Game 4

From Reydala

Revision as of 23:10, 31 October 2006 by Mikhal (Talk | contribs)
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Log filename is "reydala2-02-07-05.html", system is is logging.
(1) Mikhal: and the log is on now
(2) Tony: ::turns the log into lumber::
(3) Tanja: lol
(3) Tanja: i'm keeping a running tab on everything i'm spending to keep you going so when you strike it rich, i can cash it in
(3) Tanja: so 500g for ash lumber..
(2) Tony: hahahaaaaa
(2) Tony: Everyone readyyyy?
(3) Tanja: ysesir
(3) Tanja: yessir
(1) Mikhal: yup
(4) Evanthe: We have to have our skills ready by next game then?
(2) Tony: e-mail em, put em on the community, whatever works for you
(4) Evanthe: Okie dokie
(2) Tony: no strict deadline... but no benefits for you till there's benefits for me, as it were
(4) Evanthe: Right right
(2) Tony: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
(2) Tony: The three stand on the second floor of the temple of mulinel, as chaos reins around them...
(2) Tony: To the north and to the west, billows of smoke and the sounds of war fill the air..
(2) Tony: People are everywhere in the streets, racing toward the south gate
(3) Tanja: Alain could be anywhere in all this... ((that was his name, right?))
(1) Mikhal: ((yeah))
(4) Evanthe: ((Yup))
(1) Mikhal: if anything, he probably left town already
(4) Evanthe: I wouldn't doubt it.
(3) Tanja: but...where?
(3) Tanja: ((we're still in his room, right?))
(2) Tony: ((yup))
(4) Evanthe: I...don't know
(3) Tanja: ::hunts around for clues as to where he might have gone::
(3) Tanja: ((or...something))
(4) Evanthe: The first thing I would suggest, though, is to get out of the city while it still stands
(3) Tanja: ((jinkies!))
(3) Tanja: ::absently:: in a minute, in a minute.. ::still looking around::
(2) Tony: The rest of the room is relatively mundane... temple documents, finance reports.. nothing that would hint at a possible location..
** (4) Evanthe strides to the door **
** (4) Evanthe hesitates with her hand on the knob **
(4) Evanthe: I...we should help the people in any way that we can first, though
(3) Tanja: ::follows reluctantly:: okay, okay...i'm coming...
(4) Evanthe: Afterall, we are semi responsible for this mess
(3) Tanja: ::grim look::
** (1) Mikhal mutters something about how we should of went out of town with the circus and sighs **</font>
(4) Evanthe: Nobody stopped you from leaving Mikhal *glowers*
(2) Tony: They leave the high priests chambers.. and head back down to the ground floor..
(3) Tanja: ::Hastily:: okay okay...the people now
(3) Tanja: ((*gets pushed along*))
(2) Tony: Aaron (still unconcious) and another priest are trying to calm some people in the store room
(4) Evanthe: ((how is he trying to calm people down then? :o))
(3) Tanja: ((i'm glad you said something))
(4) Evanthe: ((with his MIND, oh))
(3) Tanja: ((psychic powers....ooooh))
(2) Tony: ((Demonstrating true calmness?))
(4) Evanthe: ((haha nice try))
(3) Tanja: ::tries to look unconcerned for the sake of the people::
** (4) Evanthe pauses by Aaron, whispers a quick prayer, and continues on **
(4) Evanthe: ((outside that is))
(2) Tony: The ground rumbles beneath their feet for a moment... As they leave the temple.. the air is filled with ash and smoke
(3) Tanja: ::coughs::
** (4) Evanthe peers around...for signs of struggle.. **
(3) Tanja: :::looks around for people:::
(1) Mikhal: ((how far away are worms/ice elves?))
(2) Tony: To the north it looks like a section of wall is completely fallen...signs of a worm can clearly be seen within the city limits.. ruined buildings are all around, as the guard desperately try to contain it
(3) Tanja: ((*gulp*))
(4) Evanthe: ((*seriously thinks about leaving the guard*))
(4) Evanthe: ((are we even strong enough to take on a worm?))
(2) Tony: The wall to the west still stands but it seems like it won't last long, the post is undermanned
(3) Tanja: ((remember the long as we get away alive, we still get the XP))
(3) Tanja: ((so we fight, and then run like hell))
(6) Vitani (enter): 22:27
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((throw arrows quick!))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
** (4) Evanthe looks back and forth hesitantly **
(3) Tanja: ::crowds evanthe:: so...where do we..go?
(2) Tony: Looking at the numbers of guard, Mikhal estimates they can hold it 10 minutes more before they are all exhausted
(3) Tanja: ::tries not to look in the direction of the worm::
(4) Evanthe: ((Oh thanks xD))
(3) Tanja: ((hey no problem =D))
(4) Evanthe: What's most important is to keep the city from being overrun
(3) Tanja: ::heavy sigh:: i was hoping you wouldn't say that...
** (4) Evanthe rubs her arm slowly. **
(3) Tanja: ::taps her bow against her foot in thought:: but if a bunch of guards can't hold a worm, what chance do we have?
(1) Mikhal: not a lot?
(4) Evanthe: None whatsoever, I'm sure
(3) Tanja: ::cheers up noticeably:: well, that solves that then
(4) Evanthe: Which is why I meant to say we should go that way *points towards the wall*
(4) Evanthe: ((west, that is))
(3) Tanja: sounds good to me
(4) Evanthe: ((*openly chicken*))
(3) Tanja: ((cautious, angel...cautious))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh, right ;D))
** (4) Evanthe zooms to the west wall **
(2) Tony: There are some 50 guard still alive on the west gate... they are getting hailed with arrows, many are falling
(3) Tanja: ((egads))
(4) Evanthe: ((errr..maybe i should slow down a bit))
(1) Mikhal: ((err..maybe not that way?))
(3) Tanja: ::follows much more cautiously::
(3) Tanja: ((Go ahead meat shields))
(3) Tanja: all we really need to do is find Alain..
(3) Tanja: if we get the artifacts from him, the worms will go back to normal, right?
(2) Tony: Evanthe takes a step toward the western gate... everyone following slowly..
(3) Tanja: and if the worms go back to normal, the snow elves won't have the help we need
(4) Evanthe: We'll have to hope so..
(1) Mikhal: i don't think so, the gem under ground was the major one, i think
(3) Tanja: ((*they need*))
(3) Tanja: and maybe they'll stop fighting then...
(4) Evanthe: ((are there any safe places to talk to guards?))
(2) Tony: ((All the guards are on defense duty on top of the wall, which is pincushion territory))
(3) Tanja: we couldn't have been too far behind Alain if he left on foot
(4) Evanthe: ((anyone have any grenades ;_;))
(4) Evanthe: ((launch one over the wall))
(3) Tanja: ((i've got a few pieces of silverware))
(4) Evanthe: ((aim for the eyes!))
(1) Mikhal: Alain probably had a horse or something
(1) Mikhal: ((what we need is a mage with fireball >_>))
(4) Evanthe: Is there any way to leave the gate?
(3) Tanja: somebody would still have seen him leave though
(4) Evanthe: Getting to the top of this gate looks like suicide
(3) Tanja: unless he left by...magic
(2) Tony: There is a resounding thud of a battering ram... The west gate bulges..
(3) Tanja: ::shrinks back:: i don't like this...
