Game 10

From Reydala

Revision as of 18:08, 16 April 2007 by Aknier (Talk | contribs)
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Log filename is "reydala2-27-08-05.html", system is is logging.
(5) Evanthe: Did you do your level up stuff, J?
(3) Tristen: yep
(5) Evanthe: And so you know
(5) Evanthe: I don't think Kiros is actually here..? :o

(3) Tristen: yeah, he dropped
(2) Tony: Is he going to be returning?
(5) Evanthe: I don't know
(3) Tristen: Dunno
(5) Evanthe: He just left IRC

(5) Evanthe: I have no idea where Khar is
(5) Evanthe: I know Flamer is busy with school
(5) Evanthe: And I'm hungry, so brb a sec.
(3) Tristen: I see a red spot on the map :P
(2) Tony: That's your clue

(3) Tristen: haha
(3) Tristen: nice clue
(3) Tristen: so, fire?
(3) Tristen: a really big zit?
(3) Tristen: Apples?

(3) Tristen: well now its green
(2) Tony: All will become clear... or not
(3) Tristen: red and green, CHRISTMAS
(5) Evanthe: Okay guys
(5) Evanthe: Let's do this without dying <3

(3) Tristen: haha
(3) Tristen: If Kiros comes back we should be fine I think
(2) Tony: Yeah... I'm giving him some time... but...>_>
(7) Seara (enter): 22:14
(5) Evanthe: yay Khar 14:08, 16 April 2007 (EDT)14:08, 16 April 2007 (EDT)14:08, 16 April 2007 (EDT)Aknier 14:08, 16 April 2007 (EDT)`

(2) Tony: Who's going for leader?
(5) Evanthe: Do we need leader for this little people? :o
(2) Tony: In this next fantastic puzzle romp!
(7) Seara: angel14:08, 16 April 2007 (EDT)14:08, 16 April 2007 (EDT)14:08, 16 April 2007 (EDT)~~
(7) Seara: uh-oh

(3) Tristen: puzzle romp = Tony's death
(7) Seara: puzzle romping again :o
(2) Tony: Eh.. It always helps ^_^
(5) Evanthe: I hope that it's not the same mindless puzzles ;P
(2) Tony: Mindlesssss puzzles?!?!?!?!

(3) Tristen: *moves away from Eva, pretty sure shes gonna be smashed by something*
(2) Tony: Forget the puzzles, here comes the sheep of doom with 20 barbarian levels =p
(5) Evanthe: ;D
(7) Seara: :o oh noes
(7) Seara: COWS

(7) Seara: I loved that cow thing in diablo II >.>
(5) Evanthe: xD
(5) Evanthe: I would take J there
(5) Evanthe: And he'd kill the damn king
(3) Tristen: *kills the cow king so no one can get items anymore*

** (5) Evanthe slaughters J **
(7) Seara: hahha
(3) Tristen: BWAHAHAHAHA
(5) Evanthe: Which is why I pwned him when we fought against each other >:)
(7) Seara: I'd wander around, hoping to run into the king last xD the little moos were so damn cute

(3) Tristen: I think I pissed those people off
(5) Evanthe: I had like a necklace of his ears
(7) Seara: xD
(1) Mikhal: i still play D2 every now and then
(7) Seara: I so cucked at that game pvp >.>

(3) Tristen: Bah I was like 10 levels under you
(2) Tony: All of my online D games ended the same way... "Let's do this together!" "Sure, okay" *One step into dungeon get PK'd* "Lol, noob"
(5) Evanthe: 10 levels?
(5) Evanthe: Lies
(3) Tristen: ok maybe 5, but 5 COUNTS

(7) Seara: everytime I tried the ground would be littered with my own ears
(5) Evanthe: Not even 5
(5) Evanthe: Last time I played D2 was with Incanto
(5) Evanthe: If you remember her, Scott
(7) Seara: cucked? wow, nice typo

(1) Mikhal: kinda
(3) Tristen: Hmm, I forget which class I was... was I a Druid when I fought you?
(5) Evanthe: Nope necromancer
(5) Evanthe: WoW should be here by Monday x_x
(5) Evanthe: I expect to be sucked in

(7) Seara: I had a druid and a DING DING surprise amazon
(7) Seara: :o
(7) Seara: you're getting wow? nooooooooooooooo
(5) Evanthe: xD I had an assassin~
(3) Tristen: ahh thats why I sucked, I was a Necromancer

(7) Seara: everyone I know who gets that gets sucked in ;_;
(3) Tristen: yeah I should have played paladin... frost aura ftw
(5) Evanthe: I can't help it Khar. I get a free account with a class I'm taking xD
(7) Seara: wow o.o
(1) Mikhal: O_o

(7) Seara: that's so awesome, lol
(1) Mikhal: what class?
(5) Evanthe: Game Design
(5) Evanthe: we get a guildwars, city of heroes, everquest, and WoW account :o
(1) Mikhal: FFXI > WoW

** (7) Seara signs up for class **
(7) Seara: wow
(3) Tristen: WoW > FFXI
(2) Tony: No FFXI, cause SE are cheap jerks
(3) Tristen: FFXI + grind fest

(7) Seara: well I can't play either so SCREW YOU ALL
(7) Seara: ;_;
(3) Tristen: =*
(2) Tony: It's alot less grind than RO...>_>
(3) Tristen: but alot more then WoW ;)

(2) Tony: Mhmm
(1) Mikhal: but FFXI has a lot of replayability with one character
(5) Evanthe: what's replayability?
(3) Tristen: WoW is still expanding their dungeons and quests
(3) Tristen: so there doesnt need to be REplayability

(2) Tony: If you want to start another class, you don't need to get a new character, you can switch jobs at any mog house
(3) Tristen: because the game is still going :)
(5) Evanthe: oh lordy
(5) Evanthe: we've got the WoW versus FFXI
(2) Tony: But thiss isn't the forum for this

** (5) Evanthe moves over to the WoW corner >.>;;; **
(7) Seara: you play wow too, J?
(1) Mikhal: plus, on FFXI you got me, tony, and patti
(5) Evanthe: That's why he wasn't on RO, Khar xD
(2) Tony: *cough* FFXI *cough*

(7) Seara: lol
(5) Evanthe: he was in WoW for that long
(3) Tristen: Yeah I have a level 60 Paladin
(5) Evanthe: oh c'mon, more gamers play WoW than ffxi ;P
(7) Seara: I'm in the "I can't play either game 'cause my computer has a POS graphics card" corner

(7) Seara: allll by myself
(3) Tristen: will most of my blue gear
(3) Tristen: and some purple
(7) Seara: ah okay xD
(1) Mikhal: and how long did it take you to get that high?

(5) Evanthe: and Khar, we're not leaving RO~
(3) Tristen: umm.. a month or two?
(3) Tristen: real time not game time
(7) Seara: ;_;
(3) Tristen: er maybe 3

** (7) Seara sobs **
(5) Evanthe: only like 3 people in my game design class have level 60 chars
(3) Tristen: yeah we'll be there every WoE ;)
(7) Seara: we get so little time to party as it is ;_;
(5) Evanthe: one guy has 2

(3) Tristen: I have a level 20 something Warlock too
(2) GM Voice: Everyonee ready?
(3) Tristen: yep
(1) Mikhal: yup yup
(7) Seara: but but but I want to party with you at other times too ;_;

(5) Evanthe: hehe don't worry
(7) Seara: yeah
(7) Seara: >.>
(5) Evanthe: If you ever want me, just be like ANGEL GET YER ASS IN RO
(2) GM Voice: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

(5) Evanthe: ((And because I've never heard you say something like that, I'll do it :3))
(7) Seara: (I brought up diablo II first, I rock~)
(2) GM Voice: Two weeks have passed since the death of Alain...
(7) Seara: ((hahaha okay xD))
(3) Tristen: ((we should all play D II some time :) ))

(5) Evanthe: ((oooh yes))
(2) GM Voice: ((*Pops*))
(2) GM Voice: After splitting up to undergo their own ways... the group joins again at the library of lucion..
(2) GM Voice: Cold winter's grasp is gradually loosening to allow spring to flourish... The ice and snow that have covered the ground for so long is slowly beginning to melt..
** (5) Evanthe stretches her arms over her head, yawning as she approaches, spotting...uh....Tristen! **

(2) GM Voice: The sounds of birds can be audibly heard in the trees..
** (3) Tristen comes walking up the road to the Library of Lucion, clanking in his usual half-plate. **
** (5) Evanthe cheerfully smiles, glad to see a familiar face.....even his. "Back from...wherever already?" **
** (1) Mikhal approaches the library coming from the south road **</font>
** (3) Tristen smiles back "Yes, I have met with my commander and reported the death of Alain, I hope all is well with you good lady?" **
(2) GM Voice: Little has changed in the building itself.. other than the window that was once broken being repaired..

