Reydala Drinking Game

From Reydala

Revision as of 03:36, 14 September 2008 by Mikhal (Talk | contribs)

Reydala -- The Drinking Game

Feel free to edit this page as you see fit with new and amusing ideas!


The abuse of alcohol is not encouraged, and should anyone even attempt to do this game with alcohol, we hold no responsibility for the poisoning! Hell, if you really want to do this, do so with water or iced tea. Or something!

Start up, ending, and non game related conversation!

- Every time the map or any thing program related causes problems, take as many shots as it takes to make the problem feel less serious.

- Every time someone leaves without waiting for people to say goodbye, take a shot as you add them to THE LIST.

- Whenever post game Mahjong occurs, take a shot. Take two if you're in the game.


- Whenever enemies go straight for Aknier, take a shot.

- Every time someone wearing plate is eaten alive, take a shot.

- Every time Kaer rolls 20 on sense motive, take a shot while Kevin plays Russian Roulette. If Kaer's next roll is important and a 1, take an additional shot while Kevin fills all the chambers and plays again.

- For every ten instances Dante pisses someone off, take a shot.

- Every dozen times Wren spaces out, ponder what exactly she's thinking about, and once you come back take a shot.

- Whenever a NPC returns from the depths of not being seen recently, take a shot. If it was an NPC presumed dead, take two.

- Every cliffhanger, finish the bottle.


- Every time Osen calls someone a [Nationality] Dog, salute and take a shot.

- Every time Tyra lusts after something mechanical, take a shot. Take a second if it later falls to the group's possession!

- Whenever Siri begins to trip out from neck-stabbing, take a shot.

- Whenever Nole steals something, take a shot. Take a second if he had to dodge enemy attack to steal said thing.

- Every time the term "GRIMDARK" is used in OOC, take a shot.

- When someone is put into a medical tube, chant "TUUUUUUUUUUUBES" and take a shot.

- Osen doesn't follow someone. Attempt a -3- face and take a shot. Take an additional shot if Tyra prompted the situation that Osen does not follow.

- Every time Siri borders on being a berserker, take a shot. Take another if it results in her tripping-out from neck-stabbing.

- Whenever a NPC returns from the depths of not being seen recently, take a shot. If it was an NPC presumed dead, take two.

- Every cliffhanger, finish the bottle.

- Every time Riou needs to use a electronics skill or computer skill to advance the plot, take a shot. If he critically fails, and initiates a self-destruct sequence, take two. If the self-destruct sequence turns out to be a dud, take a shot.

- Every time you realize the PCs hate Theval while the Players themselves adore him, take a shot while saying "Isn't it sad, Theval~"

- Every time Jolya uses sexual innuendo take a shot. Take another if directed at Osen.

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