Game 8
From Reydala
(Note about this log: Apparently Wiki doesn't like the over use of the word "s-e-x", and identified me as a "link spammer" when I tried to add this log. Infact, I *still* cannot use that word, even in this description. As a result, I have replaced every use of the word s-e-x with seCKZ to hopefully avoid any false recognition. It said something about an admin being able to add to a white list...Tony, can you check this? Aknier-4/16/07)
[Sat Aug 06 21:00:20 2005] : Log filename is "Reydala-06-08-05.html", system is is logging.
[Sat Aug 06 21:00:28 2005] : (8) Mikhal: i'm logging now
[Sat Aug 06 21:00:31 2005] : (5) Tony: I'm going to have to start making corridors bigger to accommodate this party's traffic..>_>
[Sat Aug 06 21:00:31 2005] : (7) Locke: XD
[Sat Aug 06 21:00:35 2005] : (2) Tanja: lol
[Sat Aug 06 21:00:39 2005] : (2) Tanja: highway sized
[Sat Aug 06 21:00:41 2005] : (5) Tony: Oh yes... Please elect a leader
[Sat Aug 06 21:00:44 2005] : (2) Tanja: do they all get horses too?
[Sat Aug 06 21:00:45 2005] : (2) Tanja: oh lord
[Sat Aug 06 21:00:46 2005] : (2) Tanja: not it!
[Sat Aug 06 21:00:49 2005] : (3) Tristen: I elect me
[Sat Aug 06 21:00:51 2005] : (7) Locke: Angel!
[Sat Aug 06 21:00:53 2005] : (8) Mikhal: and tony, is it safe to assume that my magical greatsword is atleast +1?
[Sat Aug 06 21:01:02 2005] : (2) Tanja: *hiss*
[Sat Aug 06 21:01:03 2005] : (7) Locke: Angel was supposed to be our guide anyway
[Sat Aug 06 21:01:07 2005] : (2) Tanja: i want a magical bow, dammit
[Sat Aug 06 21:01:18 2005] : (8) Mikhal: i vote for teh Angel
[Sat Aug 06 21:01:20 2005] : (5) Tony: It's not safe to assume anything scott, it's not ID'd
[Sat Aug 06 21:01:21 2005] : (2) Tanja: shortbow to accomodate my rogue-ish ways
[Sat Aug 06 21:01:29 2005] : (4) Evanthe: wait what
[Sat Aug 06 21:01:30 2005] : (5) Tony: could be a -4 Cursed sword of backbiting for all you know
[Sat Aug 06 21:01:34 2005] : (2) Tanja: lol
[Sat Aug 06 21:01:38 2005] : (7) Locke: XD
[Sat Aug 06 21:01:40 2005] : (8) Mikhal: oh well, i'm gonna use it anyways
[Sat Aug 06 21:01:42 2005] : (2) Tanja: could be a "give tanja all your itamz" sword
[Sat Aug 06 21:01:56 2005] : (8) Mikhal: i'm just adding my normal mods to it then
[Sat Aug 06 21:02:10 2005] : (7) Locke: or... a .... I won't say >.>
[Sat Aug 06 21:02:13 2005] : (2) Tanja: that's probably not a smart thing to do
[Sat Aug 06 21:02:17 2005] : (2) Tanja: but whatever =D
[Sat Aug 06 21:02:19 2005] : (3) Tristen: Haha tony my friend made up a sword called the coin spinner. Every time you attacked you rolled another D20 to see what the sword actually did
[Sat Aug 06 21:02:33 2005] : (7) Locke: XD
[Sat Aug 06 21:02:35 2005] : (2) Tanja: just because its not ID'd doesn't mean it can't hurt you...
[Sat Aug 06 21:02:39 2005] : (5) Tony: ....give a wonder wand a hilt..
[Sat Aug 06 21:02:50 2005] : (3) Tristen: yeah
[Sat Aug 06 21:02:55 2005] : (8) Mikhal: wonder wand = *heart*
[Sat Aug 06 21:02:57 2005] : (3) Tristen: but this did different things then the wonderwand
[Sat Aug 06 21:03:06 2005] : (7) Locke: [1d100] -> [15] = (15)
[Sat Aug 06 21:03:09 2005] : (5) Tony: Well There's our motley cru... am I missing anyone?
[Sat Aug 06 21:03:18 2005] : (7) Locke: Kiros
[Sat Aug 06 21:03:19 2005] : (3) Tristen: Kiros still
[Sat Aug 06 21:03:35 2005] : (4) Evanthe: Eh, let's see how his connection is doing, and if we should go without him
[Sat Aug 06 21:03:44 2005] : (4) Evanthe: Because I'ms ure we don't want to be here til 2am again :3
[Sat Aug 06 21:03:53 2005] : (4) Evanthe: (thought I'm sure we will be anyway)
[Sat Aug 06 21:04:02 2005] : (4) Evanthe: though, even
[Sat Aug 06 21:04:06 2005] : (2) Tanja: i was up at 6am this
[Sat Aug 06 21:04:07 2005] : You must be either a player or GM to use the miniature Layer
[Sat Aug 06 21:04:10 2005] : (3) Tristen: its gonna be a long game, lots of things to do
[Sat Aug 06 21:04:11 2005] : (4) Evanthe: yeah yikes
[Sat Aug 06 21:04:14 2005] : (2) Tanja: so if i become brainmush later on, you'll know why
[Sat Aug 06 21:04:16 2005] : (5) Tony: safe to assume he's using le icon del generica?
[Sat Aug 06 21:04:38 2005] : (3) Tristen: I went to bed at 5 am this morning
[Sat Aug 06 21:04:48 2005] : (4) Evanthe: I guess Tony :o
[Sat Aug 06 21:04:50 2005] : (3) Tristen: about the same time you woke up because of the hour difference and everything
[Sat Aug 06 21:05:01 2005] : (4) Evanthe: I'd say what Kiros said...but we're all in IRC anyway
[Sat Aug 06 21:05:05 2005] : (4) Evanthe: moohaha.
[Sat Aug 06 21:05:05 2005] : (2) Tanja: lol
[Sat Aug 06 21:05:09 2005] : (4) Evanthe: no more relaying messages
[Sat Aug 06 21:05:23 2005] : (5) Tony: I'm not keeping up on it since I'm busy with RPG Stuff..>_>
[Sat Aug 06 21:05:29 2005] : (4) Evanthe: 10 minutes
(5) Tony: Tristen looks old *point and giggle*
(3) Tristen: :P
(3) Tristen: its the best picture I could find
(6) Seara: xD
(3) Tristen: short of drawing my own
(2) Tanja: are they on the board yet?
(5) Tony: Surrounded by a harem of lolish anime girlies
(2) Tanja: 'cause the map's huge and i'm scrolling
(5) Tony: Down and to the right... Down, and to the right..
(6) Seara: xD
(2) Tanja: i'm down and right and not seeing anything...
(4) Evanthe: Tristen is creepy looking
(2) Tanja: all the way down?
(8) Mikhal: nope
(8) Mikhal: about 1/3 over
(2) Tanja: bah
(5) Tony: No... like.. 1/8th of the way..>_>
(2) Tanja: i can't find them!
(8) Mikhal: and 1/3 down
(5) Tony: Maybe we should switch to 30x30...>_>
(6) Seara: yeah we're all cute and cuddly like, he's EBIL
(3) Tristen: Bah well you all could help me look for another pic :P
(5) Tony: Maps get huge with 60x60..
(4) Evanthe: I can't find them either
(2) Tanja: thank you angel
(4) Evanthe: haha!
(2) Tanja: i don't feel like such a dimwit
(4) Evanthe: victory
(4) Evanthe: found them
(2) Tanja: nooo
(4) Evanthe: it's like....a fourth of the way down
(6) Seara: ssh I gave you a few pics~
(2) Tanja: bingo!
(4) Evanthe: a third of the way to the right
(2) Tanja: found it
(4) Evanthe: ;D
(7) Locke: Khar's one is.... hawt
(7) Locke: :o
(4) Evanthe: okay tristen needs to stop making that face :(
(2) Tanja: eesh
(8) Mikhal: Locke still needs a picture
(4) Evanthe: And I'm going to help you find a new pic solely because I don't want to look at that
(2) Tanja: tristen's kinda oogly
(6) Seara: my head's dinky
(5) Tony: That expression... is like someone just asked a barbarian to figure out calculus
(6) Seara: xD
(4) Evanthe: kinda?
(2) Tanja: lol
(8) Mikhal: lol
(7) Locke: tristen looks stoned
(6) Seara: I gave him a couple pics
(6) Seara: LOL
(4) Evanthe: xD
(7) Locke: how much weed did you have? XD
(3) Tristen: You gave me RO pics
(3) Tristen: one of them with pink hair :P
(8) Mikhal: lol
(4) Evanthe: You can change the hair color
(4) Evanthe: I wanna see those pics
(4) Evanthe: send 'em my way
(6) Seara: >.>
(3) Tristen: ok ill send you ALL the potential tristens
(4) Evanthe: Nothing wrong with a girly man :(
(6) Seara: I thought one was particularly fitting, just needed a hair color change
(4) Evanthe: Own that pink hair.
(2) Tanja: lol
(6) Seara: not my fault everyone who does RO fanart is obsessed with pink hair
(2) Tanja: a guy can wear pink
(7) Locke: XD
(4) Evanthe: they're called metroseCKZuals, I think
(2) Tanja: how comfortable are *you* with your manlines
(8) Mikhal: pink is the new black
(2) Tanja: manliness*
(4) Evanthe: in fact, just grab a purse and be on with it
(8) Mikhal: patti, does shaun wear pink?
(2) Tanja: why's everything blue instead of green?
(6) Seara: I swear, 9/10s of the hunter pics I have have pink hair too... and little heart tatoos on their bellies, and shoot heart-tipped arrows too >.>
(2) Tanja: shaun wears black and red and grey
(5) Tony: Because blue is nice
(7) Locke: XD
(5) Tony: and green is mean
(2) Tanja: i type in green
(2) Tanja: what're you saying?!
(6) Seara: aw, I like green :(
(7) Locke: Khar: I got a sniper pic without everything but the heart arrow
(7) Locke: :o
(8) Mikhal: does this mean you are gonna be nice this game?
(2) Tanja: hahaha
(2) Tanja: yeahright
(2) Tanja: yay!
(7) Locke: my eyes burn
(2) Tanja: we can go skipping through the pink ice elf lair
(7) Locke: XD
(2) Tanja: leaving flowers in our wake
(8) Mikhal: i'll type in orange today
(2) Tanja: tralalala
(7) Locke: pink icey cave
(5) Alain: Black is cool
(2) Tanja: *stabs alain*
** (8) Mikhal stabs alain **
(2) Tanja: gameover i win!
(5) Alain: Cause it's.. dark and such
** (7) Locke stabs all :o **
** (8) Mikhal castrates Locke **
(5) Alain: Classic Grey *nod nod*
(3) Tristen: grey is good
** (7) Locke seCKZ0rz Mikhal **
(5) Alain: Who's leaderr?
(7) Locke: Angel
(2) Tanja: still not it!
(4) Evanthe: what?
(4) Evanthe: whoa
(4) Evanthe: When was this?
(6) Seara: xD
(5) Alain: Secret Ballot, apparently
(2) Tanja: (psst its either you or J, i think >.> ))
(3) Tristen: OK I have an idea
** (8) Mikhal seCKZ0rz Locke back **
(7) Locke: right after I seCKZ0rz'd Mikhal? :o
(2) Tanja: don't say roll for it
(3) Tristen: everyone who doesnt MIND being leader say aye
(2) Tanja: because i don't want it
(7) Locke: ROLL FOR IT
(2) Tanja: *crickets*
(5) Krast: My Alias drawer is already filling up.. doot doot doot
(6) Seara: I r D&D nub, I r not leader material
(3) Tristen: fine ill say aye
(3) Tristen: who else :P
(2) Tanja: *more crickets*
(2) Tanja: *tumbleweed*
(8) Mikhal: [1d100] -> [36] = (36)
(2) Tanja: *wind blowing noise*
(3) Tristen: *death to Patti*
(7) Locke: *cough*
(2) Tanja: *evades*
(6) Seara: *blowup doll rolls past with the tumbleweed*
(7) Locke: XD
(7) Locke: *chases*
(6) Seara: xD
(3) Tristen: Better catch your lover there Flamer
(5) Sonya: Tristen leader then?..
(2) Tanja: we all act pretty independantly anywya
(3) Tristen: Hah
(4) Evanthe: let's do it the old fashioned way and roll :D
(2) Tanja: lol
(4) Evanthe: [1d100] -> [77] = (77)
(3) Tristen: Im up for rolling
(2) Tanja: angel, do you know what you're saying?
(4) Evanthe: ...not at all
(8) Mikhal: [1d100] -> [64] = (64)
(2) Tanja: do you know how many times we were screwed over the last RPG?
(2) Tanja: [1d100] -> [65] = (65)
(3) Tristen: [1d100] -> [48] = (48)
(4) Evanthe: Yes xD
(7) Locke: [1d100] -> [66] = (66)
(2) Tanja: lol
(4) Evanthe: what the hell is this
(7) Locke: Angel is leader :p
(3) Tristen: HAHAHAHA
(2) Tanja: 64,65,66
(6) Seara: [1d100] -> [25] = (25)
(4) Evanthe: [1d100] -> [29] = (29)
(6) Seara: oh good, I didn't role high that time >.>
(4) Evanthe: doot doot doot
(7) Locke: Angel is leader with 77
(7) Locke: XD
(2) Tanja: yay angel
(2) Tanja: congrats on the promotion
(4) Evanthe: why thank you, sorta
(4) Evanthe: Do I get a bonus?
(3) Tristen: ill take the lead if she doesnt want it and such
(8) Mikhal: auto-follow on!
(5) Sonya: at least you don't have to roll init and doom the party =p
(2) Tanja: lol
(2) Tanja: i remember that
(2) Tanja: "omg you suck"
(4) Evanthe: True true
(6) Seara: angel13:30, 16 April 2007 (EDT)13:30, 16 April 2007 (EDT)Aknier save us! *clings*
(5) Sonya: SUMO!
(4) Evanthe: [2d10] -> [8,6] = (14)
(7) Locke: *clings to Khar*
(4) Evanthe: was the first or last ours?
(2) Tanja: i think ours was th first
(8) Mikhal: i forget
(4) Evanthe: WIN!
(2) Tanja: if i remember right
(6) Seara: :#
(5) Sonya: And low was the new high
(6) Seara: :3
(4) Evanthe: Naw
(2) Tanja: lol
(5) Sonya: Good lord 2nd edition was confusing
(4) Evanthe: It seems like J really wants leader
(4) Evanthe: So I'll let him have it
(3) Tristen: *loves Tony's straight lines*
(7) Locke: aww, Angel :o
(5) Sonya: The lines are not straight, please pretend they are
(2) Tanja: *squints*
(8) Mikhal: yeah..sometimes you wanted low..and sometimes you wanted high
(2) Tanja: i remember that
(3) Tristen: it figures elves built this place
(3) Tristen: cant even make a straight wall
(4) Evanthe: [2d10] -> [10,8] = (18)
(7) Locke: [1d100] -> [63] = (63)
(2) Tanja: [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
(2) Tanja: oh man
(2) Tanja: i wasted it!
(4) Evanthe: ...wasted ;_;
(2) Tanja: i take it back!
(6) Seara: xD
(2) Tanja: last game was painful...
