Modern Equipment

From Reydala

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Ballistic Weapons

The OB-P4 Light Pistol "Talon"

Quite possibly the most common ballistic firearm existent in Ohnben, the OB-P4 is economical produce while still being quite deadly against any human opponent. Constructed in Deloria from durable, heavy duty plastics. The bullets are propelled by a special gel-like combustive within the shell casings and are sold in clips of six bullets each. Manufactured with desert use in mind, the barrel automatically seals when not actively firing, preventing any particles from entering the mechanisms. Rumors abound that Armor Piercing and Incendiary rounds exist, but are not officially for sale.

Level Points Attribute
4 10 Weapon (Range [2], Penetration[1], Ammo[-1])

The OB-P7 Heavy Pistol "Desert Wind"

Beyond the need of most civilians, the OB-P7 is a heavier version of the OB-P4 and originates from the same manufacturer. It features a greater caliber barrel and heavier bullets to match. With these upgrades the OB-P7 can even penetrate the armor of many tank hulls. However these same attributes made the auto-sealing barrel of it's predecessor unfeasible. Therefore, the user sacrifices reliability for improved power and penetration.

Level Points Attribute
6 14 Weapon (Range [2], Penetration[2], Ammo[-1], Unreliable [-1])

The OB-Mg5 Sub-Machine Gun "Scorpion"

Carried primarily by officers of the Matron clan while responding to large scale threats, the OB-Mg5 focuses on ease of use and a high rate of fire. The barrel length is two feet, and ammo is fed through clips attached to the side of the weapon. The actual bullets are quite small by ballistic standards, though the Ob-Mg5 can fire them at a staggering rate of approximately 200 per minute. Naturally, firing at full auto will empty a clip extremely rapidly.

Level Points Attribute
4 11 Weapon (Range [2], Auto-Fire [3], Ammo[-1], Unreliable[-1])

The OB-AR3 Assault Rifle "Manticore"

On the rare occaisions that military battles are fought between Infantry, the OB-AR3 is the most common ballistic weapon fielded by Ohnben troops. Deadly accurate, penetrating, and capable of automatic fire, the OB-AR3 is the pinnacle of Ohnben assault rifles. The only drawbacks of the OB-AR3 are its great cost to produce and a slight tendency to jam during extended desert trips.

Level Points Attribute
5 16 Weapon (Range [2], Auto-Fire [3], Penetration [1], Accurate [2], Ammo[-1], Unreliable[-1])

Energy Weapons

The OB-L5 Laser Pistol "Beholder"

The latest in the line of hand-held energy weapons, the OB-LF fires a tight beam that is capable of burning through flesh easily. Light-weight, durable, and self-recharging, this pistol has dominated the Ohnben firearm market.

Level Points Attribute
5 14 Weapon (Range [2], Piercing [1], Accurate [1])

The OB-L6 Laser Rifle

Level Points Attribute
6 17 Weapon (Range [3], Piercing [2], Accurate [2], Hands [-1], Ammo[-1])

The OB-L6P Pulse Laser Rifle

Level Points Attribute
5 18 Weapon (Range [3], Auto-fire [3], Piercing [2], Accurate [2], Hands [-1], Ammo[-1])

The OB-L7 Laser Cannon

Level Points Attribute
7 20 Weapon (Range [3], Piercing [3], Penetrating [2], Accurate [1], Hands [-1], Ammo[-2])

Close Combat Weapons

Armor & Defensive Equipment

The OB-S6 Personal Force Field

Level Points Attribute
1 3 Force Field (Armor Rating 4)

The OB-A8 Body Armor

An advanced version of the standard sand suit, OB-A8 body armor uses ceramic plates to diffuse the impact of blows against the wearer.

Level Points Attribute
8 16 Armor (Armor Rating 16)
2 4 Special Defense (Overheating 1, Freezing Cold 1)

The OB-A2 Sand suit

Standard issue for all Ohnben residents that work outside cities, the OB-A2 Sand Suit helps protect against harsh environments, wearing a sand suit significantly increases the chances of survival in desert and arctic environments.

Level Points Attribute
2 4 Special Defense (Overheating 1, Freezing Cold 1)


The OB-CM3 Personal Communicator

Standard issue for most military units, the OB-CM3 features state of the art communication technology perfect for co-ordinating group efforts. Powerful encryption technology makes it near impossible for outsiders to intercept orders. Every OB-CM3 is aligned to a master unit, usually located on a sandship. OB-CM3s have an operation range of 30 km from their master unit, as well as a distress call that sends an automated message to any master unit within 100 km.

Level Points Attribute
1 1 Feature (Communicator-Headset)

The OB-MD5 Medical Diagnostic Scanner

Level Points Attribute
2 2 Supersense (Indirect) (Restriction: Biological Targets Only [-1])

The OB-MC8 Mechanical Analysis Scanner

Level Points Attribute
5 5 Supersense (Indirect) (Restriction: Metal/Plastic Targets Only [-1])

The OB-MD2 Standard First-Aid Kid

Level Points Attribute
3 3 Healing (Activation [-1], Consumable [-2])



OB-dFA5 "Sand Shadow"

Used primarily in conflicts blanketed by sandstorms that reduce visibility to all but nothing, the Sand Shadow focuses on close combat, speed, and stealth to confuse and eliminate the enemy.