** (5) Evanthe blinks, "I take it your report went well? I've never seen you in such a good mood." **
** (5) Evanthe spots Mikhal, waving wildly "Mikhal!" **
** (3) Tristen smiles and bows to her, finally arriving where she is standing **
** (5) Evanthe looks towards the library, "Have you been here long?" **
(3) Tristen: Yes, my entrance into the order seems to be assured.
** (1) Mikhal waves to Evanthe **</font>
(5) Evanthe: I wanted to check on Jaze's condition..

** (3) Tristen turns to Mikhal and waves aswell **
(3) Tristen: I aswell..
** (5) Evanthe runs over to Mikhal, giving him an exuberant hug **
(5) Evanthe: I missed you, shorty.
** (1) Mikhal returns the hug **</font>
(2) GM Voice: It has also been 2 weeks since Jaze returned to the library, barely alive... a strange magical rune carved into his flesh..

(1) Mikhal: ((i guess i was walking my horse then?))
** (3) Tristen walks up to them not in too much of a hurry himself. **
** (7) Seara pops up behind everyone **
** (5) Evanthe glances around, "Where's Se--oh hey!" **
(7) Seara: We've been gone for a while... I hope Jaze's better finally
** (5) Evanthe nods. **
(1) Mikhal: has anything intresting happened since i left?

(7) Seara: Hey, everyone~
** (3) Tristen greets Seara **
(5) Evanthe: Not sure, Mikhal
(5) Evanthe: Seara and I went on our own little trip
(3) Tristen: ((he didnt know about the manor))

(1) Mikhal: ((yeah ;D))
(7) Seara: Oh, he wasn't there for the... manor thing either
(5) Evanthe: Oh
** (5) Evanthe pouts **
(3) Tristen: Aye Mikhal, we sought after a lost item for a small boy

(5) Evanthe: Small boy? He was a grown man!
(3) Tristen: In the end we let a lonely ghost's spirit rest at ease
(1) Mikhal: manor thing?
(5) Evanthe: And it was dusty boring little action there.
(3) Tristen: ((wasnt the bard person a boy?))

(5) Evanthe: Yes, we visited his mother's lover's house
(7) Seara: Whatever he was, he led us on a goose chase... but eh, we got something out of it, at least
(5) Evanthe: And found a journal.
(1) Mikhal: ((he was around 19))
(8) Locke (enter): 22:35

(5) Evanthe: We own a house!
(3) Tristen: ((ahh haha))
(1) Mikhal: is it a nice house?
** (5) Evanthe nods **
(8) Locke: ((wow, so we did get to use the key?))

(3) Tristen: If you dont mind a few traps
(5) Evanthe: Quite spacious, I think we can probably set up camp there should we ever need to.
** (3) Tristen winces in rememberance, rubbing hid backside. **
** (5) Evanthe laughs. "At least itll keep us on our toes." **
(3) Tristen: ((his*))
(5) Evanthe: So..I'm going to check on Jaze now

(3) Tristen: So then, let us make haste to see how our good friend Jaze is doing.
** (5) Evanthe trots off towards the library **
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe heads up to the library steps..
** (1) Mikhal follows Evanthe **</font>
** (8) Locke pops up round the corner and follows Evanthe **
** (3) Tristen follows her to the library. **

(8) Locke: ((doo doo doo))
** (5) Evanthe jumps, "Locke! Where in the hell have you been?" **
(3) Tristen: ((xD Flamer))
(8) Locke: umm... long story
** (5) Evanthe gives the half-elf a friendly hug. **
(5) Evanthe: Either way, it's good to see that you're well

(2) GM Voice: Followed by the rest of the group.. The familiar oak doors in front of them
(8) Locke: good to see you too
** (5) Evanthe enters the doors, looking for someone to speak to **
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe opens the doors... unlocked, she heads inside to the large room with the round table.... a few of Lucion's pupils are in here, studying..
(2) GM Voice: They look up upon their entrance

(2) NPC: "Oh.. You have returned!... As always, welcome to the library... Can we help you?..."
(3) Tristen: Yes, we have come to check on our friend Jaze, is he well?
(2) NPC: Both of them have dark shadows under their eyes, their movements slow as if they have been deprived of sleep..
(2) NPC: The one that spoke turns to his companion for a bit... then back, with a grim glance... "Ah.. Jaze.... Perhaps you should speak with Jorue... I will fetch him"
** (5) Evanthe 's smile falls away as she watches him go. **

(3) Tristen: *his brow furrows at the comment alittle worried*
(2) NPC: He steps through the door to the north.. A moment later the door opens again.. Jorue stepping into the room.. his expression is grim....though it brightens upon seeing the group return..
(7) Seara: Hrmm...
** (5) Evanthe rushes forward, clasping Jorue's hand in earnest. "News?" **
(2) NPC: He too..appears sleep deprived... while he looked old before.. it's as if he aged 20 years in two weeks...

(7) Seara: Is... evreything okay here, Jorue?
(2) Jorue: "I am glad to see you again.." *He coughs audibly*... "You are concerned about Jaze...?"
(2) Jorue: "It has been a very hard time for us all..."
** (5) Evanthe nods. "How is he? **
** (2) Jorue Sits down slowly at the table, supporting himself with his hand as he does so.. **

(5) Evanthe: ((brb))
(2) Jorue: "Jaze.... " He closes his eyes a moment... "Physically... He is in perfect condition.."
(2) Jorue: "All his wounds have healed well from his ordeal..."
(7) Seara: What's wrong with him then?
(2) Jorue: "But... whoever carved that rune into his flesh... no matter what we have tried, we cannot remove it.."

(2) Jorue: "Whenever it activates.... It causes him great pain.. We're not sure what activates it.. what it's intended to do..."
(3) Tristen: How often does it activate?
** (2) Jorue rubs his eyes slightly.. **
(7) Seara: I see... *frowns*

(1) Mikhal: *frowns* that's really horrible
(2) Jorue: "At least daily.. sometimes three times.... Nobody can bear to see him like this... so we are working around the clock.... but I'm afraid we're quickly running out of options..."
** (3) Tristen crosses his arms, not liking the sound of a innocent in pain. **
(3) Tristen: Does it do anything except cause him pain?
(2) Jorue: "As I said.. we're not quite sure what it's doing.... There's some sort of magic at work here... but.. all we can know for certain that it is incredibly painful to him.."

(5) Evanthe: What...can we do?
(5) Evanthe: There has to be something we can do.
(2) Jorue: "You have helped us so much already..."
(1) Mikhal: but if it wasn't for Jaze, we wouldn't have been back so quickly
(8) Locke: and Aknier wouldn't be doing too well alone

(5) Evanthe: We couldn't possibly leave him in this condition if there's anything we can do
** (2) Jorue sighs sadly... **
(5) Evanthe: He wouldn't have even been there if he hadn't of been trying to figure out our necklaces
(3) Tristen: The Body of Alain... have you checked it? There might be something there that could give us a clue.

(2) Jorue: "I'm not sure if there is anything we can do... but it seems this curse that has been put on him is beyond our power to heal..."
** (5) Evanthe starts pacing back and forth **
(5) Evanthe: Then you guys have no idea? Who else can help us?
(5) Evanthe: Anybody else who specializes in these seal thingies?
(5) Evanthe: I just...we have to do something

(2) Jorue: We've not looked at any bodies..
(8) Locke: ((that sounds so kinky, for some reason >.>))
(3) Tristen: ((did we leave it outside?))
(2) Jorue: ((Nobody brought it in to my knowledge))
(3) Tristen: ((Wolves got it huh?))

(7) Seara: There must be someone out there who could possibly help...
(7) Seara: ((oops xD))
(2) Jorue: "Our only hope would be to find someone more skilled than we are..... but I can't hope to point you in a direction.."
(7) Seara: ((we were all like "ooh bars and drinking contests~" *trots off, leaving body there*))
(2) GM Voice: The door to the north opens again...

(5) Evanthe: Alain's body should be....around..somewhere
** (5) Evanthe coughs. **
(2) Jaze: "Father...?"
(8) Locke: ((XD))
** (2) Jaze peeks his head around the doorframe.. **

(5) Evanthe: Jaze!
** (2) Jaze 's expression lights up hopefully and he rushes into the room. **
** (5) Evanthe goes to give him an exuberant hug, then stops short, "Er....can..would I hurt you?" **
** (2) Jaze pays no heed and nearly tackles evanthe. **
** (5) Evanthe laughs "Glad to see you're up and about again, short stuff" **

(5) Evanthe: Doesn't seem like you've grown any though
** (2) Jaze pouts before Evanthe. **
** (7) Seara goes to hug Jaze too **
** (5) Evanthe raspberries him before grinning again **
(2) Jaze: "I'm glad you're all safe.... " He coughs slightly "I mean, so my brilliant escape strategy wouldn't be wasted"

** (2) Jaze Hugs Seara as well... and then goes and sits by Jorue **
(2) Jorue: "He's grown more than he lets on.. I think".. he smiles faintly at the child
(2) NPC: The sigil on Jaze's face is now a dull brown.. clashing with his otherwise paleish skin.. It starts in the middle of his forehead and swirls down his face to his left cheek.. where it ends
(5) Evanthe: Certainly not in height!