(4) Evanthe: I-I don't know what to do!
** (4) Evanthe runs towards the gate to help the guards hold it back or whatever they're doing **
(3) Tanja: ::thinks to self, but unwilling to say it out loud---neither do i::
(4) Evanthe: ((so the elven ranger dies this game)
(2) Tony: There are significantly less people know.. most having already fled toward the eastern and southern gates..
(3) Tanja: maybe we should follow the people...
(3) Tanja: ((hinthinthint))
(1) Mikhal: i think that's a good idea
(4) Evanthe: ((I ran to the gate, being the not so smart elf i am :o))
(2) Tony: Evanthe heads toward the gate..
(3) Tanja: we left to help the people, right? well they're already well ahead of us
(4) Evanthe: ((Are you guys near enough to me that I can hear you?))
(1) Mikhal: ((we are practically running around like chickens with their heads cut off XD))
(2) Tony: ((Yeah, you're all within hearing/sight distance))
(4) Evanthe: ((I'm not sure if you followed close enough...or if I ran off into the night))
(3) Tanja: ((we're all here to die with you))
(4) Evanthe: ((No, that's just me Scott xD))
(3) Tanja: ((lol we're doing it too))
** (4) Evanthe stops at Tanja's words **
(4) Evanthe: If we don't fight, we're sitting ducks!
(3) Tanja: maybe one of the guards at the safe gates has seen Alain
(3) Tanja: we're sitting ducks either way!
(3) Tanja: i don't want to die here
(3) Tanja: not after Alain's made a fool of us all
(4) Evanthe: ((*throws arrows at townspeople in frustration*))
(2) Tony: More guards fall from the western wall.... about 25 now remain..
(3) Tanja: ::stomps foot in emphasis::: we need to go!
** (4) Evanthe nods **
(3) Tanja: we can't do anything here! we're only three people!
(1) Mikhal: but which wall?
(4) Evanthe: East. That's as good as any, and better than this one
(3) Tanja: and far away from here
(3) Tanja: ::nods:
** (4) Evanthe rushes with the group **
** (1) Mikhal heads off to the east wall **</font>
(3) Tanja: ::rushes after::
(2) Tony: Evanthe runs to the east with the rest of the group.. this way is significantly less traveled, making it easier to reach the gate.. what few guards that are around are opening the gate for groups of townspeople
(2) Tony: They're crowding them into wagons from the nearby carpenter's shop
** (4) Evanthe sighs, deflated **
(3) Tanja: ::Stops a guard::: hey! have you seen alain come through here?
(3) Tanja: its important! temple business!
(3) Tanja: ::puts on her best arrogant face::
(2) NPC: "There's no way I could pick out one in this crowd! The temple would know where he is, but it's too late for that.. I suggest you civilians get away while you can!"
(3) Tanja: someone as well-known as Alain and you haven't seen him...?!  :::Sighs in defeat:::
** (4) Evanthe nods slowly, "I'm starting to think there's no hope for us to remain here.." **
(2) NPC: "Don't worry, I'm sure he's safe.. He's much more than an ordinary civilian"
(3) Tanja: ::Mutter:: isn't that the truth...
** (4) Evanthe scowls darkly. **
(2) NPC: "You should worry about yourselves now!"
(3) Tanja: what about...the people still inside..?
(3) Tanja: ::thinks of Aaron and all the others in the temple::
** (1) Mikhal whispers to the group,"should we try the south gate now?" **</font>
(2) NPC: "They'll have to find a way out themselves!"
(4) Evanthe: What's the point? *to Mikhal*
(1) Mikhal: maybe he went out that gate
(3) Tanja: ::agrees with evanthe::: the city's gone...
** (1) Mikhal shurgs helplessly **</font>
(2) NPC: A wagon pulls quickly outside of the gate... another empty one taking it's place..
(3) Tanja: ((hinthinthint))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(4) Evanthe: ((okay okay don't have to push))
(3) Tanja: ((i don't think it can get much more blunt than
(4) Evanthe: Looks like a good a ride as any
** (4) Evanthe hops onto the cart, looking dejected **
** (1) Mikhal gets on the cart too **</font>
(4) Evanthe: ((wagon, too))
(3) Tanja: ::climbs in and sits down, idly jingling her bag on her knees::
(1) Mikhal: ((wagon cart..same thing))
(2) NPC: The three hop into the wagon... being joined by a bevy of civilians... as the one at the reins stirs the two steeds drawing the wagon into action
** (4) Evanthe huddles closer to the other two **
(2) NPC: They pull out the gate at breakneck speeds, making for an incredibly bumpy ride over the snow and ice
(3) Tanja: ((*awww*))
(4) Evanthe: I just had a thought *in a low voice*
(3) Tanja: ::grits teeth against the bumps::
(3) Tanja: w-w-w-w-w-ha-a--a-at's th-a-a-a-at?
(3) Tanja: ::over the bumps::
(4) Evanthe: Alain is in cahoots with the ice maybe we should head towards their territory and the towns on the way to find clues
(3) Tanja: they'll kill us if they find us, and we sure don't know where any ice elf towns are...
(2) NPC: As they pass the outer wall... They see to the north multiple frost worms... at least five, bashing themselves against the city walls... Crushing their mandibles into the stone..
(3) Tanja: ::also in a low voice::
** (1) Mikhal open the map he has and looks it over **</font>
(3) Tanja: i hope Aaron and the others will be okay
** (4) Evanthe looks back, mouth agape **
(4) Evanthe: I..hope so too..if I had known, I would have made them come with us
** (1) Mikhal is looking for any cities over in the ice elf region **</font>
(3) Tanja: ::shakes head slightly::: they wouldn't have come
(4) Evanthe: *in a slightly angry voice* That's what I get for trying to play hero
(3) Tanja: they're too dedicated to the people
(6) Vitani: Disconnecting from server...
(6) Vitani (exit): 22:50
(2) NPC: Mikhal looks at his map... to the west of Krasevae, across the river there is noted a vast expanse of ice... which would probably be the most likely location
(4) Evanthe: ((eep, i didnt even know she had come in!))
(3) Tanja: we'll get Alain for everything...its his fault for it all, ultimately
(3) Tanja: ((egads me neither...))
(2) NPC: As both the east and the south lead to civilized lands under Kaltia's control
(2) NPC: ((She's having more computer trouble..))
(4) Evanthe: ((yuck))
(4) Evanthe: I want his head. *glowers*
(1) Mikhal: this map wasn't that helpful..*rolls it back up and puts it away*
(3) Tanja: ::agrees::
(3) Tanja: i think its safe to assume that everything north is ice elf territory, right?
** (4) Evanthe nods **
(1) Mikhal: stuff across the river to the west is
(2) NPC: Then there is a rumbling all around the wagon.. much more than the bumps...
** (4) Evanthe bounces around the cart, bumping into everyone **
(3) Tanja: ::braces self:: what's that?  :::cranes her head outside to try and see where the rumbling's coming from:::
(3) Tanja: ::clings to the side::
** (1) Mikhal braces himself **</font>
(2) NPC: A frost worm springs from the ground a mere 10 feet behind them... with a loud shriek that echos off the northern mountains...
(4) Evanthe: ((ha....hahah...ha....hahaah..))
(3) Tanja: :::shrieks and pulls back into the wagon away from the edges:::