(5) Sonya: If the program cooperates.. in the future I might leave it to the leader to move everyone's icons
(2) Tanja: my rolls...sucked
(2) Tanja: oh my lord
(3) Tristen: Oh yay
(2) Tanja: that's way too much responsibility
(2) Tanja: *moves hers out of harms way*
(5) Sonya: (Not this time, as I need to guinea pig it beforehand)
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
(3) Tristen: [1d20] -> [10] = (10)
(2) Tanja: and my character is waaaaaaay up here
(2) Tanja: safe from melee and out of range of breath attacks and arrows
(6) Seara: [1d20] -> [10] = (10)
(2) Tanja: your icon looks so serious,
(4) Evanthe: Yeah, it's deceiving :3
(6) Seara: xD
(7) Locke: Angel's icon looks like she's ready to lean down and kiss someone
(4) Evanthe: but the picture was just too awesome
(6) Seara: you should see the whole thing, it's pwetty~
(5) Sonya: Sadly Mikhal is the most kissable guy there
(6) Seara: she's actually holding a bow and arrow, looking down at it
(7) Locke: *demands piccy* XD
(2) Tanja: tristen needs some plastic surgery, stat
(6) Seara: xD
(3) Tristen: -.-
(5) GM Voice: and some eyes ^_^
(7) Locke: or to stop weed :p
(4) Evanthe: courtesy of Khar~
(3) Tristen: *leads Tanja into a trap*
(6) Seara: you sending it to him?
(2) Tanja: i'm quite capable of finding those on my own
(5) GM Voice: We poke fun because we lovee... I think that was our excuse wasn't it?
(2) Tanja: uh...yeah, it hink so
(7) Locke: XD
(7) Locke: Tanja found one that almost killed her
(7) Locke: :o
(2) Tanja: we shall not speak of that
(8) Mikhal: speak of what?
(7) Locke: BURNATION
(3) Tristen: and I dont know what Flamer is making fun of, hes Mr Blank over there
(7) Locke: you weren't in the game :p
(2) Tanja: i could've made you all RICH
(7) Locke: XD
(2) Tanja: and all you can think about is how close i was to dying
(7) Locke: *cough* suure
(2) Tanja: *sigh* i'm so underappreciated
(2) Tanja: youd idn't look!
(2) Tanja: if you had just looked around! *glazed eyes*
(8) Mikhal: patti, this is when one of the bag of pets would of been useful
(2) Tanja: not really..
(7) Locke: well... what good is money in the middle of the dungeon we're in? XD
(2) Tanja: we won't be in said dungeon foreverr
(6) Seara: good for gambling!
(2) Tanja: lol
(7) Locke: GP TOSS
(2) Tanja: for all those random games we throw in along the way
(2) Tanja: horse racing and getting drunk
(2) Tanja: and balancing books
** (4) Evanthe whistles innocently **
(7) Locke: book stacking XD
(2) Tanja: lol
(2) Tanja: lets do ice sliding
(2) Tanja: "bet i can go further!"
(4) Evanthe: oooo yes
(6) Seara: ooh
(4) Evanthe: speaking of...
** (7) Locke challenges Evanthe to a ice sledding competition **
(8) Mikhal: lol
** (4) Evanthe pulls out char sheet **
(2) Tanja: lol
(7) Locke: 50silvers!
(2) Tanja: snowball fights
(4) Evanthe: AND my rival is here
(6) Seara: kekeke~
(7) Locke: no more challenging me ;-;
(5) GM Voice: Kiros update..?
(2) Tanja: *flatline*
(8) Mikhal: *tumbleweed*
(7) Locke: he's coming
(2) Tanja: boo
(2) Tanja: you stole my joke,scott
(8) Mikhal: you said it eariler? O_o
(6) Seara: *flying dildo*
** (7) Locke catches dildo **
(8) Mikhal: XD
(5) GM Voice: And apparently one of his first level spell choices is the legendary "Hump" spell..
(8) Mikhal: hump spell?
(5) GM Voice: J and H are close together aren't they?
(7) Locke: XD
(2) Tanja: jhump
(7) Locke: J use the legendary Hump skill
(6) Seara: xD
(2) Tanja: *yawn*
(12) No Name (enter): 21:31
(2) Tanja: okay, i'm gonna go stock up on caffiene before we start
(2) Tanja: brb a sec
(7) Locke: INTRUDER
(3) Tristen: Whos H?
(4) Evanthe: hmm
(12) Kiros: Salutations.
(7) Locke: the letter "H"
(3) Tristen: oh
(4) Evanthe: is there anyway you can refresh the avatars?
(3) Tristen: *not paying attention*
(5) GM Voice: Okay Kiros.. make a HP roll for your wizard level
(5) GM Voice: Possibly..>_>
(4) Evanthe: we found a less scary Tristen
(6) Seara: ooh
(12) Kiros: [1d4] -> [4] = (4)
(4) Evanthe: well actually
(12) Kiros: Booyah!
(7) Locke: woah
(7) Locke: Kiros is lucky :O
(6) Seara: :o
(4) Evanthe: he sent the pictures Khar sent
(5) GM Voice: 18 HP
(6) Seara: wow
(7) Locke: jesus
(4) Evanthe: are you KIDDING me
(4) Evanthe: a level 2 WIZ has more hp than me
(2) Tanja: woah
(6) Seara: xD
(4) Evanthe: cleric/wiz whatever
(7) Locke: I can feel the envy in Angel
(3) Tristen: hes the new tank
(6) Seara: he has more than me too
(12) Kiros: ./swt
(4) Evanthe: I thought you had 19, Khar? :o
(3) Tristen: he has 3 less then me
(6) Seara: 17
(4) Evanthe: oooh same as me
(4) Evanthe: at level 2..
(4) Evanthe: ;_;
(4) Evanthe: I'm so behind
(2) Tanja: i'm at 20 HP
(4) Evanthe: this is Elena all over again :D
(8) Mikhal: ..i have 32? =x
(2) Tanja: lol
** (4) Evanthe will be stuck at 25 hp just watch **
(5) GM Voice: Okay.. we all prepped then?
(6) Seara: oh 16
(12) Kiros: Hai.
(6) Seara: >.>
(2) Tanja: yessir
(8) Mikhal: yeah
(7) Locke: I have 20HP >.>;;
(12) Kiros: Rezul, did you get the Wizard Spells I picked out, over IRC?
(2) Tanja: i'm not used to all of tony's nicks yet..
(4) Evanthe: Sorry J
(3) Tristen: hmm I think to refresh an avatar you have to remove it and put it back in?
(4) Evanthe: You're going to be ugly this game
(5) GM Voice: Yup yup, Hump on the first page
(7) Locke: what's Augury do again? :x
(12) Kiros: *facepalm*
(8) Mikhal: Flamer, use the SRD?
(7) Locke: Kiros and Hump? XD
(2) Tanja: lets not open doors for hydras this
(12) Kiros: >_<
(7) Locke: I can't seem to find it >.>;;
(6) Seara: aww I thought we were gonna fight it
(4) Evanthe: here's the new one
(4) Evanthe:
(5) GM Voice: Ermm.. and whisper the spells you have memorized for this game too, when you get around to it
(12) Kiros: *nods*
(12) Kiros: How many do I get, if I may?
(2) Tanja: oh my gosh!
(2) Tanja: he's got eyes!
(4) Evanthe: lol
(8) Mikhal: he looks pissed off
(6) Seara: better :3
(4) Evanthe: Doesn't matter
(2) Tanja: at least he's not puzzled
(4) Evanthe: It's a lot better
(4) Evanthe: He's supposed to look pissed anyway
(6) Seara: he looks anime-ish with us now :D
(4) Evanthe: He's snobby
(6) Seara: yeah
(2) Tanja: lol
(8) Mikhal: except flamer
(6) Seara: that's why I found that one fitting xD
(2) Tanja: hooray for anime
(7) Locke: :p
(2) Tanja: lets go kick alain tail now
(6) Seara: I got pics of kitty boi acos, fwamie ;)
(4) Evanthe: :D
(7) Locke: XD
(4) Evanthe: Yeah Khar has great pics :o
(7) Locke: lets see ;)
(5) GM Voice: 3 0th, 2 1st level wizard, 3 0th, 2 1st level cleric + domain spell
(6) Seara: xD okay, I'll look through them when I get a chance
(5) GM Voice: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
(12) Kiros: Right.
(3) Tristen: ((Leadership is open to suggestion by the way))
(7) Locke: ((darn, Kiros got the first words))
(2) Tanja: ((doesn't that defeat the purpose of a leader?))
(4) Evanthe: ((yep))
(5) GM Voice: The party catches a breath outside the corridor's massive wood door... behind them screaming howls from a beast thwarted...
(3) Tristen: ((nah...))
(4) Evanthe: ((you wanted to be leader, you take it :P))
(3) Tristen: ((ok ok))
(5) GM Voice: The creak of iron bending..
** (4) Evanthe puts a hand on her bow **
(12) Kiros: ((First Words?)
(2) Tanja: ::deep sigh of relief::
(4) Evanthe: ((I wanna fight it ;_;))
** (7) Locke looks at hydra **
(4) Evanthe: I....don't think we can keep running from that thing.
** (3) Tristen looks back to Hyrda aswell **
(2) Tanja: ::stares at the bars to see how well they're holding::
(6) Seara: think we can take it?
(7) Locke: it'll come for us sooner or later
(4) Evanthe: I'm not sure about that
(3) Tristen: Agreed, prepare yourselves
(4) Evanthe: But we may have no choice.
(7) Locke: it's better now than later
(5) GM Voice: Then.. another sound comes from the east....
(4) Evanthe: Best we can do is stand back and stick to ranged attacks
(4) Evanthe: ((NO))
(2) Tanja: ::whips around:: what was that?
** (7) Locke continues looking at hydra **
** (4) Evanthe looks off towards the east "Huh?" **
(5) GM Voice: The telltale march of mailed feet...!
(2) Tanja: ((oh god))
(4) Evanthe: Wha..
(5) GM Voice: It sounds like a whole batallion...
(3) Tristen: I dont think we shall get the chance
(4) Evanthe: ((I hate you))
** (7) Locke turns around at the sound and prepares with scythe **
(3) Tristen: quickly to the west
(2) Tanja: we can't take that many! ::squeaks::
(5) GM Voice: (Though, that might be the echo off the ice walls...)
(3) Tristen: ((hahahahaha, we're not THAT gullible))
(12) Kiros (exit): 21:42
** (4) Evanthe tries to discern how many people are coming **
(6) Seara: hmm... it might not be that many.. still...
(7) Locke: ((err...)
(2) Tanja: ((yes we are))
(5) GM Voice: (Fine fine, take your listen checks)
(4) Evanthe: Listen Check: [1d20+8] -> [19,8] = (27)
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((supar big ears))
(8) Mikhal: ((what is my listen bonus? >_>))
(8) Mikhal: ((but, it doesn't matter now XD((
(6) Seara: ((what do I do for a lsiten check again? xD))
(4) Evanthe: ((it's wis + skill points))
(3) Tristen: [1d20+2] -> [1,2] = (3)
(2) Tanja: ((i don't think it matters))
(5) GM Voice: ((Your listen bonus is uneccesary__
(4) Evanthe: ((oh))
(3) Tristen: ((apparently people are screaming in my ear))
(6) Seara: ((xD))
(5) GM Voice: Evanthe trains her ear on the approaching sounds... 5, maybe 6.... and one dropped a feather
(8) Mikhal: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((hehehhe))
(4) Evanthe: It's.....five, maybe six people coming
(7) Locke: ((XD))
** (4) Evanthe looks around **
(2) Tanja: four too many
(4) Evanthe: Just enough for each, I'd say
(8) Mikhal: ((add the feather part!))
** (4) Evanthe scowls at Tristen "Don't be such a chicken" **
(2) Tanja: are you sure? ::doubtful look::
(7) Locke: if we take them, we won't be able to deal with the cryohydra
(2) Tanja: the last one was kinda hard
(5) GM Voice: Evanthe also hears some footsteps to the west... but only one person...
(3) Tristen: ((it sounds like a battalion :P ))
(7) Locke: *looks at the hydra*
(2) Tanja: ::readies her bow anyway::
(3) Tristen: ((to me))
(4) Evanthe: Errr *pauses*
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: Someone is coming from the west, too
(4) Evanthe: Just one person..
(2) Tanja: coming in this direction?
(7) Locke: ((wait... where'd that one person go? Kiros? XD))
(13) Kiros (enter): 21:45
(4) Evanthe: Umm...
(3) Tristen: Quickly, let us dispatch the people to the east
(4) Evanthe: Yes
(7) Locke: ((there he is))
(4) Evanthe: What about the mass of snarling heads behind us?
(13) Kiros: ((Warning, I disconnect every now and then. >_>;;))
(4) Evanthe: Those bars won't hold him for long
(2) Tanja: agh!
(3) Tristen: They will hold it long enough
(2) Tanja: one is better than five or six
(2) Tanja: i say we go west
(7) Locke: I say go west too
(6) Seara: aye
(4) Evanthe: ((let's split up and give tony a headache <3))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(7) Locke: ((YES!))
(6) Seara: ((xD))
(8) Mikhal: (yay!))
(3) Tristen: But if the 5 or 6 discern what has happened here there might be MORE then 5 or 6
(4) Evanthe: Same goes either way
(2) Tanja: the same could happen if we leave one alone
(4) Evanthe: We can always come back
(3) Tristen: 6 should be more easily dispatched in full rest
(2) Tanja: ::looks around nervously:: whatever we do, we need to hurry
(3) Tristen: *grimaces* since you all are in accord then
(3) Tristen: West
(2) Tanja: ::thinks to self---wow he sounds funny.. ::
(4) Evanthe: You just said it was five too many a second though
(5) GM Voice: The sound of metal straining... bars bending....
(7) Locke: ((are we already revolutionising the leader? XD))
(2) Tanja: ((that was me, angel))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh))
(2) Tanja: ((viva la revolucion!))
(4) Evanthe: ((because I can read))
(7) Locke: lets hurry
(4) Evanthe: I'd like to just kill that thing behind us. I don't care where we go as of now
(3) Tristen: *'leads' them west*
** (7) Locke walks quickly to the west **
(2) Tanja: ::follows swiftly, so as not to be caught by the footsteps from the east:::
** (4) Evanthe trails behind, glancing over her shoulder. **
(5) GM Voice: The group heads to the west.... quickly away from the sounds... one person comes into view... he's not an ice elf, he's a human!... and seems to be dressed more as prisoner than warrior...
(8) Mikhal: ((kill him! XD))
(4) Evanthe: Hey you!
(2) Tanja: what...?
** (4) Evanthe aims her bow at him. "Who're you?" **
(2) Tanja: not *more* prisoners...
(7) Locke: what is he doing alone?
(3) Tristen: *tries to discern if this person is evil or not*
(2) Tanja: it could be a trap
(2) Tanja: like..y'know...bait, or something
(5) GM Voice: Tristen doesen't detect any evil from this one..
(3) Tristen: Hold, he is not evil
(8) Mikhal: *looks at tristen like he is crazy*
(2) Tanja: ::Keeps her bow out anyway::
(3) Tristen: *walks up to the man keeping his guard up though*
(3) Tristen: what are you doing here?
(13) Kiros: *blinks*
(4) Evanthe: Well he's alive afterall
(3) Tristen: How are you walking about with no guard? You seem to have been imprisoned here.
(13) Kiros: Well, this inquizistion aside, I'm glad you're not more Ice Elf guards.
** (4) Evanthe looks behind them again. **
(4) Evanthe: As fun as an interrogation sounds, I don't think we have the time for it
(2) Tanja: ::baffled:: you...escaped?
(3) Tristen: Quickly friend, we dont have time. What is back the way you came?
(13) Kiros: More or less, thank Mulinel
** (4) Evanthe narrows her eyes "Mulinel?" **
(7) Locke: a follower of Mulinel
(2) Tanja: ::grimaces::
** (4) Evanthe demands, "Are you...a friend of Alain?" **
(2) Tanja: ((he's a witch!))
(13) Kiros: Yes, I am a cleric of her holiness, Mulinel
(13) Kiros: ((Right))
(4) Evanthe: ((alain is bad))
(8) Mikhal: as much fun as it talking about what happened, how about we take care of the problems over there? *Gustures bagely to towards where the footsteps were heard*
(3) Tristen: ((I asked him what was back the way he came :P ))
(13) Kiros: No, hardly. Alain called my captives away, and I brought the key to me.