(8) Locke: not everyone matures just through height
** (5) Evanthe 's eyes go to the sigil, her smile freezing for a second **
(8) Locke: (( ;) ))
** (2) Jorue smiles slightly.. "No, perhaps not..." **
(5) Evanthe: Someone short would say that *raspberries Locke*

(5) Evanthe: ((*goes crazy with height jokes*))
** (1) Mikhal galres are Evanthe for the short jokes **</font>
(1) Mikhal: ((glares*))
** (2) Jaze notices Evanthe looking... and touches his hand to it.. **

(7) Seara: ((xD))
(8) Locke: hey hey! *looks down on ground*
(2) Jaze: "I guess this means I have battle scars now, huh?..." he says softly
(7) Seara: ((revenge >:D))
** (5) Evanthe reaches over, putting an arm around Jaze's shoulder "Not for long, if I have anything to say about it." **

(5) Evanthe: Now, where can we find someone who can help us?
** (2) Jaze 's eyes lose their characteristic arrogance for a moment.. "I Hope so.. I don't like it" **
(2) Jorue: I am uncertain exactly... We know of other libraries.. but this is likely beyond them too... I fear we will need an arcanist of great skill..
** (5) Evanthe taps her chin silently. "An arcanist, huh?" **
(1) Mikhal: and do you know where we can find one?

(5) Evanthe: ((errr softly))
(8) Locke: ((where is Kiros, anyway?))
(7) Seara: We'll do everything we can... once we know what that is we can do...
(7) Seara: Hmm...
(5) Evanthe: ((he left))

(2) Jorue: Arcanists of great skill often leave great stories behind them... Perhaps you can ask around in Krasevae..
(7) Seara: ((yeah I was wondering that too.. if he afk?))
(7) Seara: ((I didn't even notice his name until recently))
(7) Seara: ((oh... it still says he's in here for me >.>))
(5) Evanthe: ((he left IRC, so I figure he just hasn't pinged out yet))

** (5) Evanthe nods, "Would there even be people in Kresevae?" **
(8) Locke: ((pinging out takes up to 5 mins :p))
(2) Jorue: I hear the refugees have began to head back there... the Regal Knights have sped up the process greatly..
(5) Evanthe: ((well he's not around then =P))
(7) Seara: ((ah okay))

(5) Evanthe: Well, it can't hurt
(5) Evanthe: Whatdya say guys?
(2) Jorue: There is also a town to the south.. Sanoan.. It could also be an option.. Given our relative seclusion, we don't recieve much gossip..
(2) Jorue: And highly skilled arcanists have little need for our services..
(5) Evanthe: Which is closer?

** (2) Jorue taps the table lightly, as if counting... **
(2) Jorue: It is not much difference between them.. By horse both would only be a short trip
** (5) Evanthe looks to the others, "What do you all think?" **
(8) Locke: we could try south, the further away from the ice elves, the better chances of finding someone
(1) Mikhal: Sanoan has a lot more people that Kresevase right now

(5) Evanthe: I kinda wanted to check up on Aaron in Kresevae, but you do have a point *bites her lip*
(3) Tristen: I agree, we could most likely find a person in Sanoan
(7) Seara: Sanoan sounds like it's worth a good try
(2) Jorue: "We have... one more request.. if you so choose..."
(1) Mikhal: and that is?

(2) Jaze: "Take me along of course! It's the fastest way.."
(5) Evanthe: Absolutely not!
** (1) Mikhal sweatdrops **</font>
(2) Jaze: "What!? After all I helped you?"
(5) Evanthe: You're in no condition to be traveling about

(7) Seara: Er... yeah, you're still recovering
(1) Mikhal: Jorue said her was perfectly fine physically
(5) Evanthe: What if something happens? We'll break our necks trying to get you back here
(2) Jaze: "I'm perfect!" Jaze jumps up and down a few times "See?"
(1) Mikhal: ((he*))

(5) Evanthe: I'm not talking....physically
(2) Jorue: "Don't push them, Jaze... it's Their choice, after all"
(5) Evanthe: ((Push me ;__;))
** (2) Jaze pouts. **

** (1) Mikhal pokes Evanthe in the side "Can you honestly resist a face like that?" **</font>
(2) Jaze: "Come on... You saw how useful I can be.. I can totally smoke any bad guys"
** (5) Evanthe sticks her tongue at Mikhal "I'm trying not to look at him." **
(5) Evanthe: What do we do if something...happens?
** (2) Jaze runs over to Mikhal and stands next to him. **

(2) Jaze: See this guy knows his stuff!
(8) Locke: ...we won't know how to help you if that sigil kicks in
(1) Mikhal: ((does this mean i have a groupie now? XD))
(3) Tristen: Why is it that you want to come so badly Jaze? Dont you think it would be harder on yourself if you didnt rest?
(8) Locke: this is why we can't risk taking you

(5) Evanthe: ((oh gawd we want him, we really do))
(7) Seara: I'm mainly worried about... his sigil... we don't know what triggers it, or what to do if it's triggererd
** (5) Evanthe nods **
(2) Jaze: "Nothing will happen!.. I can take that stuff, I'm not a baby..."
(8) Locke: or what it causes Jaze to do when triggered

** (5) Evanthe looks to Jorue **
(5) Evanthe: Honestly...what can we do? What if it happens? What do we do?
(7) Seara: ((god I love my connection... I press enter on that and find you just said it, when 5 lines pop up at once xD))
(5) Evanthe: ((xD))
(1) Mikhal: wouldn't it be more dangerous if we decided not to take him along and he ends up following us anyways without us knowing it?

(2) Jorue: "Your concerns are very valid.... What to do? We are as helpless as you are in that concern... "
** (5) Evanthe jabs Mikhal in the ribs "Don't give him ideas!" **
(8) Locke: probably...
(2) Jaze: "Good idea!"
(7) Seara: true...

(2) Jaze: "I'll totally do it too!"
** (8) Locke whispers to Mikhal "thanks a bunch" **
(5) Evanthe: Remind me to send an arrow towards you later *scowls*
** (2) Jorue sighs and shakes his head... **
** (8) Locke whispers to Mikhal "we'll tied him down first" **

(3) Tristen: Maybe, if we find an archanist in Sanoan, he might be able to correctly asses what is wrong with Jaze by looking at him.
** (1) Mikhal shrugs "JAze is a smart kid, he would of thought of it eventually" **</font>
** (2) Jorue nods... **
(5) Evanthe: Oh great, now you're pumping his already ginormous ego

(3) Tristen: ((assess too))
** (8) Locke whispers "giving him ideas doesn't help" **
(2) Jorue: "I figured that this case... having the patient in sight would help the doctor enourmously..."
(5) Evanthe: ((i laughed when i read asses xD))
(8) Locke: ((XD))

(1) Mikhal: ((same XD))
(3) Tristen: ((:P))
** (5) Evanthe nods "Promise to at least pretend to listen to us?" **
(2) Jorue: "Plus... A Skilled arcanist would probably not want to journey to this middle of nowhere.."

(5) Evanthe: Cause I'll turn the horses around and come straight back if you don't!
(5) Evanthe: ((don't make me turn this car around!))
** (2) Jaze smiles in eagerness, thinking he's got his way. "Absolutely! Completely!" **
(8) Locke: we can bargain with the archanist

** (5) Evanthe nods **
(5) Evanthe: Then...shall we get going?
(8) Locke: it's not like a sigil like that wouldn't intrigue a skilled archanist
(3) Tristen: ((Locke, you are the weakest link... goodbye))
** (2) Jaze hangs around Mikhal, staring at his sword. **

(1) Mikhal: my sword that intresting?
** (5) Evanthe eyes Jaze "Don't get any ideas" **
(8) Locke: ((yes, it raped how many asses?))
(7) Seara: Weeell, alright then... I guess we best be off then
(5) Evanthe: ((xD))

(7) Seara: ((xD))
(3) Tristen: ((bah, who was late?))
** (5) Evanthe nods, going in search of her horse **
(2) Jaze: This looks strong *he nods*
(5) Evanthe: Mooooochie~

** (2) Jaze raspberries Evanthe. **
(3) Tristen: *looks around for his uhh... horse?*
(2) Jaze: "I'm merely finding the most appropriate bodyguard"
** (5) Evanthe turns and glares at him "Remember that when I save you!" **
** (1) Mikhal grins **</font>

(3) Tristen: ((Did I have a horse? >.>))
(8) Locke: ((no :p))
(5) Evanthe: ((no horse for you! walk!))
(2) GM Voice: They head outside the library
** (1) Mikhal whispers to Jaze "if her arrows ever hit the target" **</font>

(2) GM Voice: ((If you bought one with your intro money..>_>))
(2) GM Voice: Their horses are standing ready..
(5) Evanthe: We'll have to double up some, but that should be okay
(3) Tristen: ((Shush altar boy)
(5) Evanthe: Since you love Mikhal so much, you can ride with him Jaze

(3) Tristen: ((hmmm how much are horses?))
(1) Mikhal: ((depends on the kind of horse))
(8) Locke: ((*shoves Jaze over* this is my seat with Evanthe >.>))
** (2) Jaze smiles brightly, following Mikhal about. "Fine by me!" **

** (1) Mikhal swings himself up on the horse and then helps Jaze up **</font>
(7) Seara: ((I have a doggy thingy, at least that's what I put in my info xD because I rock, er, had a lot of spending money, er something~))
** (2) Jaze sits in the saddle behind Mikhal **
** (2) Jorue steps out to the porch.. **

(3) Tristen: ((Ok so can we say I bought a heavy warhorse while I was in Krasavae for the week?))
(3) Tristen: ((I have the money))
(2) Jorue: "Please take care... I wish you luck"
(2) Jorue: ((Yup))
(2) Jorue: "Jaze... Don't cause them any trouble"

** (2) Jaze rolls his eyes "Yeah, yeah" **
(1) Mikhal: Jaze, do you have everything you need?
** (8) Locke eye rolls in Jaze's direction **
(3) Tristen: *finds his mount and with some help from the Library's hand's mounts his warhorse*
** (2) Jaze nods. "I won't be a bother" **

** (7) Seara finds her doggy and reins her in with the horses **
(8) Locke: ((hahah, cute :D))
(7) Seara: ((:D))
(7) Seara: ((hey it was on the site, why not~ husky xD))
(1) Mikhal: ((mush!))