(3) Tanja: ((oh my lord))
** (4) Evanthe grips her bow. "Looks like we may have to fight a worm yet" **
(3) Tanja: ((maybe its like tremors and all we have to do is stand still))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(2) NPC: It rears it's head, some 20 foot in the air now...over to the wagon..... and begins to pursue it...
** (1) Mikhal kinds wishes he had a bow now **</font>
(1) Mikhal: ((kinda*))
(4) Evanthe: ((*throws Mikhal at it* Pick it up and throw it!))
(2) NPC: The civilians are screaming for their lives, as the wagon driver pushes the steeds harder..
(3) Tanja: ::grips her bow too, though the wagon bouncing is making it very difficult to do anything but hold on::
(4) Evanthe: We have to do something!
(4) Evanthe: ((like...not die))
(1) Mikhal: ((*throws a horse at the worm* XD))
(3) Tanja: ((*throws random people*))
(4) Evanthe: ((That works, you can pull the cart))
(3) Tanja: ((someone get out and see if it attacks if you stand still!))
** (4) Evanthe tries to roll off the wagon **
(3) Tanja: ((at this speed?))
(4) Evanthe: ((well at least i'll be unconcious before i get eaten))
(3) Tanja: ((lol...i think she's onto something))
(1) Mikhal: ((is the wagon uncovered?))
(2) NPC: ((Yes))
(4) Evanthe: ((well if I hit a wall, I guess so :o))
(4) Evanthe: ((Hmmkay))
(2) NPC: Evanthe tries to roll off the wagon.. she waits for a good oppurtunity..
(2) NPC: ((Tumble check))
** (1) Mikhal stands at the end of the wagon with his greatsword out, waiting for a good oppurtunity at leap at the worm **</font>
(3) Tanja: ::poised on the edge, attempting to do like evanthe::
(4) Evanthe: ((what does that mean?))
(3) Tanja: ((d20 i think?))
(2) NPC: ((1d20+4 for you ^_^))
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+4] -> [20,4] = (24)
(4) Evanthe: ((:D))
(3) Tanja: ((i'm doing the same))
(1) Mikhal: ((jump check for me?))
(2) NPC: ((Tumble checks all around))
(1) Mikhal: [1d20+2] -> [7,2] = (9)
(3) Tanja: ((modifier is how many points you have into it? or is it based on something else?))
(2) NPC: Evanthe rolls of the wagon with true elven grace... she lands in a soft spot of snow and quickly regains her footing despite the speed
(2) NPC: ((Points + dex.. Yours is +6))
(3) Tanja: ((kickbutt))
(3) Tanja: [1d20+6] -> [11,6] = (17)
(1) Mikhal: ((i wasn't tumbling off..i was jumping at it..but oh well x.x))
(2) NPC: Mikhal leaps off as well, but doesen't land with nearly the same grace... he lands hard on an ice path and rolls ((1 dmg))
(2) NPC: Tanja, likewise finds an easy way off the wagon and comes through unscathed...
(3) Tanja: ::Yells back to the wagon::: keep going, no matter what!
(2) NPC: The wagon leaves them behind... not having to be told anything, the worm steadily following behind
(4) Evanthe: ((NICE))
(3) Tanja: ::draws her bow and fires, attempting to get its attention::
(3) Tanja: ((can i do that?))
(2) NPC: ((The question is should you do that... but yes :) ))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh don't say that))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(3) Tanja: ((okay guys, vote...should i?  :) ))
(1) Mikhal: ((why not? EXP = 3>))
(4) Evanthe: ((no guts no glory?....or something like that))
(3) Tanja: ((death = noheart))
(4) Evanthe: ((I'll back you up :o))
(4) Evanthe: ((true))
(1) Mikhal: ((death = very 3/>))
(3) Tanja: ::follows through with said action:: (okay...just remember, i asked opinions :) ))
(3) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [17,4] = (21)
(3) Tanja: ((i was kinda hoping i'd miss...))
(2) NPC: Tanja loads an arrow into her bow and fires....!
(1) Mikhal: ((don't worry..we'll just blame tony if something goes wrong :) ))
(3) Tanja: [1d6] -> [4] = (4)
** (4) Evanthe follows Tanja's lead..((into death!)) **
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+5] -> [20,5] = (25)
(2) NPC: It sinks into the back of the 40 ft worm...
(3) Tanja: ((lol we only hit when we don't want to))
(3) Tanja: ((40 feet?))
(4) Evanthe: [1d8] -> [4] = (4)
(4) Evanthe: ((yeah really))
(4) Evanthe: ((holy shit))
** (1) Mikhal stands back up from his roll and gets in a fighting stance)) **</font>
(2) NPC: ((d20 again for crit chance))
(4) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
(3) Tanja: ((fatality!))
(3) Tanja: ((find its heart!))
(1) Mikhal: ((heart seeking arrows are fun >=D))
(2) NPC: ((close.. but no cigar))
(4) Evanthe: ((darn))
(3) Tanja: ((rats))
(2) NPC: Taking a swipe at it mikhal?
(1) Mikhal: ((err..did i land close to it? O_o))
(2) NPC: Evanthe likewise launches an arrow into the side of the beast as it charges through..
(3) Tanja: ((40 feet of worm is a lot to land by))
(2) NPC: ((By some coincidence you did))
** (1) Mikhal impales the beastie **</font>
(2) NPC: ((In fact you landed in it's mouth.. 4d6 x6 please))
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+6] -> [3,6] = (9)
(1) Mikhal: ((>_>))
(3) Tanja: ((...))
(2) NPC: ((Ahh DM humor))
(3) Tanja: ((have fun, scott! *starts running*))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(2) NPC: Mikhal tries to slash at the worm as it passes by him... but his blade bounces off the rough skin of the beast...
(1) Mikhal: ((*turns into a gold dragon and eats you*))
(4) Evanthe: ((*digs a hole and hides*))
(3) Tanja: ((*burrows into the snow*))
(2) NPC: The worm doesen't even flinch and keeps heading after the wagon...
(1) Mikhal: ((the wroms can travel through the dirt..remember?))
(4) Evanthe: ((great rolls by us archers wasted!))
(3) Tanja: ((*laughing irl* well...that solved that))
(1) Mikhal: ((worms, even))
(2) NPC: ((Archers can try again if they wish))
(1) Mikhal: ((can i charge it?))
(3) Tanja: ((angel? lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((oi, might as well :o))
** (4) Evanthe fires another arrow off **
(3) Tanja: ::patiently draws and fires again::
(3) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [3,4] = (7)
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+5] -> [13,5] = (18)
(4) Evanthe: [1d8] -> [8] = (8)
(3) Tanja: ((egads))
(2) NPC: Evanthe's arrow flies with mighty accuracy toward the frost worm... it strikes it square in the back of it's head...... and it stops pursuing the wagon
(3) Tanja: ((..))
(3) Tanja: ::Gapes::
(4) Evanthe: ((oh fux))
(2) NPC: ((::loading frost worm minature::))
(3) Tanja: ((its on top of me))
(1) Mikhal: ((how fun..
(3) Tanja: ((n/m))
(1) Mikhal: ))
(3) Tanja: ((yay angel! >.> ))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh good lord))
(4) Evanthe: ((haha))
(2) NPC: It looks back toward it's attackers....
(3) Tanja: ((why are archers in front? *whine*))
(2) NPC: Init!
** (4) Evanthe tries to find a place to run to **
(4) Evanthe: ((damnit!))
(1) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [10,2] = (12) Init
(2) NPC: ((oh.. wait))
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+4] -> [9,4] = (13)
(3) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [18,4] = (22)
(3) Tanja: ((dammit))

