
From Reydala

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Intermediate Deity

Symbol: Golden Chalice

Alignment: Lawful Good

Portfolio: Union, Leadership

Worshipers: Kings, Statesmen, Humans

Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, LN

Domains: Nobility, Community, Law, Family

Favored Weapon: Heavy Mace

The first of the Godly Men, and supposedly the last of Nathicana's children. Legend has it that it was the hand of Dizal that brought Humans to Reydala. All the legends of Dizal portray him as a noble king who was fiercely dedicated to his creations. As the father of humanity, he also is presented as having a great amount of wisdom, settling countless disputes that were brought before him in ways that appealed to both sides. He believes strongly in diplomacy whenever possible, and is generally lenient in punishment. Resolving disputes between and within families and countries is a primary concern of Dizal, and therefore his Clerics often take on the role of Negotiators, Mediators, and Diplomats.

Dizal himself appears as a human in his 60th year, with greying hair and a kindly face that eminates the wisdom of experience. Folk tales say that for every fight that occurs in his house causes his appearance to age a year, but seeing all the conflics his sons have caused, this is likely hearsay. Despite his appearence, he retains all the strength of his youth, which is enough to overpower either of his sons should they get out of hand. Yet he has come to learn that sometimes it is better to sit back and let their blazing fights sizzle out naturally.


Dizal values highest Peace, and condones war only when absolutely necessary. Many of his clerics therefore take vows of Pacifism. In every avenue of life, Dizal teaches that violence must be the last road taken, and then only as a means of preserving peace. Family is very important to Dizal, despite his own family's dysfunction, and every believer of Dizal is obligated to treat everyone they meet as a member of their own family, no matter how unsettling that may seem.

Paladins of Dizal direct their wrath solely toward the monstrous and outsiders who seek to disturb the fragile balance of Reydala. Mortals in line with these forces are viewed as misguided and every attempt should be made toward their redemption. Only when their ambitions directly threaten the faithful and the innocent are weapons to be raised against them.

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