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+ + + Commander's Transmission - Southfort ComAlpha - Date Log 3-32-9014 + + + 
This is a notice of evacuation to all personnel residing or working at Southfort. Civilians report to Loading Docks A-D. Military personnel report to Docks E and F. Failure to comply with this order will result in the forfeit of your life. This is not a drill.
The Kaltian hounds are bounding over the hills. Southfort is in their eyes as they lick their slavering chops. The enemy is too many, though their blood is thin. Our Strength is not enough to blow them back, but we may just have enough strength left to blow them to hell.
Stand Riscana! This is not our hour of shame, This will be our birth of glory. Stand Riscana! Let the love you hold for my father King flow richly through your veins!
With this blast we will announce our pride With this blast we will begin our glorious march With this blast will we ride through the fields of the dead With this blast we will return home to Mother Riscain!
This is a notice of evacuation to all personnel residing or working at Southfort. Civilians report to Loading Docks A-D. Military personnel report to Docks E and F. Failure to comply with this order will result in the forfeit of your life. This is not a drill.
+ + + Transmission Repeats . . . + + +

A Nation Consumed by War


The battles that ravaged between Kaltia, Riscana, and Ohnben reached a boiling point after the Riscanan capital was all but destroyed overnight. Kaltian invaders fell upon the vulnerable Riscana, now bereft of much of its defenses. Ohnben too expanded its borders, ostensibly with a claim of aiding Riscanan refugees, but they made no disputes about their claims to new land. Within a month nearly ninety percent of the once proud nation had been set upon by it's ravening neighbors, the sole resistance was a solitary fortress in the middle of the barren wastes. Southfort, as it was aptly named, was once part of the great barrier that protected Riscana's southern flank.

Riscanan comm networks were all but destroyed following the capital's rupture, local emergency networks were quickly re-established, but news of the capital's fall did not reach Riscanan ears in time to allow the mustering of a proper defense. One by One, the last bastions of Riscana fell against the brunt of an advancing Kaltian army. A lone dragoon managed to escape from the approaching onslaught at Valeya, warning them of the approach of an impossibly vast Kaltian force from the north.

Though that direction was the facing of the capital, still no one had believed the capital had fallen. It was a Kaltian ruse, complete with a Kaltian surprise attack. Suspicions rose upon receiving battle data from the surviving scout, but the very idea of it was dismissed out of hand. What the commander of Southfort knew was that nearly thirty percent of the entire Kaltian army was enroute to his position and would reach him before nightfall. Time was short, action was needed. Young Commander James Erwoll, youngest son of the Riscanan throne and perhaps the loosest cannon among the royal line, was the current leading officer at Southfort. If action was needed, he would not hesitate to take it.

Southfort housed few civilians, it was primarily a military outpost. While the forces within the walls were formidable they numbered fewer than a third of what was currently approaching. Mounting a defense against such impossible odds was impossible. All civilian forces were evacuated into the 9 mobile battlefortresses docked at Southfort. All automated defenses were engaged, and all safety mechanisms were removed from the four reactors beneath the city. The solitary unreality generator, a relic of an ancient time that had recently returned to life, was rigged with every explosive Southfort could spare. Prince James' plan spelled the end of Southfort, but it would deny it to the enemy, and if the commander had anything to say about it, would take as many Kaltians as possible with the loss.

Prince James ordered most of the battleforts to take their civilian cargo to a known cave complex in the Barrens and to set up what rudimentary life support they could there. Of the remaining he took volunteers to join him on the front. The entirety of the remaining three pledged their allegiance without hesitation. The Kaltians came, and foolishly moved to take the abandoned fort after suffering minimal damage from the automated defenses. The Young James, barely twenty-seven years old, made the call without hesitation. The explosives were detonated, the unreality generator suffered a critical fault just as predicted. The energies fluxed into themselves, creating a massive unreality wave that ruptured through the Kaltian force while the Prince and his faithful ships watched from a safe distance.

The military campaign began under that purple sky what would later come to be known as the 'Rebellion of the Mad Prince'.

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