Trent Farre

From Reydala

Trent's first mission with the guild was a fairly routine affair. A population of giant carnivorous arachnids had wandered in to a cave near Drei and made it their home, posing a threat to the local populace. The Academy of engineers wished to test a new toxin developed with the intention of exterminating such vermin, Trent and Charlotte were assigned as a last line of defense should things go wrong. Their eldritch blasts were more than sufficient to stop any stragglers able to escape.

The toxin was in the form of a liquid that would evaporate into a noxious vapor after prolonged exposure to air. The engineers simply flooded the cave with the liquid and waited for the gas flume to smoke out the remainder of the arachnid menance. All in all, the two warlocks were only stationed there to watch for any trying to escape from the death trap. Not many did, and those that emerged were mostly the younger, more energetic spiders that were easily dealt with.

Despite the ennui of the job, Trent was enthused to be on his first mission. He was finally getting to help others in a meaningful way and get paid for doing it. He wanted to make a good impression to the guild, show to them his abilities. The engineers seemed thankful for his presence and he took pride in his work. He had never seen much of the engineers work from his home in the far eastern Suda or during his studies at the Pailah Library, so this was another excitement for him.

The one problem, as he saw it, existed with the one that was assigned with him. Or rather, the one who had volunteered to go with him at reduced pay. Even during his short stay at the guild halls he had heard many, many stories about his fellow warlock. They were not all too common, and many expected him to be the same as Charlotte. This was very far from the case. From the stories he heard, Charlotte was a very scary woman, and one whom he did not want to cross. It boggled his mind why such a person had shown such enthusiam for going with him on this trivial mission.

The two sat about five feet from each other, about twenty from the entrance to the cave, watching as the billowing green smoke began to filter outward and upward into the atmosphere. Trent was terrified of saying anything around the woman, wondering how many of the stories he had heard were true. She seemed harmless enough, even cheerful and happy.

"So where do you come from?" Charlotte was the one that began speaking in a high-spirited tone, between their blasting of straggling insects.

"Ah!.." Trent leapt a little, the sudden breaking of the silence startling him. "Um.. I grew up in Suda, in the far east of Nuln, I studied mostly in Pailah.."

"Suda?.. Suda... hmm.. Oh, yes, that small border town.. So you're a farm boy?"

"H...hardly. My parents did own a large farm, but I was sickly for most of my childhood... Probably why I came to prefer books to the fields and eventually why I came to study the ways of incantations."

"Books?.. Pah, those are for the wizard types.."

"Uhm... Even us warlocks can learn a few things from them, I learned a great deal about how to control.."

Charlotte waved her hand, cutting him off. "Experience is the best teacher, you learn by doing in our trade. I'm mostly self-taught, myself."

Trent was awed a little, to have learned the art independently is quite a feat. He also thought that may be why her art seemed so strange to everyone else, the rumors may have been just exaggerations of that. Trent started to relax a bit more. "Self-taught? That's quite an accomplishment..."

Charlotte shrugged. "It's not that difficult, when I was your age, I did most of my practice killing demons.."

"D...Demons?!" Trent's mouth went agape for a bit. He was wrong, this woman definitely was scary!

"Yeah, it's kinda fun the first time, the weaker ones don't even fight back. You should try it some time, y'know." Charlotte said with a cheerful smile.

"I..I think I'll pass, but thanks.."

"Hmmmm?" Charlotte leaned in with a knowing grin. "Don't tell me you're afraid of demons?"

"I...It's unusual not to be!"

"...Do I scare you?" She said after a bit of a pause.

"..I..I didn't say anything like that!" Trent flustered, "It's just unusual, that's all!"

"Oh..? Most people are, I guess that makes you a bit unusual too." Charlotte smiled again. "Or maybe you're just trying to be brave to impress me?"

One of the small spiders made a break from the cave entrance, nearly getting away in trent's distracted state, he lifted a finger toward it as it scurried away, blasting it with a dark burst of energy that sent it into oblivion. With a bit of a sigh he returned to the conversation. The giant arachnids seemed so much easier to deal with.

"I certainly don't find you... scary at all, miss Charlotte. As a fellow warlock, I have a bit more understanding of what we do.." He couldn't tell this demon-hunting woman the truth at all costs, it might be the end of him!

Charlotte stood up, moving a bit closer to him, blasting another of the spiders without so much as a glance as it tried to flee. She looked toward Trent, who seemed to be making every attempt to avoid eye-contact. She smiled, he must have heard alot of stories. He was trying to impress her, or at least, trying not to be killed. Over the years the difference between the two had faded to her somewhat. She sat down right next to him.

Trent gulped slightly, instincts urging him to flee the scene but unable to abandon his mission. "M..Miss Charlotte, if I may ask.. W..Why did you volunteer to accompany me on this assignment?" He stammered out eventually.

Charlotte tapped her chin lightly. "Hmm, I wonder why it was... Maybe because I thought you were cute~"

Trent leapt a bit again. "W-What?!"

"This woman is terrifying" he somehow found the time to think to himself.

Charlotte laughed. "What's wrong with that?... maybe you don't like older women?"

"I..I didn't say that!"

"Oh? So you do like older women?" She leaned in closer.

"I didn't say that either!!"

Charlotte only giggled, she was obviously having fun.

