
From Reydala

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Hald is a ruthless God bent on controlling all of Reydala

Lesser Deity

Symbol: Up-Pointing Onyx Blade

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Portfolio: Conquest, Dominion

Worshippers: Evil Armies, Militaristic Societies

Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, LN

Domains: Darkness, Destruction, War, Law

Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword

Home Plane: The Blackthrone

The middle sibling in the house of Dizal. Legends have it that a childhood accident caused in part by Regial's recklessness led to Hald having a deep hatred of his older brother. In fact, the two couldn't be more opposite. Where Regial is reckless, good spirited, and optimistic, his brother is calculating, cold, and always plans in case of the worst. Regial thrives on the mad rush of battle, and Hald seeks to control every facet of it. At 16 he renounced any connection to his family, stating that his father refused to use his power and that his elder brother could never focus it enough. He left the house of Dizal and has since never returned. He did regret leaving the youngest brother, Sor, behind, as the two had shared a kinship, yet this was not enough for Hald. Hald saw opportunity in the land of mortals and in the land of devils, and that opportunity was power.

Hald started to gather devils to his name, as well as those mortals who shared some of his lust for power, and created a great fortress to stand against anything that could assail it. He yearns someday to take his army against his brother's, for revenge and to show him the great folly of his ways. The two have clashed many times over Reydala's history, mostly indirectly, and they are keeping eyes on each other closely as Dizal looks on in anguish. While Hald waits for the perfect time to strike, he keeps the reigns close upon his legions of Devils, particularly a ring of Archdevils which are deities themselves.

Hald appears as a tall, perfect, human, with long jet black hair brought back in a ponytail. His eyes are grey and cold. He wears a suit of armor crafted by devils and covered with spikes, with a large shield to match. His weapon is a wickedly barbed bastard sword, which he wields expertly in one hand.


Followers of Hald value Power and Control, they believe that the power levels existing in the world are there for a reason, some have the power to rise to command, and others do not. They reject any idea of catering to the poor or the weak. Governments based in Hald's philosophy are oppressive and warlike, with no room for pity or mercy. "The Strong shall live, the Weak will die" is a likely Motto for a Haldian.

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