(7) Seara: ((xD))
(2) GM Voice: They mount their horses.. and prepare for the trip south to Sanoan
(3) Tristen: ((Ok I have a military saddle too *watches his money be spent))
** (1) Mikhal directs his horse down the road to Sanoan **</font>
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal starts off, heading his horse down the path toward the south

** (2) Jorue waves from the doorway as they depart, an expression of relief on his face. **
(3) Tristen: ((And a lance >.> <.<
(3) Tristen: ))
(2) GM Voice: The road winds southward, through the heavy trees surrounding the library

** (3) Tristen holds his lance in a resting posistion, for the travel and starts his horse into a trot behind Mikhal **
** (2) Jaze breathes in the air.. **
(2) Jaze: I never get to go outside much, it's a good feeling!
** (7) Seara skirts alongside everyone else on Shasta (wee name) **
(1) Mikhal: why didn't you get to go outside much?

(2) Jaze: Master Jorue's always thinking I'll wander off or get abducted or something... he worries too much, you know?
(7) Seara: He didn't seem all too worried about you coming with us...
(8) Locke: he seemed more than wanting
(2) Jaze: I heard there was a house of traps nearby once... I wanted to go look at it!... I bet it would be fun.. but he didn't Agree with me...
(2) Jaze: Ohh it's fine 'cuz he trusts you people alot

(7) Seara: Haha that sounds a bit familar...
(2) Jaze: You've heard of it too?
(1) Mikhal: i havn't
(3) Tristen: Aye, young Jaze, and the oozes that resided in it aswell...
(2) Jaze: Oozes?

** (2) Jaze s eyes light up in interest. **
(7) Seara: Oh, you could say we have
(2) GM Voice: The road sloshes slightly beneath the horses (and dogs) feet.. the melting snow leaving a layer of slush
(2) Jaze: Wait.... have you been there?

(8) Locke: ((XD))
** (2) Jaze seems like he can barely contain his excitement. **
(7) Seara: We'll have to show you sometime ;) We've been there just recently, had an... interesting time
(2) Jaze: You promise?..

(3) Tristen: *chuckles... if not alittle derisively* if you call falling down trap doors fun,,
(7) Seara: Sure thing~ Let's get you better first, shall we?
** (2) Jaze smiles happily. **
(2) Jaze: Oh I'm too smart for traps like that.. those things are for simpletons!

(2) GM Voice: Ahead of them on the road, another traveler is heading toward them... cloaked entirely in blue robes.. his mount a strong and fast looking steed...
** (7) Seara laughs and looks at Tristen "I seem to remember someone thinking a certain ring was useless, too" **
(2) GM Voice: (Listen Checks)
** (3) Tristen smiles at Seara "well I didnt think id be falling down random holes now did I" **
(1) Mikhal: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+4] -> [3,4] = (7)
(3) Tristen: [1d20 +2] -> [7,2] = (9)

(7) Seara: [1d20+2] -> [6,2] = (8)
(5) Evanthe: ((okay sorry 'bout that >.>))
(7) Seara: ((I'm not sure my checks are right anymore... I need a new hp roll too, btw, not that this has anything to do with anytrhing xD;;))
(7) Seara: ((wb~))
(2) GM Voice: ((Still Need Evanthe and Locke ^_^*))

(5) Evanthe: Listen Check [1d20+8] -> [14,8] = (22)
(8) Locke: [1d20+1] -> [2,1] = (3)
(8) Locke: ((I win))
(5) Evanthe: ((listen is rank + wis mod))
(1) Mikhal: ((damn Evanthe and her large elven ears))

(5) Evanthe: ((xD))
(2) GM Voice: The other traveler seems to be riding slowly.. he passes by the group, nodding his head slightly..
(3) Tristen: ((its because elven ears are so BIG))
(1) Mikhal: ((Does evanthe secretly use echo location?))
** (5) Evanthe looks curiously at the other traveler **

(3) Tristen: *nods back to the fellow traveler*
(7) Seara: ((xD))
(5) Evanthe: ((she has sonar equipment in her pack))
(8) Locke: ((heheh))
(8) Locke: ((brb, for 20mins >.>))

** (1) Mikhal waves to the traveler **</font>
(2) GM Voice: His expression is grim, and is somewhat older than the group... A few seconds after he passes... he turns his horse around..
(3) Tristen: ((of course he just cursed us under his breath or something))
(7) Seara: ((okay, mine's right... my ears aren't huge-ass-elven, appaerntly ^_^))
(5) Evanthe: ((so none of us heard it apparently))

(2) NPC: "Excuse me... Could I see that child's face for a moment?..."
** (5) Evanthe looks instantly guarded "What?" **
(8) Locke: what's it to you?
(2) NPC: His voice is gruff..
(1) Mikhal: why do you want to see his face?

(2) NPC: "I need to see that Child's face"
(3) Tristen: *stops his horse and turns it around to face the unnamed traveler*
** (5) Evanthe rears Mochie closer to Jaze "Why?" **
(3) Tristen: *tries to discern this man's alignment*
(2) NPC: "It is none of your concern"

(8) Locke: ah, but the child's safety is of our concern
(3) Tristen: *reaching into himself calling on Regial to reveal this man to him*
(2) NPC: "A Child of the Library was recently scarred, I am in search of him"
(3) Tristen: *moves his horse infront of the group* What is it you seek... foul servant of darkness?
(8) Locke: err... what?

(3) Tristen: *levels his lance toward the man's heart*
** (1) Mikhal blinks at Tristen **</font>
(3) Tristen: This man is no innocent traveler...
(2) NPC: The man frowns "It seems that It is the very child.. for it it wasn't you would not be so defensive..."
(8) Locke: we are defensive about all our children's safety

(8) Locke: ((>.>))
(3) Tristen: Aye, especially from those of apparent evil as you
(3) Tristen: get the gone, back to your lord and bother us no more..
(3) Tristen: ((thee*))
(7) Seara: Why wouldn't we be defensive when you demand to see the child we are the caretaker of without telling us your reasonsing?

(2) NPC: He backs away slightly from the lance... "So, it seems you have chosen the hard way..." He puts his fingers to his mouth and lets out a whistle
** (1) Mikhal takes out his greatsword **</font>
(8) Locke: we just love the hard way *sighs*
(2) NPC: Heavy footsteps begin to echo through the trees.. heading toward the party
** (8) Locke draws out dagger +1 **

(7) Seara: Lovely... so be it, then
(8) Locke: ((Khar has my sickle, I think :p))
(2) NPC: "I have been paid a fine price for the Boy's head... and I do not dissapoint my clients"
** (7) Seara draws bow **
(7) Seara: ((yeah >.>;;))

(1) Mikhal: *Grim face* maybe this was why Jorue was happy to see us gone
** (5) Evanthe smiles coldly at the traveler "We'll see." **
(3) Tristen: *holds his sheild up defensively and prepares to charge the man*
(8) Locke: he felt the evil drawing closer to him
(2) NPC: One of the trees to the east bends back on itself... from the growth emerges a massive humanoid head... about 9 and a half feet above the ground..... astoundingly ugly..

(5) Evanthe: Who paid you?
(5) Evanthe: ((GIANT?))
(2) NPC: It's connected with a body just as massive.. wielding a huge club....
(8) Locke: ((someone who eats babies))
(5) Evanthe: ((oh please say it's a giant))

(2) NPC: From the other side.... another one appears, similarly ugly... bending the tree near nearly in half
(8) Locke: giants... oh boy
(3) Tristen: ((can I charge the man yet?))
(5) Evanthe: They're...kinda ugly
(5) Evanthe: Looks like we'll get some action in this trip afterall *scowls*

(8) Locke: don't we always?
(7) Seara: Yeah, and already too
(5) Evanthe: (('s an ogre))
(2) NPC: ((After iniative ^_^))
(5) Evanthe: ((;___;))

(2) NPC: "This is your final chance.... Surrender the Boy"
(5) Evanthe: Not a chance.
(7) Seara: ((ooh, lookie, comic book "whack smack boom!" marks))
(3) Tristen: *His eyes narrow, trying to see if the man he is pointing his lance at is unarmed, or a magic user or whatever (Spot check?))*
(2) NPC: ((*Psst* Ogres are in the Giant family))

(3) Tristen: (9I think those are trees >.>))
(7) Seara: ((I know :3))
(5) Evanthe: ((YES! I love you Tony  :D))
(7) Seara: ((xD))
(2) NPC: The man draws a longsword, glancing at his burly companions.... "Kill Them!.."