(2) NPC:
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives

(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(2) NPC: ((I was in an old school mood))
(4) Evanthe: ((hehe))
(1) Mikhal: ((Roll again?))
(4) Evanthe: ((I was hoping for an "Oh wait, the worm keeps going after the wagon"..but no dice))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: (("it decides they're not worth the effort and keeps going...."))
(1) Mikhal: ((i was hoping for a "it drops dead"))

(2) NPC:
Next init:
(22): Tanja

(4) Evanthe: ((can we run away? :o))
(4) Evanthe: ((maybe if we run in different directions))
(4) Evanthe: ((one person will die >.>))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ()i think the quest is can we run faster then a speeding frost worm))
(2) NPC: ((You don't have to run faster than it, just faster than you're friends)
(1) Mikhal: ((question*))
(4) Evanthe: ((exactly xD))
(3) Tanja: ((want me to fight or run?))
(2) NPC: ((Note: Mikhal Runs faster than both of you))
(1) Mikhal: ((we..then i win in that aspect :D))
(3) Tanja: ((what??!))
(3) Tanja: ((i'm a thief! nobody runs faster than a thief!))
(4) Evanthe: ((Not if I shoot him in the leg with an arrow!))
(1) Mikhal: ((40 feet/turn))
(3) Tanja: ((i'll take his other need to tak a risk))
(3) Tanja: ((run or fight?))
(4) Evanthe: ((I will say nothing. *points to HUGE WORM that SHE hit*))
(4) Evanthe: ((Because I'm obviously not reliable))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: ((oh what the hell))
(3) Tanja: ::gulps and fires off yet another arrow::
(3) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [4,4] = (8)
(3) Tanja: ((see? i missed anyway =D ))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh great sense of humor from the dice))
(2) NPC: Tanja's arrow bounces harmlessly off the creatures chitinous hide
(3) Tanja: ((yeah i know))
(4) Evanthe: ((Sure, let them hit enough to get it's attention, but *never* after that))

(2) NPC:
Next init:
(13): Evanthe

(3) Tanja: ((we need WCG to bust in))
** (4) Evanthe fires off an arrow **
(3) Tanja: ((he's hiding in the snow right now))
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+5] -> [11,5] = (16)
(4) Evanthe: ((dunno if that hits :O))
(2) NPC: Evanthe's arrow likewise bounces off the beast..
(4) Evanthe: ((holy jeebus))