(13) Kiros: And yes, I don't really feel like explainin myself right at this very moment, I apologize.
** (4) Evanthe arches a brow. **
(2) Tanja: ::thoroughly confused::
(4) Evanthe: I suppose you don't need saving then! *huffs*
(13) Kiros: Only a prison, so far as I know.
(13) Kiros: Well,
(2) Tanja: ((if its a treasure vault, i'm there))
(13) Kiros: Given the situation, I'd gladly travel with anyone not in league with my captors.
** (4) Evanthe nudges Tanja "He's almost as stuffy as Tristen" **
(3) Tristen: A prison? So it is a dead end then?
(2) Tanja: ::coughs to hide sudden giggles::
(6) Seara: If he's not with Alain, he's good enough on our side
** (7) Locke eyes the two **
** (4) Evanthe smiles innocently back **
(13) Kiros: No, there's another way past it.
(4) Evanthe: Glad to meet you.....?
(13) Kiros: But that's where my captors went.
(4) Evanthe: What's your name?
(2) Tanja: how many?
(13) Kiros: The name is Aknier. And who might you be?
(2) Tanja: ((ak...nier..))
(4) Evanthe: ((change your name to Aknier xD))
(7) Locke: ((change your nick to Aknier? :D))
(6) Seara: ((xD))
(7) Locke: ((JINX ANGEL))
(13) Kiros: ((>_>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((;D))
(4) Evanthe: Evanthe. Eva, if you wish.
(2) Tanja: ::shifts restlessly::
(7) Locke: ((/nick Aknier))
(2) Tanja: Tanja
** (4) Evanthe hops **
(3) Tristen: We dont have times for these greetings
(4) Evanthe: Let' something?
(8) Mikhal: Mikhal
(7) Locke: Locke
(13) Kiros: *nods* Well, friends I shall call you for now.
(2) Tanja: ((with your powers combined...))
(13) Kiros: *shakes hands*
(4) Evanthe: I don't really feel comfortable leaving that hydra back there
(3) Tristen: Quickly, let us move on
(4) Evanthe: If he escapes and comes up behind us
(8) Mikhal: ((we are..???))
(4) Evanthe: We'll have more trouble than before
(7) Locke: I don't like charging into a trap with people behind us
(3) Tristen: Let the ice elves deal with the Hydra
(3) Tristen: they seemed frightened of it aswell
(5) GM Voice: The metal bending sound seems to have ended...either it has given up or it is past the bars...
(2) Tanja: we can't go fight the hydra because those five or six guards will just pin us inbetween them and the hydra
(4) Evanthe: Why would they....?
(7) Locke: the ice elves are in league with the hydra...
(13) Kiros: Well, there was a well ornamented door to the north, and a corridor stretching further west from my scell.
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(13) Kiros: ((...))
(3) Tristen: The ice elf that was guarding the gate didnt want to be near the hydra when it came for us
(7) Locke: let us head there then
(2) Tanja: well ornamented...? ::speculative look""
(2) Tanja: agreed
** (7) Locke rolls eyes **
(7) Locke: let us make haste and run
(2) Tanja: ((egads))
** (4) Evanthe throws up her arms **
(3) Tristen: Let us move on
(2) Tanja: ((fast...))
(5) GM Voice: To end all speculation..... the wooden door to the east impacts....
(4) Evanthe: If the thing comes up behind us, don't say anything to me!
(3) Tristen: *leads the party forcefully through the hall moving more west*
(5) GM Voice: Pieces of splintered wood go flying against the opposite end of the corridor..
(13) Kiros: *follows in haste*
(7) Locke: ((I'm gonna be half-distracted with studies >.>))
(5) GM Voice: The advancing footsteps halt as a reptilian blue head emerges from the doorway and lets loose a mighty scream...
** (4) Evanthe huffs "Doesn't this defeat the whole idea of the ice elves taking care of it if it's running after us?" **
(4) Evanthe: ((i'm huffing because i'm running too, whoops))
(3) Tristen: Let us be out of sight when it enters the hall so it finds a new meal in the ice elves.
(5) GM Voice: They come to a four way intersection...
(2) Tanja: :::bites tongue::
(7) Locke: behind the corner!
(2) Tanja: ::heads a bit north to get out of sight from everything east::
(5) GM Voice: A doorway to the north is "Guarded" by two ice statues..
(2) Tanja: ::freezes::
(2) Tanja: ((scratch that action))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(3) Tristen: *leads them north*
(2) Tanja: ((....))
(5) GM Voice: They seem to be ice sculptures of intricate detail, in the shape of ice elf warriors, with large swords...
(6) Seara: south then?
(7) Locke: ((...))
(6) Seara: ((o.o))
(2) Tanja: south, i think...i don't like the looks of those statues
(7) Locke: look around before charging in
(5) GM Voice: Kiros recognizes south as the direction of his cell
(2) Tanja: i don't trust *anything* here
(8) Mikhal: *hides just around the corner in the south hall*
(4) Evanthe: He said the doorway was to the north, didn't he?
(5) GM Voice: The sounds of ice elves screaming from back east...
(4) Evanthe: That's where we were headed
(3) Tristen: Come, let us be away from this place *leads them north*
(2) Tanja: ((See? all gone))
(7) Locke: *sigh* fine
** (7) Locke follows **
(2) Tanja: ::follows at a distance, eyeing the statues warily::
(8) Mikhal: *follows after then, sword ready*
(7) Locke: *scythe ready*
(5) GM Voice: The hydra bashes its way out of the doorway, takes an ice elf into it's maw and crushes it into two...
(6) Seara: *follows too, of course*
(7) Locke: ((**sickle, darn it))
(5) GM Voice: The door.... is locked.
(7) Locke: ((XD poor Tanja))
(2) Tanja: ((oh really now))
(8) Mikhal: ((what is the door made out of?))
(2) Tanja: ::elbows her way to the front:: 'scuse me a sec
(2) Tanja: pardon me
(4) Evanthe: ((it's kinda tight in here))
(13) Kiros: (( I am going to shoot my parents))
(2) Tanja: ::steps on random feet::
** (7) Locke switches place with tanja **
(5) GM Voice: It's made of what looks to be hard wood, with some golden ornamentation on top
(7) Locke: what's to the west corrisdor there
(2) Tanja: try not to look if you feel your conscience might not approve of this.. ::takes out her thief tools and starts picking at the lock::
(3) Tristen: *notices the statues and tries to discern if their purpose is more then just decoration*
(5) GM Voice: The sickening smack of an ice elf body crashes against the floor just to their east...
(2) Tanja: ((what's that dice i roll again? ipromse i'll note it this time))
(7) Locke: ((booyah!))
(5) GM Voice: To the west, the corridor continues to stretch on into darkness...
(6) Seara: ((yummy))
(5) GM Voice: ((d20+10))
(2) Tanja: ::Hums as she picks at the lock::
(2) Tanja: [1d20+10] -> [14,10] = (24)
(7) Locke: ((nice))
(5) GM Voice: Tanja inserts her picks into the lock.. tries to find the proper location... and finally turns the lock.. rather easy for one of her skill
(2) Tanja: ::pockets her tools again:: no sweat.
** (4) Evanthe watches in fascination "Neat trick." **
(2) Tanja: ::Coughs:: you pick things up here and there...
(3) Tristen: come then *moves through the door holding his shield at the ready but keeping a quick pace*
(7) Locke: is that what you did.... at the library?
(2) Tanja: ::Huffs:: not even a thank you
(2) Tanja: ::makes a face at tristen's back::
(8) Mikhal: thank you Tanja
(3) Tristen: *ignores the comment*
(2) Tanja: i don't want to talk about the Library, thank you
** (7) Locke gives Tanja a pat on the back **
(5) GM Voice: Tristen pushes open the door....
(2) Tanja: ::follows after tristen::
(2) Tanja: ((*Freezes*))
(5) GM Voice: He steps into a large room... similar to the room that they teleported into, ornamentally decorated with carpets and tapestries on the walls..
(6) Seara: ((blarg, I gotta go for a few... assume I'm following along, angel can act for me if need be))
(6) Seara: ((won't be too long))
(4) Evanthe: ((okay Khar))
(4) Evanthe: This is...sorta familiar
(4) Evanthe: What's with this place
(5) GM Voice: The three well armored Ice elves from before are standing in the center.. facing the door... in a readied stance...
(4) Evanthe: Oh great.
(2) Tanja: ::resists the urge to sneeze::
(7) Locke: oh boy...
(4) Evanthe: Aren't these the guys who picked out our arrows like splinters?
(3) Tristen: *draws his sword to the ready* prepare yourselves foul creatures
(7) Locke: yep
(5) GM Voice: Also near the center..toward the back, is a large throne of ice... someone is clearly sitting on it.. a wineglass in their hands..
** (4) Evanthe rolls her eyes at Tristen's back "And there he goes again" **
(2) Tanja: ::tenses::
(7) Locke: why... hello there Alain
(13) Aknier: *sighs* I had hoped to avoid confict...
(4) Evanthe: In this place? Fat chance.
(2) Tanja: ((Elite))
** (7) Locke whispers to Aknier "it can't be helped" **
(8) Mikhal: wern't you auppose to treat us to luch next time we met?
(8) Mikhal: ((lunch*))
(4) Evanthe: Is that even Alain?
** (4) Evanthe looks closer **
** (13) Aknier wihipsers back to Locke "Such is, indeed." **
(5) GM Voice: Against the far wall, near the ceiling, is an iron ring... suspended by chains in the center of it is a child's body..
(2) Tanja: Jaze!
(2) Tanja: ((i think..))
(7) Locke: ((he's the only child))
(2) Tanja: ((i meant, is that his name?))
(4) Evanthe: ((yes it's jaze))
(3) Tristen: ((haha nice pic))
(7) Locke: ((ah hahahah, I love Alain's pic
(7) Locke: ))
(8) Mikhal: ((the ice elves might torture their own kind))
(2) Tanja: ((i've seen that pic before...))
(8) Mikhal: ((RPG Maker))
(2) Tanja: ((where'd i see it?))
(4) Evanthe: ((zakian i tell you))
(7) Locke: ((RPGM2k))
(4) Evanthe: ((and yes rpg maker))
(13) Aknier: ((Acutally...I'm having problems with the map...))
(2) Tanja: ((wasn't that what'shisface from the SMRPG?))
(13) Aknier: ((It's giving me errors))
(5) GM Voice: It is indeed Jaze..... A large scar is over his face, a sigil seemingly burned into his skin...
(2) Tanja: ((the good guy with the boat?))
(2) Tanja: ((oh nevermind))
(2) Tanja: ((don't mind me i'm tired))
(7) Locke: ((*shots ice elves with crossbow*))
(4) Evanthe: ((what kinds of errors Kiros?))
(2) Tanja: hurt him!
(13) Aknier: ((Update the map, I think it tells me then.))
(2) Tanja: you'll pay for that! ::fairly yells::
(4) Evanthe: Now you resort to hurting helpless children?
(5) GM Voice: The boy seems to be unconcious... his skin is glowing faintly...
(13) Aknier: ((But, it doesn't intialize or something))
** (4) Evanthe laughs humorlessly, "There really is no limit to your cowardice, Alain" **
(5) Alain: "So... by the sounds from outside, and from your prescence here... I see you bypassed my pet.. pity"
(2) Tanja: why would we want to play with your pet, when you're the whole reason we're here? ::angry::
(13) Aknier: ((There we go. "Update of unknown mini detected" I got labout 10 of them, and froze))
(5) Alain: "Oh... Don't worry... This ends here and now.."
** (5) Alain sets down his wineglass on the arm of the chair. **
(2) Tanja: that's exactly what i wanted to hear
(4) Evanthe: ((well fux))
(13) Aknier: Alain...what have you done with this child? Why do you insist on subjecting others to suffering? There is no need...
(2) Tanja: ((*gets out the soapbox*))
** (5) Alain Gets up from the throne, turns and faces the party, behind his guards... **
** (4) Evanthe pulls her bow slowly, grinning at Alain "Ready when you are." **
(3) Tristen: Still resorting to others for your shield? What cowardice.
(5) Alain: But there is every need.... I was suprised to have a master arcanist simply waltz into my house, as it were....
** (4) Evanthe coughs in a low voice, "Master?" **
(2) Tanja: ::mutters:: he must not have looked too closely..
(5) Alain: It saved me the trouble of having to look for one myself.. you see, all "Wizards" as you may call them have some ability to manipulate forces in the environment...
** (4) Evanthe aims her bow at Alain. "Enough with the monologues. Really Alain, you do love to hear yourself talk, don't you?" **
(2) Tanja: ::exaggerated yawn::
** (5) Alain sighs audibly.. "Ah, they ask me why but they do not heed the explanation..." **
(4) Evanthe: ((that was so tony talking there))
(4) Evanthe: ((OOC! OOC!))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Alain: "Very well.... If you are so eager to fight.... let's get this over with... !" A long blade emerges from his sleeve.. "I'll explain to your corpses.."
(2) Tanja: ((he's got this page-long monogue he wants to use""
(2) Tanja: ))
(8) Mikhal: ((aw))
(7) Locke: ((I wanted to listen))
(8) Mikhal: ((i was hoping to see the monologue ;-;))
(13) Aknier: ((Same here...))
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives
(4) Evanthe: ((Too late now))
(2) Tanja: ((ask him to type it up later))
(3) Tristen: ((haha and because he didnt get to use it, hes really gonna kick our asses now))
(7) Locke: [1d20+1] -> [3,1] = (4)
(13) Aknier: [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
(4) Evanthe: ((Not like we can't ask Jaze))
(8) Mikhal: ((*stabs angel*))
(2) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [2,4] = (6)
(8) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [5,2] = (7) Init
(3) Tristen: [1d20] -> [7] = (7)
(4) Evanthe: ((*stabs scott back*))
(3) Tristen: ((we uhhhh suck?))
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+4] -> [14,4] = (18)
(2) Tanja: (("well i *was* going to tell you all my weaknesses, but since you don't want to listen..."))
(7) Locke: ((geez Angel is on fire today))
(5) Alain: Seara [1d20+3] -> [14,3] = (17) init
(3) Tristen: ((those rangers got itchy trigger fingers))
(13) Aknier: So be it. If you want a Wizard to manipuate the forces of the enviroment for you, I'll gladly oblige!
(4) Evanthe: ((*looks for Khar's char sheet*))
(4) Evanthe: ((well eva does, anyway))
Next init:
(17): Seara
(4) Evanthe: ((17 is higher than 18 now ;_;))
(2) Tanja: ((I guess so))
(4) Evanthe: ((Should she aim for Alain or an ice elf?))
(8) Mikhal: ((Seara has like a +3 init))
(5) Alain: (This is what happens when you make me do it manuallyyy =p)
(4) Evanthe: ((which he added to her roll, Scott))
(5) Alain: Welll take your turn
(8) Mikhal: ((oh. i'm kinda XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((well I asked what I should attack anyway :o))
(4) Evanthe: ((Guys?)
(2) Tanja: ((with bows? probalby alain))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh wise and knowing leader ._.))
(3) Tristen: ((I say Alain))
(2) Tanja: ((with melee? probably the elves))
(4) Evanthe: ((she's either))
(3) Tristen: ((range alain))
(2) Tanja: ((i'm going for alain with my bow))
(4) Evanthe: ((how far away is he?))
(5) Alain: ((20 feet))
** (4) Evanthe fires off two arrows at Alain **
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+7] -> [20,7] = (27)
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+7] -> [4,7] = (11)
(2) Tanja: ((jeez))
(5) GM Voice: ((Crit Threat, d20+7 again))
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+7] -> [20,7] = (27)
(4) Evanthe: ((hahahaha))
(2) Tanja: ((jeezus))
(2) Tanja: ((one hit kill!))
(3) Tristen: ((well hes dead))
(8) Mikhal: ((you shoot alains head off!))
(5) GM Voice: ((3d8+3..))