(2) NPC:
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives

(1) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [10,2] = (12) Init
(8) Locke: ((man, I want that orge pic as my profile))
(3) Tristen: [1d20] -> [3] = (3)

(3) Tristen: ((oh lord))
(5) Evanthe: Initiative [1d20+4] -> [9,4] = (13)
(7) Seara: [1d20+3] -> [9,3] = (12)
(3) Tristen: ((well ok, thats my one bad roll for today))
(7) Seara: ((xD))

(8) Locke: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
(8) Locke: ((I forgot my bonus /swt))
(2) NPC: ((What was it? +1?))
(5) Evanthe: ((it's your dex mod))
(7) Seara: ((dex mod))

(3) Tristen: ((plues improved init if you have it))
(3) Tristen: ((plus))
(6) Aknier (exit): 00:16
(3) Tristen: ((Did I freeze))
(5) Evanthe: ((nope))

(1) Mikhal: ((no))
(2) NPC: ((It was +1))

(2) NPC:
Next init:
(18): Maiten

(8) Locke: ((ok :x))

(5) Evanthe: Who paid you anyway?
(7) Seara: ((so um, we can do our animal combat thing, right? me and warhorses at least? or is something else needed?))
(2) NPC: "You don't really expect me to violate my Client's secrecy, do you?"
(5) Evanthe: How about a deal? If we beat you, you'll tell us.
(8) Locke: actually, we kinda did... because you're going to die soon anyway

(3) Tristen: *quietly* No mercy for the wicked..
(8) Locke: ((I jinx thee, Angel!))
** (2) Maiten adopts a preperatory stance... staring at Tristen **

(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(13): : Initiative

(5) Evanthe: ((that's me huh))
(5) Evanthe: ((How far away are the ogres?))
(8) Locke: ((you're in the front lines :O))
(2) Maiten: On either side of the road, about 10 feet to either
(5) Evanthe: ((I still need to know how far away they are :P))

(5) Evanthe: ((okay))
(3) Tristen: ((one squard = 5 feet approximately))
(3) Tristen: ((square*))
** (5) Evanthe draws her bows and fires an arrow at the..ugly one. **
(5) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+9] -> [6,9] = (15)

(3) Tristen: ((haha))
(5) Evanthe: ((;_;))
(3) Tristen: ((you probably still hit))
(3) Tristen: ((they have a lower AC))
** (5) Evanthe glances at Mikhal "Keep Jaze safe" **

(2) Maiten: ((did you include Ranger bonuses?))
(5) Evanthe: ((I didn't know if I got a +2 on the roll to hit as well))
(5) Evanthe: ((I thought it was just +2 to damage))
(2) Maiten: ((Yup just damage..>_>))
(5) Evanthe: (( time maybe then :3))

(2) Maiten: Evanthe's arrow barely flies past the head of the beast... It Grunts in an unknown language in response

(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(12): Seara

(5) Evanthe: That was a ....warning shot!
(5) Evanthe: The next one won't miss

(5) Evanthe: So, I'd run while I still could if I were you.
(8) Locke: ((XD))
(7) Seara: ((xD))
(2) Maiten: The ogre gives off a laugh that echos off the trees
(5) Evanthe: Don't say I didn't warn you!

(7) Seara: Ogres are smart enough to laugh? Wow, who woulda' thunk
(5) Evanthe: I don't know why you're listening to such a shrimp anyway *nods to Maiten*
(3) Tristen: ((pokes *Khar*))
** (7) Seara fires off a shot, at the one that laughed **
(7) Seara: [1d20+7] -> [10,7] = (17)

(2) Maiten: Seara's arrow strikes true! Plunging into the hulking juggernaught's shoulder
(7) Seara: ((um, sorry, but according to what I have my damage is d8+1, does that sound right?))
(5) Evanthe: ((+1 from what? :o))
(2) Maiten: ((If you have point blank shot..))
(7) Seara: ((I dunno >.>))

(2) Maiten: ((Otherwise just d8))
(7) Seara: ((yeah))
(7) Seara: ((okay))
(5) Evanthe: ((xD Khar))
(7) Seara: [1d8+1] -> [5,1] = (6)

(8) Locke: ((wow, a whole +1 from point blank :o))
(7) Seara: ((ssh, this stuff confuses me a lot xD))
(5) Evanthe: ((better than +0 ;D))
(1) Mikhal: ((that +1 can mean the difference between a kill and near death))
(2) Maiten: The ogre seems a bit suprised... but continues to advance toward them...

(8) Locke: ((or in Mikhal's case, a kill and an overkill))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(2) Maiten: ((That +1 over 10 rounds is +10, too))
(7) Seara: ((xD))

(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(12): : Mikhal

(3) Tristen: Out maneuver them! *notices the ogres still approaching*
** (5) Evanthe huffs "Easier said than done." **
(1) Mikhal: ((holding action til a monster gets into attacking range (or a 5' step away)))
(3) Tristen: Flank them with your horses
(2) Maiten: ((You know Ogres have a 10' reach right? ;) ))

(5) Evanthe: ((quick, throw your sword!))
(1) Mikhal: ((which then i'd be able to take a 5' adjustment to hit them))
(2) Maiten: ((Suit yourselff))

(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(11): Ogres

(2) Maiten: The southern ogre lumbers toward the party.. wielding his massive weapon with intent to kill..
(3) Tristen: ((we are all still on our horses right?))
(1) Mikhal: ((|death| |you can have this|))
(2) Maiten: ((Yes))
(2) Maiten: ((Go ahead Mikhal =p))

(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+8] -> [6,8] = (14)
(1) Mikhal: ((woosh!))
(5) Evanthe: ((who's hiding the good dice?))
(8) Locke: ((*hides))
(3) Tristen: ((probably Locke... with his scythe))

(1) Mikhal: ((tony's refridgerator dice are stealing our good luck)
(2) Maiten: Mikhal spurs his horse forward to test his meddle against the beast.... His greatsword thunks into the wood of the giant's club
(5) Evanthe: That was a..warning...swing!
** (5) Evanthe looks around lamely **
(2) Maiten: The ogre smirks at mikhal and raises his club, smacking it down into the barbarian!

(2) Maiten: ((Ride Check))
(5) Evanthe: Mikhal watch out!
(1) Mikhal: Ride Skill Check: [1d20+3] -> [5,3] = (8)
(1) Mikhal: ((my dice hate me))
(5) Evanthe: ((apparently))

(2) Maiten: Mikhal gets smacked with the club and flies off his horse hard into the slush!
(2) Maiten: Mikhal feels the pain in every bone from the club and his rough impact... ((14 Damage))
** (5) Evanthe gapes, watching Mikhal fly off his horse **
** (1) Mikhal glares in cold fury at the ogre **

(5) Evanthe: ((anger...rising))

(5) Evanthe: ((don't touch me ;____;))
(2) Maiten: The other ogre approaches and swings his club over his head... aiming at Evanthe!
(2) Maiten: It pounds the ground beside her... her elven dexterity helping her guide her horse away from danger

(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(10): Locke

** (5) Evanthe maneuvers out of the way, sighing in relief. **
** (8) Locke casts blessing **
(5) Evanthe: ((oh amazing :D))
(8) Locke: ((so we can hit and kill them more))
(2) Maiten: Locke chants a few quick words to Sor.... Everyone feels a bit more confident!
(3) Tristen: ((whats the +s?))

(2) Maiten: ((+1 to hit/damage/saves))
(3) Tristen: ((ok cool))

(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(6): Jaze

** (2) Jaze Looks horrified as the club takes Mikhal off the horse.... he frantically grabs the reigns **

** (2) Jaze Manuvers the horse into the center of the group... looking quite afraid.. **
(2) Jaze: "What... what did I do?..."

