Setting (Shadowrun)

From Reydala

Revision as of 03:16, 6 May 2011 by Kaer (Talk | contribs)
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(These notes are very loosely written up. This is just so we have something written and shared. Try to overlook this and take what you will from these.)

General World Changes -

-Temperatures have risen a bit and ocean levels have gone up too to accommodate.

-Technology is at the level the core book for Shadowrun suggests. So wired and matrix and all that jazz.

-Magic users are less common then before. This is largely linked to the stronger concentration and more volatile nature of unreality as well as the more commonplace use of technology to replace the need for years of disciplined training.

-Ice Elves are gone. (Sorry Tony).

-Devils are a sight so uncommon many people go their whole lives without seeing one.

-To note, divine interaction is sort of limited now a days. Just don't see the gods much, or hear about them too. Save Laviege being herself once in a while.

Kaltia -

-After Elem was hit by major flooding and all but trashed economically, was annexed by Kaltia. It wasn't exactly done unwillingly, but whenever a country is dissolved you get some unhappy campers.

-There's still some strife between Kaltia and other nations, but they have less conflicts with their neighbors then other nations (Riscana).

-Still under the leadership of an emperor. Still divided into citystate districts which have just as much pull, if not more pull, then the emperor. (There has been some reorganizing, but I haven't done it yet!)

-Not as far into isolation as Ohnben, but not as far out there as Riscana. Take it as the happy medium?

-Keeps up with all other nations technologically without struggle. As wired as the rest, as modern as all others.

Riscana -

-I don't want to call them Britannia, but with their pulls for land, they kind of are/were.

-Got some of what was once northern Banto (because they could)

-Tyren was “acquired” too.

-The eastern boarder with Leyandra is still passed back and forth every few years. This is to the point where it's almost all but an independent province shared by the two countries. Sometimes people there get along, other times they want to firebomb one another. Can you say IRA and other such fun groups!?

-They make a lot of claims and fight for territory a lot. They're the most militarized nation.

-Not the furthest in technology as a whole, but their military is very modern and potent, especailly the ground troops.

Ohnben -

-Strong, unified nation.

-Matron is rad.

-Ohnben keeps up to date with the world while still remaining an independent, almost isolated nation.


-Keeps out of the affairs that don't directly impact them.

-One of the most technologically advanced.

-Boundaries did not noticeably change since previous campaigns.

Nuln -

-Technology? Oh yeah. Though the problem is gnomes are off blasting themselves up / into space.

-Otherwise, they're a strong nation. Big Navy, good land force. Spend a fair bit of time trying to keep conflicts from escalating.

-Constantly in conflict with Riscana. Wars break out every few generations.

-So mercantile that a lot of the pull is from the various corporations that run it. This is problematic for the power structure.

Walstad -

-Not exactly the best place in the world to be.

-We're talking cities are straight up Brazil. You WILL get abducted.

-Not as wired as the rest of the world.

-A den of hive and villainy for the most part.

-Probably a bit more radical in ideology.

-Still fairly forested, but obviously there's been a bit of deforestation. Maybe more marshes.


-I'm being sort of boring with these folks.

-The biggest thing for this country is the continued social strife. Thanks to the whole elf thing, you get a lot of complications with old people and new technology. Not even joking.

-Tradition meets technological innovation and then there's trouble. A lot of civil issues which keeps them from being at the top of the pack when it comes to technology.

-Not so far behind in terms of country strength that they'd be invaded in a second or anything, but lagging behind the other big nations.

-Still highly elfy, and a bit more xenophobic. Some near the Riscana boarder are less, but then also near there are some of the most extreme nutjobs.

-Elannariel is under water. Exploiting magic and other such weird technologies, they managed to keep the city functioning, but it's still underwater.

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