(2) Tanja: you owe me!
** (8) Evanthe ushers Seara off to the side, speaking in low tones. **
(9) Seara: *is ushered*
(2) Tanja: ::flips him a coin::
(9) Seara: ((FWAMIE))
** (3) Jaze smiles privately to himself, capturing the coin and giving it to the carnie... **
(7) Tristen: *looks quizically over at the two and shrugs turning to Jaze*
(2) Tanja: no cheating!
(5) Aknier: ((Just step in. We haven't gone anywhere other than a circus in the town we've been in))
(14) Locke: ((heh, where are you?))
(5) Aknier: ((It's a circus near the inn))
** (3) Jaze tosses the first ball... it flops onto the ground before the bottles... jaze hmphs **
** (3) Jaze throws the second.... it flies over the bottles.... Jaze looks on in disbelief... **
** (3) Jaze turns away from tanja, whispering something quietly.. **
** (3) Jaze then tosses the ball.... it looks like it's going to flop again...then suddenly zooms toward the center of the stack...! all of the bottles come crashing down! **
(3) Jaze: "See? That's how you do it!"
(9) Seara: Nice!
(2) Tanja: you cheated! i swear you did!
** (3) Jaze grins self confidently. **
(8) Evanthe: Neat trick, Shortstuff.
(2) Tanja: ::wonders how to prove it::
(3) Jaze: I'd never cheat!
** (8) Evanthe nods to Seara, joining the rest of the group again. **
(1) Mikhal: ((true strike. |can i have it?|))
(3) GM Voice: A few of the people are starting to wander home, a few booths are closing down...
(7) Tristen: Worried that I was right Tanja? *looks alittle haughty*
(2) Tanja: not really, 'cause you're not
(2) Tanja: ::sticks her tongue out::
** (8) Evanthe looks off towards the town. **
(2) Tanja: looks like its time to go....
(9) Seara: Hmm... well, that was a nice break.
(7) Tristen: Yes, we must look for that arcanist.
** (8) Evanthe nods, face serious "We need to keep...searching for what we came." **
(2) Tanja: ::Nods enthusiastically, shifting her pack with a private smile on her face::
(3) GM Voice: The circus is beginning to pack their bags and rein in the animals...
(5) Aknier: Arcanist?
(2) Tanja: i only heard the brief story from the Library...i don't know any of the details...
** (8) Evanthe shifts uncomfortably. "For the ...mark on Jaze's face." **
(2) Tanja: ((translation: where to?))
(8) Evanthe: ((just here))
(1) Mikhal: *helps the circus members put a few things away*
(5) Aknier: ...I remember tha mark...
(5) Aknier: *that
(1) Mikhal: ((assuming that i'm allowed to))
(8) Evanthe: We're searching for an arcanist or knowledge of an arcanist in this town.
(7) Tristen: None of the scholars of the library were able to decipher the rune
(5) Aknier: I haven't seen anything like it before...
(7) Tristen: They have no clue what it does
(8) Evanthe: I completley forgot
(8) Evanthe: Tristen! Did you ever find out who hired that guy?
(7) Tristen: Yes I did ((goes and reads the log))
(14) Locke: ((*randomly runs in*))
(3) Elysia: "What we ever did without you Mikhal.. I'll never know.." *she chuckles quietly*
(8) Evanthe: Maybe we should talk to him.
(9) Seara: ((*seCKZ0rz fwamie*))
(8) Evanthe: And by talk, I mean pulverize him.
(14) Locke: ((ooh :o))
(5) Aknier: Locke! I knew there was someone missing from this group.
(9) Seara: ((brb >.>;;))
(1) Mikhal: *smiles* get intp loads of trouble?
(1) Mikhal: ((into*))
(7) Tristen: I am curious what sort of evil has taken a grip on this town.
(2) Tanja: it doesn't look very evil here...
(5) Aknier: Evil grip?
(2) Tanja: ::thinks back to all the people and the laughing::
(3) Elysia: "Oh no... After Krasevae it's been rather dull really, that was exciting though.... I should be asking you that, I think" she smiles
(5) Aknier: I've lived here all my life, among the clerics...
(14) Locke: found you guys... running off like that... *pant pant*
(8) Evanthe: I..just want to know why that man knows of Jaze
(8) Evanthe: When we killed the one who did it to him.
(1) Mikhal: just one crazy thing after another happened
(7) Tristen: Well his name is El'areid
** (8) Evanthe paces back and forth "It just doesn't make sense" **
(3) GM Voice: Now that the crowd has thinned out a little.... one of the musicians looks familiar..
(2) Tanja: ((its j-lo!))
(8) Evanthe: Have you guys asked the townspeople about this El'areid?
(2) Tanja: ((or whatever his name was))
(7) Tristen: and he is the leader of the Ohnben clan.
(5) Aknier: ((I need to go for about 40 minutes..)
(1) Mikhal: ((aylo))
(2) Tanja: ::cocks her head, one of the tunes sounding familiar:: hey isn't that...
(5) Aknier: ((Flamer, can you be my proxy?))
(2) Tanja: ((i don't know, i'm guessing))
(7) Tristen: I have only lightly inquired, I did not to arouse suspicion or attention to us.
(7) Tristen: I found out little.
** (3) Aylo looks to be enduring a scolding from one of the other band members. **
(2) Tanja: aylo! ::waves hand wildly::
** (8) Evanthe nods. **
(8) Evanthe: We should really hasten to ask around then..
(14) Locke: ((proxy?))
** (8) Evanthe lowers her voice "I don't want that thing on his face any longer." **
** (3) Aylo looks up, and over to the others.... he makes a quick gesture of apology to the one next to him and heads over.. **
(5) Aknier: ((basically, I think you play me. >_>:; Mostly for battle though))
(7) Tristen: Yes we should, every minute we hang idly, is another minute Jaze could be found by another assassin.
(14) Locke: ((yeah, I'll try... not gonna be too good XD;;))
(2) Tanja: ::Hums an off-key rendition of the song she remembered Aylo playing on the way to the manor:: i remember!
(5) Aknier: ((That's alright~ I just need someone to take care of Aknier while I'm gone))
** (8) Evanthe catches glimpse of Aylo out of the corner of her eye. **
(8) Evanthe: Aylo!
(2) Tanja: ((hawwwt))
(3) Aylo: "Yes, I need to practice more.." He scratches the back of his head.. "But Why!... I never expected to see you here... What brings you to the town of Sanoan?.."
(2) Tanja: i followed them... ::waves hand at the others::
(3) Aylo: "Perhaps the Melody has brought you here and we were destined to meet again.."
** (8) Evanthe smiles. "Business. How long have you been in the circus?" **
(7) Tristen: *whispers to Evanthe*
** (3) Aylo takes off his hat and bows to Evanthe **
(2) Tanja: ::scowls::
(2) Tanja: ((what is it with eva?))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Aylo: ((Elf ears... powahful))
(8) Evanthe: ((people LOVE her))
(2) Tanja: ((overrated!))
(5) Aknier: ((Okay. OFF!!!))
(3) Aylo: "Not too long, I'm still in training... but I thought It would be a good way to see the world.. and my lady Nel approved" He smiles
(2) Tanja: ((lady... Nel?))
** (8) Evanthe smiles back, giving him a brief hug. **
(8) Evanthe: Because business demands...I must ask. Have you come into contact with any fromt he clan of Ohnben during your stay with the circus?
(3) Aylo: "Ohnben?.... There are many clans in Ohnben... With the circus I have not long been acquainted, but Sanoan is long acquainted with Ohnben.."
(8) Evanthe: Oh?
** (3) Aylo seems to look beyond Evanthe a moment... **
(3) Aylo: "The Melody appears to be quite distraught... This business must be quite troublesome"
** (8) Evanthe looks away for a moment, "That it is...but it's a necessary one." **
** (3) Aylo looks at Jaze a moment... staring at the mark, looking quite sad... "Especially with this one, here..." he shakes his head a little "But tell me, what can I do for you?" **
(7) Tristen: ((brb in a minute guys))
(14) Locke: ((secks plz))
(1) Mikhal: ((Mikhal isn't enough for Locke? ;-;))
(2) Tanja: ((i dunno....its hard to pick up after a game i wasn't here for...))
** (14) Locke pulls Aknier to the back of the crowd and asks what's been happening ((>.>;;)) **
(8) Evanthe: We need information on an El'areid..
(14) Locke: ((Mikhal overpowers Locke? :D))
(8) Evanthe: Or an arcanist that could help us with this sigil..
(3) Aylo: "El'areid?....El'areid..."
** (3) Aylo thinks a moment. **
(3) Aylo: "I have certainly heard to that name before.. He is head of one of the Few clans that has not troubled our Sanoan.. "
(7) Tristen: ((ok back))
(8) Evanthe: Where can we find him?
(2) Tanja: (brb bathroom))
(3) Aylo: "Hm... That might be difficult... All the clans of Ohnben are nomadic, you see..."
** (8) Evanthe looks towards Tristen with a hopeless look onher face. **
(3) Aylo: "They travel with the sun biting on their backs.. It's a rather romantic existence, really.."
(2) Tanja: this isn't helping things much..