(2) Jaze:
Next init:
(3): Tristen

** (5) Evanthe smiles encouragingly to Jaze "Don't worry, this is a minor delay." **

(3) Tristen: *charges Maiten with his mount in full gallop leveling his lance at heart level and calls upon his god to strike true and sure* [1d20 +10] -> [1,10] = (11)
(3) Tristen: ((*gapes*))
(2) Maiten: "Too Slow!"
(5) Evanthe: ((oh my god))
(5) Evanthe: ((that's hilarious))

(5) Evanthe: ((*dies laughing*))
(3) Tristen: ((bah shut up))
** (2) Maiten easily sidesteps Tristen's lance, riding his horse along side and slashing at the paladin **
(7) Seara: ((LMAO))

(3) Tristen: ((that was just a warning pass))
(8) Locke: ((XD))
(7) Seara: ((xD))
(8) Locke: ((that was hilarious))
(2) Maiten: The blade cleaves into him hard ((6 Damage))... "A Paladin, eh?.... I've handled plenty of you lot before" He grins

(2) Maiten:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(18): Maiten

** (2) Maiten manuvers around for another pass.. **
(2) Maiten: His strikes seem to come with expert skill... Again he finds a hole in Tristen's armor, his sword point slashing painfully (7 damage)

(5) Evanthe: ((Yikes))
(5) Evanthe: ((Kill him already :D))
(2) Maiten: ((These dice rock =D))

(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(13): : Initiative

** (5) Evanthe aims another arrow at the ogre in front of her **
(5) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+10] -> [19,10] = (29)
(2) Maiten: ((Archery Will provoke AoO now))
(5) Evanthe: ((oh))
(5) Evanthe: ((but that's a crit ;_;))

(2) Maiten: ((Your choice ^_^*))
(3) Tristen: ((can she move then fire?))
(2) Maiten: ((If she moves 5 ft))
(5) Evanthe: ((I don't want to move))
(5) Evanthe: ((Jaze will be open))

(2) Maiten: ((Though that'll put her in range of the other one..>_>))
(5) Evanthe: ((I'll just take the shot and hope for the best >.>))
(2) Maiten: Evanthe aims with her bow.... and lauches a shot despite the club heading toward her...... the arrow flies upward into the monster's chest!
(5) Evanthe: ((that is a crit right? I thought it crit 19-20))
(2) Maiten: ((Nope, just normal... Arrows crit on 20, x3 on crit))

(5) Evanthe: ((okay))
(2) Maiten: ((Most swords are 19-20))
(5) Evanthe: Damage [1d20+4] -> [6,4] = (10)
(5) Evanthe: ((whoops))
(5) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+4] -> [8,4] = (12)

(2) Maiten: ((That's a howitzer))
(5) Evanthe: ((even better~))
(5) Evanthe: ((i launched a missile at him))
(2) Maiten: The Ogre roars in anger at the arrow.... that club is still coming down... Evanthe can't get away in time.... ((Ride Check))
(5) Evanthe: Ride Check: [1d20+6] -> [17,6] = (23)

(2) Maiten: Evanthe grips the horse for dear life as the club rams into her... crushing her strongly... yet she still remains on her horse!... ((15 damage))
(5) Evanthe: ((okay))

(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(12): Seara

(8) Locke: ((wtf))

(5) Evanthe: ((I'm gonna die))
(5) Evanthe: ((bad decision xD))
** (5) Evanthe clings to Mochie's back barely, crying out loudly from the GINORMOUS blow. **
** (2) Jaze looks on in horror... "Just let him have me... don't do this..." **
(7) Seara: ((ranged is aoo for me too?))

(2) Jaze: ((You're out of AoO range))
(5) Evanthe: ((naw, you're out of range xD))
** (5) Evanthe smiles weakly, "Oh this? Child's play. I'm alright." **
(7) Seara: ((ah okay))
** (7) Seara glares at the stupid ogre and fires another shot **
(7) Seara: [1d20+7] -> [4,7] = (11)

(7) Seara: ((bah))
(3) Tristen: ((Tony's dice are sucking up our rolls))
(2) GM Voice: Seara's arrow flies wide into the trees

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(12): : Mikhal

(3) Tristen: ((I demand he uses his old dice))
(5) Evanthe: ((I demand to regain 15hp))
(1) Mikhal: *raging and die die die damnit*
(5) Evanthe: ((because I'm at 2 now :D))
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+13] -> [11,13] = (24)

(2) GM Voice: Mikhal gets up from the ground.... glaring in anger... dodging another club swipe in pure focused rage....
(1) Mikhal: (oh..and declaring dodge on it))
(1) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [2d6+10] -> [2,5,10] = (17)
(5) Evanthe: ((KILL yay :D))
(2) GM Voice: He takes his sword into his hands and slams it into the ogre's gut!

(8) Locke: ((*scratch scratch* that tickled))
(2) GM Voice: The ogre howls in pain!... Ichor spilling from the wound..

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(11): Ogres

(3) Tristen (whispering): I think we're going to need to buy a rez for Eva after this >.>

(2) GM Voice: It crushes back at Mikhal in blind fury!..... Mikhal barely ducking the swipe!..
(5) Evanthe: ((i declare dodge on it even though i don' thave dodge))
(1) Mikhal: ((yay for dodge! *heart*))
(5) Evanthe: ((low damage roll!))
(2) GM Voice: ....Ride Check Evanthe

(5) Evanthe: (( under 12 please))
(8) Locke: ((why?))
(5) Evanthe: Ride Check: [1d20+6] -> [6,6] = (12)
(8) Locke: ((:o))
(5) Evanthe: ((if he does 12 damage, I die))

(5) Evanthe: ((oh god))
(5) Evanthe: ((i'm so dead))
(2) GM Voice: The ogre facing Evanthe crushes it's club into her again.... a chorus of bones crunching...
** (5) Evanthe dies. **
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe falls from her horse onto the ground....

(5) Evanthe: ((oh boy))
(8) Locke: Evanthe!
(2) Jaze: "No... No......"

(2) Jaze:
Next init:
(10): Locke

(1) Mikhal: ((well, that's the 2nd deather ever for tony..))
(1) Mikhal: ((death ever*))
(7) Seara: ((you can tell tony's just having fun with this... you don't write "chorus of bones crunching" if you're not having fun xD))
(3) Tristen (whispering): how much does a ressurection cost anyways?

(5) Evanthe: ((xD))
whispering to Tristen, i have no clue</font>
(8) Locke: ((XD))
(8) Locke: ((umm...))
(3) Tristen: ((dont you have any anti evil spells?))

** (8) Locke casts bull's strength on to Mikhal, hoping for a turn of events **
(1) Mikhal: ((yay for having to recalculate damage/to-hit bonuses))
(2) Jaze: ((Concentration check if you don't want an AoO))
(8) Locke: ((what's the roll for that? >.>;;))
(1) Mikhal: ((1d20+con mod+concentration mod))

(2) Jaze: ((d20+5, Aiming for 12 or better))
(8) Locke: ((ok
(8) Locke: ))
(8) Locke: [1d20+5] -> [20,5] = (25)
(1) Mikhal: ((:D))

(8) Locke: ((BOOYAH))
(5) Evanthe: ((xD))
(7) Seara: ((nice xD))
(3) Tristen: ((I told you Flamer had the damn dice))
(8) Locke: ((*hides*))

(1) Mikhal: ((let's see..+8 strength total, so i have a +8 str mod now..>_>))
(2) Jaze: Locke steels himself against the carnage around him and reaches a hand to Mikhal....! Mikhal feels much much stronger...!
(5) Evanthe: ((plus bless))

(2) Jaze:
Next init:
(6): Jaze

(1) Mikhal: ((+12 to-hit and +13 damage))
(5) Evanthe: ((awesome :D))
(5) Evanthe: ((brb a second))
** (2) Jaze looks to Evanthe's body on the ground in front of him... then up to the Ogre... **

(2) Jaze: "LEAVE....US... ALONE!!"
(1) Mikhal: ((if he kills everything i be a sad barbarian))
(5) Evanthe: ((go super saiyan!))
** (2) Jaze chants quickly words of magical energy...... the sigil on his forehead radiates brilliantly.. **

(2) GM Voice: The ogre looks down at jaze...
(2) GM Voice: Then suddenly..... seems to become extremely afraid....
(8) Locke: ((FEAR))
(3) Tristen: ((psionics????))
(1) Mikhal: ((which orge?))

(2) GM Voice: It starts to turn to run...!
(2) GM Voice: ((The one that splatted evanthe))
(1) Mikhal: ((it magic J))
(1) Mikhal: ((it's*))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(3): Tristen

(1) Mikhal: ((psionics doesn't require magic words))
(3) Tristen: ((ahhh haha right...))
(2) Maiten: "What The.... They didn't say anything about him being a wizard..."
(8) Locke: naive bastard...
(5) Evanthe: ((*insert cheeky response from Eva's ghost))

(8) Locke: ((*substitutes Evanthe's ghost*))
(3) Tristen: *sees Evanthe fall, and screams in a rage of anger and pain and goes for another pass*
(3) Tristen: [1d20+6] -> [16,6] = (22)
(3) Tristen: ((charging by the way))
(7) Seara: ((yay for us all looking like useless idiots next to jaze :D))

(1) Mikhal: ((i'm a useless idiot? ;-;))
(5) Evanthe: ((just a short one *pats*))
(2) Maiten: Tristen is infused with holy fervor.. seeing his companion fall.... he rams his lance toward maiten... The traveler, suprised by the magic, can't dodge in time...
(8) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Tristen: ((double damage right?))

(7) Seara: ((okay, us all EXCEPT the barbarian ;)))
(2) Maiten: ((Yup))
(3) Tristen: [2d8 +4] -> [4,8,4] = (16)
(8) Locke: ((*requests to have a babarian avatar))
(2) Maiten: For a moment... Tristen resembles the jouster finally triumphing over the black knight.... Maiten falls from his horse from the strength of the blow.... the horse runs off down the path...

(7) Seara: ((xD))

(2) Maiten:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(18): Maiten

(3) Tristen: ((Im soooo going to trample him))

(5) Evanthe: ((xD))
(8) Locke: ((XD))
** (2) Maiten curses under his breath, staring up at the paladin's lance point... **
(8) Locke: ((pancakes anyone? :D))

(8) Locke: ((Evil flavoured))
(1) Mikhal: ((but evil pie is better))
(7) Seara: ((yum))
(2) Maiten: He quickly tries to rise to his feet and lunge at the paladin....! (AoO)
(3) Tristen: *tramples his ass*

(3) Tristen: ((what do I roll for that?))
(1) Mikhal: ((your attack roll))
(3) Tristen: ((do I get any +s?))
(1) Mikhal: ((you get your normal bonuses))
(2) Maiten: ((What he said..>_>)

(3) Tristen: [1d20 +6] -> [19,6] = (25)
(3) Tristen: ((crit?))
(2) Maiten: ((I would guess the crit range on a trample would be just 20/x2..))
(3) Tristen: ((ahh ok))
(3) Tristen: ((normal damage then?))

(2) Maiten: ((Yeah))
(3) Tristen: ((considered charging?))
(2) Maiten: ((No))
(3) Tristen: ((*asks a million question*))
(3) Tristen: [1d8 +2] -> [8,2] = (10)

(2) Maiten: Tristen tries to trample over Maiten.... His horse runs right over him as he tries to stand.... he falls back down again to the ground under the force of the blow...

(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(13): : Initiative
(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(12): Seara

(2) Maiten: "W...Wait.... If you kill me... You'll never find out who my client is... " He backs up on the snow...
(3) Tristen: ((and when he tries to get back up I get another AoO ... I love this hahaha))
(8) Locke: so you're convinced you'll die?
** (2) Maiten stares at the Paladin... **

(3) Tristen: Tell us now foul one, and I shall ease your passing!
(2) Maiten: "I'll tell you... Only if you let me live... If I'm going to die anyway you won't hear a word!"
(3) Tristen: ((shit I cant promise and go back against my word))
(3) Tristen: ((one of you promise him))
(8) Locke: I promise I won't kill you

(1) Mikhal: (i'm los tin my rage :) ))
(5) Evanthe: ((xD))
(5) Evanthe: ((and I'm dead))
(2) Maiten: ((...Letting something like that happen wouldn't exactly be paladinny either, y'know..))
(3) Tristen: ((yeah I know I know))

(5) Evanthe: ((after he tells you, kill him))
(5) Evanthe: ((Locke promised not to kill him, but you didn't))
(3) Tristen: ((Hmmm))
(8) Locke: ((XD))
(8) Locke: ((ssh))

(3) Tristen: I will let you life, IF you atone for youre misdeeds and become our prisoner.
(3) Tristen: ((live*))
(5) Evanthe: ((your*))
(3) Tristen: ((love my engrish?))
(5) Evanthe: ((xD))

(2) Maiten: "...And rot in a jail cell?" He looks at the point of the paladin's lance....
(7) Seara: ((ogre or dude?))
(5) Evanthe: ((dude))
(3) Tristen: *glares menacingly* either that or join teh devils in the 9 hells
(8) Locke: do we have a jail cell to let him rot in? *to tristen*

(5) Evanthe: ((ogre is all DUR DUR DUR KILL WHEE DUR))
(3) Tristen: *uses intimidate*
** (2) Maiten mumbles slightly.. **
(2) Maiten: ((Oooooh! Someone used a communication skill! This is like.. one in a million ^_^))

(2) Maiten: ((Roll it ^_^))
(8) Locke: ((lmao))
(3) Tristen: [1d20 +4] -> [18,4] = (22)
(2) Maiten: "Alright! Alright! Anything you say! Just don't kill me!"
(3) Tristen: Stay put then, or I swear I will ride you down and finish you!

(7) Seara: ((hmm ogre now, since that worked? or how close is he to dying?))
(2) Maiten: The man drops his sword on the ground and raises his hands in surrender..
(5) Evanthe: ((i was gonna level this game too ;____;))
(8) Locke: ((*pat pat*))
(8) Locke: ((you did, only... negatively))

(2) Maiten: Seara...?
(1) Mikhal: ((yeah, there is still an ogre left ^^;))
(7) Seara: ((alright))
** (7) Seara fires at the ogre remaining **
(7) Seara: [1d20+7] -> [11,7] = (18)

(7) Seara: [1d8+1] -> [1,1] = (2)
(7) Seara: ((oh, I forgot blessing))
(7) Seara: ((whichver it applies to))
(2) Maiten: Seara aims her arrow... Letting it fly at the ogre, who is violently seeking revenge on Mikhal... It grazes the monsters cheek, he doesen't even seem to notice
(8) Locke: ((both :o))

(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(12): : Mikhal

(2) Maiten: ((*Prepares bloody death scene*))
(3) Tristen: (( so yeah, I gotta open the book of exhaulted deeds now to figure out how to treat a prisoner))
(1) Mikhal: *|death| |you can have this|*

(1) Mikhal: dieplzkthxbai [1d20+12] -> [12,12] = (24)
(1) Mikhal: deadlolz [2d6+13] -> [4,5,13] = (22)
(8) Locke: ((nice))
(2) Maiten: Mikhal swings his sword with mighty skill....
(2) Maiten: It cleaves straight through the ogre's leg...

(2) Maiten: The giant's eyes roll back into it's head.... as it topples to the ground... red blood staining the snow...

(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(11): Ogres

(8) Locke: ((one left?))
(2) Maiten: The remaining ogre, under Jaze's spell.... turns to run away as fast it can through the trees..!

(2) Maiten:
Next init:
(10): Locke

(5) Evanthe: ((i wanted him to die ;_;))
(8) Locke: has anyone seen as big a chicken as that one?
(5) Evanthe: ((JUST LIKE ME))

(5) Evanthe: ((ask Maiten for the name))
(8) Locke: ((wait... we have something left to do?))
(2) Maiten: ((Shall we just assume that mikhal chases him and cuts him to 35 pieces and sends them to his relatives?))
(8) Locke: ((yes))
(5) Evanthe: ((no, he EATS the pieces))

(2) Maiten: ((Since.. Mikhal's faster that it with his barb speed bonus))
(1) Mikhal: ((sure? XD))
(8) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Tristen: ((I say yes))
(2) Maiten: Mikhal catches up to the beast and does something just unspeakably savage to it

(8) Locke: ((lmao))
(3) Tristen: ((someone quote Duke Nukem pleaseeee))
(8) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Maiten: He emerges from the woods a moment later... blood covering his hands and chest.... dripping from his sword
(5) Evanthe: ((*heart*))

(8) Locke: wow... Mikhall... you really wanted to avenge Evanthe that badly?
(8) Locke: ((Mikhal*))
(5) Evanthe: ((he damn well better have xD))
(8) Locke: ((XD))
** (2) Maiten stares up at the Paladin in fear... **

(3) Tristen: *keeping his lance pointed ad Maiten* Someone come and bind this man's hands.
(1) Mikhal: *stomps over to Maiten and glares at him evily*
** (2) Maiten then he looks at the bloody barbarian and almost shakes with terror...! **
(5) Evanthe: ((someone be more concerned about me being dead .______.))

(8) Locke: ((lmao))
(3) Tristen: We will take him to Sanoan and have him stand trial for his misdeeds... AFTER he tells us who hired him.
** (8) Locke picks up Evanthe's body **
(5) Evanthe: ((thanks, geesh, I was just gonna lie there otherwise))
(8) Locke: you'll be alright Evanthe

(5) Evanthe: ((you're all OH SHE'S DEAD THAT'S COOL))
(3) Tristen: ((sorry Im making sure he doesnt run away and make me have to kill him))
** (8) Locke puts her on her stead as comfortable as possible **
** (7) Seara binds Maiten's hands **
(2) GM Voice: Locke picks up Evanthe's body.... it's cold.. and things are bending at angles that are just wrong.....
(5) Evanthe: ((xD))

(8) Locke: ((XD))
(5) Evanthe: ((wait, that shouldn't make me laugh))
(1) Mikhal: *galres at him some more* you BETTER be thankful that i'm not allowed you kill you, because i found find the most painfl ways for you to die before hand
** (8) Locke checks for any signs of life **
(1) Mikhal: ((i would find*))

** (2) Maiten is bound quickly by the party... **
(2) Maiten: I was hired by a wealthy and powerful clan leader of Ohnben.. All I know is that he has a hatred of the ice elves who are constantly raiding his land from the north...
(3) Tristen: *now that Mikhal has control of Maiten, he trots over to Jaze on his mount* Jaze, can you ride Moochie please? I want Mikhal to keep a handle on this foul man
(8) Locke: ((ride with me? :o))

(5) Evanthe: ((yeah ride with the dead girl....ewww))
(2) Maiten: He did not tell me his intentions for the boy, Only to find him and bring him back dead or alive...
(8) Locke: ((I have to take care of your corpse anyway :p))
(5) Evanthe: ((oh yeah, bury me deep ;D))
(8) Locke: ((Sor would want that ;D))

(2) Maiten: Locke checks for signs of life... no pulse..
(3) Tristen: *looks down at Eva's body with sadness and brushes the hair away from her face* ... Someone will pay for this... dearly
(8) Locke: vengeance is not the way of the paladin
(5) Evanthe: ((sure it is))
(2) Maiten: ((....It can be.. as long as it's not reckless >_>))

(3) Tristen: Vengence against evil IS the way of the paladin
(3) Tristen: *glares at Locke*
(3) Tristen: Regial demands Justice for this one *gestures to Evanthe*
(2) Maiten: His name was El'areid.... That is all I know, I swear it!....
(8) Locke: Regial, or your heart?

(8) Locke: ((:p))
(13) Aknier (enter): 01:47
(8) Locke: violence lead to this consequence
(3) Tristen: Regial, hes IS justice. And he demands it.
(3) Tristen: (he*)

(5) Evanthe: (wb, they're arguing over my dead body Kiros :( ))
(8) Locke: ((I'm burying it))
(13) Aknier: (( =O? ))
(5) Evanthe: ((and I believe we're pretty much done for tonight))
(13) Aknier: ((Yeah, I figured as much))

(3) Tristen: If you have not the stomache to avenge our fallen comrade... then get ye gone.
(1) Mikhal: ((don't bury it. we acn bring it to sanonan and hope we can get a ressurection))
(2) Jaze: "Why does he want me?..... what have I done to deserve this!?..... I lived in the library as long as I remember.... I never did anyone wrong...."
(13) Aknier: ((Akner's not to just teleport anywhere he wants))
(8) Locke: may not be for what you have done, but for what you will do

(3) Tristen: *looks softly to Jaze* It is alright young one, we will protect you and set things right
(3) Tristen: I swear to you.
(2) Jaze: "She'll.... be okay... won't she?..." His eyes tear up...
(3) Tristen: Shell be alright Jaze... we can pray for the gods to watch over her soul.. and perhaps bring her back.
(3) Tristen: Let us be quickly to Sonoan to find someone powerful enough to bring her soul back into her vessel.

(5) Evanthe: ((*hovers above* I refuse))
(1) Mikhal: *uncermoniousaly picks Maiten up and drapes him over Junon's back*
(3) Tristen: ((haha))
(8) Locke: ((XD))
** (2) Jaze doesen't look comforted at all... he wraps his arms around the horses neck... sobbing.. **

(7) Seara: We'll find a way to bring her back... her time in this lifetime is not yet over
(5) Evanthe: ((but it's shiny here ;_;))
(3) Tristen: *moves his horse to the side of Jaze's and gently strokes his hair back trying to comfort him*
(5) Evanthe: ((....assuming i went up and not down >.>))
(8) Locke: ((DOWN DOWN DOWN))

(3) Tristen: ((haha... youll be able to tell us when you come back))
(5) Evanthe: ((;____;))
(7) Seara: ((xD))
(8) Locke: ((XD))
(5) Evanthe: ((sorry sorry, i'll stop ooc spamming :3))

(2) Jaze: They head toward the village of sanoan.. through the tall pine trees... and into the plains.... a somber mood hangs in the air... Jaze is silent...
** (8) Locke silently prays **
(8) Locke: ((>.>))
** (3) Tristen is praying aswell all the way to Sonoan **
(5) Evanthe: ((zealots))
(2) Jaze: Sanoan finally comes into view on the horizon... A large collection of stone buildings with thatched roofs... it's a much smaller city than Krasevae... but then again, most cities are...

(13) Aknier: ((Aknier prays as part of his normal daily whatever temple he's at. >_>;;))
(2) Jaze: The roads are bustling with markets and business.....
(3) Tristen: ((*Aknier feels a disturbance in the force*))
(2) Jaze: But it all stops once the bloodstained adventurers step into the city....
(2) Jaze: Everyone turns and Gapes...

(13) Aknier: ((It's as if a million voices all cried out at once, and were silenced...))
(3) Tristen: *calls out to someone... anyone* Quickly we need a cleric
(2) Jaze: Jaze begins sobbing again...
(7) Seara: ((I need to brb))
(5) Evanthe: ((okie))

(2) Jaze: Someone in the mob comes forward, somewhat frightened... "Quickly, this way... We have a temple of Mulinel.. They'll be able to help if anyone can.."
** (1) Mikhal lays a reassuring hand on jaze **

(3) Tristen: Locke take her to the temple
** (8) Locke does so **
(3) Tristen: Me and Mikhal have to deal with this .... this creature.

(2) Jaze: Locke takes Evanthe's body to the temple...
** (2) Maiten gulps softly.. **
(3) Tristen: Where is the local warden, we have someone that needs a proper sentancing.
(3) Tristen: ((sentencing*))

(3) Tristen: ((I always do that))
(2) NPC: A few guards, already in the crowd, in studded leather with some obviously some par equipment.. come forward, they are trembling slightly... "What has happend?"
(5) Evanthe: ((cause you speak engRish))
(3) Tristen: ((haha))
(2) NPC: He gasps... "That's.... Maiten the Red Hand!!"...

(2) NPC: The crowd instantly starts murming among itself...
(3) Tristen: *regards the guards* This man attacked us and set upon us two ogres.. which we slue.
(1) Mikhal: *smirks* which i slew, you mean?
(8) Locke: ((XD))
(2) NPC: "He's long been a wanted man.. He's known as an assasin for hire who never fails to capture his target..."

(3) Tristen: ((slew*))
(8) Locke: ((until day)
(3) Tristen: He failed.
(2) NPC: The crowd begins to look on in awe... "Then you are great heros.. for capturing this horrible soul.... We thank you... We all thank you.."
(2) NPC: "Of course.. you'll be entitled to the full bounty that was on his head..

(8) Locke: ((*heroes))
(3) Tristen: Do not kill him, make him atone for his actions. That is the way justice must be served to this man.
(1) Mikhal: there was a bounty on his head?
(2) NPC: The guard looks at the Paladin in disbelief... "but....his crimes are more than enough for Execution.. he has killed countless people..."
(8) Locke: lets collect the bounty

(8) Locke: ((err... wait, I'm not there)
(5) Evanthe: ((xD))
(3) Tristen: He has surrendered, and he is a man that was under orders. He is required to atone... the person that hired him is the true criminal.
(2) NPC: "I suppose that since you have captured him, we must allow this for you... very well... but his punishment will be harsh"
(3) Tristen: *nods* Make sure this man has a proper trial aswell.

(5) Evanthe: ((will he really atone?))
(8) Locke: ((doubt it, but anything's possible))
(2) NPC: "Very well... though no jury will acquit him..." Three guards take Maiten into their custody..
(7) Seara (exit): 02:13
(3) Tristen: *nods and speaks to Maiten* May Regial's blessing be with you, and may you find peace and true atonement. *Then rides off in the direction that they took Evanthe*

(1) Mikhal: where do we collect the bounty?
(1) Mikhal: ((money *heart*))
(2) NPC: "The Captain's office can provide you the bounty... they will be overjoyed to"
(2) NPC: Tristen rides off toward the temple... Locke is already inside...
(1) Mikhal: *nods and rides his horse off to the temple*

(2) NPC: A Priest looks over the body of Evanthe.... "Poor Soul... To have endured so much pain....."
(3) Tristen: ((bah you should have asked how much the bounty was... we might need to to raise Eva))
(5) Evanthe: ((yeah he knocked my tailbone into my chest))
(5) Evanthe: ((loot my body for money :3))
(8) Locke: ((:o))

(8) Locke: ((*loots*))
(2) NPC: A crowd has followed the heroes from the square... "Hey! These lot captured Maiten the Red Hand!"
(3) Tristen: *when he arrives at the temple he quickly dismounts, leaving horse with the altar boys outside and runs in to see the fate of his companion*
(2) NPC: The priest looks up.. "Is this true...?"
(13) Aknier: ((I should...pop out of the shadows or something, at this temple...))

(3) Tristen: Yes it is true.
(3) Tristen: But is there anything you can do for her?
(1) Mikhal: *goes off inside the temple too*
(2) NPC: "He has caused so much suffering...... We will do all we can for her... do not concern yourself with payment... we might be able to call back her soul yet..."
(3) Tristen: Thank you your holiness

(3) Tristen: the gods truely do smile down upon thee and all of the temple of mulinel
(2) NPC: "Mulinel gives solace to all who suffer... It is a deed we will gladly perform.... The spells take time to prepare, and are difficult incantations.... but we will do all we can...."
(2) NPC: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(5) Evanthe: Okay
(3) Tristen: I understand, please do everything in your power to help her, I will pray to regial aswell *leaves quickly to go see how jaze is doing*

(5) Evanthe: I have an assload of questions about death
(2) GM Voice: Indeed you do...
(8) Locke: XD

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