(2) Tanja: ((888))
(4) Evanthe: Damage [3d8+3] -> [6,5,2,3] = (16)
(4) Evanthe: ((well, that's my last good roll I can assure you))
(4) Evanthe: ((dice don't love me that much))
(5) GM Voice: Evanthe notches two arrows into her bow with elven dexterity... aiming both at alain...!
(5) GM Voice: Her second arrow bounces harmlessly of the ice throne... but her first closes into the wayward cleric..
(5) GM Voice: Alain gapes in suprise as an arrow pierces him in the eye.....
(4) Evanthe: ((O_o))
(2) Tanja: ((woah))
(7) Locke: ((NICE))
(4) Evanthe: ((I'm so dead))
(8) Mikhal: ((go angel!))
(4) Evanthe: ((no, this is bad))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((*runs away screaming*))
(2) Tanja: ((quick! someone voke off angel! */ffxi humor*))
(3) Tristen: ((hes a cleric, he shouldnt have THAT much HP right?))
(5) GM Voice: The former high priest yells in pain... he pulls the arrow from the socket... eye still on it..
(4) Evanthe: ((he's probably several levels higher))
(2) Tanja: ::Gags::
(7) Locke: ((I got 20 myself))
(13) Aknier: ((Well, you did see me...))
(2) Tanja: that didn't improve your looks any..
** (4) Evanthe 's eyes widen. **
** (7) Locke wide eyes **
** (13) Aknier turns slightly. **
(7) Locke: ((Jinx Angel again))
(5) GM Voice: Alain's one eye glares at fury at the Elf.....
(4) Evanthe: ((hehe))
** (13) Aknier gazing slightly away. **
(4) Evanthe: ((oh shit ._.))
(8) Mikhal: *gapes*
** (3) Tristen dry heaves **
(5) GM Voice: ((I seem to remember this happening to Maeran too..>_>))
(2) Tanja: ((i did that one!))
(5) GM Voice: Seara?
(2) Tanja: ((it was an ear, actually))
(4) Evanthe: ::Seara aims her bow at Alain as well, letting loose an arrow::
(5) GM Voice: ((Or her proxy))
(2) Tanja: ((that was my crowning moment in that RPG... *wipes away a tear*))
(4) Evanthe: Longbow [1d20+6] -> [16,6] = (22)
(2) Tanja: ((good lord))
(7) Locke: ((ooh))
(2) Tanja: ((you're making us all look bad))
(5) GM Voice: ((I think Angel should roll all the party's dice))
(7) Locke: ((Angel is on fire))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+1] -> [7,1] = (8)
(7) Locke: ((goddamn))
(4) Evanthe: ((errrr))
(2) Tanja: ((i have to go afk... yeah, that's it... angel's my proxy... >.> ))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(5) GM Voice: Seara drawns an arrow right after evanthe... lodging her missle into the priests shoulder... Alain clutches the wound...
(5) Alain: "*gurg..* I see..... you have not come to play..."
(7) Locke: ((what a shame, he was so arrogant a moment ago))
(2) Tanja: ((c'mon guys... leave me some... ))
(2) Tanja: ((*whine*))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(7) Locke: ((don't get killed :p))
(2) Tanja: you just now figured it out, alain? we're here to *kill* you.
(13) Aknier: ((You know what they say, Flamer. Pride cometh before a fall~))
(4) Evanthe: After that many people have died because of you?
(7) Locke: ((hai))
** (5) Alain 's hands glow for a moment.. as he touches his wound...... the blood begins to dry, skin begins to close.. **
(4) Evanthe: ((forward our melee minions!))
(4) Evanthe: ((well poop to that))
(2) Tanja: ((he couldn't have healed it all up))
(2) Tanja: ((not with that crit of death you pulled))
(4) Evanthe: ((i'm just glad he didn't stick the eye back in))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(7) Locke: ((lmao))
(2) Tanja: ((*SchrchPOP*))
(7) Locke: ((don't give Tony ideas :o))
(4) Evanthe: ((lol))
(13) Aknier: ((Ew...))
(5) Alain: "Much better..." He cricks his neck slightly, his eye socket gaping... "Let's really get started.. then"
(2) Tanja: ((*mortal kombat music*))
(4) Evanthe: ((scaary hehe))
(7) Locke: ((Bull's Strength on Mikhal!!))
(13) Aknier: ((I actually put Highbrow from SO3 on. xD;;))
(8) Mikhal: ((bullt's strength = *heart*))
(5) Alain: The center ice elf charges tristen... holding in his hands a massive blade...
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Seara: ((ooh alain fight~))
(2) Tanja: ((i've actually got the mortal kombat theme
(13) Aknier: ((Damn those errors!))
(6) Seara: ((was he in that door? xD))
(4) Evanthe: ((wb Khar!))
(7) Locke: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((yup))
(5) Alain: Tristen barely parries the blade before it collides with his face... the Ice elf grins from his armor..
(7) Locke: ((Khar and Angel just stabbed an arrow into Alain's eye))
Next init:
(18): Evanthe
(6) Seara: ((danke :D and danke for playing me too, I saw our turns we made xD nice job~))
Next init:
(7): Tristen
(4) Evanthe: ((yes :D))
(7) Locke: ((is J here?))
(3) Tristen: *after parrying the attack brings his blade down in a counter blow*
(3) Tristen: [1d20+5] -> [14,5] = (19)
(4) Evanthe: ((*passes the dice around*))
(2) Tanja: ((i'm last...i get sloppy seconds.. ))
(5) Alain: Tristen in turn barely pierces the Ice elf's defenses..... His blade cuts through the armor...!
(3) Tristen: [1d8+2] -> [1,2] = (3)
(4) Evanthe: ((anything is better than nothing))
(3) Tristen: ((tainted dice))
(7) Locke: ((O_O))
(5) Alain: In the end, it is only a glancing blow... but the message is clear....
Next init:
(7): Mikhal
(8) Mikhal: *grips his greatsword and charges the ice elf infront of Seara*
(8) Mikhal: Magical(?) Greatsword Attack! [1d20+9] -> [8,9] = (17)
(8) Mikhal: [2d6+8] -> [6,1,8] = (15)
(5) Alain: The elite ice elf ducks mikhal's slice with a practiced movement... Mikhal hits only air
Next init:
(7): : Mikhal
(5) Alain:
Next init:
(6): Tanja
(4) Evanthe: ((;_;))
(5) Alain: ((>_> oops))
(8) Mikhal: ((17 is only air? >_>))
(5) Alain: ((Yes))
(8) Mikhal: ((buffplzkthxbai))
(2) Tanja: :::draws her bow, steadies her aim, and fires an arrow at Alain::
(2) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [19,4] = (23)
(4) Evanthe: ((yes :D))
(3) Tristen: ((nice))
(3) Tristen: ((19 crit?))
(2) Tanja: [1d6] -> [6] = (6)
(5) Alain: Tanja's arrow flies fast though the air and stabs deep into alains shoulder...
(2) Tanja: ((*passes the dice along*))
(2) Tanja: say g'night!
(13) Aknier: ((That should be my line here in a moment...>_>;;))
(5) Alain: "Really... this is getting quite.... annoying.."
Next init:
(5): Aknier
(2) Tanja: ((tanja > death))
(4) Evanthe: Then just die already.
(2) Tanja: ::Mocks him:: really...we aim to please
(2) Tanja: ((hahahahaha pun))
(8) Mikhal: ((nice one :D))
(4) Evanthe: ((hehehhehehe))
(7) Locke: ::mutters:: the path of vengeance... I regret thee
(3) Tristen: ((ding ding ding and the winner of the bad pun of the year is patti))
(5) Alain: Mikhal's ice elf strikes back at him in retaliation... but the wild elf parries the strike..
(2) Tanja: ((yayyy me))
(13) Aknier: *puts hands together, closes eyes, and begins chanting repetatively* Sumberos cansados enamas, sumberos cansados enamas, sumberos cansados enamas...
(7) Locke: ((sombrerros? :o))
(2) Tanja: ((sombrero! *mexican hat dance*))
(4) Evanthe: ((canada?))
(13) Aknier: *opens eyes, and points* Sleep!
(6) Seara: ((MEXICAN HAT DANCE))
(6) Seara: ((xD))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(8) Mikhal: ((**plays the music*))
(2) Tanja: ((*everyone takes a timeout to do the mexican hat dance*))
(3) Tristen: ((in spanish = Hat, Tired, Enema))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(5) Alain: ((Over which elf?))
(4) Evanthe: ((enema? LOL))
(5) Alain: ((... or alain as the case may be))
(4) Evanthe: ((Kiros gave Alain an enema))
(6) Seara: ((lmao))
(8) Mikhal: ((lol))
(13) Aknier: ((Whoever's closes to the center of the group))
(13) Aknier: ((Okay, no more cool spell chanting for you guys. T_T))
(8) Mikhal: ((except that elves are immune to sleep))
(2) Tanja: ((awww))
(6) Seara: ((awwww))
(7) Locke: ((specify, Kiros :p))
(13) Aknier: ((...))
(2) Tanja: ((kiros can't see the map))
(13) Aknier: ((Son of a bitch!))
(2) Tanja: ((little hard, doncha think?))
(8) Mikhal: ((well, alain mught be put to sleep..hopefuly))
(4) Evanthe: ((yeah guess))
(3) Tristen: ((psst aim at alain))
(5) Alain: ((Yes, elves are immune to sleep.... Alain then.. ^_^*))
(7) Locke: ((I forgot... :x))
(4) Evanthe: ((fall asleeeep alain :D))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(13) Aknier: ((Yes...Alain. *facepalm*))
(2) Tanja: ((i have the mexican hat dance stuck in my head))
(2) Tanja: ((ole!))
(8) Mikhal: ((i do
(5) Alain: Aknier chants the words of a magic spell... Alain glares at the magic user...
(3) Tristen: ((3 arrows and sleep spell... damn it really sucks for him))
(4) Evanthe: ((uh oh))
(6) Seara: ((la cucharacha~ (or however it's spelled)))
(2) Tanja: ((que sera, sera...))
(5) Alain: "You'll have to do much better than that... I'm afraid... Arcanist" he grins..
(2) Tanja: tch. that's what we're for ::big, toothy grin::
(3) Tristen: ((someone try to get to Jaze and wake him up or something?))
Next init:
(4): Locke
(4) Evanthe: ((um..YOU run past them to him))
(2) Tanja: ((he's chained, and we really can't afford the manpower, i don't think))
(4) Evanthe: ((i'll wait here, let me know how that works out :o))
(5) Alain: ((Plus he's hanging some 10 feet in the air))
(3) Tristen: ((well I was thinking ranged heals :P ))
(13) Aknier: "Pfft. As if I only have one spell at my disposal"
(4) Evanthe: ((jump!))
(4) Evanthe: ((and I wouldn't want to waste heals on him))
(13) Aknier: ((I didn't put Jump into my spell list. >_>;;))
(6) Seara: ((hump!))
** (7) Locke whispers to Evanthe "I didn't know he was a wizard" **
(6) Seara: ((bone!))
(13) Aknier: ((Shush, you Khar. =P))
** (4) Evanthe whispers back, "Good news for us then, huh?" **
(6) Seara: ((:D))
(13) Aknier: ((We shall not...speak >_>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
** (7) Locke casts Bull's Strength onto Mikhal **
(8) Mikhal: ((:D))
(7) Locke: ((boning!))
(4) Evanthe: ((don't forget about that elf by you, flamer))
(7) Locke: ((I know))
(7) Locke: ((I can't attack him for anything, so I might as well pump Mikhal up))
(5) Alain: Locke goes over to Mikhal adamantly.... and begins to chant the words of a strengthening spell...
(5) Alain: The ice elf he walks past cuts his massive blade into Locke's leg for 7..
(7) Locke: ((oh yummy))
(4) Evanthe: ((nonchalant, that one))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Alain: Mikhal's Ice elf swings at the chanting cleric and whiffs horribly..
(4) Evanthe: ((oh god))
(4) Evanthe: ((i'm wide open ))
(7) Locke: ((I thought they had their turn >_>))
(3) Tristen: ((AOO))
(4) Evanthe: ((aoo))
(8) Mikhal: ((casting in melee = AoO))
(2) Tanja: ((awwooooo))
(5) Alain: But Locke manages to get the spell off in the end...!
(5) Alain: Mikhal feels much much stronger...
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) Tanja: ((here it comes...))
(8) Mikhal: ((bull's STR = 4 str?))
(4) Evanthe: ((fux))
(5) Alain: The last ice elf slices his blade at Evanthe...
(2) Tanja: ((maybe missing an eye will screw up his depth perception))
(4) Evanthe: ((.__.))
(3) Tristen: ((locke how many more healing spells do you have this game?))
** (4) Evanthe cries out in pain. **
(7) Locke: ((3? 4? I'm not sure >.>))
(2) Tanja: Evanthe!
(3) Tristen: ((may not hit you?))
(5) Alain: The sword comes down upon her shoulder.. Cutting skin and bone for 11!...
(13) Aknier: ((I'll let you know this ahead of time. All my cleric spells are healing right now))
(4) Evanthe: ((well shit))
(3) Tristen: ((or it does))
(7) Locke: ((ouch))
(4) Evanthe: ((i'm down to 6))
(4) Evanthe: ((so much for a meatshield. ;_;))
(6) Seara: ((ow ;_;))
Next init:
(18): Evanthe
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((bleh))
(2) Tanja: ((alain diediedie))
(3) Tristen: ((do touch attacks provoke AoOs?))
(7) Locke: ((*pushes Ice Elf away*))
** (4) Evanthe shakes her head, trying to clear the pain out, and fires another arrow at Alain **
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+9] -> [6,9] = (15)
(5) Alain: ((Touch attacks on the enemy or on your friend nearby?))
(4) Evanthe: ((nope ;_;))
(5) Alain: Evanthe struggles... trying to get another shot off at alain.. the arrow skitters meaninglessly along the ground..
** (4) Evanthe grasps her shoulder **
(3) Tristen: ((friend nearby))
(5) Alain: The warrior in front of her is not amused... and brings his blade down upon her again.. hard
(2) Tanja: ((whaaaaaat))
(6) Seara: ((O.O))
(8) Mikhal: ((bow in melee = AoO))
(2) Tanja: ((i know))
(4) Evanthe: ((I didn't know that))
(2) Tanja: ((but i can still be not impressed))
(2) Tanja: ((i thought it was just against the person though))
(4) Evanthe: ((same :o))
(2) Tanja: ((i thought shooting at someone behind the person in front ofyou didn't count))
(6) Seara: (( wait, if she had switched to melee and attacked him he wouldn't have done that?))
(5) Alain: ((..nope))
(8) Mikhal: ((correct))
(2) Tanja: ((i thought switching provoked AoO too)
(4) Evanthe: ((okay i'm dead))
(2) Tanja: ((i thought i tried that once...))
(4) Evanthe: ((so either way i was dead haha))
(5) Alain: ((Dropping your weapon doesen't))
(8) Mikhal: ((you drop your weapon and draw a different one))
(5) Alain: A sword slashes across her stomach..... evanthe fallls to the ground, unconcious from the pain..
(4) Evanthe: ((bleh))
(4) Evanthe: ((watch out, you're next kiros))
(4) Evanthe: ((no more meatshield))
(2) Tanja: ((i like being wedged in the corner))
(2) Tanja: ((everyone's in front of me and to my sides))
Next init:
(17): Seara
(5) Alain: "Tsk tsk. If you cannot defeat these.... then you are not even worthy of my time"
(6) Seara: ((me getting over to that side would give them an aoo, right?))
(7) Locke: Evanthe!!
(8) Mikhal: ((yup))
(4) Evanthe: ((you're the one who moved out of the way Flamer :P))
(5) Alain: ((One, unless you tumble))
(7) Locke: ((I can't help it >.>))
(13) Aknier: ((Er, yarness))
(13) Aknier: ((Then again, I can take a few hits...))
(13) Aknier: ((Wait, can you still be healed?))