(2) NPC:
Next init:
(12): Mikhal

(3) Tanja: ((can we run now?))
(4) Evanthe: ((pick us both up and run like mad))
(1) Mikhal: ((chrage it..or not..))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((charge*))
(3) Tanja: ((charge it! *slinks away*)))
(2) NPC: ((Mikhal the hero..))
(3) Tanja: ((personally i think this is a stupid idea now))
(4) Evanthe: ((look around the area))
(4) Evanthe: ((for something to use to our advantage))
(3) Tanja: ((and am all for getting ourselves out of here))
(4) Evanthe: ((like something to hide in or make him run into or something))
(3) Tanja: ((remember the demi-lich!))
(1) Mikhal: ((i wasn't there for the demi-lich))
(1) Mikhal: *looks around the area*
(2) NPC: The only terrain feature besides arctic plains around is arctic woods... quite aways to the south
(1) Mikhal: ((hor far away?))
(3) Tanja: ((gee thanks DM))
(4) Evanthe: ((how much is "quite aways"))
(1) Mikhal: ((..i can't type today))
(4) Evanthe: ((the trees may slow it down))
(2) NPC: ((Some 200 feet))
(3) Tanja: ((its quite a ways if we can't outrun it...))
(1) Mikhal: ((and all out run is 4x normal movement?))
(4) Evanthe: ((Yeah I don't know if we can make it))
(3) Tanja: ((i'm close to burrowing into the snow and trusting to my hide skill to get me through))
(3) Tanja: ((but i don't trust the dice tonight))
(1) Mikhal: ((i can either pick you two up and run for it, or hope we kill it))
(2) NPC: ((You don't know that ;).. From your estimates you think you might be able to keep distance, but the heavy snow might interfere))
(3) Tanja: (( we can't kill it))
(3) Tanja: ((that's about as close as a DM comes to giving us outright advice))
(4) Evanthe: ((how much hp does this thing have? 2938473 million? run for it :o))
(3) Tanja: ((so i say hoof it))
(4) Evanthe: ((I mean...we did 16damage and it's only slightly irritated))
(3) Tanja: ((of course mikhal gets a headstart since angel and i have both gone...))
** (1) Mikhal picks up both Evanthe and Tanja and heads for the woods **</font>
(1) Mikhal: ((and declaring dodge on the thing))
(3) Tanja: ::gacks in surprise, holding wildly to her bow::
(3) Tanja: ((...can you carry two people for real?))
(1) Mikhal: ((pretty sure ;) ))
(2) NPC: ((Won't help, but hey, everyone needs hope))
(4) Evanthe: ((he's the strong man afterall xD))
(4) Evanthe: ((WHAT))
(3) Tanja: ((it won't help??))
(4) Evanthe: ((Tony you're officially not allowed to use ooc bubbles :( ))
(3) Tanja: ((geezus))
(2) NPC: Mikhal picks up the two women and makes a beeline toward the southern woods..!!
(2) NPC: ((Dodge, I meant.. :) ))
(4) Evanthe: ((unless it's positive))
(3) Tanja: ((oh!))
(4) Evanthe: ((Oh))
(3) Tanja: ((i thought you meant we're all gonna die))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(3) Tanja: (( i was gonna say...))
(4) Evanthe: (("Won't help, you're all dead. Game over."))
(3) Tanja: ((jesus christ))
(1) Mikhal: ((angel, check your IMs))
(3) Tanja: ((scott, never show me monster stats again))
(3) Tanja: ((i never want to know))
(2) NPC: Mikhal makes top speed... charging 160 feet to the south.. the woods now lie within 40 feet..
(4) Evanthe: ((kay))
(4) Evanthe: ((wtf mate))
(4) Evanthe: ((*sobs uncontrollably*))
(3) Tanja: ((run like hell...and don't stop))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: ((the MODIFIERS on that thing would kill me))
(3) Tanja: ((let alone the actual damage..))

(2) NPC:
Next init:
(12): Certain, Unavoidable, Nasty Death

(2) NPC: The frost worm starts to charge after them...
(4) Evanthe: ((I hate you ;_;))
(3) Tanja: ((how come i'm in back??))
(3) Tanja: ((put scott in back!!))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(1) Mikhal: ((patti, you have to kill him on FFXI now!))
(4) Evanthe: ((he tries to pound it in us to never be daring))
(3) Tanja: ((will do))
(3) Tanja: ((hey, this is the stuff stories are made of))
(4) Evanthe: ((surviving at least :D))
(3) Tanja: ((true, that))
(1) Mikhal: (("yeah..we fought a frost worm"))
(4) Evanthe: ((run faster scott :D))
(2) NPC: ((Hm... the hypoteneuse is equal to...
(3) Tanja: ((i take back the slap post, tony))
(3) Tanja: ((i'll take it down right now))
(4) Evanthe: ((it needs to be about 7 squares back according to my infalible calculations))
(3) Tanja: ((500k! ))
(3) Tanja: ((i have 500k!))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(4) Evanthe: ((next time remind me to look at monster stats BEFORE we take it on))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((*cheats*))
(3) Tanja: ((tony, stop with the dramatic pause))
(3) Tanja: ((kill us or don't))
(1) Mikhal: ((i hope he isn't using it's breath weapon >_>))
(3) Tanja: ((at least you're not in back :P))
(2) NPC: ((You people made me do geomety, and for that, I hate you all))
(4) Evanthe: ((no giving him ideas :( ))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh boy))
(3) Tanja: ((does that mean we auto-die?))
(2) NPC: The frost worm gets a bit closer... but it's having to expend all of it's effort to do so.. it's now 50 feet to your east
(3) Tanja: ((*cry*))
(4) Evanthe: ((take that fatty!))

(2) NPC:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) NPC:
Next init:
(22): Tanja

You must be either a player or GM to use the miniature Layer
(2) NPC: ::carried::

(2) NPC:
Next init:
(13): Evanthe

(2) NPC: ::likewise::
(3) Tanja: ((...err yes))