Trent was fearful for his life for the rest of the mission. Even with several more under his belt, he would still hold this one as his most difficult assignment by far. He would eventually become more accustomed to Charlotte's strangeness more than any of the other guild member, if only because she was constantly teasing him. The two would become slowly become friends.

Since the woman's idea of a date was being surrounded by demons, poison gas, and spiders, however... he decided to staunchly oppose any advances on the romantic front.

Character Sheet

Level: 7 Class: Warlock Paragon Path: N/A Epic Destiny: N/A
Race: Human Size: Medium Age: 19 Gender: Male Height: 5'9" Weight: 157 lbs. Alignment: Unaligned Deity: Lucion Origin: Nuln
Ability Scores
Statistic Score Base Racial Class Modifier Mod+Level
STR 11 11 0 0 0 3
CON 10 10 0 0 0 3
DEX 12 12 0 0 1 4
INT 17 14 2 1 3 6
WIS 13 13 0 0 1 4
CHA 17 16 0 1 3 6
Defense Value Level Stat Item Class Enh Misc
AC 17 13 3 0 0 1 0
Fort 17 13 0 2 0 0 2
Reflex 21 13 3 2 1 0 2
Will 21 13 3 2 1 0 2
Conditional Bonuses
Initiative Dex 1/2 Level Misc
4 1 3 0
Score Base Armor Item Misc
6 6 0 0 0
Action Points: 1
Bonus Skill Stat Mod Trained Armor Misc
4 Acrobatics DEX 4 0 0 0
11 Arcana INT 6 5 0 0
3 Athletics STR 3 0 0 0
11 Bluff CHA 6 5 0 0
6 Diplomacy CHA 6 0 0 0
4 Dungeoneering WIS 4 0 0 0
3 Endurance CON 3 0 0 0
4 Heal WIS 4 0 0 0
11 History INT 6 5 0 0
9 Insight WIS 4 5 0 0
6 Intimidate CHA 6 0 0 0
4 Nature WIS 4 0 0 0
11 Perception WIS 4 5 0 2
6 Religion INT 6 0 0 0
9 Stealth DEX 4 5 0 0
6 Streetwise CHA 6 0 0 0
4 Thievery DEX 4 0 0 0
Hit Points
Max HP Bloodied Surge Value Surges/Day
52 26 13 6
Racial Features
+2 Intelligence
Bonus At-Will Power
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill
Human Defense Bonuses
Class Features
Eldritch Blast
Eldritch Pact (Fey Pact)
Prime Shot
Shadow Walk
Warlock's Curse
Languages Known
Score Passive Sense Base Skill Bonus
19 Passive Insight 10 9
21 Passive Perception 10 21
Action Surge
1st Human Perseverance
2nd Improved Misty Step
4th Alertness
6th Skill Training (Stealth)
Level Spell Action Target Bonus Damage Miss/Special
At-Will Spells
1 Eldritch Blast Standard One Creature Charisma vs. Reflex 1d10+CHA Modifier damage. N/A
1 Dire Radiance Standard One Creature Constitution vs. Fortitude 1d6 + CON Modifier radiant damage. If target moves nearer to you on it's turn, it takes 1d6+CON Modifier damage.
1 Eyebite Standard One Creature Charisma vs. Will 1d6 + CHA modifier psychic damage Invisible to target until start of next turn
Encounter Spells
1 Witchfire Standard One Creature Charisma vs. Reflex 2d6 + CHA Modifier fire damage Target takes a 2 + INT Modifier penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn
3 Eldritch Rain Standard One or Two creatures within 5 squares, Ranged 10 Charisma vs. Reflex 1d10 + CHA modifier + INT Modifier damage N/A
7 Mire the Mind Standard One Creature Charisma vs. Will 1d10 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, you and allies are invisible to target until end of next turn Gain a +3 bonus to stealth checks until the end of the encounter
Daily Spells
1 Curse of the Dark Dream Standard One Creature Charisma vs. Will 3d8 + CHA Modifier psychic damage, slide target 3 squares Sustain Minor: Slide target 1 square, hit or miss (save ends)
5 Curse of the Bloody Fangs Standard Ranged 10 Charisma vs. AC 2d10 + CHA Modifier damage Miss: Half Damage. Sustain Minor: Target and adjacent enemies take 1d10 damage (save ends)
Utility Spells
2 Beguiling Tongue Minor Personal N/A Gain +5 bonus to next Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate check N/A
6 Fey Switch Move Ranged 10 N/A You and willing ally trade spaces N/A
Item Exploits
8 Wand of Otherwind Stride +2 Standard Close Burst 1 Charisma vs. Fortitude 1d8 + CHA Modifier damage, targets are immobilized until end of your next turn Teleport 5 + INT modifier squares
5 Fireburst Robe +1 Minor Personal N/A Until the end of your next turn, any creature hitting you with a melee attack takes 1d8 + CHA modifier damage. N/A
3 Gloves of Piercing Minor Personal N/A Until end of encounter, your attacks ignore any resistance of 10 or lower N/A
Worn Items
Slot Item Level
Right Hand Wand of Otherwind Stride +2 8
Armor Fireburst Robe +1 3
Hands Gloves of Piercing 3
Neck Amulet of Protection +2 6
Carried Items
Standard Adventurer's Kit N/A
Money and Wealth
0 Copper Terremes
0 Silver Terremes
440 Gold Terremes
0 Platinum Terremes
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