** (6) Seara growls at the elf who took Evanthe down **
(3) Tristen: ((you didnt answer my question Tony :P ))
(4) Evanthe: ((yikes don't do aoo))
(6) Seara: Tristen, you take that one that deserves to DIE, I'll take the one in front of you
(5) Alain: ((Touch attack not on the enemy or yourself is AoO, I believe...))
(2) Tanja: ((you all do that...i'm gonna keep plugging arrows at mr. sarcasm up there))
(3) Tristen: *nods to Seara, not objecting to the seemingly livid half-elf*
** (6) Seara exchanges the bow for 2 longswords and lunges at the elf in front of tristen **
(6) Seara: [1d20+6] -> [7,6] = (13)
(6) Seara: ((damn... do I do that for the 2nd?))
(8) MyOtherName: Hello, World
(4) Evanthe: ((?))
(2) Tanja: ((what the))
(8) Mikhal: ((whoops..ment to edit a marco >_>))
(7) Locke: ((............Scott))
(13) Aknier: ((blink))
(6) Seara: ((o.o))
(2) Tanja: ((oh my god! voices from god!))
(5) Alain: ((It'd be +4.. as it's not a light weapon))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(2) Tanja: ((*religious epiphany*))
(5) Alain: ((So 1d20+4 for the 2nd one))
(6) Seara: ((okay))
(6) Seara: [1d20+4] -> [10,4] = (14)
(4) Evanthe: ((at least I got my moment of glory in before i died!))
(5) Alain: The ice elf facing Tristen glares at this newcomer... easily parrying both her strikes
(4) Evanthe: ((*snoozes*))
(6) Seara: ((bleh >.> and yeah, true ;)))
Next init:
(7): Tristen
(13) Aknier: ((Are you dead-dead? Or just unconcious from lack of HP?))
(4) Evanthe: ((unconcious))
(2) Tanja: ((unconscious))
(5) Alain: Alain smiles softly... raises his hand in a gesture, speaking a few words....
(13) Aknier: ((Right))
(2) Tanja: ((uhoh))
(2) Tanja: ((Here comes that death we knew was coming))
(13) Aknier: ((Flamer, could you take a screen shot and send it to me via AIM or something? >_>;;))
(5) Alain: A blast of wind fills the chamber... alains hair stands upright...
(7) Locke: ((sure))
** (5) Alain grins slightly.. **
(13) Aknier: ((Much thanks))
** (13) Aknier tries to identify the magic used. **
(3) Tristen: *in holy fury Tristen chants holding his blade High* Solatium miserorum
(5) Alain: ((Spellcraft check))
(5) Alain: ((1d20+9))
(13) Aknier: [1d20+9] -> [10,9] = (19)
(3) Tristen: ((me? ))
(3) Tristen: ((oh haha))
(3) Tristen: ((is it possible to combine a smite with a power attack? ))
(3) Tristen: ((>.>))
(5) Alain: ((Yes... If you want to really hope..))
(2) Tanja: ((everything's possible with the right rolls...)
(3) Tristen: ((I mean in the same strike))
(5) GM Voice: ((Yes))
(3) Tristen: ((what -s would I get with it?))
(5) GM Voice: ((You choose))
(13) Aknier: ((Grrr. No more Arrows...))
(7) Locke: ((I'm lost))
(2) Tanja: ((i have a boatload))
(5) GM Voice: ((Up to -5 to hit, +5 to damage I believe))
(6) Seara: ((uh.. now I'm lost))
(3) Tristen: ((I have to choose before I roll dont I))
(4) Evanthe: ((I wouldn't chnce it))
(5) GM Voice: ((Yes))
(4) Evanthe: ((chance even))
(3) Tristen: ((ill just smite him then))
(2) Tanja: ((*twiddles thumbs*))
(3) Tristen: *brings his blade down in in a slashing motion at the elf infront of Evanthe's resting body*
(4) Evanthe: ((more like crumpled heap on the floor :D))
(3) Tristen: [1d20+9] -> [12,9] = (21)
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(5) GM Voice: Tristen's blade cleaves through the Elf's armor.... Radiating a slight glow..
(3) Tristen: [1d8+4] -> [1,4] = (5)
(7) Locke: ((>_>))
(3) Tristen: ((whats with the 1s))
(4) Evanthe: ((your damage rolls are so awesome xD))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Seara: ((hey at lest you hit him ;))
(7) Locke: ((it's like, J's rolls have transferred to Evanthe's))
(5) GM Voice: A slight sizzle as the blade goes through the elf's skin....
Next init:
(7): Mikhal
(7) Locke: ((slaughter that elf and help))
(5) GM Voice: ((And you started off so well..>_>))
(4) Evanthe: ((hush ;__;))
(8) Mikhal: *rages and swings furiousaly at the elf (and declaring dodge on it too)*
(8) Mikhal: Magical(?) Greatsword Attack! [1d20+11] -> [17,11] = (28)
(2) Tanja: ((aww man...that green squiggly line means we can't shoot arrows anymore, doesn't it?))
(8) Mikhal: 1337 Raging damage [2d6+12] -> [6,3,12] = (21)
(6) Seara: ((it always feels so nice going "grr argh! protect protect avenge! *shizzle* *pop* *miss*))
(13) Aknier: ((Yes, that's what Wind Wall does apparently))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD Khar))
(8) Mikhal: ((bull's STR + rage = happy barbarian))
(2) Tanja: ((we didn't see what spell it
(13) Aknier: ((Oh, right))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((announce it :P))
(2) Tanja: ((i just happened to scroll up and see a green squiggly line))
(4) Evanthe: ((so tanja doesn't waste arrows))
(13) Aknier: *wispers* Stop using your Arrows. That spell he just used will deflect them.
(2) Tanja: ::nods once::
(5) GM Voice: Mikhal howls in rage as he strikes at his opponent furiously... the armor is no match for Mikhal's slice of hatred... The elf screams and staggers in utter pain
(6) Seara: ((oh, I didn't catch that either xD))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Seara: ((ooh))
(2) Tanja: ((that's because our resident wizard didn't tell
(7) Locke: ((not dead yet))
(5) GM Voice: He strikes back at Mikhal...! His blade piercing the reckless barbarian's shoulder for 11
(4) Evanthe: ((shite))
Next init:
(7): : Mikhal
(5) GM Voice:
Next init:
(6): Tanja
(13) Aknier: ((I meant that whipser to everyone...>_>;;))
(13) Aknier: ((Er, to the party rather.))
(6) Seara: ((yeah ;))
(2) Tanja: ::barely able to see Alain through the wall of wind, switches targets to the injured elf in front of Mikhal
(2) Tanja: ::
(2) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [13,4] = (17)
(2) Tanja: [1d6] -> [1] = (1)
(2) Tanja: ((boo.))
(7) Locke: ((ooh XD))
(7) Locke: ((1damage might be enough to kill him!))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(8) Mikhal: (( you kill it))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(7) Locke: ((OMFG KS))
(7) Locke: ((I report to GM))
(13) Aknier: ((XD))
(5) GM Voice: In all the chaos of the battle.... Tanja can't get off a good shot.. her arrow misses wide
(7) Locke: ((*tells Kiros*))
(2) Tanja: ((what))
(13) Aknier: ((=O))
(7) Locke: ((what))
(4) Evanthe: ((17 doesn't hit))
(2) Tanja: ((so what exactly do you want me to do?))
(3) Tristen: ((18 and above))
(13) Aknier: ((@kick KSer))
(4) Evanthe: ((Remember Mikhal's swing?))
(2) Tanja: ((I can't melee))
(7) Locke: ((*sob*))
(8) Mikhal: ((yeah. my first roll was a 17 >_>))
(2) Tanja: ((i can't hit with arrows))
(2) Tanja: ((i can't heal))
(2) Tanja: ((what doy ou want me to do?!))
(4) Evanthe: ((try to roll again))
(4) Evanthe: ((*shrugs* I don't know...look pretty?))
(2) Tanja: ((*throws darts at tony voodoo doll*))
(5) GM Voice: ((Firing into melee is -4 too..>_>))
(7) Locke: ((steal the ice elves' thongs))
Next init:
(5): Aknier
(13) Aknier: ((Flamer: @jail Alain))
(7) Locke: ((:D))
(2) Tanja: ((firing into melee?))
(2) Tanja: ((*whispers to angel** know what htat means?))
(7) Locke: ((firing at melee range? :o))
(8) Mikhal: ((i wonder if prostitution is legal for the ice elves))
(2) Tanja: ((but i'm way back))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
** (13) Aknier rushes to Evanthe's side, and begins to pray. **
(2) Tanja: ((there's like 30 people in front of me))
(8) Mikhal: ((since i am in melle with the elf, you have a change to hit me))
(8) Mikhal: ((so you take a -4 to avioid the chance of hitting me))
(2) Tanja: ((fine i'll just sit back and do nothing))
(13) Aknier: Mulinel, bring forth your healing powers to this one, I beseech of thee, my goddess...
** (13) Aknier uses Cure Light Wounds. **
(5) GM Voice: ((1d8+1))
(13) Aknier: [1d8+1] -> [3,1] = (4)
(4) Evanthe: ((oh yikes))
(13) Aknier: ((Well, it keeps you from dying for just a bit longer))
(7) Locke: ((... >.>))
(4) Evanthe: ((well patti, I don't get -4 because my feat prevents that))
(13) Aknier: ((...damned dice))
(5) GM Voice: Evanthe recovers... feeling sore all over..
(6) Seara: ((which feat's that?))
(4) Evanthe: ((no no i meant yikes because you wasted a spell on me ;_;))
Next init:
(4): Locke
(4) Evanthe: ((precise shot))
(3) Tristen: ((can you ranged heal? :D?))
(7) Locke: ((Cure Moderate wounds or shield other?))
** (4) Evanthe stands wearily "Thank you....Aknier" **
(2) Tanja: ((too bad all my feats have to be geared towards shadowdancer))
** (13) Aknier nods and smiles. **
(2) Tanja: ((otherwise i won't make my requirements when i hit 7))
(13) Aknier: Only doing the will of Mulinel.
(2) Tanja: ((*shuts up and goes back to sulking*))
(5) GM Voice: Locke?
(4) Evanthe: ((what's my hp at anyway?))
(5) GM Voice: ((4))
(4) Evanthe: ((yikes.))
** (7) Locke moves to next to Tanja and prays a Cure Moderate Wounds on Evanthe **
(4) Evanthe: ((I don't want to make anyone mad))
(7) Locke: ((2d8+2? >.>;;))
(5) GM Voice: ((>_> Kiros is next to Tanja.. you'd have to move on to her other side...))
(7) Locke: ((oh god... one sec))
(4) Evanthe: ((if it provokes an aoo, don't do it))
(5) GM Voice: Locke moves next to Evanthe... ducking and dodging two sword swipes as he does...
(5) GM Voice: ((2d8+2 yes))
(7) Locke: [2d8+2] -> [1,1,2] = (4)
(7) Locke: ((>__>))
(4) Evanthe: ((LOL))
(8) Mikhal: ((i demand a reroll))
(4) Evanthe: ((the 1s are out to get us))
(3) Tristen: ((*takes back my dice** who said you could touch them?))
(5) GM Voice: Locke tries to Channel sor to keep this soul alive... but he gets a fizzle at most... maybe it's Evanthe's time?..
(4) Evanthe: ((whaaaaaat))
(4) Evanthe: ((that's uncool ;_;))
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
** (4) Evanthe feels a little better and smiles at Locke in gratitude **
(6) Seara: ((nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu))
(7) Locke: Evanthe... run behind someone
(4) Evanthe: ((no way, provides an aoo))
(2) Tanja: ((yeah, go run into the hall and get eaten by the hydra out there))
(3) Tristen: ((that would.... yeah what she said))
(8) Mikhal: ((oh noes! we r gunna die!!!111!shift+oneoneone ;-;))
(4) Evanthe: ((not you scott ;D))
(8) Mikhal: ((i'm at 21 hp ^^;))
(13) Aknier: ((Abuses tRO GM powers? =O))
(5) GM Voice: Tristen has his hands full... The ice elf that was on Evanthe turns to him after his provoking strike..
(7) Locke: ((the hydra isn't there yet >_>))
(13) Aknier: ((@heal))
(8) Mikhal: ((@die Alain))
(13) Aknier: ((No, no. It's @kill~))
(3) Tristen: ((the hydra was well fed, 5 elven bodies for 5 heads))
(13) Aknier: ((@die anything is killing yourself. /swt))
(8) Mikhal: ((@kill Alain))
(6) Seara: ((@ovepowered insta FA Alain))
(7) Locke: ((@suicide))
(5) GM Voice: The massive blade strikes the paladin on his arm for 6
(13) Aknier: ((Much better. You learn well~))
(5) GM Voice: ((*Pops OOC bubbles* Hate me in IRC))
(6) Seara: ((xD))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(8) Mikhal: ((i don't have IRC right now >_>))
(8) Mikhal: ((maybe i'll get it when i get home =O))
(7) Locke: ((*summons a bless100 asura attack*))
(5) GM Voice: ((Then you can't hate me))
Next init:
(18): Evanthe
(4) Evanthe: ((shh))
(4) Evanthe: ((Okay, I drop my bow and can melee right?))
(2) Tanja: ((NO))
(2) Tanja: ((of course not))
(5) GM Voice: ((Yes))
(6) Seara: ((go for it~))
** (4) Evanthe drops her bow and pulls out her longsword, slashing at the elf in front of her **
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longsword [1d20+6] -> [8,6] = (14)
(4) Evanthe: ((>.>))
** (4) Evanthe gasps in pain at the exerted effort, scowling at her sword. **
(5) GM Voice: Evanthe tries to land a blow on the elf in front of her.. but her blade bounces off his armor
Next init:
(17): Seara
(7) Locke: ((>_>))
(7) Locke: ((I did say run behind Tanja [Bad dice format] - [to her left]))
(4) Evanthe: ((shh, irc))
** (6) Seara slashes again at the elf in front of tristen, with all her rage **
(6) Seara: [1d20+6] -> [7,6] = (13)
(7) Locke: ((rawr))
(6) Seara: [1d20+4] -> [12,4] = (16)
(6) Seara: ((bah))
(5) GM Voice: Seara's opponent again parries both her blades..
Next init:
(7): Tristen
** (4) Evanthe winces, "They're sure not making this easy, are they.." **
(3) Tristen: *sneers at the elf infront of him, the elf clearly mocking him and his god... his holy smite being resisted. In retort he grabs the elfs face in the full palm of his hand*
(6) Seara: ((stupid dice... ;_;))
(3) Tristen: Magnificat anima mea Dominum
** (5) Alain yawns slightly, watching the battle... **
(4) Evanthe: Hard to watch with your ONE eye, isn't it?
(5) Alain: What's more painful is how much I overestimated you...
(4) Evanthe: Don't relax too much, we'll be done with them soon
(5) Alain: ((Tristen?....))
(3) Tristen: ((its lay on hands :P no roll required))
(8) Mikhal: ((lay on hands heals O-o)))
(5) Alain: ((Ur.... Lay on hands doesen't hurt people...>_>)
(3) Tristen: ((and damages))
(3) Tristen: ((read it ;) ))
(8) Mikhal: (("Alternatively, a paladin can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn?t provoke an attack of opportunity. The paladin decides how many of her daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature."))
(8) Mikhal: ((i don't think the elf is undead ;) ))
(2) Tanja: ((they're not undead...))
(4) Evanthe: ((they're not undead))
(3) Tristen: ((hahahaha.... nix))
(13) Aknier: ((>_>;;))
(5) Alain: ((...They're not undead))
(3) Tristen: ((damnit))
(13) Aknier: ((Not...yeah.))
(2) Tanja: ((*rubs it in a little more*))
(2) Tanja: ((c'mon rest of you))
(3) Tristen: *slashes with his sword...*
(13) Aknier: ((S'lright. You weren't the one who thought he could put Elves to sleep))
(3) Tristen: [1d20+5] -> [9,5] = (14)
(5) Alain: Tristen tries to strike... but alas... can't seem to find a good place to strike...
