Rebecca Kern

From Reydala

Revision as of 21:01, 15 February 2009 by Aknier (Talk | contribs)

Character Sheet

Level: 7 Class: Paladin Paragon Path: N/A Epic Destiny: N/A
Race: Human Size: Medium Age: ?? Gender: Female Height: ?'??" Weight: ??? lb. Alignment: Good Deity: Triana Origin: ???
Ability Scores
Statistic Score Base Racial Class Modifier Mod+1/2 Level
STR 15 14 0 1 2 5
CON 11 11 0 0 0 3
DEX 10 10 0 0 0 3
INT 12 12 0 0 1 4
WIS 14 13 0 1 2 5
CHA 18 16 2 0 4 7
Defense Value Level Item Stat Class Enh Misc
AC 25 13 10 0 0 2 0
Fort 18 13 0 2 1 0 2
Reflex 18 13 1 1 1 0 2
Will 20 13 0 4 1 0 2
Conditional Bonuses:
Initiative Dex 1/2 Level Misc
3 0 3 0
Score Base Armor Item Misc
5 6 -1 0 0
Action Points: 1
Bonus Skill Stat Mod Trained Armor Misc
1 Acrobatics DEX 3 0 -2 0
4 Arcana INT 4 0 0 0
8 Athletics STR 5 5 -2 0
3 Bluff CHA 3 0 0 0
12 Diplomacy CHA 7 5 0 0
5 Dungeoneering WIS 5 0 0 0
6 Endurance CON 3 5 -2 0
10 Heal WIS 5 5 0 0
4 History INT 4 0 0 0
10 Insight WIS 5 5 0 0
7 Intimidate CHA 7 0 0 0
5 Nature WIS 5 0 0 0
5 Perception WIS 5 0 0 0
9 Religion INT 4 5 0 0
1 Stealth DEX 3 0 -2 0
7 Streetwise CHA 7 0 0 0
1 Thievery DEX 3 0 -2 0
Hit Points
Max HP Bloodied Surge Value Surges/Day
62 31 15 10
Racial Features
+2 CHA
Bonus At-Will Power
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill
Human Defense Bonuses
Class Features
Languages Known
Score Passive Sense Base Skill Bonus
20 Passive Insight 10 10
15 Passive Perception 10 5
Bonus Healing Hands
1st Human Perseverance
2nd Action Surge
4th Student of Battle (Mutliclass Warlord)
6th Novice Power (Hammer and Anvil)
Level Exploit Action Target Bonus Damage Miss
Basic Attacks
Basic Magic Longsword +2 Standard One Creature +9 vs. AC 1d8+4 High Crit
Basic Thunderburst Dagger +1 Standard One Creature (7/12 Range) +10 vs. AC (Melee)
+12 vs. AC (Ranged)
1d4+3 (Melee)
1d4+5 (Ranged)
Light Thrown
Basic Crossbow Standard (Load Minor) One Creature (15/30 Range) +9 vs. AC 1d8+4 N/A
At-Will Exploits
1 Deft Strike Standard One Creature Dexterity vs. AC 1[W]+DEX Modifier damage. You can move 2 squares before the attack.
1 Piercing Strike Standard One Creature Dexterity vs. Reflex 1[W]+DEX Modifier damage.
1 Riposte Strike Standard One Creature Dexterity vs. AC 1[W] + DEX Modifier damage. If the target attacks you before the start of your next turn, make reposte as an immediate interrupt: Strength vs. AC, 1[W] + STR Modifier damage.
Encounter Exploits
1 Torturous Strike Standard One Creature Dexterity vs. AC 2[W] + DEX Modifier + STR Modifier damage
3 Setup Strike Standard One Creature Dexterity vs. AC 2[W]+DEX Modifier Target grants combat advantage until end of your next turn.
7 Imperiling Strike Standard One Creature Desterity vs. Fortitude 1[W] + DEX Modifier damage Target takes a -2 penalty to AC and reflex defense until the end of your next turn.
Daily Exploits
1 Trick Strike Standard One Creature Dexterity vs. AC 3[W] + DEX modifier damage, Slide target one square. Until the end of encounter, each time you hit target, slide it one square.
5 Deep Cut Standard One Creature Dexterity vs. Fortitude 2[W] + DEX Modifier damage, ongoing 7 damage (save ends) Miss: Half damage, no ongoing.
Utility Exploits
2 Quick Fingers Minor Personal N/A Make a thievery check as a minor action. N/A
6 Ignoble Escape Move Personal N/A If you are marked, end that condition. You can shift a number of squares equal to your speed. N/A
Item Exploits
8 Duelist's Rapier +2 Minor Personal N/A You have combat advantage against the next creature you attack with this weapon this turn. N/A
5 Thunderburst Dagger +1 Minor Personal N/A Next ranged basic attack with this weapon becomes burst 1 centered on the target, defense to attack changes to vs. fortitude. Each target takes thunder damage equal to the normal damage you would deal with that attack. N/A
3 Cloak of Resistance +1 Minor Action Personal N/A Gain resist 5 to all damage until the start of your next turn. N/A
Worn Items
Slot Item Level
Right Hand Magic Longsword +2 6
Left Hand Heavy Shield of Protection  ???
Armor Magic Plate +2 6
Neck Symbol of Life +2 8
Carried Items
Thunderburst Dagger +1 4
Crossbow N/A
Bolts (40) N/A
Thieves' Tools N/A
Climber's Kit N/A
Standard Adventurer's Kit N/A
Money and Wealth
0 Copper Terremes
0 Silver Terremes
80 Gold Terremes
0 Platinum Terremes
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