(2) NPC:
Next init:
(12): Mikhal

(3) Tanja: ((carried))
(1) Mikhal: *runrunrunrunrun*
(3) Tanja: ((he won't let us do anything stupid anymore, angel))
(4) Evanthe: ((question...which is purely just curiosity, if shooting while being carried considered as shooting while riding?))
(2) NPC: ((Unless you want to fire from Mikhal's back.. which I think you need a ride check for))
(3) Tanja: ((he's not even giving us the opportunity))
(4) Evanthe: ((Oh okay))
(4) Evanthe: ((answered my question ))
(4) Evanthe: ((and hell no, why make it angrier?))
(2) NPC: Mikhal easily makes it into the woods, running between the dense trees, hoping it'll slow the worm down a bit..
(3) Tanja: ((question...what makes us think trees will slow this thing down?))
(4) Evanthe: ((it's going above ground right now, so it has to hit them to get to us))
(4) Evanthe: ((if it burrows....we die or something))
(3) Tanja: ((but it s40 feet long))
(4) Evanthe: ((it slows it a little?...maybe))
(4) Evanthe: ((or it'd lose sight of us))
(2) NPC: Behind them they hear the cracking of trees, snapping in half as the beast crashes through the forest line..
(3) Tanja: ((*whips mikhal* hyah! hyah!))
(1) Mikhal: ((you know, i could thrown both of you at the worm and run faster myself ;) ))
(4) Evanthe: ((but you won't because you value your legs!))
(2) NPC: It howls in frustration and starts to head underground...
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: ((egads))
(3) Tanja: ((climb a tree?))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(1) Mikhal: ((up a tree!))
(3) Tanja: ((will that help..?))
(4) Evanthe: ((Doubtful))
(1) Mikhal: ((maybe?))
(4) Evanthe: ((*thinks about Patti's tremors idea*))
(2) NPC: General actions?
(4) Evanthe: ((pretend to *be* a tree))
(3) Tanja: ((why don't they list weaknesses on this site?!))
(3) Tanja: ((you want us to stand still...))
(1) Mikhal: ((weaknesses = fireballs and lots of them))
(4) Evanthe: ((no, that's a huge joke))
(4) Evanthe: ((i want us to lose it somehow))
(3) Tanja: ((okay just
(3) Tanja: ((maybe will slow it down..?))
(1) Mikhal: ((i think we are climbing up some trees?))
(4) Evanthe: ((You think so?))
(2) NPC: (("Frost worms eat yaks, polar bears, walruses, seals, moose, and yes, mammoths"))
(4) Evanthe: ((I won't take responsibility for ALL the stupid actions this game :D))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: ((well, we're dead if we don't...we could be dead if we do))
(1) Mikhal: *finds a big tree and climbs it*
(1) Mikhal: ((might as well))
(2) NPC: Mikhal climbs up the biggest try he can find
** (4) Evanthe climbs up after him **
(3) Tanja: ::climbclimbclimb::
(2) NPC: The others following close behind...
(4) Evanthe: (( and i so wanted to add more points to climb))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: ((4 into climb!))
(3) Tanja: ((i have rope too))
(4) Evanthe: ((i have rope..that may help))
(2) NPC: They soon reach the treetop... looking northwest they see the smoking city of Krasevae...
(3) Tanja: ::clings to the treetrunk, hoping for some luck::
** (4) Evanthe , looking scared, listens for sounds of the worm. **
(3) Tanja: Triana, if you get me through this, i'll make a stop at the next temple, i promise :: Mutters::
(2) NPC: There is a loud rumbling beneath them... and then it passes underneath them... heading further south..
** (4) Evanthe lets out her breath **
(3) Tanja: ((*rumblerumblerumbleRUMBLE*))
(2) NPC: A bird passes overhead... heading toward Krasevae...
(3) Tanja: ::blinks::: are  ::stares up at the bird flying overhead::
(3) Tanja: ((why mention a bird..?))
(4) Evanthe: ((quick, shoot it!))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: ((...))
(2) NPC: a gentle rain falls in it's wake...
(3) Tanja: ((hey...))
(1) Mikhal: ((it's dinner?))
(3) Tanja: ((its shapeshifting Alain!))
(2) NPC: In fact, the bird itself seems to be comprised entirely of water..
(3) Tanja: ::stares:: hey...what in the world..?
(4) Evanthe: I..think so
(4) Evanthe: Hm? *turns to look*
(1) Mikhal: that's..amazing
(4) Evanthe: And highly suspicious
(2) NPC: It circles over krasevae for awhile... them seems to land in the center of the city
** (4) Evanthe watches, slightly enthralled **
(1) Mikhal: ((how far away from the city are we?))
(2) NPC: ((Far way away... if you weren't in the trees you wouldn't be able to see the city at all.. Very tall trees *nod*))
(3) Tanja: ::not all that eager to get down::
(4) Evanthe: ((I would rather wait a few hours...days...whatever))
(2) NPC: And then, suddenly... a shimmering dome of water encompasses the entire city...
(3) Tanja: ::awed:: what IS that...?
(3) Tanja: ((what diety was that temple for again?))
(4) Evanthe: I don't...know
(4) Evanthe: ((Mulinel))
(3) Tanja: ((deity*))
(1) Mikhal: an avatar of Mulinel?
** (4) Evanthe watches to see what happens next. **
(3) Tanja: Mulinel is sure a flashy goddess, isn't she...?
(2) NPC: The outer edge freezes quickly in the harsh winter air.. locking off Krasevae from the outside in a shell of ice..
(3) Tanja: ((oh nevermind))
(4) Evanthe: you think the ice elves are still in there?
(3) Tanja: I'm not sure what to think now
(3) Tanja: if they were, why seal themselves off?
(4) Evanthe: I'm not so sure they did that..
(3) Tanja: so some are either locked inside, or they're locked outside
(4) Evanthe: And I hope the worm isn't one of those that are locked outside
(3) Tanja: there's more than just that one...
(2) NPC: Some shrill shrieks of frost worms are the only sound heard in the distance...
(4) Evanthe: ((oh, he can burrow under))
(3) Tanja: ::sighs audibly:: i guess that leaves us with our original question---what now?
(1) Mikhal: well, i dont think we can get back into the city
** (4) Evanthe clings to the tree, "We could head towards Zakrit..since it's further north, Alain may have passed through there" **
(3) Tanja: ((lets take the tree with us))
(4) Evanthe: But...I'm not sure that's such a great idea with all these worms mucking about.
(3) Tanja: ((you can carry it, right mikhal?))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(1) Mikhal: ((can we turn this tree into a giant ent?))
(4) Evanthe: ((wake up tree!))
(3) Tanja: where's Zakrit from here?
(4) Evanthe: ((Northeast right?))
(1) Mikhal: to the north
(3) Tanja: ((not this again))
(4) Evanthe: And slightly to the east
** (1) Mikhal nods in agreement **</font>
(2) NPC: The worm drove you significantly off the eastern trail, but Zakrit was Northeast of Krasevae
(3) Tanja: ((at least the ranger's not drunk...i trust the ranger))
(4) Evanthe: ((hehehe))
(4) Evanthe: It'll be a longer journey than the first, though
(3) Tanja: ::shimmys down the trunk and sets her feet warily on the ground, arms stilll around the trunk ready to leap back into the tree::
** (1) Mikhal climbs back down **</font>
** (4) Evanthe follows after **
(2) NPC: The three head back down the tree
(3) Tanja: Zakrit...?
(4) Evanthe: I'm awfully tempted to see that ice dome closer up...but yes, Zakrit
(1) Mikhal: or we can try to get back into the city..
(2) NPC: They're not positively sure where they are now... somewhere in the woods southeast of Krasevae..
(3) Tanja: not with the worms there
(3) Tanja: ::Firmly::
(4) Evanthe: If we can at least get Kresevae in our sights, it'd be easier to navigate accordingly to Zakrit
(4) Evanthe: Keeping a safe distance from it, of course
(1) Mikhal: ((maybe if w epray hard enough, Mulinel will save us? >_>))
(4) Evanthe: ((*is a disciple of ragnae* :o))
(2) NPC: ((...and who crushed her artifact?))
(3) Tanja: ((yeah not me))
(3) Tanja: ((i'm Triana's girl))
(2) NPC: ((*smite*))
(3) Tanja: ((burn))
(4) Evanthe: ((it was him!i told him to let aaron do it!))
(1) Mikhal: ((we didn't unknowingly))
(1) Mikhal: ((did it*))
(3) Tanja: ((unknowingly?!))
(3) Tanja: ((what about what i said??))
(1) Mikhal: ((well, Mikhal didn't know that would happen))
(3) Tanja: ((oh yeahhhh...don't listen to the thief))
(2) NPC: ((I think there was definite suspicion.. don't argue, god hates you))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(3) Tanja: ::shuffles feet:: so...
(1) Mikhal: to Zakrit then, i guess
** (4) Evanthe heads northwest then **
(3) Tanja: i don't really want to get any closer to the city than we are, but if we need to get our bearings... ::helpless shrug::
(3) Tanja: ::follows::
(2) NPC: Evanthe starts to head northwest, getting a bit closer to the city..
** (4) Evanthe nods, "We'll keep our distance **
(1) Mikhal: ((and then Mulinel smites us where we stand?)
(4) Evanthe: ((what about super elven sight? do we get that or something?))
(4) Evanthe: ((*makes up super elven stuffs*))
(2) NPC: They can see the path leading from the southern gate to the west.. driven with deep wagon tracks
(3) Tanja: ((i bet legolas could))
(4) Evanthe: ((what *can't* that elf do :o))
(3) Tanja: ((fight a frost worm))
(4) Evanthe: ((even then, he'd die with flair))
(3) Tanja: ((true))
(2) NPC: ((And it'd still only count as one))
(1) Mikhal: ((Legolas could kill one, i think))
** (4) Evanthe attemps to circumnavigate the city, without getting too close **
(1) Mikhal: ((true))
** (4) Evanthe but tries to see a little of anything through the dome **
(3) Tanja: ((i miss detect evil))
(2) NPC: Evanthe heands northeast along a hemispherical route.. The dome is far too thick to see through
(4) Evanthe: ((yeah >.>))
(2) NPC: Eventually they reach the eastern path.. they can see the hole the worm sprung from in the distance...