(6) Seara: ((waah ;_;))
(3) Tristen: ((my hand is in the way...))
(5) Alain: The elf in front of him tries to strike back.. but seems to be in a similar predicament...
Next init:
(7): Mikhal
(6) Seara: ((oh yay))
(7) Locke: ((kill him already :O))
(5) Alain: ((Please Hit Mikhal))
(2) Tanja: ((lay some major death on that one))
(8) Mikhal: *slashes again!*
(8) Mikhal: Magical(?) Greatsword Attack! [1d20+11] -> [7,11] = (18)
(8) Mikhal: 1337 Raging damage [2d6+12] -> [5,4,12] = (21)
(8) Mikhal: ((please remember that i don't add in the magical bonuses (if any) ))
(5) Alain: Mikhal rages forward with his blade in hand... his sword point crashes through the armor of his elven foe..
(5) Alain: The elf's eyes roll back into his head as he hits the ground... a puddle of blood emananting from his corpse
(8) Mikhal: *yanks the blade out and takes a 5 foot adjustment to the right*
(2) Tanja: ((aww man))
(8) Mikhal: ((assuming it's dead))
(2) Tanja: ((You took my spot))
(5) Alain: "Well... at least one of you is useful..."
(7) Locke: ((the ice elf next to Mikhal does a anime sweat drop))
** (5) Alain looks at Mikhal with interest... **
(8) Mikhal: *glares at alain with bloodlust in his eyes*
Next init:
(7): : Mikhal
(5) Alain:
Next init:
(6): Tanja
(2) Tanja: ((yeah...'.cause i have so much i can do :P ))
(2) Tanja: ((if i move to just above locke, can i do that without getting hit? or is there some obscure rule for tha ttoo?))
(5) Alain: ((With a tumble roll))
(2) Tanja: ((oh why the hell not))
(7) Locke: ((>.>))
(2) Tanja: ::switches her bow for her mace and runs in to the rescue::
(2) Tanja: ((what's the roll for that?))
(3) Tristen: ((*can think of a couple or reasons why not*
(3) Tristen: ))
(5) Alain: ((1d20+7))
(7) Locke: ((*dead*))
(2) Tanja: [1d20+7] -> [1,7] = (8)
(2) Tanja: ((well it was either that nothing))
(7) Locke: ((;-;))
(5) Alain: Tanja ducks a blade as she runs to the spot above locke..
(2) Tanja: ((wow i rock))
(3) Tristen: ((wow.. slow elf))
(7) Locke: ((wow))
(5) Alain: ((Enemies still get -4 cause of mobility))
(6) Seara: ((xD nice))
(2) Tanja: ::Bashbashbash with her lightmace::
(2) Tanja: [1d20+2] -> [18,2] = (20)
(7) Locke: ((nice XD))
(2) Tanja: [1d6] -> [6] = (6)
(5) Alain: Tanja bashes the elf from behind in the head...!
(2) Tanja: ((i'm waiting for the miss))
(6) Seara: ((awesome :D))
(5) Alain: ((+2d6))
(2) Tanja: [Bad dice format] - [[2d6]
(2) Tanja: [2d6] -> [2,2] = (4)
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Tristen: ((should have just rolled one that time))
(6) Seara: ((xD))
(3) Tristen: ((oh +2d6))
(2) Tanja: (( addition to))
(3) Tristen: ((haha))
(2) Tanja: ((for flanking and such))
(5) Alain: The ice elf staggers and curses in an unknown language about being mobbed with attackers....
Next init:
(5): Aknier
(13) Aknier: ((XD))
(13) Aknier: ((I can't see the map. Did Evanthe move?))
(4) Evanthe: ((no))
(13) Aknier: ((From my last turn, that is))
(5) Alain: ((Nope))
(13) Aknier: ((Right))
(7) Locke: ((Tanja moved to above me))
** (13) Aknier continues to pray and invoke the power of Mulinel. **
(13) Aknier: Please, my goddess. Continue to send your eternal love for us to this one...
(13) Aknier: [1d8+1] -> [1,1] = (2)
(7) Locke: ((O_O))
(2) Tanja: (("No."))
(7) Locke: ((such love... cannot be wasted))
(4) Evanthe: ((I think that's a hint))
(6) Seara: ((yeesh xD))
(13) Aknier: ((...Christ. No pun intended))
(5) Alain: The Gods are not with Evanthe today.... Yet, the elf feels a bit better..
** (4) Evanthe nods in thanks to Aknier again **
(7) Locke: ((9hp))
Next init:
(4): Locke
(4) Evanthe: ((10))
(7) Locke: ((10))
(13) Aknier: ((It's a test. Mulinel wants me to do it with my own power. xD))
(8) Mikhal: ((Gods: Evanthe, die you stupid dumb bitch >_>))
(4) Evanthe: ((that was funny.))
(7) Locke: ((Shield of faith won't work if Evanthe is knocked unconcious?))
(4) Evanthe: ((don't worry about me, just attack :o))
(5) Alain: ((Everyone could use a bless about now if you ask me..>_> turn Mikhal's +11 into +12))
(7) Locke: ((heh
(7) Locke: ))
(8) Mikhal: ((+12 is nice :D))
** (7) Locke prays loudly, asking for a blessing from Sor **
(13) Aknier: ((Angel: It's about all I can really do right now >_>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((hehe))
(6) Seara (exit): 23:55
(5) Alain: Locke asks for a blessing from his deity.....Everyone feels like they could go that extra inch further...
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(19) Seara (enter): 23:55
(4) Evanthe: ((so +1 to all attacks?))
(7) Locke: ((an inch is better than nothing :o))
(5) Alain: ((Attacks, Saves, most things))
(4) Evanthe: (okay))
(8) Mikhal: ((+1 to attack rolls/saves, but not damage))
(8) Mikhal: ((althought i wouldn't mind a +13 on damage :) ))
(5) Alain: The ice elf above evanthe tries to strike at tristen again.... he brings his blade high over his head....
(7) Locke: ((basically, aim and dodge))
(7) Locke: ((how do you get +13?))
(7) Locke: ((blessing stacks?))
(5) Alain: He slashes diagonally into the paladin's body.....
(8) Mikhal: ((i don't have a +13. i said it would be nice. and blessing doesn't stack))
(2) Tanja: ((*sigh* oh let me guess...another victim?))
(7) Locke: ((ah, heh))
(5) Alain: Blood rivulets trickle over Tristen's armor.... But the paladin continues to persevere.. ((13 damage))
Next init:
(18): Evanthe
(4) Evanthe: ((what's your hpa t now?))
(3) Tristen: **crumples alittle, his faith in Regial the only thing now sustaining him*
(3) Tristen: ((2))
** (4) Evanthe swings her longsword again at the elf in front of her **
(4) Evanthe: ((lay your hands on yourself :o))
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longsword [1d20+7] -> [2,7] = (9)
(3) Tristen: ((yeah I think im going to have to))
(7) Locke: ((touch yourself :o))
** (4) Evanthe growls in frustration at her inability to land a hit. **
(5) Alain: Evanthe again tries to land a blade on the foe.... but her skill with a sword is not the same as her skill with a bow..
(5) Alain: This sets the tool to save the same list over and over again so that players and the DM will only roll once with their initiatives for combat. At the end of each round the initiative tool will reset it's list to the original version. This can be overrided and everyone can reroll if the DM just types "/clear" (which clears the list)
Next init:
(17): Seara
(5) Alain: ((nevermind that..>_>))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(13) Aknier: ((xD))
(19) Seara: ((lol))
(8) Mikhal: ((XD))
(2) Tanja: ((clear!))
(8) Mikhal: ((/clear))
(19) Seara: Hit blades, hit, damn you!
(19) Seara: [1d20+6] -> [14,6] = (20)
(19) Seara: [1d20+4] -> [14,4] = (18)
(2) Tanja: ((wow))
(19) Seara: ((better... I think))
(19) Seara: ((>.>))
(3) Tristen: ((nice))
(4) Evanthe: ((hit both times :D))
(5) Alain: Seara finds her swords listening to her every word.... both find a spot deep in the ice elf's flesh
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(19) Seara: ((keke))
(13) Aknier: ((xD))
(7) Locke: your blades live...!
(5) Alain: ((2d8+6))
(19) Seara: [1d8+2] -> [4,2] = (6)
(19) Seara: [1d8+4] -> [2,4] = (6)
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(19) Seara: ((weird >.>))
(4) Evanthe: ((but beautiful *heart*))
(5) Alain: Two gaping wounds now bleed in the ice elf's armor..
Next init:
(7): Tristen
(3) Tristen: *places two fingers on his forehead chanting to his god for salvation in healing* Magnificat anima mea Dominum...
(5) Alain: "Ah... I believe you are forcing my hand..."
** (5) Alain stares coldly at mikhal... chanting the words of a magic spell.. **
(4) Evanthe: ((interrupt his spell somehow!))
(2) Tanja: ((not mikhal! he's the only one of us with a chance at doing damage!))
** (13) Aknier again, tries to discren this spell. **
(7) Locke: ((Mikhal? wtf?))
(4) Evanthe: ((throw the elf at him ;_;))
(13) Aknier: [1d20+9] -> [11,9] = (20)
(2) Tanja: ((tell us what it is this time))
(5) Alain: ((Will Save Mikhal))
(13) Aknier: ((I might not need to.../swt))
(8) Mikhal: ((what is my WIs mod..1?))
(5) Alain: ((0.. but you get +2 for raging))
(13) Aknier: *yells* He's trying to hold you. Fight it!
(5) Alain: ((+3 total))
(8) Mikhal: [1d20+3] -> [3,3] = (6)
(8) Mikhal: ((>_>))
(2) Tanja: ((so much for that))
(5) Alain: Mikhal finds his muscles suddenly stop responding entirely....
(7) Locke: ((>.>))
(8) Mikhal: ((tony, i hate you >_>))
(19) Seara: ((craaap))
(5) Alain: (( ^_^ ))
(4) Evanthe: ((not our powerhouse ;_;))
(2) Tanja: ((join IRC...we've got a whole DM hating party going on))
(7) Locke: ((what's happening?))
(4) Evanthe: ((read))
(5) Alain: Tristen touches his hands to his wounds...
(8) Mikhal: ((i can't get on IRC right now >_>))
(2) Tanja: ((well then you can't join the DM hating
(5) Alain: The wounds close a little... he feels much better, thanks to Regial's blessing
Next init:
(7): Mikhal
(5) Alain:
Next init:
(7): : Mikhal
(5) Alain:
Next init:
(6): Tanja
(8) Mikhal: ((if it's hold person, i get a chance to break free))
(2) Tanja: ::bashbashbash with her lightmace:: ((psst am i still flanking?))
(2) Tanja: [1d20+2] -> [18,2] = (20)
(8) Mikhal: ((" The subject becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware and breathes normally but cannot take any actions, even speech. Each round on its turn, the subject may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. (This is a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)"))
(7) Locke: ((read is no use, since I have no idea what is HAPPENING ;_;))
(5) Alain: ((Alrighttt go ahead... Must've changed it in 3.5...>_>))
(8) Mikhal: [1d20+3] -> [7,3] = (10)
(8) Mikhal: ((bah))
(4) Evanthe: ((what's hard to understand about mikhal's muscles not responding?))
(13) Aknier: ((It'd almost be better if you didn't. Twould allow us to gage his power))
(4) Evanthe: ((aka he can't move))
(13) Aknier: ((*gauge))
(8) Mikhal: ((it would be better if alain culdn't cast spells..and i got better rolls))
(5) Alain: Tanja takes her mace in hand and bashes the same spot on the elf.... His armor dents noticibly under the Mace's power...
(5) Alain: ((Flanking yes))
(2) Tanja: [3d6] -> [2,5,6] = (13)
(13) Aknier: ((Can't help there. /swt))
(5) Alain: The elf goes down in a bloody heap..!
(2) Tanja: ((*Squoosh*))
(13) Aknier: ((9283498234982347 erros))
Next init:
(5): Aknier
(13) Aknier: ((errors even))
(2) Tanja: ((those errors mean we killed
(19) Seara: ((aw, nuts, I'm getting the errors now too))
(5) Alain: ((Sorry it's not working... I don't know what it is...>_>))
(2) Tanja: ((mine's still working okay..))
(7) Locke: ((the elf above Evanthe is dead))
(8) Mikhal: ((same here))
(7) Locke: ((I can send a pic to both of yous))
(2) Tanja: ((mob the last one!))
(4) Evanthe: ((rawr))
(5) Alain: Tristen is in front of you, evanthe on your right... the last Elf is in front of Tristen
(19) Seara: ((yeah I need a pic too I guess))
(19) Seara: ((mine WAS working, didn't after my net d/ced))
(4) Evanthe: ((That might be the problem...Kiros dc'ed earlier))
(5) Alain: Seara: Mikhal is to your north... Tristen to the east, and the last one to the northeast
(5) Alain: Aknier?
(13) Aknier (exit): 00:14
(5) Alain: ((>_>...))
(21) Aknier (enter): 00:14
(4) Evanthe: ((brb))
(21) Aknier: Disconnecting from server...
(21) Aknier (exit): 00:14
(22) Aknier (enter): 00:15
(22) Aknier: ((That map isnt' refreshing...))
(5) Alain: "Fools.... These ice elves are worthless, after all.."
(5) Alain: ((The map isn't essential...))
(7) Locke: ((*... anime bubble*))
(22) Aknier: ((Is there another Ice Elf left? Or no?))
(5) Alain: Recap: One Ice Elf remaining, fighting Tristen, 10 feet to your north...
(4) Evanthe: ((only one elf left))
(7) Locke: ((one))
(5) Alain: Alain standing behind his wind wall.... Mikhal can't succeed on a will save
(8) Mikhal: ((because you hate my and hax0red my dice))
(8) Mikhal: ((me*))
(5) Alain: ((That's my job ^_^))
(7) Locke: ((*h4x0rz Mikhal's dice*))
(5) Alain: Your turn Aknier
(8) Mikhal: ((no more seCKZ for you flamer))
** (22) Aknier sighs, and stops for a moment to assess both the room and his options. **
(22) Aknier: ((Using Focus))
(5) Alain: ((Er... When the round changes..>_>))
Next init:
(4): Locke
(22) Aknier: ((?))
(22) Aknier: ((I'm not sure how to use that one particularly.))
(5) Alain: ((Focus resets your iniative to 20..))
(5) Alain: ((So you go first next round))
** (7) Locke moves next to Tristen **
(22) Aknier: ((Right, so I use
(22) Aknier: ((*used it
(22) Aknier: ((*
(22) Aknier: ((*correctly?))
(5) Alain: Locke moves next to the paladin..
(5) Alain: ((Yup))
(22) Aknier: ((Those were me hiting "enter" through errors))
** (7) Locke prays for a cure light wounds on Tristen **
(7) Locke: ((that's 1d8+1? :x))
(8) Mikhal: ((1d8+2))
(5) Alain: ((+2))
(7) Locke: ((ah))
(7) Locke: [1d8+2] -> [3,2] = (5)
(5) GM Voice: Tristen feels even more better with the assistance of Locke...
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(5) GM Voice: The last elf swipes at Tristen in desperation... knowing luck is against him....
(5) GM Voice: His anger though... causes him to whiff horribly..
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(5) GM Voice: ((>_>))
(5) GM Voice: Aknier?
(22) Aknier: ((Getting an update of the map. >_>;;))
(5) GM Voice: There we go..>_>
Next init:
(20): Aknier
(3) Tristen: ((*poke?*))
(4) Evanthe: ((there's only one elf :o))
(22) Aknier: ((I know. >_>;;))
(2) Tanja: ((so....))