Level Points Attribute
17 34 Armor (Armor Rating 34, Health Points 34)
4 8 Special Defense (Overheating 1, Freezing Cold 1, Toxins 2)
5 10 Land Speed (125kph)
2 4 Jumping (10x Normal Distance)
1 6 Invisibility (Radar)
2 4 Supersense (Infrared, 100m)
3 24 Super Strength (4 tonnes)
6 17 Weapon (Armblade, Penetrating[4], Muscle[1])
Level Points Defect
2 -8 Awkward Size (6 Metres tall, 3 tonnes)
2 -2 Conditional Ownership (Ohnben Military)
Total Item Cost
97 Points 43 Points

OB-dRA4 "Dragon"

The standard Dragoon used in most military excursions, the OB-dRA4 focuses on ranged attacks from it's weaponry to bring down opponents.

Level Points Attribute
21 42 Armor (Armor Rating 42, Health Points 42)
6 18 Force Field (Armor Rating 24)
4 8 Special Defense (Overheating 1, Freezing Cold 1, Toxins 2)
4 8 Land Speed (60kph)
1 2 Jumping (3x Normal Distance)
2 3 Supersense (Radar, 100m, Detectable[-1])
2 16 Super Strength (2 tonnes)
7 20 Weapon (OB-dW4 Beam Cannon, Piercing [3], Range[3], Penetrating [2], Hands[-1])
Level Points Defect
2 -8 Awkward Size (7 Metres tall, 3.5 tonnes)
2 -2 Conditional Ownership (Ohnben Military)
Total Item Cost
107 Points 53 Points

OB-dAP2 "Grand Emperor"

The Grand Emperor is a hulking giant that slowly plods over the battlefield, using its twin-linked Beam Cannons and Missiles to deal with any foe that dares try to close the gap. The dual cannons are a distinctive feature, taking up almost the entire right arm of the machine. The missle pod is usually mounted upon the left shoulder, but is occasionally seen integrated into the left arm. Grand Emperors are usually deployed for defensive roles, as their slow speed limits sweeping advances.

Level Points Attribute
28 56 Armor (Armor Rating 56, Health Points 56)
7 21 Force Field (Armor Rating 28)
4 8 Special Defense (Overheating 1, Freezing Cold 1, Toxins 2)
3 6 Land Speed (30kph)
3 3 Supersense (Radar, 1km, Detectable[-1])
1 8 Super Strength (1 tonnes)
8 24 Weapon (OB-dW5 Beam Cannon, Piercing [3], Range[3], Penetrating [2])
8 22 Weapon (OB-dW5 Beam Cannon, Piercing [3], Penetrating [2], Linked[1])
6 19 Weapon (OB-dM9 Missile Pod, Homing (Radar) [2], Indirect [2], Range [4], Area [3], Ammo[-2]: 3 salvos, Stoppable [-1], Unreliable[-1])
Level Points Defect
3 -12 Awkward Size (9 Metres tall, 10 tonnes)
2 -2 Conditional Ownership (Ohnben Military)
1 -3 Physical Impairment (No Right Hand)
Total Item Cost
146 Points 73 Points

OB-dAP3 "Firestar"

A prototype design intended to serve as a field artillery role in the great battlefield. Utilizes several revolutionary Ohnben technologies, including limited flight capability and the OB-dW6 Plasma Bomb cannon. Once the development phase is complete, it's superior mobility is expected to make the "Grand Emperor" obsolete as the Ohnben heavy dragoon of choice.

Level Points Attribute
17 34 Armor (Armor Rating 34, Health Points 34)
7 21 Force Field (Armor Rating 28)
4 8 Special Defense (Overheating 1, Freezing Cold 1, Toxins 2)
5 10 Land Speed (125kph)
2 10 Flight (30kph), Recovery[-6]
3 3 Supersense (Radar, 1km, Detectable[-1])
1 8 Super Strength (1 tonnes)
5 43 Alternate Form (Firing Mode, Activation[-2])
Firing Mode Attributes
Attributes Lost in Firing Mode:: Land Speed (+10), Flight(+10)
11 22 Armor (Armor improves to 56, Health points 56)
3 2 Stable (OB-dE62 Stabilization Spikes, Igores Recoil and reduces forced movement attributes by a factor of 3, Environmental (Appropriate Surface) [-4])
9 24 Weapon (OB-dW6 Plasma Bomb Cannon, Range[3], Area[4], Indirect[2], Penetrating[4], Piercing [2], Charges[-6] (Three Shots), Recoil [-3] (Propels firer backward 10m, Prone))
9 22 Weapon (OB-dW6 Plasma Bomb Cannon, Linked[1], Area[4], Indirect[2], Penetrating[4], Piercing [2], Charges[-6] (Three Shots), Recoil [-3] (Propels firer backward 10m, Prone))
70 Total Alternate Form Points
Level Points Defect
2 -8 Awkward Size (6 Metres tall, 4 tonnes)
2 -2 Conditional Ownership (Ohnben Military)
Total Item Cost
127 Points 63 Points



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