** (4) Evanthe becomes more cautious, listening for any sounds that are worm-like >.> **
(3) Tanja: ((like we'll be able to do
(4) Evanthe: ((seppuku!))
(2) NPC: No worm like sounds nearby.. at least, not in the immediate area
(4) Evanthe: It...seems like all is quiet *hesitantly*
(4) Evanthe: At least we're clear of the city
(3) Tanja: ::nods::
** (4) Evanthe continues trudging onward **
(2) GM Voice: The wagon trails cut a swath through the snow heading to the northeast, apparently Zakrit was on everyone's minds
(3) Tanja: ((haha...))
(2) GM Voice: They follow the trails..
(3) Tanja: ((well...maybe we'll meet up with the wagon we ditched and be rewarded beyond our wildest dreams for saving their butts))
(4) Evanthe: Somehow, I wouldn't think Zakrit would have been the safest place for the people to flee to...
(3) Tanja: ::thinks of the worm holes:: me neither...
(1) Mikhal: ((but it is the closest city))
(1) Mikhal: ((without the (())
(4) Evanthe: ((but it's ruined))
(4) Evanthe:'s ruined
(3) Tanja: there's no food either...
(2) GM Voice: Eventually... after a rather uneventful few hours of journeying.. Zakrit starts to come into sight... they see at least nine wagons pulled up on the outside of it...
(3) Tanja: ((at least we didn't have snow spiders))
** (4) Evanthe speeds up a little, anxious to question people **
(1) Mikhal: ((we could steal a wagon?))
(3) Tanja: ::follows::
(4) Evanthe: ((wagons ran them over :D))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) GM Voice: They see a large crowd of people surrounding a stout dwarf... nobody looks too happy..
(3) Tanja: ((Guess they found out about the no food thing...))
(2) Krast: "I don't know what the devil happend... but there's no way we can support all these people here!... you can see that!"
** (4) Evanthe pushes through the crowd to get a better view of the dwarf **
(4) Evanthe: Krast!
(4) Evanthe: ((we know him right >.>))
(3) Tanja: ((we should...))
(2) Krast: "We have no supplies as it is... We're nearly starving, there was supposed to be a caravan, but now.. .."
(2) Krast: The dwarf turns around and looks at the three..
(3) Tanja: (("who the hell are you?"))
(2) Krast: "Ah, my messengers... I don't suppose there's a few wagons worth of food behind ye..."
(3) Tanja: we...tried
** (4) Evanthe frowns, "Ah, we need to speak with you" **
(3) Tanja: ::reluctant to mention the Alain incident in front of all the people::
(4) Evanthe: And it'd be better if we weren't surrounded
(2) Krast: "I'd offer ye a private office..." he gestures to the ruined town.. "But that's nae really an option"
(3) Tanja: ::giggles, despite the circumstances::
(4) Evanthe: A quiet corner will do..
(2) Krast: He steps away from the group toward the three.. "Though.. if you can explain something I'd like tae here it.."
(3) Tanja: ::makes sure nobody's around to overhear:: its Alain...he's one of them...working for the Snow Elves...we tried to get you aid, but he sent nothing
(4) Evanthe: He hasn't come this way, by chance, has he?
(3) Tanja: by the time we figured it was too late
(2) Krast: Krast looks down and shakes his head... "..I had never met him in person, he was a new appoitment there in the temple.. Shot up the ranks they said... Blast, everyone played into his hands, and now these people are the cost..."
** (4) Evanthe 's frown deepens **
(4) Evanthe: Well, we have all these people to worry about there any place else that can send aid?
(3) Tanja: ::looks around at the people-to-wagon ratio:::
(2) Krast: "I've nae seen him... but I wish he'd come walking over that hill about now..." he scowls a little.. fingering the axe on his belt..
(3) Tanja: couldn't you all just...relocate?
(2) Krast: There seems to be 15 people per wagon right now..
(2) Krast: Krast nods... "I've been trying tae convince em to continue on east to the next city, Passel... Even if we weren't in these dire straights, Zakrit would still be too small.."
(3) Tanja: why won't they go?
(4) Evanthe: You'd think impending starvation would be reason enough
(3) Tanja: ::looks around the ruined town:: among other things...
(2) Krast: "Oh, I believe they'll go... They're just letting everything soak in, methinks.. ah, perhaps they deserve a rest.... a few wagons have already left..."
** (4) Evanthe nods "Is there anyplace that you can think of that Alain may have fled to?" **
(1) Mikhal: how far away is Passel?
(2) Krast: He looks at evanthe... "If ye say he's with the ice elves.. I'd gather he's gone off with them toward tae west.."
(2) Krast: "Passel's a long trip.. half a day by wagon, though at the pace these were flying at they might make it in a quarter..."
(3) Tanja: they should be okay then...
(3) Tanja: ::relieved::
** (4) Evanthe looks off towards the west **
(2) Krast: "Anyway.. I best get them to hurry along.." he looks grim... "We're next in line..."
** (4) Evanthe nods "Thanks Krast" **
(3) Tanja: ((what i wouldn't give for a spare wagon...))
** (4) Evanthe looks to the other three "I guess the decision now is if we head to Passel or if we head west" **
(4) Evanthe: ((other two, even))
(2) Krast: "If yae go to Passel... Tell the Regal Knights your story, they might just decide tae intervene..."
(3) Tanja: ::bitterly:: what could they do?
(3) Tanja: Alain ran circles around us
(4) Evanthe: I'm not sure I want to trust any group again..
(2) Krast: Krast smirks a bit... "Ye've never seen the Regal Knights, I take it..."