(4) Evanthe: ((*twiddles thumbs*))
(5) GM Voice: ((....what do you need the map for?...^_^*))
** (22) Aknier runs next to the remaining Ice Elf and tries to distract him from Tristen's attacks. **
(5) GM Voice: ((Ermm.... I guess that's an intimidate check ^_^))
(22) Aknier: ((Aids Another, Tristan's attack rolls))
(22) Aknier: ((Oh. >_>;;))
(5) GM Voice: ((...I don't know if you can do that with attack rolls... o_O but what the hey))
(5) GM Voice: Aknier runs up and waves his arms wildly in front of the elf trying to distract him
Next init:
(18): Evanthe
(2) Tanja: ((aww man))
(22) Aknier: ((One sec))
(2) Tanja: ((you stole my spot!))
** (4) Evanthe fires off an arrow at the elf **
(22) Aknier: ((In melee combat, you can help a friend attack or defend by distracting or interfering with an opponent. If youre in position to make a melee attack on an opponent that is engaging a friend in melee combat, you can attempt to aid your friend as a standard action. You make an attack roll against AC 10. If you succeed, your friend gains either a +2 bonus on his next attack roll against that opponent or a +2 bonus to AC against that opponents next attack (your choice), as long as that attack comes before the beginning of your next turn. Multiple characters can aid the same friend, and similar bonuses stack. ))
(5) GM Voice: ((You want to be behindd him))
(7) Locke: ((walk on top of him then))
(3) Tristen: ((you could always rush Alain ))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh wait))
(5) GM Voice: ((Okay..>_> so roll it))
(2) Tanja: ((its hard to be behind him when they keep moving it around))
(22) Aknier: [1d20+1] -> [4,1] = (5)
(2) Tanja: ((so its on Aknier now?))
(22) Aknier: ((No, actually he completely ignored me. /swt))
(5) GM Voice: The elf pays no heed to Aknier's antics...
(2) Tanja: ((oh good))
(2) Tanja: ((that makes behind a lot easier))
Next init:
(17): Seara
(4) Evanthe: ((my turn, then?))
(5) GM Voice: ((Yes ^_^*))
(7) Locke: ((Kiros, provoking requires some colourful words... don't hold back :p))
** (4) Evanthe picks up her longbow and fires off an arrow **
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+9] -> [8,9] = (17)
(4) Evanthe: ((oh wait))
(4) Evanthe: ((we have bless +1))
(22) Aknier: ((I see. >_>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((:D?))
(7) Locke: ((+10 from bless))
(4) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+1] -> [5,1] = (6)
(8) Mikhal: ((XD))
(5) GM Voice: Evanthe fires an arrow..... that barely sinks into the last elf...!
(4) Evanthe: ((loopholes))
(5) GM Voice: Seara?
(8) Mikhal: ((*casts kyrie on everyone*))
(19) Seara: ((errr what's this +1 thing? I get that too? >.>))
(4) Evanthe: ((yes))
(4) Evanthe: ((+1 to hit))
(4) Evanthe: ((it's bless))
(22) Aknier: ((Yep. +1 to anything you do))
(19) Seara: ((okie))
(4) Evanthe: (not damage thougH))
(2) Tanja: ((Except damage rolls))
(7) Locke: ((everyone within 10 tiles of me gets it))
(19) Seara: ((last elf's the one within my striking distance, right?))
(7) Locke: ((yep))
(4) Evanthe: ((yes))
(8) Mikhal: ((we can move out of the 10 tile range and still have it ;) ))
(5) GM Voice: ((Yes))
(7) Locke: ((true, because I've already casted it))
(2) Tanja: ((so tired..))
(19) Seara: *slice n dice time*
(19) Seara: Rawr! [1d20+7] -> [1,7] = (8)
(7) Locke: ((O_O))
(5) GM Voice: ((Hang in there! Think of the Loot!))
(19) Seara: Rawr! [1d20+5] -> [3,5] = (8)
(2) Tanja: ((the loot i never get? lol))
(19) Seara: ((errr... >.>))
(2) Tanja: ((i'm holding in though))
(5) GM Voice: Seara should have talked to her blades more..... Both her slices go very wide
(19) Seara: ((yeah really xD;;))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(7) Locke: ((...hello?))
(8) Mikhal: ((tony is doing alain stuff, i think?))
** (5) Alain stares at Tristen... again chanting some magic words and pointing his finger... **
(5) Alain: ((Will save))
(22) Aknier: [1d20+9] -> [3,9] = (12)
** (22) Aknier reacts instictively. **
(3) Tristen: [1d20+6] -> [6,6] = (12)
(8) Mikhal: ((can i steal you will save bonus?))
(22) Aknier: ((xD That's a spell check))
** (22) Aknier blinks, and shakes his head)) **
(5) Alain: A deathly silence encompasses the area.....
(5) Alain: All of the party finds they can't speak..
Next init:
(7): Tristen
(8) Mikhal: ((like i could speak in the first place))
(7) Locke: ... ... ... !!!
(2) Tanja: ((all of us?))
(5) Alain: ((Yes))
(2) Tanja: ((sheesh))
(22) Aknier: ((...not good.))
(7) Locke: ((I can still pray >.>))
(2) Tanja: ((you just screwed us,
(3) Tristen: *pulls his blade back angling his attack like a scorpion would and plunges his sword at the elf's face*
(2) Tanja: ((you and your darn roll))
(22) Aknier: ((So much for that back up spell))
(8) Mikhal: ((move up to alain to make it cover him!))
(3) Tristen: [1d20+5] -> [4,5] = (9)
(5) Alain: Tristen tries to strike the foe in front of him... but the distraction of not hearing the sounds of battle... throws off his slice
(19) Seara: ((zomglolz we r muted... HAY GM HLP US))
Next init:
(7): Mikhal
(8) Mikhal: breakoutnowplz [1d20+3] -> [14,3] = (17)
(5) Alain: Mikhal summons the force of his rage and shrugs off the spell!
Next init:
(7): : Mikhal
(5) Alain:
Next init:
(6): Tanja
(22) Aknier: ((lolz n00bz. ur mute!!!))
(2) Tanja: ::moves behind the remaining elf and does what she knows best with her lightmace---bashbasbbash::
(2) Tanja: [1d20+3] -> [14,3] = (17)
(2) Tanja: ((poo.))
(5) Alain: Tanja bashes her mace into the elf again!
(7) Locke: ((did you include bless? >.>;;))
(2) Tanja: ((Oh))
(5) Alain: ((+2 for flanking))
(2) Tanja: ((yes i did))
(4) Evanthe: ((don't back attacks get bonuses anyway?))
(7) Locke: ((ah))
(4) Evanthe: ((yeah that))
(2) Tanja: [3d6] -> [3,4,3] = (10)
(2) Tanja: ((of course now alain can rip me a new one anytime, but we'll look pas tthat))
(5) Alain: Wounds cover the last elf's body... He coughs in pain.... barely standing....
Next init:
(1): Locke
(2) Tanja: ((i didn't kill it?? that's never happened))
(4) Evanthe: ((you and me both))
(2) Tanja: ((i'm supposed to swoop in and steal kills))
(4) Evanthe: ((betcha he has 1hp))
(5) Alain: ((*whistle*))
(7) Locke: ((how do I counter this silence?))
(2) Tanja: ((you don't))
(4) Evanthe: ((well not by casting a spell :D))
(5) Alain: ((You can move 15 feet from Tristen..))
(22) Aknier: ((Sub-vocal Dispell Magic))
(22) Aknier: ((Oh, it's on Tristen?))
(4) Evanthe: ((You can hit the elf))
(22) Aknier: ((He could move away from us as well))
(2) Tanja: ((pssh...kick him out of the room))
(7) Locke: ((15 feet from Tristen?))
(3) Tristen: ((yeah you can like flick the elf and itll die))
(19) Seara: ((xD))
(7) Locke: ((could I use TrueStrike? rather XD))
(3) Tristen: ((why waste it?))
(2) Tanja: ((just hit it...))
** (22) Aknier thinks to himself. (Well at least Alain's endless prattling is hesitated) **
(5) Alain: ((That has a verbal component))
** (7) Locke slashes at the elf with his sickle **
(2) Tanja: ::thinks to self--this makes Tristen quiet too...::
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
(7) Locke: ((bleh :p))
(5) Alain: Locke misses the elf horribly...
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(5) Alain:
Next init:
(20): Aknier
(4) Evanthe: ((smile))
(7) Locke: ((*smiles*))
(7) Locke: ((cheese))
(4) Evanthe: ((you should try to hit him too))
(19) Seara: ((xD))
(19) Seara: ((I so wanna see a cleric/wizzie whack the elf to death and deal the dealblow))
** (22) Aknier , out of finding a lack of other options, pulls his spellbook, runs to Alain, and attempts to knock him over the head with all his might. **
(8) Mikhal: ((that's an AoO))
(2) Tanja: ((attack the last elf))
(2) Tanja: ((its not dead yet))
(22) Aknier: ((Oh. *facepalm*))
(4) Evanthe: ((yeah attacking alain is not good :o))
(7) Locke: ((:x))
(22) Aknier: ((I think it's too late now? >_>;;))
(5) Alain: Aknier readies his spellbook as a weapon..!
(5) Alain: ((Change if you want..;) ))
(7) Locke: ((quick, change))
(19) Seara: ((xD))
(2) Tanja: ((you want you want))
(22) Aknier: ((Thank you. >_>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((he's nice, you're a wizard))
(8) Mikhal: ((melee mag0rz lolz))
** (22) Aknier brings his book into the air, and attempts to smack the Ice Elf. **
(2) Tanja: ((think there's any bonuses on a magic spellbook? >.> ))
(4) Evanthe: ((d20+1]
(4) Evanthe: ))
(19) Seara: ((booyah! smackdown!))
(5) Alain: ((+1 for bless...yes))
(22) Aknier: ((Who knows. It's the only thing I have on me other than my materials))
(22) Aknier: [1d20+1] -> [5,1] = (6)
(19) Seara: ((I like priests/clerics who whack :3))
(19) Seara: ((aw))
(3) Tristen: ((oh god someone just blow on the elf already))
(19) Seara: ((xD))
(4) Evanthe: ((tryinngggg))
(4) Evanthe: ((death by halitosis))
(5) Alain: Aknier winds up with all his might and smacks the elf on the head.... it bounces right off
(2) Tanja: ((hey i did my part))
(3) Tristen: ((haha))
Next init:
(18): Evanthe
** (4) Evanthe fires off an arrow at the elf **
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+10] -> [15,10] = (25)
(4) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+1] -> [3,1] = (4)
(8) Mikhal: ((yay!))
(19) Seara: ((wewt!))
(5) GM Voice: Evanthe fires an arrow into the last ice elf standing... it stagger back.. and falls to the ground, dead..
(2) Tanja: ((*sigh*))
(2) Tanja: ((that was my kill))
(5) Alain: "Hehehehehe....."
(2) Tanja: ::glares daggers, unable to speak:::
** (4) Evanthe looks wearily at Alain **
(4) Evanthe: Don't you dare try to run from us.
(4) Evanthe: ((in her mind apparently))
(2) Tanja: ((we're silenced))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Alain: "Even if I die..... Nothing will change..."
(2) Tanja: ((think nasty words!))
Next init:
(17): Seara
(22) Aknier: ((Now's the chance for a huge monolouge?))
(2) Tanja: ((its a little hard to urge him to speak when we're unable to talk...))
(2) Tanja: ((*holds up roadrunner signs*))
(8) Mikhal: ((plus, we can't hear him))
(4) Evanthe: ((*makes a sign in elven blood*))
(2) Tanja: ((no...we can't speak, i thought))
(5) Alain: ((I'm speaking for dramatic effect *nod*))
(5) Alain: ((Dying speech in semiphore code))
(8) Mikhal: ((it's an area of magical silence))
(2) Tanja: ((Nevermind i didn't ask))
(2) Tanja: ((id on't want the breakdown))
(3) Tristen: ((lets just get this overwith))
(5) Alain: Seara?
(19) Seara: ((that no-arrow line is still in front of him?))
(5) Alain: ((Yup...))
(5) Alain: ((For... 6 seconds anyway...>_>))
(2) Tanja: ((*waits*))
(2) Tanja: (one-onethousand...))
(19) Seara: ((oh.. hm >.>))
(8) Mikhal: ((6 seconds is one combat round))
(19) Seara: ((ah, okay))
(7) Locke: ((it's been over one round isn't it?))
(8) Mikhal: ((it lasts 6 more seconds))
(22) Aknier: ((It's 1 round/level))
(3) Tristen: ((either rush him or go full defense its all you can really do))
** (19) Seara glances encouragely at the others and runs up to Alain, charging him **
** (4) Evanthe watches Seara charge in concern **
(5) GM Voice: Seara rushes through the wall... Alain in her sights!..
(19) Seara: YELL AT DICE/SWORDS, YELL [1d20+7] -> [3,7] = (10)
(19) Seara: [1d20+5] -> [15,5] = (20)
(19) Seara: ((lmao))
(5) GM Voice: Alain dodges beside the first attack.... the second strikes him squarely!
(19) Seara: [1d8+2] -> [8,2] = (10)
(5) GM Voice: Alain staggers...
Next init:
(7): Tristen
(5) GM Voice: The wind wall goes down...
(19) Seara: ((not bad~ and woo))
(2) Tanja: ((and the arrow crowd goes wild))
(22) Aknier: ((xD))
(5) GM Voice: He glares at his assailant... clutching his wound..
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Tristen: *charges up to Alain aswell looking to plunge his sword into his gut* [1d20+6] -> [16,6] = (22)
(3) Tristen: [1d8+2] -> [7,2] = (9)
(3) Tristen: ((er it was alain's turn? haha))
(4) Evanthe: ((still counts :3))
(5) GM Voice: He points his finger at Seara.... and a blinding golden ray of energy comes from his fingertip, aimed at Seara..
(3) Tristen: ((*saves for later*))
(2) Tanja: [1d20] -> [2] = (2)
(2) Tanja: ((oops))
(2) Tanja: ((sorry, hit those darn buttons))
** (22) Aknier makes another spellcraft check. **
(19) Seara: ((eek.. what do I role?))
(22) Aknier: [1d20+9] -> [7,9] = (16)
(5) GM Voice: The ray burns through her for 7.. as Tristen comes up beside him and stabs into his gut...
(19) Seara: ((ah :D yey))
** (19) Seara cringes as she starts smoking **
(5) GM Voice: Alain coughs up blood that runs down his mouth....
Next init:
(7): Mikhal
(4) Evanthe: ((SLAUGHTER))
(2) Tanja: ((death to all Alains!))
(8) Mikhal: *runs to to alain and die die die SLAUGHTER!*
(8) Mikhal: Magical(?) Greatsword Attack! [1d20+12] -> [5,12] = (17)
(8) Mikhal: 1337 Raging damage [2d6+12] -> [2,2,12] = (16)
(2) Tanja: ((*squoosh*))
(5) GM Voice: (("My sister......Ann...... Will succeed me...."))
(8) Mikhal: ((((actually..+2 for flanking))
(3) Tristen: ((*reads lips**
(3) Tristen: ))
(4) Evanthe: ((that hit then :D?))
(2) Tanja: ((that was OOC, J))
(2) Tanja: ((i think?))
(5) GM Voice: Mikhal thrusts his great sword into the throat of Alain.... he glares coldly ata mikhal a moment....... then goes limp..
(5) GM Voice: His body falls to the ground..
** (4) Evanthe cheers silently **
(5) GM Voice: Tristen's silence fades.. it's caster no longer among the living..
** (19) Seara cheers in her smokey state **
** (22) Aknier looks away in silent mourning for the lives that have been exinquished. **
(7) Locke: decapitation... what a cruel fate
(2) Tanja: ::immediately wheels and starts checking the elven elite for shinys::
(3) Tristen: One befitting of this evil creature.
(3) Tristen: *looks up to Jaze hanging at the back of the room*
(8) Mikhal: *pulls the blade out, wipes it on alain's clothes, and seaches him for items*
** (7) Locke checks the ice elf beneath him before Tanja gets to him **
** (4) Evanthe looks at Alain in grim silence, "No more tormenting of Aaron..." **
(3) Tristen: Help me get him down
(7) Locke: ((everyone's looking for items XD))
(5) GM Voice: Tanja and Mikhal loot the fallen...
** (4) Evanthe goes to assist Tristen **
(22) Aknier: ((Is the silence spell lifted?))
(4) Evanthe: ((yes))
(3) Tristen: *looks for something, anything to stand on to get high enough to reach Jaze*
(4) Evanthe: Think you could give me a boost?
(4) Evanthe: I could maybe..
** (22) Aknier staggers for a moment, slightly unsure of his next move. **
(7) Locke: it might not be safe... with Jaze and that insignia on him
(3) Tristen: *nods and kneels down cupping his hands for her foot*
(22) Aknier: Insignia?
(5) GM Voice: Tristen doesen't see any furtniture in the room outside of the ice throne.. and that's frozen to the floor
(2) Tanja: ::looks up once from checking the bodies:: we're *not* going to leave him there
(2) Tanja: insignia or no
(7) Locke: ((there are marks on his face, glowing))
** (4) Evanthe stands on Tristen's hands, awkwardly trying to free Jaze **
(5) GM Voice: Evanthe finds she can grab ahold of the ring standing on Tristen's hands....
(22) Aknier: ((I can use Read Magic to look at that insignia, correct?))
(5) GM Voice: She climbs up next to the young human... Who still seems to be unconcious....
(4) Evanthe: Jaze...?
** (4) Evanthe immediate goes for his bonds, still calling his name softly, "Jaze...can you hear me?" **
(5) GM Voice: His arms are bound in chains attached to the top of the ring..
(7) Locke: ((we both can :p))
(3) Tristen: *prepares to catch Jaze in the case he should fall while Eva removes his bonds*
(4) Evanthe: ((and drop me in the process :D))
** (5) Jaze tries to lift his head... but it seems all his strength is gone... he trembles a bit... but says nothing.... **
(4) Evanthe: He's concious!
** (19) Seara hovers around tristen and evanthe, ready to serve a hand if needed **
** (4) Evanthe speaks soothingly, "Don't worry...we're getting you out of here." **
** (4) Evanthe tries to see how she can get the chains free. **
(7) Locke: can you bring him down?
(3) Tristen: ((hey youre an elf, youre less likely to fall or something ;) ))
(7) Locke: ((elves always land on their feet and enjoy cat fights))
(2) Tanja: ::doubtfully:: maybe i could try and jimmy the lock open...
(19) Seara: ((rawr))
(5) GM Voice: The chains are in a simple knot....
** (4) Evanthe unties the 'simple' knot **
(2) Tanja: ((oh, there's no lock? not locked?))
(5) GM Voice: Evanthe unties one of Jaze's arms... then the other
(5) GM Voice: ((nope))
(2) Tanja: ((nevermind))
(2) Tanja: ((*goes back to semi-comatose state*))
** (5) Jaze s eyes look at Evanthe, full of fear... **
** (4) Evanthe looks back at him with gentle eyes "'s me, don't you rem--er, I'm here to help" **
** (4) Evanthe thinks -- better to not remind him of how we met **
** (4) Evanthe passes him down to Seara after she unties him, stepping off of Tristen's hands as well **
** (5) Jaze 's lips move slightly..... but only the faintest form of whisper emerges... **
(2) Tanja: ((don't kill him))
** (7) Locke checks for wounds and injuries **
** (4) Evanthe uh..listens? **
(3) Tristen: *lets down Eva gently*
(5) GM Voice: Locke examines the boy... the only obvious injury is the sigil that has been seeminly burned onto his forehead and cheek
(7) Locke: ((reaad magic it?))
(5) GM Voice: Evanthe tries to listen... but it's far too quiet even for her ears...
(3) Tristen: *prays to regial to see if there is anything he can do for this boy*
(4) Evanthe: He just whispered something...but I couldn't catch it
** (19) Seara lies Jaze down gently on the ground and stands back to let the cleric people do their thingy **
(3) Tristen: ((damn... I cant make him feel better with my aura of good? :D?))
(5) GM Voice: Back from the corridor that they come from.... they are brought back to reality by a bestial roar....
(4) Evanthe: ((:P))
(2) Tanja: ((wish i had something to help...))
(4) Evanthe: Oh...
(4) Evanthe: Um, guys
(2) Tanja: ((that tonight too...?))
(3) Tristen: ((Tony hates us))
(19) Seara: Wow... that thing's still around...
(4) Evanthe: Well, we can't avoid it
** (5) Jaze makes a weak motion with his hand.... **
(2) Tanja: ((sleepplzthx))
(3) Tristen: *moves to the door way and prepares himself to be another human wall*
(5) Jaze: "The.... necklaces......"
(4) Evanthe: What about them?
(2) Tanja: maybe if we say those words again?
** (5) Jaze tries to speak... but the strength leaves him... he holds out his hand... **
(4) Evanthe: Ahahaha...haha....if I could remember them
(8) Mikhal: *puts s necklace in Jaze's hand*
(7) Locke: the necklaces...?
(2) Tanja: ((chat log wasn't even posted, so we can't cheat))
(19) Seara: does he want them?
** (5) Jaze nods to Mikhal.. **
(3) Tristen: *picks the scroll the person from the library out of his side pouch*
(2) Tanja: ((you do realize that if he leaves, you're stuck here right?))
(4) Evanthe: ((he's smart, maybe he knows group teleport))
(3) Tristen: I have the words here...
** (5) Jaze pulls the crystal off the string of Mikhal's necklace.... **
(4) Evanthe: Smamiengsh Markuza..or something like that, right?
(2) Tanja: ::watches intently::
(3) Tristen: ((loot the bodies... quick))
(4) Evanthe: ((already did))
(2) Tanja: ((we already did))
(5) NPC: The sigil on Jaze's forehead burns brightly.... he winces in pain..
(3) Tristen: ((ahh ok))
(5) Jaze: "Necklaces....."
** (4) Evanthe hands hers to Jaze as well. **
(19) Seara: Hmm...
(7) Locke: Aknier, you're more skilled in spellcrafting, come have a look
(3) Tristen: *gives his necklace to Jaze*
(2) Tanja: ((oh for gosh sakes))
** (22) Aknier staggers for a moment, his previous trials unable to allow him to comprenhend much other than the roar of the Hydra. **
** (19) Seara hands hers over as well **
(2) Tanja: ((*showers him in necklaces*))
(22) Aknier: A...ah, right.
** (22) Aknier regains self control for a moment, and looks at the insignia. **
(22) Aknier: ((Read Magic, coupled with Spellcraft))
(2) Tanja: ::mimics Jaze and takes the crystal off the necklace and then holds it uncertainly:: like..uh...this?
(22) Aknier: [1d20+9] -> [12,9] = (21)
(4) Evanthe: Locke, give him your necklace
(2) Tanja: ((*breaks it*))
(2) Tanja: ((oops...guess i take the long way))
** (7) Locke hands his necklace to Jaze **
** (5) Jaze Touches the crystals together.... the crystals merge into one.... he does this with the rest as well... each time the sigil flares into life...and he winces... **
(5) GM Voice: Akiner's never seen this sort of magic rune before.... not in all of his studies..
(22) Aknier: Odd...I haven't seen this type of rune before...
(5) GM Voice: Once jaze has all the cyrstals linked.... he holds the large cyrstal in his hands.... it floats slightly...
(5) Jaze: "Ex..... Exshar.... Exshartiva..... Mal.. " "....'heu......"
(3) Tristen: May Regial be with you, young Jaze *in perfect understanding of what his happening*
(4) Evanthe: Oh, that was it...I was close...
(3) Tristen: is*
(5) GM Voice: The sigil and the gem seem to react instantly.... A brilliant sphere of energy covers the entire party....
(2) Tanja: ::confounded:: what do you mean? what's happening?
(2) Tanja: ::Shields her eyes::
(7) Locke: ((secks on a stick))
** (22) Aknier looks up at the energy... **
(22) Aknier: [1d20+9] -> [17,9] = (26)
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(5) GM Voice: Jaze chokes back the pain..... The sound of the crystal shattering....
(4) Evanthe: ((very inquisitive wizard xD))
(19) Seara: ((xD))
(22) Aknier: ((I'm skill check happy?))
(4) Evanthe: ((we're teleporting back))
(2) Tanja: what's happening?! ::more insistantly:: Jaze??
(4) Evanthe: He's taking us back
(19) Seara: ((hey it works, the rest of us are like "zomg, what does it do? *poke* *charge* *loot* *eat*))
(4) Evanthe: He said the magic words
(22) Aknier: We're teleporting...
(19) Seara: ((someone inquisitive might be good xD))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD but it tastes GOOD))
(5) GM Voice: When the light fades...... they all are standing outside the library...
(22) Aknier: ((Angel made a spellcraft check too? =O))
(4) Evanthe: ((no O_o))
(2) Tanja: ((to the treasure! *marches off*))
(3) Tristen: *looks around for Jaze, though not expecting to find him*
** (4) Evanthe calls out for the wizards **
(19) Seara: ((angel likes to eat everything in sight~))
(5) GM Voice: Alain's dead body is there... as well...
(4) Evanthe: ((pretty much :D))
(4) Evanthe: Help us!
** (4) Evanthe tries to lift Jaze **
(2) Tanja: ::resists the urge to kick it:: why'd THAT thing come with us?
(2) Tanja: ((that being alain's body))
(19) Seara: HEY, anyone around? We're back!
(5) GM Voice: After a moment of hesitation..... another flash of light... and Jaze is there.... lying on the ground...
(4) Evanthe: ((oh))
(2) Tanja: ((don't kill him))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((well i just tried to lift air))
(5) Jorue: That voice......
(3) Tristen: *suprised* Praise be to regial
(19) Seara: ((xD))
** (7) Locke checks Jaze again **
(3) Tristen: *bends down and scoops up Jaze*
** (5) Jorue runs outside the library doors huffing. **
** (4) Evanthe scowls at Alain's body **
(5) Jorue: Jaze!!....
(2) Tanja: ((don't move him you inconsiderate idiots! lol))
(22) Aknier: He needs...aid...
** (22) Aknier staggers a bit more suddenly. **
(3) Tristen: *huffs it over to the library's doors Jaze in his arms*
(5) Jaze: "F...father..." He smiles for a moment.....
(2) Tanja: ((don't kill him))
** (4) Evanthe looks over to Aknier "Are you alright?" **
(4) Evanthe: Father?!
(7) Locke: Father? ((O_O))
(4) Evanthe: Help him Jorue!
(2) Tanja: do something!
(4) Evanthe: ((i need him to id my items ;_;))
(5) Jorue: Please... give him to me...
(4) Evanthe: ((i'm so kidding by the way))
(19) Seara: ((xD))
(19) Seara: ((I have an amulet thingy too :o))
(5) Jorue: ((*Points at Kiros*))
(4) Evanthe: ((i mean....heeeeey kiros, how YOU doin?))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
** (22) Aknier shakes his head and gaiins control again. **
(19) Seara: ((xD))
(3) Tristen: *hands him over to Jorue gently, not wanting to injure him more*
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Tanja: ((don't kill him))
** (4) Evanthe noticing Aknier's troubles, approaches him, laying a hand on his arm gently, "What's wrong?" **
** (22) Aknier hands Jaze over to Joure. **
** (5) Jorue holds the boy in his arms..... a tear falls from his eye... **
(4) Evanthe: ((why are you staggering))
(2) Tanja: :::follows insistantly::
(22) Aknier: ((Wait. Did I have him? Or what was Joure trying to say to me?))
(2) Tanja: ((it doesn't matter))
(4) Evanthe: ((Tristen had him))
(22) Aknier: ((Because I was prisoner for several days without good care?))
(4) Evanthe: ((were you staggering under the weight?))
(4) Evanthe: ((Well I'm asking you IC xD))
** (22) Aknier shakes his head. **
(22) Aknier: Nothing serious, Evanthe...I apologize.
(5) Jorue: "You Fool... you stupid...stupid...fool......" Jorue says, crying.... he turns and takes the boy inside quickly...
(2) Tanja: ::follows on his heels:: what? why're you crying??
** (4) Evanthe looks back to Jorue's retreating figure **
(4) Evanthe: I..think we should let him go with his son..
(19) Seara: yeah...
(22) Aknier: I haven't been in the greatest care since I've been in that prison. But I'm not important right now.
** (22) Aknier points to Jaze and Jorue. **
(2) Tanja: but he's going to be okay!
(4) Evanthe: I.. *looks away*
** (5) Jorue takes the boy into the magic room..... The other wizards turn and look at jorue worringly, gasping at the boy... **
(3) Tristen: Looks onto Jorue taking his son into the library and then back to the companions *oddly quiet*
(2) Tanja: ::Hovers by the door uncertainly::
(8) Mikhal: *wonders if the other mages know what that mark means*
(5) NPC: one of the wizards nearbly looks at Tanja... "He'll...... be alright... we'll do all we can..."
** (4) Evanthe plops to the ground **
** (7) Locke sits on table **
(5) NPC: "Thank you... Thank you all...." He heads into the Magic room with Jorue....
(2) Tanja: i'll hold you to that...i'll come back to be sure!
** (22) Aknier leans against a bookshelf, smiling weakly. **
(4) Evanthe: ((i thought we were outside))
(3) Tristen: ((so did I))
(5) GM Voice: ((Some went inside..>_> some didn't))
(5) GM Voice: ((Take your pick))
(22) Aknier: ((*erase erase*))
(2) Tanja: ::walks back outside to the others, subdued::
(4) Evanthe: ((okay))
(22) Aknier: *against a tree*
** (4) Evanthe looks up at Tanja's approach, "Is he okay?" **
(2) Tanja: they said he was..
** (4) Evanthe looks relieved. **
(2) Tanja: but they also said they'd do all they could
(5) GM Voice: The sky turns a shade of bright orange as the sun sets through the trees...
** (19) Seara rummages around in her bag for some food, giving it to Aknier, then plops down next to Eva **
(4) Evanthe: Thank Ragnae!
(2) Tanja: so...i don't know
(4) Evanthe: ((or mulinel, whoever))
(3) Tristen: *walks to Alain's corpse his bloody sword still in hand... and considers mutilating the body*
** (22) Aknier bows to Seara humblely, in thanks, and begins to devour the food, quickly. **
(19) Seara: ((xD thank random god!))
(4) Evanthe: I'd...leave that alone
(4) Evanthe: It might be good for the wizards to take a look at the body
(5) GM Voice: Alain's face looks almost peaceful..... despite the horrendous wounds...
(2) Tanja: ((no mercy!))
(5) GM Voice: and a gaping eye socket...
(3) Tristen: *looks angrily at Evanthe* Regial demands a sacrifice for this ones heinous crimes
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(8) Mikhal: ((and a torn open throat))
(2) Tanja: ::stomps foot:: he did sacrifice!
(2) Tanja: he's dead!
(4) Evanthe: At the sake of more information?
(2) Tanja: what more do you want for your bloodthirsty god?
(4) Evanthe: Alain was evil, yes but there are bigger fish to fry
(7) Locke: like the ice queen herself
(2) Tanja: i didn't like him anymore than you do, but even i drawt he line at mutilation!
** (22) Aknier , after devouring Seara's gift, walks over to Tristen. **
(5) GM Voice: A cold wind blows in from the north.... a few clumps of snow falling from the nearby trees.....
(2) Tanja: ::shivers::
(3) Tristen: *grinds his teeth, more bothering him then he cares to show the others*
(5) GM Voice: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~**~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*
(2) Tanja: ::stares him down::
(2) Tanja: oh...nevermind
(4) Evanthe: not SNOW again
(19) Seara: xD
(4) Evanthe: where's my horse
(5) GM Voice: *cough* Sorry....
(4) Evanthe: i'm gonna ride off into the sunset
(22) Aknier: Calm your soul friend. He is no more, we need not be angry at nothing.
(19) Seara: oh I think I have a doggy
(4) Evanthe: Sorry for what?
(19) Seara: >.>
(5) GM Voice: Going over...>_>