(7) Tristen: *looks apologeticly to Evanthe then back to Aylo*
(7) Tristen: is there ANY body we can talk to that might know their whereabouts
(14) Locke: makes the mission all the more difficult
** (3) Aylo scratches his head... **
(3) Aylo: "Well.. if there was someone from the same clan in town... but sadly I know of none, and if there were, they would not wish to be known.."
(7) Tristen: Or a Scry in the area, that could conjure up the location?
(8) Evanthe: Do they have any distinguishing marks?
(7) Tristen: ((scryer*))
(3) Aylo: "The Ohnben clans hold a wide territory... I believe the land that clan travels borders with the ice elves..."
(2) Tanja: ::Groans at hte mention of Ice Elves::
(7) Tristen: Ice elves.... why does that sound familiar with the clans of Ohnben...
(8) Evanthe: Are they an evil people..?
(7) Tristen: *looks to Mikhal* Didnt that assassin say that El'areid hated Ice elves..?
(3) Aylo: "Both are fighting each other so much, it seems they have left us alone.... Pity it is not the same for the clans further south.."
(8) Evanthe: Fighting each other?
(8) Evanthe: I thought they might be in cahoots since they wanted Jaze dead..
(8) Evanthe: He must be..important to the Ice Elves..
(3) Aylo: "I would not call them evil no... Did they wrong you?"
(7) Tristen: They send an assassin after... us.
** (8) Evanthe laughs humorlessly. "They just hired an assassin to kill Jaze which resulted in my passing." **
** (3) Aylo looks at Jaze.... **
(7) Tristen: *cringes at Evanthe's comment looking around for any ears*
(3) Aylo: "Why would they want to kill a mere child?..."
(8) Evanthe: That's what we're trying to find out.
(14) Locke: because he's annoying?
(7) Tristen: *quietly* for the same reason we are looking for the arcanist no doubt
(8) Evanthe: Any direction towards any Ohnben would be helpful
** (8) Evanthe glares at Locke. **
(7) Tristen: He now bears some sort of mark
** (14) Locke hides behind Aknier from Evanthe's glare **
(3) Aylo: "Ohnben aren't evil.... but they're not very nice either.... They're a very harsh people, not kind to strangers..." Aylo sighs
(7) Tristen: The Ohnben themselves may not be evil... but many peoples are not evil but have evil rulers
** (8) Evanthe sighs, pacing in the dirt. **
(7) Tristen: Any who send assassin to kill are evil.
(2) Tanja: ...or there may be something else involved with this that we don't know about
(2) Tanja: we don't know the full story yet
(3) Aylo: "But.. an Arcanist you said... That I might be of some help with..."
** (8) Evanthe stops "Truly?" **
(3) Aylo: "You are looking for one that is very powerful.. I can sense it in your eyes.."
(2) Tanja: ((*watchse them stare into each others eyes* bah))
(8) Evanthe: ((You can keep aylo o.o))
(8) Evanthe: ((his name's too doofy for me))
(2) Tanja: ((just joking around :) )))
(14) Locke: ((ooh, who's got the hawts for him?))
(2) Tanja: ((yeah i agree....i couldn't go with anybody named Aylo))
(8) Evanthe: ((Plus tony'd probably kill him))
(8) Evanthe: ((Look at AARON))
(2) Tanja: ((yup...or he's evil))
(14) Locke: ((lmao))
(14) Locke: ((didn't Aaron just go insane?))
(3) Aylo: "There was a legend hanging in the air awhile ago... about an extremely accomplished arcanist..."
(2) Tanja: ((don't have personal affections with NPCs....tony ends up killing them in the end))
** (9) Seara sighs and wanders over to a nearby stump where she can still sort of listen to everyone and sits down **
(9) Seara: ((xD))
** (8) Evanthe nods eagerly, waiting for more. **
(2) Tanja: ::frowns at the mention of a legend::: shouldn't we have more to go on than something people call a legend?
(3) Aylo: "Rumor has it that he was extremely self confident in his abilities to do just about anything.."
(14) Locke: ((*has an affair with Jaze* lets see him try that))
(3) Aylo: "Far and wide, people would come to him and he would astound them with his knowledge..."
(8) Evanthe: this point anything is better than nothing.
(7) Tristen: *to Tanja* Do not mistake the word legend for myth, friend.
(7) Tristen: I have seen many a feat that you might call Legendary.
(7) Tristen: I am sure you have seen some yourself with your history with my order.
(2) Tanja: feats are legendary...but people? legendary people implies having to hunt them down...
(3) Aylo: "His name was Varaan... And how his name is on all the lips of sanoan speaks some credence to the story"
(2) Tanja: how long ago was this reputed to be, anyway?
(3) Aylo: "When I was a child... Not unlike this one here" He smiles at Jaze "Perhaps some 10 years ago.."
(2) Tanja: ::sigh::
(8) Evanthe: What else ya got?
(8) Evanthe: We'll find this guy!
(3) Aylo: "Regardless... Rumor has it that one day a rival arcanist grew jealous of how Varaan was loved and adored..."
(2) Tanja: ::interested despite herself:: and...?
(3) Aylo: "Hoping that he would fall for it, He proposed as a final test of his skills, that Varaan should set up his home in the Navoral Mountain range.. Home to some of the most foul monsters mankind has ever known... Even Ohnben gives it wide berth!"
(2) Tanja: and Varaan fell for it?
(3) Aylo: "Varaan just smiled, it's said, Rose from the table, grabbed his hat, and walked out the door" Aylo says excitedly, apparently loving this story
(7) Tristen: ((This sounds like its going to be fun :D))
(1) Mikhal: *returns to the group, sligthly sweaty*
(2) Tanja: ((ooh...what was Mikhal up to? >.> ))
(8) Evanthe: So Navoral Mountain range?
(1) Mikhal: ((i was helping the circus members pack up))
** (8) Evanthe looks relieved at finally having a destination. **
(2) Tanja: well wait...did he actually go to the mountains?
(7) Tristen: *smells the air alittle and blanches, moving away from Mikhal alittle*
(2) Tanja: all Aylo said was that he left
(3) Aylo: "Nobody knows what happend to him after that.. No one wants to go to the mountains and verify his fate"
(14) Locke: ((dun dun dun))
(2) Tanja: he could've gone anywhere after leaving
(8) Evanthe: Well there was no other place he would go
(9) Seara: Heeeey Mikhal *yawns*
(14) Locke: you never know, he could've done the wiser
(2) Tanja: there's plenty of other places he could've gone!
(14) Locke: and went into hiding
(8) Evanthe: But there was no reason for him leaving and never coming back
(1) Mikhal: hi
(2) Tanja: i agree with Locke...if he was as self-confident as Aylo says he was, he wouldn't need to prove it...
(14) Locke: possible for a background story the public didn't know of
(3) Aylo: "His Rival called him a fool for weeks afterward!.... But then suddenly, he fell silent..."
(7) Tristen: Think of all the hordes of treasure that might be held by some of those more intelligent creatures that inhabit the mountains Tanja *smiles alittle*
(2) Tanja: maybe he was tired of publicity
(8) Evanthe: It doesn't make sense.
(7) Tristen: ((uses diplomacy))
(2) Tanja: ::exasperated look:: your weak attempts to bait me leave much to be desired, Tristen
(8) Evanthe: What about Jaze?
(3) Aylo: ((You can't use diplomacy on players ;) ))
(8) Evanthe: This is for him
(7) Tristen: (((awww))
(2) Tanja: ((haha!))
(8) Evanthe: We can't just leave it unexplored!
(14) Locke: ((pwned))
(2) Tanja: ((your weapons are useless against me!))
(2) Tanja: all i'm trying to do is be practical
(14) Locke: at least it points us somewhere to go
(2) Tanja: but if you guys wanna go traipsing up to the mountains, then lets go
(7) Tristen: ((he didnt say I couldnt attack you though moohhahahahaha))
(3) Aylo: "Personally I think Varaan made it and sent his friend a little message..." Aylo smiles
(7) Tristen: What makes you think that Aylo?
(8) Evanthe: We passed the point of practicality when we lost any signs of clues.
(14) Locke: ((*touches Tristen's ass* ;) ))
(8) Evanthe: If we have nothing, we might as well check out our only possibility
(7) Tristen: ((uhmmm .... ???? ))
(14) Locke: yeah, I agree with Evanthe
(1) Mikhal: ((*gropes locke*))
(9) Seara: Us being mountain goats... sounds fun
(14) Locke: ((*gropes Mikhal*))
(7) Tristen: ((daaanncee music))
(3) Aylo: "Well, That rival never spoke bad of Varaan again... Really it's a sentimental thing to interpret.. but It's a good ending, don't you say?"
(2) Tanja: a good ending to a story, maybe...but we were hoping for some facts...
(8) Evanthe: Thanks Aylo!
(2) Tanja: but everybody else seems to want to check out these mountains, so where do we go?
** No match found
** (8) Evanthe flails her arms around the human in an excited hug. "I don't know how to thank you. We could save Jaze with this." **
(14) Locke: ((or lead him to his and our dead :D))
** (3) Aylo staggers a little, hugging Evanthe in return. **
(7) Tristen: Navoral Mountains. Lets make sure we have all our gear together, we should stock up while we are here.
(3) Aylo: "Oh think nothing of it... I have a great love of stories and tales.. To get to tell one with some of my friends is a great pleasure.."
(8) Evanthe: Please, if there's anything I can do to repay you, let me know.
(7) Tristen: It sounds like this will be a dangerous road.
(14) Locke: ((talk about cheap thrills))
(2) Tanja: go get your gear and meet outside the inn when you're done?
** (3) Aylo whispers something to Evanthe.. **
** (3) Aylo turns to Jaze with a sad loook in his eyes.. **
** (8) Evanthe nods, squeezing Aylo's hand in thanks once more before going after the others. **
** (3) Aylo tips his hat again. "I wish that the Melody will watch over you, always" **
** (8) Evanthe gathers her gear and Mochie to the front of the Inn. **
(1) Mikhal: wouldn't it be wiser to leave the horses here?
(7) Tristen: *nods to Aylo* And regial's light be with you.
(8) Evanthe: Well, how far are the mountains from us?
(1) Mikhal: because we don't know what kind of roads will be at the mountain
(7) Tristen: *goes to gather his things for the Trek*
(7) Tristen: Aye Evanthe, we actually have to travel to the mountain first
(7) Tristen: We will be able to find a suitable resting spot for them hopefully
** (8) Evanthe looks around "I uh, don't even know where these mountains are." **
** (9) Seara yawns again, gathers horse and things, and meets everyone again, still looking somehow sleepy **
** (9) Seara peers around for mountains **
(9) Seara: Hmmm
** (3) Aylo returns to the circus tent, seems to get scolded again, and quickly goes to help clean up.. **
(7) Tristen: I will find out where these mountains are located
(2) Tanja: ::sits on Cinder outside the inn, looking distracted::
(3) Jaze: "Master Jorue spoke of them frequently, those mountains..."
(8) Evanthe: ((would my geography skill help in this case?))
(7) Tristen: *goes to a local shop somewhere and buys a map*
(8) Evanthe: ((oh good neverind :D))
(3) Jaze: ((Yes))
** (8) Evanthe tries to remember the mountains, thinking what direction she should go. **
(5) Aknier: ((Back))
(7) Tristen: ((map cost?))
(8) Evanthe: ((use my ranger skillz0rz :D))
(3) Jaze: "Troublemakers would find themselves at Navoral with no one to help them.. He'd tell me when I got in trouble"
(14) Locke: well, it's a legend... so people are bond to be able to point them out
(7) Tristen: ((nix the map buying then))
(3) Jaze: Evanthe Remembers that the Navoral mountains form a natural border between the Ohnben clans and the frozen wastes of the north... both of these being west of Sanoan
(8) Evanthe: Oh! Navoral the west of Sanoan.
(2) Tanja: are we all here?
** (8) Evanthe taps her head. "Kebron would have my head for forgetting that" **
(1) Mikhal: i'm here
(2) Tanja: then lets go!
(7) Tristen: *comes down the street from the stables near the inn, already riding his warhorse, lance in hand*
** (5) Aknier turns to the temple. **
(2) Tanja: Eva should lead since she knows where she's going...
** (5) Aknier smiles a little. **
(7) Tristen: ((cop out :P ))
** (3) Jaze stays near Mikhal again, somewhat nervous about going out on the road again... **
(5) Aknier: Well old man...I suppose this is good bye for now. Thank you...
** (8) Evanthe nods to Tanja "I don't mind." **
(2) Tanja: ((well its not like i know where i'm going...she's the one with the ranger skillz :P ))
(1) Mikhal: *gets up on Junon and helps Jaze up*
(7) Tristen: ((hehe))
(8) Evanthe: ((yeah watch us get lost xD))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Tanja: ((at least you're not drunk this time))
(2) Tanja: ((we've got a good shot))
** (8) Evanthe lifts up on Mochie, heading west out of Sanoan **
(8) Evanthe: ((haha yes))
(3) Jaze: "Are we really going to Navoral...?" Jaze asks nervously...
(14) Locke: ((*dares Evanthe to the pub*))
(2) Tanja: that's the plan...why?
(1) Mikhal: it seems like it, we have no other leads
(5) Aknier: ((=O))
(7) Tristen: *sets out after Evanthe bringing his horse beside hers*
(7) Tristen: What was the afterlife like?
** (3) Jaze stares down.... "No reason..." **
(2) Tanja: ::follows:::
(2) Tanja: well there has to be a brought it up, didn't you?
(2) Tanja: ::Pesters::
** (8) Evanthe looks surprisedly at Tristen "Coming from you?" **
(8) Evanthe: I figured you'd be one of the ones who'd scold me for revealing things that shouldn't be known.
(7) Tristen: *smiles at Evanthe* I feel Regial's radiance, I bask in his glory and I am his sword.
** (9) Seara follows along on Shasta ((dog magically changed horse!)) **
(7) Tristen: But I have not had the pleasure to be in his house.
(8) Evanthe: ((xd))
(3) GM Voice: They head out the west gate of Sanoan.. over the Bridge spanning the Muline river that bordered Krasevae as well..
(5) Aknier: ((xD))
** (8) Evanthe shakes her head, "As much as I would like to tell you of the good things that happened, I fear I don't remember anything." **
** (3) Jaze looks upward... **
(7) Tristen: The gods make no mention of the planes being secret *smiles again*
(8) Evanthe: I often have dreams at night though....*trails off*
(3) Jaze: "... I mean.... this is really dangerous..."
(2) Tanja: well you've changed
(2) Tanja: one little mark on your face and your'e ready to cash in?
(7) Tristen: I see *alittle disheartened* Well, I shall have to experience them myself one day *lets out a hardy laugh*
(14) Locke: like.... soon in the mountains?
** (8) Evanthe smiles sadly, lowering her head slightly "Let's hope not soon, though." **
(5) Aknier: Let us hope later, rather than sooner, Tristen.
** (3) Jaze looks at Tanja.. **
(7) Tristen: ((oh god I hope Im not foreshadowing... dont get any ideas Tony))
(5) Aknier: ((GET OUT OF MY HEAD!))
(8) Evanthe: ((xD))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(9) Seara: ((xD))
(2) Tanja: ::Meets his look levelly:: i'm being serious here ... you shouldn't change just because of one little thing like that
** (3) Jaze shakes his head a little "Hmph, I know I'll be fine, just don't weigh me down" **
(14) Locke: ((*sees hentai memories in Kiros' head* :O))
(2) Tanja: we'll see who weighs who down
(8) Evanthe: Either way, I'm back now, and talk of dying is depressing.
(5) Aknier: ((Shush. >_>;;))
(2) Tanja: ::playfully::
(14) Locke: lets move to a different subject
(3) GM Voice: The vast plains that make up the north ohnben feel very nice after the long stay in Icy krasevae....
(5) Aknier: be honest, I still know little of any of you.
(2) Tanja: ahhh!! now this weather feels so much better!
(3) GM Voice: The Jagged peaks that lie in front of them are anything but welcoming, though..
** (8) Evanthe smiles at Aknier "What is it you want to know?" **
(7) Tristen: Aye Aknier, I when making my report to my commanding officer, I had to label you as the mysterious wizard *smiles alittle, seemingly happier to be setting off on a quest*
** (5) Aknier chuckles a little. **
(14) Locke: ((I thought he was more cleric than wizard :x))
(2) Tanja: ::sideways glance at Tristen, wondering how she was reported::
(7) Tristen: ((hes 1 levl cleric 2 wizard I thought))
(1) Mikhal: and what was said of me?
(8) Evanthe: ((who cares))
(5) Aknier: ((It's really more the other way around, Flamer, but I could easily see where that comes from))
** (3) Jaze touches the mark on his forehead... seemingly far more silent than usual today.. **
(5) Aknier: ((Level 1 of both))
(8) Evanthe: I know you told them of the insanely beautiful and skilled ranger right Tristen?
** (9) Seara enjoys the ride and the weather and suddenly isn't bored anymore **
(7) Tristen: Oh yes, Seara was mentioned *grins at Evanthe*
(3) GM Voice: Time passes on the road.... a sharp breeze blows through the grasslands, which are becoming more and more overgrown... The path all but disappears...
(9) Seara: HA! I bet he said something like "yeah, and there were these girls with bows that just missed a lot..."
(9) Seara: Or that works too
** (9) Seara grins **
** (8) Evanthe laughs **
** (14) Locke watches the distance, paying little attention to the conversation **
** (8) Evanthe moseys closer to Jaze, bumping him a little "Hungry, Shortstuff?" **
(9) Seara: ((brb again >.>;;))
** (3) Jaze looks up at Evanthe, and shakes his head slightly.. "No, I'm okay" he flashes a small smile.. **
(2) Tanja: ::looks at the mountains distractedly::
(8) Evanthe: We're almost there.
(5) Aknier: Well, hrmm...I suppose I'm curious. How long have you all been traveling together?
(7) Tristen: ((well atleast its Navoral Mountains and not Beholder Mountains? :D ))
(3) GM Voice: The plains turn into dense forest.... the peaks looming above them, overhead... the sky turns a color of crimson as the sun begins it's journey beyond the horizon..
** (8) Evanthe digs through her pack, pulling out a ration and handing it to Jaze. "Eat something. You need your strength." **
(1) Mikhal: ((beholders = much death at our level))
(2) Tanja: ((that must be a little d&d humor i missed))
(8) Evanthe: ((I missed it too))
(2) Tanja: ::shivers a little:: this is kinda creepy
(7) Tristen: ((ahh yeah.. sorry >.>))
** (3) Jaze nods, taking the ration from Evanthe... nibbling at it slightly. **
(7) Tristen: Well with two skilled masters of the forest with us, Im sure we shall be fine *carries on undaunted*
** (8) Evanthe eyes him skeptically. **
(2) Tanja: ::mutters:: its not the forest that creeps me out
** (8) Evanthe 's eyes light up. "Master of the forest?" **
** (14) Locke to Aknier, "a few weeks, keep going our separate ways just to run into each other again" **
(8) Evanthe: Well I...I guess I do kinda know what's going on *puffs her chest a little*
(3) GM Voice: Huge, pointed rocks are seen occaisionally on the surface.. Like teeth of some huge beast..
(7) Tristen: *Tristen lets out another hardy laugh*
(2) Tanja: ::stops and stares::
(7) Tristen: ((hearty* ))
(2) Tanja: i didn't know paladins laughed
(14) Locke: hahah
** (8) Evanthe scratches her head. "I know I'm funny...but I didn't think I was that funny." **
(7) Tristen: *shrugs* Well I am human
** (5) Aknier nods to Locke. **
(5) Aknier: It seems like it.
(2) Tanja: are we almost there?
(3) GM Voice: The trees become more twisted and leafless, forest turning into a rocky waste... as the incline begins to sharply increase....
(2) Tanja: whever there is?
** (8) Evanthe sticks her tongue out at Aknier "Means yer stuck with us." **
** (8) Evanthe stops **
(7) Tristen: ((and still pounding out my character :P ))
(8) Evanthe: Should we leave the horses here?
(8) Evanthe: Or...what?
(14) Locke: take them, it wouldn't be fair to leave them here
(8) Evanthe: I wouldn't think it fair to make them climb
(2) Tanja: ::tries to gauge how far the horses can be used until it gets too steep::
(3) GM Voice: Twilight comes..... The red of the sky fades to purple, a brilliant moon shining overhead....
** (5) Aknier smiles, and gives off a false aire of indignification. "I *chose* to come with you all, thank you very much!" **
(1) Mikhal: it woul dbe bad if one of our horses happened to slip on the rocks
** (8) Evanthe nods at Mikhal **
(2) Tanja: it'd be worse if it was one of us
(1) Mikhal: plus, we should camp now
(8) Evanthe: If we can find a safe place, I'd want to leave Mochie behind..
(1) Mikhal: [1d6] -> [4] = (4)
(3) GM Voice: Tanja looks ahead, the way is very uneven and rocky ahead.... it goes upward quickly in large, near clifflike spurts...
** (8) Evanthe dismounts Mochie, brushing herself off. "I'll take first watch." **
(1) Mikhal: ((whoops))
(8) Evanthe: I guess it doesn't matter about the horses at the moment..
** (1) Mikhal gathers together sticks/logs to start a fire with **</font>
(7) Tristen: *dismounts slowly himself getting hid bearings as he looks around*
(2) Tanja: ::dismounts as well, pulling up a rock and sitting::
(7) Tristen: *he sets the lance down and ties his horse to the nearest tree*
(3) GM Voice: Whooping..gurgling cries.. sound from upward on the mountain in the distance.... some strange beast that no one can identify..
(2) Tanja: ::shivers::
(2) Tanja: creepy.
** (8) Evanthe looks around their surroundings for a high perch that she can keep better watch on. **
(8) Evanthe: That..I hope its smaller than it sounds.
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe looks up the mountain... nearby there's a sharp cliff face that looks down upon the camp...
(7) Tristen: Should we start a fire? *looks to Evanthe who would know more about woodland lore*
(1) Mikhal: ((i already started to gather sticks and logs =P))
** (8) Evanthe nods "Mikhal seems to have everything in order there." **
(2) Tanja: maybe they'll be afraid of fire...
(8) Evanthe: I'm going to that perch *points* to get a better view of the camp.
(2) Tanja: ::false hope::
(7) Tristen: Do you not think it will attract beasts?
** (8) Evanthe ascends the perch **
** (3) Jaze looks at Evanthe... **
(8) Evanthe: ((I don't know, Eva would but I don't ;_;))
(3) Jaze: "Be Careful...."
(2) Tanja: ::shifts to find a more comfortable position on her rock::
** (8) Evanthe nods, waving a hand. "I always am." **
(1) Mikhal: *starts building the fire*
Game disconnected!
Locating server at
Game connected!
(17) Mikhal (enter): 00:57
Game disconnected!
Locating server at
Game connected!
(7) Mikhal (enter): 00:59
Moving to room 'Gates of Time'..
(7) Mikhal (enter): 00:59
(1) Tony (enter): 00:59
(2) Tanja (enter): 00:59
(3) Locke (enter): 00:59
(4) Tristen (enter): 00:59
(6) Evanthe (enter): 00:59
(5) Aknier (enter): 00:59
(3) Locke: ((ooh, Jaze's IM... must seduce :o~))
(5) Aknier: ((added-ed))
Log filename is "reydala2-04-09-05.html", system is is logging.
(7) Mikhal: ((log back on))
** (6) Evanthe sits atop her perch, trying to spot any movement. **
(7) Mikhal: ((anything happen?))
(6) Evanthe: ((nah))
(4) Tristen: *digs in one of his saddle bags and pulls out his torch of undying flame*
(1) Jaze: "Jorue used to say that this place is cursed...."
(3) Locke: ((we sat down and watched Tanja get comfortable))
(7) Mikhal: *builds a fire up*
(2) Tanja: ((*snuggles rock* you're the only one who understands me))
(3) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Locke: ((yes, nice rock *lean*))
(5) Aknier: ((I need to resize that, but yay!))
(4) Tristen: *moves over to evanthes cliff and calls up* It wont burn! *and makes a gesture that he will throw it to her*
(2) Tanja: ::watches and snorts::
(2) Tanja: yeah...'cause he can throw so well..
** (6) Evanthe peers down "What?" **
(7) Mikhal: *Starts laughing*
(4) Tristen: *points at the torch*
** (6) Evanthe nods, readying herself to catch it. **
(4) Tristen: It wont burn *ignoring the others*
** (5) Aknier looks a bit embarassed. **
(4) Tristen: *tosses the torch up to her*
(4) Tristen: [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
(6) Evanthe: ((haha))
(1) GM Voice: Tristen Throws the torch up toward Evanthe..! It spins in the air.... Evanthe reaches out to catch it.. (D20)
(6) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [20] = (20)
(4) Tristen: ((skillz))
(3) Locke: ((wtf...))
(7) Mikhal: ((there goes angel's tony for the night))
(6) Evanthe: ((yeah really ;_;))
(3) Locke: ((XD))
(5) Aknier: ((xD))
(2) Tanja (exit): 01:03
(8) Tanja (enter): 01:04
(8) Tanja: ((my computer froze))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe catches it on the tip of her finger, twirls it like a basketball, and returns it to her hand
(6) Evanthe: ((wb))
(4) Tristen: ((I succeeded :P ))
(6) Evanthe: ((haha ;D))
(6) Evanthe: ((Yeah but I made you look good))
(4) Tristen: ((haha))
** (6) Evanthe waves her hand in thanks to Tristan before trying again to spot movement. **
(7) Mikhal: *wonders if he should set up his tent or not*
(9) Seara (enter): 01:05
(6) Evanthe: ((wb))
** (1) Jaze looks up at evanthe... "Jorue said that in the first days of Humanity, Hald himself came here when he left his father's house...." **
(9) Seara: ((danke))
(6) Evanthe: ((How high up am I? Can I hear anything in camp?))
(4) Tristen: Hald? *his face darkens as he walks back to the others*
(1) GM Voice: ((You're about 20 feet above the camp, you can hear shouts.. normal talking might be lost))
(8) Tanja: ::stares into the fire while listening::
(6) Evanthe: ((okay))
(8) Tanja: ((there's fire now, right))
(8) Tanja: ((?))
(4) Tristen: *absently clutches his symbol of Regial* This is an unholy place..
** (5) Aknier pulls out his book, and studies over it, keeping an ear out for the conversation. **
(4) Tristen: If it is true that is.
(7) Mikhal: ((the fire should be going now))
(1) Jaze: "Jorue said that Hald openend a portal to the very abyss on the top of this mountain..."
(8) Tanja: well...if any place could be considered cursed, i'd say this would be a good candidate...
(3) Locke: a portal?
(1) GM Voice: The fire burns brightly.... another shudderingly strange beastly noise echos against the mountainface...
(7) Mikhal: *decides against the tent and rolls out his bedroll*
(9) Seara: We chose a nice place to make camp
(8) Tanja: ::yawns::
** (1) Jaze nods... "Infuriated with his brother.. He chose the company of demons and devils over him...." **
(4) Tristen: *sits down against a tree and puts his back to it, placing a roll of cloth behind his head to use it as a pillow, deciding to sleep in his armor*
(7) Mikhal: *takes his chain shirt off*
(4) Tristen: Aye, he could not stand Regial's favor in the eyes of Sor
(8) Tanja: ::slips her pack off her shoulders and plops it down on her rock, laying her head down on the pack and curling up in a ball facing towards the fire::
(7) Mikhal: Jaze, do you have anything to sleep in?
(5) Aknier: ((I really should be commenting on this. >_>;;))
** (1) Jaze looks up at Mikhal... "Oh... no, I am fine" **
(8) Tanja: ::stifles another yawn, stillcurled up::: well, i'm gonna get some sleep...i've been riding since early
(8) Tanja: wake me if we're gonna die
(6) Evanthe: [1d20+7] -> [14,7] = (21)
(7) Mikhal: are you sure about that jaze?
(7) Mikhal: i have a tent that isn't being used
(8) Tanja: ::dozes off quietly::
** (6) Evanthe shifts slightly, trying to find comfort on the perch. **
(4) Tristen: *slowly falls asleep himsef*
** (5) Aknier begins breathing quietly, clutching his book and holding it close to himself. **
(8) Tanja: ((lol...sleepover!))
** (3) Locke asks Seara who should take sentry next **
(6) Evanthe: ((Nobody braided anyone's hair :())
(8) Tanja: ((*doodles on tristen's face with permanent marker*))
(3) Locke: ((*puts Tristen's hand in warm water* XD))
(6) Evanthe: ((xD))
(8) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Aknier: ((braids Flamer's hair, and starts taking to him about boyfriends))
(3) Locke: ((XD))
(8) Tanja: ((*paints toenails*))
(9) Seara: *quietly, to Locke* hmm I will, I guess. I'm not all that tired yet
(3) Locke: ((my hair's long enough to be braided >.>))
(7) Mikhal: *lays down in his bedroll and rifts off*
(1) Jaze: ((Spot checks all still awake))
(1) Jaze: ((Except Evanthe))
(9) Seara: ((PILLOW FIGHT))
(8) Tanja: ((what about my nifty new feature?))
(3) Locke: alright, wake me up after you think you're done
(6) Evanthe: ((damnation ;_;))
(7) Mikhal: (*spoons locke*))
(9) Seara: sure thing
(6) Evanthe: ((That means Seara and Locke :D))
(5) Aknier: ((Wait..what?))
(3) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Evanthe: ((seara and locke need to do a spot check))
(8) Tanja: ((guess not...guess i need to be awake for that))
(9) Seara: ((oh.. which is what?))
(8) Tanja: ((*gets dragged away by beasties*))
(1) Jaze: Jaze [1d20+3] -> [3,3] = (6)
(6) Evanthe: ((d20 + wis mod + skill))
(3) Locke: ((secks [1d20] -> [3] = (3) ))
(3) Locke: ((poo))
(9) Seara: [1d20+3] -> [6,3] = (9)
(8) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Evanthe: ((wow you guys are dead))
(9) Seara: ((lmao))
(4) Tristen: ((we're gonna die))
(8) Tanja: ((yup))
(9) Seara: ((I make a horrid elf xD))
(8) Tanja: ((run while you can!))
(4) Tristen: ((eva was the smart one and got out of the buffet))
(8) Tanja: ((lol)
(8) Tanja: ((she's on the dessert cart))
(3) Locke: ((XF))
(6) Evanthe: ((moohaha all according to plan))
(3) Locke: ((XD*))
(8) Tanja: ((its blair witch!))
(5) Aknier: ((We need cameras))
(8) Tanja: ((i' *snotsnot*))
** (6) Evanthe cries out in pain **
(9) Seara: ((*makes stick dolls and hangs them from trees))
(4) Tristen: ((Tristen: "Oh god.. Im so scared" *tear drop*))
(5) Aknier: ((We were just could we know???))
(3) Locke: ((secks again [1d20] -> [11] = (11) ))
(8) Tanja: ((was that loud enough for us to wake up?))
(6) Evanthe: ((hell yes))
** (6) Evanthe rolls forward, trying to fend off the attack **
(1) GM Voice: The sound of evanthe screaming echos across the canyon walls...
(8) Tanja: ((*mumbles and rolls over*))
(6) Evanthe: ((freaking OW))
(8) Tanja: ::jerks awake:: muh--huh?!
(4) Tristen: *wakes up suddenly and stands* What?
(9) Seara: *yells* Eva! *runs over to where she is*
(8) Tanja: ::Scrambles to her feet::
(5) Aknier: ..what in Mulinel's name...
(8) Tanja: ::disoriented, but not stupid, charges after Seara::
(7) Mikhal: *wakes up with a start and pulls chain shirt back on and grabs his greatsword*
(3) Locke: *stirs* it's not morning yet
(8) Tanja: ::with her pack!::
(7) Mikhal: *And then runs off*
(1) GM Voice: The ones below and look up and see Evanthe fall over if something hit her in the back hard...
(4) Tristen: EVA! Are you OK!?
(8) Tanja: oh my god!
(8) Tanja: Eva!
** (5) Aknier trails after the others. **
(1) GM Voice: ((Hang on a sec with the actions.. ;) ))
(3) Locke: Eva
(8) Tanja: ((no!))
(8) Tanja: ((we wanna save her!))
(6) Evanthe: ((everyone run around crazily!))
(9) Seara: ((xD))
(6) Evanthe: ((xD))
(5) Aknier: ((Chinese fire drill!))
(1) GM Voice: Everybody below make another spot check
(8) Tanja: ((*runs in five directions and leaves tristen to die*))
(6) Evanthe: [1d10] -> [3] = (3)
(3) Locke: ((*runs around swinging his longsword around crazily))
(5) Aknier: [1d20] -> [12] = (12)
(7) Mikhal: ((*runs around in circles like a chicken with it's head cut off*))
(3) Locke: [1d20] -> [17] = (17)
(6) Evanthe: ((sorry misclick))
(4) Tristen: [1d20] -> [18] = (18)
(3) Locke: ((WIN))
(6) Evanthe: (( you have to have a wis mod Kiros :O))
(7) Mikhal: Spot Skill Check: [1d20+2] -> [16,2] = (18)
(5) Aknier: ((Shoots Magic Missles at the darkness like a submachine gun))
(6) Evanthe: ((or are you int?))
(8) Tanja: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)
(4) Tristen: ((+2))
(5) Aknier: ((Oh. >_>:;))
(4) Tristen: ((so mine was 20))
(5) Aknier: ((Erm...which do I use?))
(8) Tanja: ((well i don't see anything))
(6) Evanthe: ((wisdom mod))
(5) Aknier: ((I have 17 Wis, correct?))
(8) Tanja: ((i got a straight up 10 WIS ... no mods for me))
(6) Evanthe: ((...i don't know o.o))
(4) Tristen: ((yeah thats a +3))
(5) Aknier: [Bad dice format] - [d20+3]
(1) GM Voice: Locke and Tristen, and Locke turn and notice the shadow on a tree suddenly rise from the ground and take on a horrible shape.... Like a huge two headed lizard with a wickedly barbed tail..
(6) Evanthe: ((locke twice ;D))
(9) Seara: [1d20+3] -> [12,3] = (15)
(5) Aknier: [1d20+3] -> [13,3] = (16)
(7) Mikhal: ((my 18 doesn't see it? >_>))
(8) Tanja: ((No))
(6) Evanthe: ((u sux))
(1) GM Voice: ((2nd Locke = Mikhal))
(3) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Locke: ((lmao))
(1) GM Voice: The beasts heads seem to float away from it and stretch toward Tristen...
(6) Evanthe: ((it bit my head))
(6) Evanthe: ((8 dmg so be careful :O))
(7) Mikhal: ((and i only have 10 wis too..but elves get a +2 bonus on listen, search, and spot :D))
(8) Tanja: ((*hides behind her rock*))
(6) Evanthe: ((well wait. I have the lowest hp here >.>))
(4) Tristen: *Tristen yells and points at the thing heading toward him*
** (3) Locke unseathes Dagger+1 **
** (5) Aknier looks in the directions Tristen's pointing. and draws his light crossbow. **
(6) Evanthe: (( we do?))
(8) Tanja: ::brandishes her plain 'ol light mace threateningly::
(6) Evanthe: ((plus what we have?))
(4) Tristen: *raises his shield and hefts his sword ready to attack*
(1) GM Voice: Despite being transparent the shadow maws of the beast hurt.... Two shadowy batches of teeth clamp straight through His armor...
(1) GM Voice: ((14 damage))
(8) Tanja: ((...))
(8) Tanja: ((*saddles Cinder and leaves*))
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives
(7) Mikhal: ((tony is out for player blood tonight))
(4) Tristen: ((er.. dont we get like initiatives or something? >.>))
(7) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [14,2] = (16) Init
(5) Aknier: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
(8) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [5,4] = (9)
(1) GM Voice: ((Suprise Round, Nobody spotted them))
(3) Locke: [1d20+1] -> [14,1] = (15)
(6) Evanthe: Evanthe [1d20+4] -> [11,4] = (15)
(9) Seara: [1d20+3] -> [19,3] = (22)
(4) Tristen: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)
(9) Seara: ((...bad time for good roll))
Next init:
(26): Dusk Beast
(3) Locke: ((high roll is good for me, I need it >.>))
(1) GM Voice: ((Tristen did you roll?))
(9) Seara: ((hands over high init dice for next time))
(1) GM Voice: ((If you want it to be automatically added, make sure you put Init at the end of the line ^_^*))
(4) Tristen: ((yeah I did))
(3) Locke: ((*hides avatar* I don't see it anyway >.>))
(6) Evanthe: ((forgot to add init))
(1) GM Voice: The beast reaches forward with it's shadowy necks again....
(6) Evanthe: ((there's TWO of them?))
(1) GM Voice: Tristen parries one with his shield... the other... he can't react in time..
(1) GM Voice: ((Yup ^_^))
(6) Evanthe: ((scary scary))
(1) GM Voice: A shadowy jaw rams into his stomach for 4 damage
(9) Seara: ((yummy dinosaurs))
(4) Tristen: ((great))
(6) Evanthe: ((how much hp?))
(6) Evanthe: ((I'm at 9))
(3) Locke: ((I was thinking they look like dinosaurs XD))
(9) Seara: ((xD))
Next init:
(22): Seara
(4) Tristen: ((Im at 11))
(9) Seara: ((how can I manage to distract the one after Eva?))
(10) Tanja (enter): 01:31
(10) Tanja: ((*stabs computer*))
(8) Tanja (exit): 01:31
(6) Evanthe: ((shoot it))
(6) Evanthe: ((only if that doesn't provoke an aoo though :o))
(3) Locke: ((at that range?))
(9) Seara: ((yeah that's what I was wondering abut, the range))
(5) Aknier: ((*cough* IRC.))
(1) GM Voice: ((The ones below don't even see the one up by Evanthe yet, they just saw her fall over))
(6) Evanthe: ((they can shoot pretty far))
(9) Seara: ((oh... damn))
(9) Seara: ((well if I can't see it..))
(1) GM Voice: ((Longbows have a maxinum distance of some 200 feet))
(9) Seara: ((how about I run up to where I can see it/shoot it? that'd be a full turn right?))
(4) Tristen: ((you dont know its there though))
(1) GM Voice: ((Yup, you can do that))
(9) Seara: ((I know someone knocked her over though))
(6) Evanthe: ((would she provoke an aoo doing that?))
(1) GM Voice: ((She still knows Evanthe's in trouble))
(1) GM Voice: ((Yes))
(6) Evanthe: ((be careful of that Khar))
(6) Evanthe: ((if you want, you can just stay and defeat one and come ge me later ;D))
(1) GM Voice: ((Ooops forgot..))
(9) Seara: ((then it'll take 2 more turns to get to you >_>))
(1) GM Voice: ((Oh well, I'll move Jaze when it's his number))
(5) Aknier: ((That's what I was thinking about in IRC. >_>;;))
(1) GM Voice: ((You can run 120 feet))
(1) GM Voice: ((You just can't do anything else that turn then))
(9) Seara: ((yeah thought so... guess I'll for it then))
(1) GM Voice: Seara sees evanthe fall... and starts to Run up the mountain ahead of her.. ignoring the beast..
** (9) Seara looks around hesitantly for a moment, gaping at the beast, but also worried about what struck Eva down from up above **
(10) Tanja: ((wooo my map is busted))
(9) Seara: ((oh yeah, I hate that bug))
(1) GM Voice: As she passes the beast, it scrapes it's barbed tail across her.. the shadowy thorns scraping her skin ((2 damage))
(9) Seara: ((ooh not bad xD))
(4) Tristen: ((they arent so tough when they dont get suprise attacks :P ))
(6) Evanthe: ((yay ;D))
(9) Seara: ((get me in range so I can shoot in next time >.>))
(1) GM Voice: She arrives at the top.. looking at evanthe nursing a large wound, another of the beasts directly behind her..
(6) Evanthe: ((You can shoot them from where you are))
(9) Seara: ((yay))
Next init:
(16): : Mikhal
(9) Seara: ((yeah I just saw where I ended up xD))
(7) Mikhal: *steps fowards and slashes the beastie*
(1) GM Voice: ((The Numbers are Feet Elevation, btw))
(9) Seara: Eva! Hang it there... no dying this time, got it?!
(7) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+9] -> [18,9] = (27)
(7) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [2d6+7] -> [1,1,7] = (9)
(7) Mikhal: ((wow..great damage))
(10) Tanja: ((lol))
** (6) Evanthe laughs weakly, "Got it!" **
(4) Tristen: ((ahh I thought they were DC))
(1) GM Voice: The best bites at mikhal as he gets near... The shadowy teeth scraping his shoulder... the mighty barbarian shrugs it off and slams his blade into the beast...
(1) GM Voice: The shadow retreats around his blade... the beast lets out a howl that echos against the mountain..
Next init:
(15): Locke
(3) Locke: ((right... where am I? >.>;;))
(1) GM Voice: ((Oh.. you came late))
(4) Tristen: ((anti evil spell GO))
(3) Locke: ((yeah))
(1) GM Voice: You're right next to tristen now, watching the shadow beast tear into the Paladin...
(3) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Tristen: ((Heal Tristen GO))
(5) Aknier: ((Is this thing evil? =O))
(6) Evanthe: ((brb a sec))
(4) Tristen: ((well its made out of shadow, id assume so))
(9) Seara: ((well it sure aint' very GOOD))
(9) Seara: ((>.>;;))
(5) Aknier: ((Well no, but sometimes they're registered as neutral. I don't know how Tony does monsters, though))
(9) Seara: ((that was just a lame joke on my part, don't mind me >.>))
(5) Aknier: ((Ah. Not a problem))
(1) GM Voice: Locke?
(3) Locke: ((hmm...))
** (3) Locke sighs and chases after Seara ((as far as I can go?)) **
(9) Seara: ((you spend half your time sighing about what we do :3))
(1) GM Voice: Locke runs past the beast... a shadowy head winding over to him and snapping at his heels as he does... He feels the pain deep... but keeps going up to seara ((9 Dmg))
(3) Locke: ((ok, sigh while running at full speed, then >.>))
(9) Seara: ((xD that was just a remark on how often you sigh, that's all ;))
Next init:
(15): Evanthe
(3) Locke: ((*sigh*))
(9) Seara: ((xD))
** (6) Evanthe pulls her shortsword out, and slams it into the beast **
(9) Seara: ((*seCKZ0rz*))
(3) Locke: ((:D))
(9) Seara: ((hawt melee~))
(3) Locke: ((*shall sigh no more*))
(6) Evanthe: +2 Shortsword (I assume is the name >.>) [1d20+7] -> [2,7] = (9)
(6) Evanthe: ((misssss))
(5) Aknier: ((You two need to make a success check on that. xP))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe struggles to turn around to face the beast.... slashing at one of the heads.... but it retracts with staggering speed, avoiding her slash..
** (6) Evanthe shakes her head, trying to shake the pain from her limbs **
(9) Seara: (([Bad dice format] - [d100+99]))
Next init:
(11): Dusk Beast
(9) Seara: ((damn))
(3) Locke: (([1d100+99] -> [64,99] = (163)))
** (1) Jaze quickly stands up.. **
(9) Seara: ((oh duh xD))
(10) Tanja: ((what about me...?))
(1) Jaze: ((Err what number were you?))
(10) Tanja: ((i thought i rolled a 9, same as scott...but i got kicked, so i don't know for sure))
(6) Evanthe: ((scott rolled a 16))
(5) Aknier: ((I rolled a 9))
(10) Tanja: ((well then i have a defunct memory))
(1) Jaze: ((Still got a few turns then..>_>))
(10) Tanja: ((nevermind then))
(1) Jaze: Jaze quickly begins to move his hands... chanting some words only Aknier understands...
(3) Locke: ((all I hear from Jaze is "secks, hentai, hawtness"))
(1) Jaze: 2 Points of energy form at his fingertips and go flying at the darkness...
(5) Aknier: ((See...this is why I wanted to change my I could double cast magic Missle along with Jaze. xD))
(1) Jaze: The beast staggers as the missles flare into it...
(1) Jaze: The Dusk beast on the cliff face stares down at Evanthe holding her blade...
(1) Jaze: It snaps at her twice... but the nimble elf leaps away each time...
Next init:
(9): Tanja
(10) Tanja: ((can i flank the one down by tristen and them? i can't see the map anymore))
(1) Jaze: ((Yes.. it's used all it's AoO even..))
(5) Aknier: ((AoO is limited?))
(4) Tristen: (( theres a set number per round?))
(1) GM Voice: ((Once per round pre creature unless you have combat reflexes))
(10) Tanja: ::skulks in the dark and, while its attention was distracted, smashes her light mace into its back!::
(1) GM Voice: Tanja ducks and dips through the creatures flurry of limbs striking at her companions..
(1) GM Voice: She sees an opening..
(10) Tanja: [1d20+2] -> [17,2] = (19) ((i can't remember the dice, i hope that's right, mental blank...))