(3) Tanja: ::slightly miffed:: i was just visiting the area...i didn't expect to get caught up in a war
(4) Evanthe: I was...well, same thing as Tanja *looks away* None of us expected this.
(1) Mikhal: i was here on business *shrugs*
(2) Krast: "Let's just say the Regal knights are the ones who pushed the worms back far enough to settle Krasevae in the first place....
(4) Evanthe: Ah..Mikhal, are any of your friends here? *scans the crowd*
(3) Tanja: ::reluctantly:: well...
** (1) Mikhal scans the crowd **</font>
(3) Tanja: if you say so...then maybe we'll go
(2) Krast: Mikhal sees nobody familiar..
(3) Tanja: but like Evanthe said....people can't be trusted, apparently
(2) Krast: He seems to recall them leaving from the South gate, so it's probably to be expected that they aren't here
(3) Tanja: so i guess we have another decision...
(1) Mikhal: nope..they probably just headed south
(4) Evanthe: I don't think we have much choice...I don't think we'd survive in the wilderness with no provisions
(3) Tanja: ::nods::
(2) Krast: Another wagon pulls out of Zakrit.. the people looking already defeated...
(3) Tanja: ::watches them go:: i kinda know how they feel
(3) Tanja: i didn't even know the city, and i feel a bit like that
** (4) Evanthe nods solemnly **
(4) Evanthe: I guess we should see if we can hitch a ride
(3) Tanja: ::Nods::
** (4) Evanthe looks for a wagon with a bit of room **
(2) Krast: He looks up at them.. "So... is it all gone, then?... ah, Krasevae.. it was beautiful..."
(3) Tanja: we don't know that it all gone..
(1) Mikhal:'s still there..i think
** (4) Evanthe shakes her head. "It's surrounded by a dome of ice" **
(4) Evanthe: Something...happened out there
(3) Tanja: we saw some strange things before we lost sight...
(1) Mikhal: we saw a bird of pure water land in the city
(1) Mikhal: it surrounded the city in a dome of water and it froze up
(1) Mikhal: now it's encased in a shall of ice
(2) Krast: Krast stares at the three a moment... "...I suppose that's too crazy of a tale to make up, but in that case, there may be hope yet.."
(3) Tanja: [1d12] -> [3] = (3)
(3) Tanja: (oops))
(3) Tanja: (9sorry))
(3) Tanja: ((twitched the icons >.> ))
(4) Evanthe: Oh?
(4) Evanthe: Mulinel's grace?
(2) Krast: "It seems tae Gods have decided to play a hand in this...." He sighs.. "Whether that will make things better or worse we will have to see"
** (4) Evanthe looks thoughtful **
(3) Tanja: whenever the gods get involved, people die... ::looks sad::
(3) Tanja: anyway...lets just get moving...sitting around and brooding isn't helping things...
(4) Evanthe: Right
(1) Mikhal: to Passel then?
** (4) Evanthe nods **
(2) Krast: Krast nods... "I can find yae a wagon if ye wish.... though, we have a few horses if you'd prefer that... If we weren't relocating they'd be next on the dinner plates.." he sighs
(4) Evanthe: I'd..prefer horses myself
(3) Tanja: me too ::rubs her aching bottom from bouncing around in the back of the wagon::
(1) Mikhal: i'd have to agree..
(2) Krast: Krast nods... and heads off towards a wrecked looking stable... "We lost most of 'em.. but these'll serve you well.. well trained" he leads over three horses
(1) Mikhal: (( horses! :D)
(3) Tanja: (( $.$ ))
** (4) Evanthe nods gratefully "Truly Krast, thanks for all your help" **
(3) Tanja: ((don't worry, tony'll kill them off before we have a chance to sell them))
(3) Tanja: ((so don't get too attached to them))
(4) Evanthe: ((*already named hers* ;_;))
(2) Krast: "This'll get our message away faster than a wagon anyway... I feel I can trust you more than any of these civilians to follow through..." Krast nods..
(3) Tanja: ((>.> Me too...))
(2) Krast: "I'll follow behind on the last wagon... and back up your story if needs be.."
(4) Evanthe: Right
(3) Tanja: we might need sounds almost too crazy to believe
(2) Krast: Another Wagon lurches out and heads to the east..
(3) Tanja: shall we go?  ::looks to the others::
** (4) Evanthe mounts her horse **
** (1) Mikhal swings himself up on a horse **</font>
(3) Tanja: ::leaps on hers, eager to have a horse of her own::
(1) Mikhal: might as well go
(4) Evanthe: ((i was getting handle animal too ;_;))
(3) Tanja: ((*Hugs horse neck* don't kill him off! please!))
(4) Evanthe: ((we could get it to perform for gp :D))
(2) Krast: Krast "I'll look you up in Passel, Take care in the meantime!.." He waves slightly.. then heads off toward the wagons to sort some more things out..
(4) Evanthe: ((I ideas from me))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
** (4) Evanthe spurs her horse off towards Passel **
(3) Tanja: ::waves almost cheerfully at Krast and heads off after evanthe::
(2) Krast: They head off on their horses across the icy plains toward the east..
(2) Krast: Every few minutes they pass up another Wagon heading toward the east.
(3) Tanja: ::waves at random children in an attempt at cheering people up::
(1) Mikhal: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: no sense in staying glum for too long... ::to anybody listening::
(4) Evanthe: Things are looking up!
(3) Tanja: ((.... *RAWR!*))
** (4) Evanthe is enjoying the ride, frequently reaching to pat her horse fondly **
(2) Krast: The attempts to cheer up the people for the most part go unheeded... after all, they didn't even get free horses
(4) Evanthe: ((=P))
(3) Tanja: ((Oh, right))
(1) Mikhal: ((that's because they arn't level 2))
(3) Tanja: ((little do they know, we're saving the world))
(4) Evanthe: ((yeah, those low leveled people can't ride horses :D))
(2) