Of the Winged Lizards
From Reydala
Lucion looked out from his tower and saw the world still in the chaos of Unreality. Everywhere there was war, strife, and suffering. The Gods of Good sought to bring solace, the Gods of Evil each sought to hold Dominion, Neither were concerned with the fate of the world.
The winged lizards, of a multitude of colors, were created by the deities to be their greatest worshipers. Incredibly strong, Intelligent, and far more gifted in the ways of magic than any from the world of men. The Gods crafted the serpents as paragons of their own virtues and vices. The Gods gave unto these creations a unique name: Dragons.
But, so great were the powers of these Dragons that they felt little need for faith. The Dragons of Evil at once refused to submit to another power, and sought to create their own dominion of Earth. The Dragons of Good acknowledged their makers, but often questioned their Gods actions and motives.
Infuriated with the insolence of the Dragon race, the Gods of Evil called their armies to do battle with their creations. Men and Dragon fought for hundreds of years, with neither claiming victory. Millions of souls: Elven, Human, Dwarven, Gnomish, and Dragon left the world.
Mortals lived in fear of the great lizards, the evil beasts burned down their great cities and slaughtered innocent souls. The armies of Good had no choice but to defend their world and joined the battle, beseeching the Dragons of Good to assist them.
The Dragons of good were reluctant to take part in this War which would cost many lives for all sides. However, The Dragons of Evil also wished to subjugate their more moral Brethren under their dominion. Their hands were forced: Dragon Fought Dragon, Men fought Men, Dragons Fought Men, and Men Fought Dragons.
And so the war raged for thousands of years. Neither side reaping benefit and all paying the price in lives. If ever a Side were to gain dominance, an opposing God would intervene on behalf of their charges. Unreality ran rampant, Nathicana's creation began to warp, and everywhere there was Sorrow.
Ever wise Lucion saw the plight the world was in, and took a step to rectify it. He sought out the most powerful of dragons, Anarechnavalyis, respected by both Dragons of Good and Dragons of Evil for his wisdom and his power.
Lucion spoke unto the beast: "This Futile war can continue no longer, The Races of Reydala and the Dragons will never live in peace. Heed My Solution!". Anarechnavalyis raised his massive head over the comparitively tiny Lucion, listening to the God's proclaimation.
"I will create another world for the Dragons to live in, one of peace away from the Mortals. A World where every need will be met" Lucion spoke, his powerful voice echoing off the walls of the Dragon's Lair. Anarechnavalyis spoke unto the Lord Lucion: "Few Dragons would agree to such a plan, for they are attached to this world, just as much as the Men, the Elves, the Dwarves, and the Gnomes"
Lucion raised his staff and tapped it upon the ground, and it seemed the entire earth would collapse in upon itself. "If the Dragons do not leave then I shall enact a spell over all the world, no more will you be creatures of cunning and wisdom, you shall reside on the earth just as the Bear, The Fox, The Eagle!"
Anarechnavalyis roared in anger, but the beast knew the God was not bluffing. She snarled as she spat the words: "Let each dragon choose their own fate, none shall be forced into your Prison. Provide us with a year, and those who shall accept your terms shall meet you on this location."
Lucion, finding no reason to force the matter further, departed from Anarechnavalyis. He began to create another Plane upon which the winged lizards would live.
Anarechnavalysis carried Lucion's message to the entirety of Dragonkind. The Dragons of evil were immediately infuriated, they were expected to leave their treasures and their followers behind. Yet, they were also taken with fear, for to lose their reasoning was to lose every pleasure. Their amassed hoards would mean nothing to them, their kills would hold no sweetness.
Thus many Dragons of evil bowed their heads, snarling as they were, and agreed to Lucion's terms. Most of those reisisting were the Crimson Worms created by Hald, whose unapproachable pride would never let them submit to another's judgement.
The Dragons of Good faced no less difficult a decision, many did not want to leave their communities that they had helped to prosper, their cities that they had defended, and even in many cases their lovers among the other Races of Reydala. In the end, most accepted it as a cause for the greater good, but they took their last Flight in Reydala with heavy hearts.
The other races of Reydala and indeed many of the Gods were ignorant to the Dragons' plight. A Year eventually passed, and a veritable horde of Dragons gathered in the sky far above Reydala. Lucion appeared in their Midst and spoke:
1122 "Dragonkind, I bow to you on this day. Think not of what you have left behind but what you have brought for the future. As you are the most intelligent and wise creatures the Gods have wrought, it must be you departs for the sake of the world"
And thus, Lord Lucion opened a portal for the Dragons, and each took their leave from the world, far from the eyes of men. Far below the tears of the dragons of Good fell upon men's dwellings, but they did not take heed of the significance.
The portal was closed, and Lucion turned to the world far below him. "Dragons of Pride and Selfishness, This mistake will be your undoing! No longer will you interfere in the world of Reydala". Thus, he wrought his spell, removing from every dragon the spark of intelligence, of thought, of magic. And Thus, in the year three thousand two hundred and twenty two, Intelligent dragons were no more.
What followed was a brief period of chaos. Men at first noticed little difference in the Dragons of Evil, who would still attack their cities in search of prey when hunger called them. However, they were soon suprised that Dragons would often flee after only a few victims, and would not burn their cities unless provoked. Men started to lay traps for the dragons, which they often fell into.
More suprising for men were the Dragons of Good, their once good friends and protectors turned to savage beasts. Many were reluctant to take arms against the Dragons, yet, to defend their lives they were forced to take measures against their former friends.
Realizing their advantage, groups of Dragon Slayers arose all over Reydala, and began to hunt the beasts nearly to extinction. Some did so humanely, but others were far more Cruel. Dragons were cought and tortured, Imprisoned as sideshows, Their scales, teeth, claws, and organs all brought high prices from craftsmen and Arcanists. Many Druidic Circles spoke in the defense of the creatures, yet men would not forget the evils that dragons had wrought, and too quickly forgot the good they brung. Those who had dragon-blood in them, products of Dragons and Human lovers, faced discrimination and hatred. Many chose to hide their lineage.
Within 30 years, Dragons were almost unheard of on Reydala; Many humans dismissed them as creatures of legend. If they still exist today, they are in the highest mountains, darkest forests, harshest swamps, deepest oceans, and hottest deserts, where no mortals dare to tread. Lucion looked out on his work, satisfied with a world that was far more stable.