(10) Tanja: [3d6] -> [4,6,3] = (13)
(1) GM Voice: ((Sneak attacks don't work on this thing... No perceivable anatomy, but you still get +2 for flanking plus your Attack bonus, which total is probably more than 2 ^_^*))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja slams her mace into the beast..
(10) Tanja: ((oh...))
(1) GM Voice: It howls in rage at the sudden suprise from behind it..
(10) Tanja: ((so normal damage then?))
(10) Tanja: ((i hate these rules...i'll never get it all))
(1) GM Voice: ((I'll just take the first die rolled =) ))
(10) Tanja: ((okay))
Next init:
(9): Aknier
(7) Mikhal: ((silence..))
May we meet again, in another time...another place...
Game disconnected!
Locating server at
Game connected!
(11) Mikhal (enter): 02:00
Moving to room 'Gates of Time'..
(11) Mikhal (enter): 02:00
(1) Tony (enter): 02:00
(3) Locke (enter): 02:00
(4) Tristen (enter): 02:00
(6) Evanthe (enter): 02:00
(5) Aknier (enter): 02:00
(9) Seara (enter): 02:00
(10) Tanja (enter): 02:00
(3) Locke: ((??))
** (5) Aknier quickly runs over to Jaze's right side, and begins chanting similar words. **
(4) Tristen: ((you were fine scott :P))
(5) Aknier: *similar words to Jaze's previous ones.
(11) Mikhal: ((i think my internet went out for a few >_>))
(4) Tristen: ((oh, we saw your posts))
(5) Aknier: ((Right side, not left. >_>;;))
(4) Tristen: ((or rather post*))
(5) Aknier: ((Thank ya~))
May we meet again, in another time...another place...
Game disconnected!
Welcome to <a href=''>OpenRPG</a> version 1.6.1...
Locating server at
Game connected!
(12) Mikhal (enter): 02:02
Moving to room 'Gates of Time'..
(12) Mikhal (enter): 02:02
(1) Tony (enter): 02:02
(3) Locke (enter): 02:02
(4) Tristen (enter): 02:02
(6) Evanthe (enter): 02:02
(5) Aknier (enter): 02:02
(9) Seara (enter): 02:02
(10) Tanja (enter): 02:02
(5) Aknier: Renka...misa...tow...
(12) Mikhal: ((stupid internet/computer >_>))
(5) Aknier: [1d4+1] -> [2,1] = (3)
(5) Aknier: ((Weak. Dx))
Next init:
(4): Tristen
(6) Evanthe: ((better than nothing~))
(12) Mikhal: ((umm..can i get the turn i missed?))
(6) Evanthe: ((You didn't miss a turn))
(10) Tanja: ((you missed a turn?))
(6) Evanthe: ((No, he didn't))
(12) Mikhal: (i go after Seara))
(1) GM Voice: ((Seara hasn't went again yet))
(12) Mikhal: ((oh >_>))
(9) Seara: ((nup~))
Log filename is "reydala2-04-09-05.html", system is is logging.
(1) GM Voice: Tristen?..
(4) Tristen: *places his hand on his chest and chants a prayer to Regial*
(4) Tristen: ((13 points of health to me))
(1) GM Voice: Tristen prays to Regial.... and glows faintly.. instantly his wounds begin to heal..
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(26): Dusk Beast
(1) GM Voice: One head strikes at tristen.... The Paladin easily swats it away with his shield
(1) GM Voice: Another bites at Mikhal.. the barbarian barely ducking out of harms way
(1) GM Voice: The barbed tail swipes behind it at Tanja...Who feels the raking against her skin ((3 damage))
(3) Locke: ((that looks so typical :p))
(4) Tristen: ((full attack?))
Next init:
(22): Seara
(1) GM Voice: ((Yup))
(6) Evanthe: ((what does that mean?))
(4) Tristen: (( I never read the rule on that haha))
(1) GM Voice: ((^_^* we're already runing late, so I'll explain later))
(6) Evanthe: ((okay))
(3) Locke: ((yes please))
** (9) Seara shoots the dino that's after eva, hoping to distract it **
(12) Mikhal: ((a full attack is when something attacks with all availible weapons it has. but after attack it can't move))
(6) Evanthe: ((not even for aoo?))
(1) GM Voice: Seara aims her bow at the monster hovering over Evanthe...
(9) Seara: [1d20+7] -> [1,7] = (8)
(9) Seara: ((oh dear lord xD))
(1) GM Voice: The arrow sails over the cliff, harmlessly
Next init:
(16): : Mikhal
(3) Locke: ((:x))
(10) Tanja: ((my hero!))
(9) Seara: ((I'm never going to do something cool I swear ;_;))
(6) Evanthe: ((haha xD))
(12) Mikhal: *die die stab die*
(12) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+9] -> [14,9] = (23)
(12) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [2d6+7] -> [1,2,7] = (10)
(12) Mikhal: ((it can still AoO after a full attack))
(10) Tanja: ((you can save our butts anytime now, mikhal))
(6) Evanthe: ((okay))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal's sword crashes into the beast again..... it's heads shiver and phase out for a moment... then return
Next init:
(15): Locke
(12) Mikhal: ((i can't see the map any more ^^;))
(1) GM Voice: You're SW of a beast and Tanja is NE behind it.. Tristen is two squares south..
(1) GM Voice: *poke* Lockee
** (3) Locke moves next to ((the right)) Evanthe and prays a Cure Moderate Wound on her **
(3) Locke: HEAL PLZ [2d8+2] -> [6,8,2] = (16)
(3) Locke: ((ooh, that worked))
(6) Evanthe: ((O_o))
(1) GM Voice: Locke prays to Sor.... Evanthe feels her full life restored from Locke's divine spell..
(6) Evanthe: ((Thanks!))
Next init:
(15): Evanthe
** (6) Evanthe smiles gratefully at Locke **
** (6) Evanthe tries to hit the beast again **
** (3) Locke whispers "move behind me" to Evanthe **
(6) Evanthe: +2 Shortsword [1d20+7] -> [7,7] = (14)
(6) Evanthe: ((>.>))
(3) Locke: ((or that :p))
(6) Evanthe: ((I didn't want it to hit me ^_^))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe slices with her sword again... and just barely misses the beast...
Next init:
(11): Dusk Beast
(6) Evanthe: ((no hits this game~))
** (1) Jaze chants the same words again.... two shining bolts of energy fly toward the beast near Mikhal.. **
(9) Seara: ((yeah we rock :D))
(5) Aknier: ((xD We're the supressor fire))
(1) Jaze: The monster facing evanthe misses her with a shadowy jaw.... But Locke feels one bite into his flesh ((3))... The tail comes around as well, but Evanthe leaps over it as it sweeps
Next init:
(9): Tanja
** (6) Evanthe hops over the thing, looking over at Locke in concern. **
(10) Tanja: :::bashbashbash with her Light Mace:::
(10) Tanja: bashbashbash [1d20+2] -> [16,2] = (18)
(10) Tanja: hithithit [1d6] -> [6] = (6)
(3) Locke: don't worry about me, lets slay the beats
(10) Tanja: ((*snuggles light mace*))
** (6) Evanthe nods **
(4) Tristen: ((Tony these things are made out of shadow right?))
(1) Jaze: Tanja again bashes her mace into the shadow beast.....! It slumps to the ground...and then the shadow loses it's shape and dissapates...
(10) Tanja: ((*victory pose*))
(4) Tristen: ((nevermind))
(1) Jaze: ((Yes))
Next init:
(9): Aknier
** (5) Aknier continues the barrage of raw magic that he and Jaze have created. **
** (5) Aknier chants again... **
(1) Jaze: ((You'll have to move up to the cliff to see the other one..^_^*))
(5) Aknier: ((Oh!))
(1) Jaze: ((Otherwise you're just attacking the darkness..))
(5) Aknier: ((TIME WARP!))
(6) Evanthe: (A(xD)))
(5) Aknier: ((Well..that suits me just fine. ^_~))
(6) Evanthe: ((Kiros is good at attacking te darkness))
(3) Locke: ((Kiros is scared of the dark? :o))
(6) Evanthe: ((god no more typing for me))
(5) Aknier: ((Rawr! DIE DARKNESS, DIE!))
(6) Evanthe: ((maybe i'll actually get a hit in before this one dies))
** (5) Aknier hurries as fast as his legs will carry him, up the slope towards his companions.. **
(10) Tanja: ((*angry mob coming up the cliff*))
(3) Locke: ((XD))
(5) Aknier: ((Did that take everything, or do I get an attack?))
(1) Jaze: Aknier runs up the cliff next to Seara... seeing another one of the beasts attacking Evanthe..
(1) Jaze: ((Moving that far takes everything ^_^*))
Next init:
(4): Tristen
(5) Aknier: ((Ah...damn.))
(6) Evanthe: ((run like the wind))
(4) Tristen: *runs up the cliff aswell*
(1) Jaze: Next to the beast?
(9) Seara: ((HAI PEOPLE))
(4) Tristen: ((cant I get that far?))
(4) Tristen: ((can*))
(4) Tristen: ((if I can then yes))
(9) Seara: ((>.>))
(6) Evanthe: ((yeah really >.>))
(10) Tanja: ((way to...uh...keep it busy))
(6) Evanthe: ((the beast and i are pretty much staring at each other))
(1) Jaze: Locke runs up the cliff, quickly reacting as he sees another Beast attacking Evanthe and Locke... It lashes at him as he gets near but the paladin dodges the blow..
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(1) Jaze:
Next init:
(26): Dusk Beast
(1) Jaze:
Next init:
(22): Seara
(4) Tristen: ((Tristen*))
(1) Jaze: ((Man... everybody's locke today))
(4) Tristen: ((seara))
(10) Tanja: ((*tired..*))
(1) Jaze: ((Please have your actions prepared before your turn..^_^*))
(1) Jaze: Seara..?
(6) Evanthe: ((she may have pinged out))
(4) Tristen: ((she probably lagged out))
(6) Evanthe: ((I know she's on dial up))
(4) Tristen: ((someone shoot for her))
(1) Jaze: ((Skip her for now))
Next init:
(16): : Mikhal
(6) Evanthe: ((...what is this o.o))
(1) Jaze: ((>_<))
(9) Seara: ((err sorry))
(10) Tanja: ((C'mon guys))
(9) Seara: [1d20+7] -> [20,7] = (27)
(1) Jaze: Mikhal runs up the cliff
(9) Seara: ((hey that's better))
(10) Tanja: ((okay, because of that roll, we forgive you))
(1) Jaze: As Seara shoots an arrow....! D20 again!
(9) Seara: ((xD))
(12) Mikhal: *runs up the cliff*
(10) Tanja: ((but if you had rolled anything less than 20, we would've hung you))
(12) Mikhal: ((sorry about that ^^;))
(9) Seara: [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
(4) Tristen: ((CRIT))
(1) Jaze: ((Triple damage!)
(10) Tanja: ((death!))
(9) Seara: [1d8+1] -> [5,1] = (6)
(1) Jaze: ((Two moree))
(4) Tristen: ((2 more))
(6) Evanthe: ((2 more times Khar xd))
(9) Seara: [1d8+1] -> [8,1] = (9)
(9) Seara: [1d8+1] -> [1,1] = (2)
(9) Seara: ((xD))
(10) Tanja: ((*cheer*))
(5) Aknier: ((xD))
(9) Seara: ((wewt~))
(1) Jaze: Seara launches an arrow into the heart of the beast.... It rips through the shadow like the beam of a lantern........ the creature howls in absolute agony as it's heads thrive about...
Next init:
(15): Locke
(3) Locke: ((ok, this will be fun....)
** (3) Locke chants a blessing on the crowd **
(1) Jaze: Locke chants to Sor! Everybody feels a little better...!
Next init:
(15): Evanthe
** (6) Evanthe tries..yet AGAIN to hit the thing **
(6) Evanthe: +2 Shortsword [1d20+8] -> [11,8] = (19)
(6) Evanthe: Damage [1d6+3] -> [2,3] = (5)
(1) Jaze: Evanthe slices her blade through one of the beast's necks!..
(3) Locke: ((pwnage))
(6) Evanthe: ((yay))
Next init:
(11): Dusk Beast
(6) Evanthe: ((bless is love))
(1) Jaze: The Beast bites Evanthe ((5)).. Locke ((8)).. and tail whips Tristen ((3))
Next init:
(9): Tanja
(4) Tristen: ((lol shortest move in history for tony))
(10) Tanja: ::books it after the others, not wanting to get left behind::
(1) Jaze: Tanja runs up near the others!
(9) Seara: ((lmao))
Next init:
(9): Aknier
** (5) Aknier prepares another spell, and begins chanting... **
(5) Aknier: I CAST MAGIC MISSLE! [1d4+1] -> [3,1] = (4)
(3) Locke: ((well.... I'm unconcious.... I think))
(5) Aknier: ((AT THE DARKNESS!))
(6) Evanthe: ((from 11 damage?))
(1) Jaze: Another Magic bolt flies from aknier's finger tips...!
Next init:
(4): Tristen
(3) Locke: ((20hp - 9 - 3 - 8 = 0))
(4) Tristen: *stabs at the beast his his long sword calling upon regial's might to guide him* [1d20 +11] -> [19,11] = (30)
(6) Evanthe: ((oh yeah you got hit for 9 before))
(9) Seara: ((when did you get hit for 9? o.O))
(6) Evanthe: ((when he ran past the beast))
(3) Locke: ((when I ran past the first beast))
(4) Tristen: [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
(9) Seara: ((oh... damn, I thought that was 3 for some reason))
(1) Jaze: ((You have 29 HP with your last hp roll..>_>))
(3) Locke: ((oh, forgot about that >_>;;))
(3) Locke: ((*updates))
(6) Evanthe: ((wait, your damage was a d20?))
(9) Seara: ((yay, you're aliveAknier))
(1) Jaze: Tristen's sword sinks into the belly of the beast...
(4) Tristen: [3d8+12] -> [3,5,5,12] = (25)
(10) Tanja: ((kaboom))
(6) Evanthe: ((what the heck O_o))
(1) Jaze: ((Urm...o_O))
(4) Tristen: ((crit))
(1) Jaze: ((Double damamge on a sword, not triple))
(6) Evanthe: ((weirdo ;P))
(4) Tristen: ohh hahah
(4) Tristen: (())
(9) Seara: ((xD))
(6) Evanthe: ((get rid of the last one then))
(1) Jaze: ((I'll take the first 2))
(4) Tristen: ((so 20 then))
(6) Evanthe: ((minus the 2 for backtalk so you get 0))
(1) Jaze: Tristen's blade sinks into the creature.... As if Regial channeled himself through his blade.. the beast instantly slumps to the ground and disappates into shadow...
(10) Tanja: ::walks the rest of the way up the cliff to join the others::: well...that wasn't...all that bad..
(3) Locke: demons?
(4) Tristen: No, they werent evil..
** (6) Evanthe shrugs **
** (1) Jaze huffs as he runs up the hill after them... **
(4) Tristen: They seem to be a part of this cursed land
(6) Evanthe: Just the inhabitants of thsi place?
(6) Evanthe: Well this place'll keep us on our toes then.
(6) Evanthe: ..but maybe we should keep watch in pairs of two from now on.
(4) Tristen: Aye, perhaps they wont bother us for the rest of the night.
(9) Seara: Yeah, hopefully...
(1) NPC: "You did very well.... Clearly you are no mere escorts.." A woman's voice sounds from higher up on the mountain..
(3) Locke: I'll stay up for first rounds, since I'm up
** (6) Evanthe blinks **
(10) Tanja: what...? ::tries to find the source of the voice::
(3) Locke: who's there?
** (5) Aknier closes his eyes in meditation for a moment...then looks up. **
(1) NPC: On top of a cliff to the north stands a woman, cloaked in blue robes..
(12) Mikhal: did you send those beasts after us?
(9) Seara: ((bleh, brb again))
(4) Tristen: *notices the blue robes and remembers a detail of the last person that send two monsters that attacked the group*
(1) NPC: "I did not.... The shadow beasts scour this mountain after the sun sets... searching for the meat of the living.."
** (1) Jaze hides behind mikhal.. **
(6) Evanthe: Who are you?
(3) Locke: ((meat? *hides crotch*))
(12) Mikhal: ((XD))
(1) NPC: "Sal'shan... Of Ohnben, I have been watching you.."
(5) Aknier: ((Not...that...kind...))
(6) Evanthe: Ohnben? *places her hand on her bow*
(6) Evanthe: Were you sent here to kill us as well?
(3) Locke: if she was... don't you think she would've joined the fight?
(10) Tanja: ((i've got 15 minutes tops right now...))
(1) NPC: "I have no interest in killing you..."
(6) Evanthe: No Locke.
(1) NPC: ((Alright >_>))
(6) Evanthe: Then what's your aim?
(3) Locke: ((>_>))
(1) NPC: "Obviously you are ignorant of the rune..."
(10) Tanja: we came looking for answers
(5) Aknier: Uninformed, I would correct you.
(5) Aknier: An entire Library of Lucion tried to identify that glyph with no success. I myself have never come across it in any text.
** (6) Evanthe scoots closer to Jaze, watching Sal'shan **
(1) NPC: "The arcanist should be able to provide you your answers.... I warn you, your goal is futile... and will bring suffering to millions of people..."
(6) Evanthe: Tell us what you know!
(5) Aknier: If so, then how can we prevent the suffering?
(1) NPC: "The Arcanist knows.... Once you know the truth, we will meet again..." She turns from the cliff... and walks out of sight..
** (3) Locke holds Evanthe back "calm down" **
(1) NPC: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
** (6) Evanthe shakes Locke off her **
(3) Locke: XD
(3) Locke: WIN
** (5) Aknier looks at himself... **
(10) Tanja: woo hoo
(6) Evanthe: Hmm
(5) Aknier: "But what do *I* know...?"
(6) Evanthe: No loot that game?
(1) NPC: *Fears vengence from Shaun*
(5) Aknier: xD
(10) Tanja: he went to bed about an hour ago
(1) NPC: >_>
(4) Tristen: youre already in for it Tony
(6) Evanthe: I hate stupid vague NPCs
(6) Evanthe: I should have shot her
(1) NPC: Wellll I hadn't planned any carnival games, that set me back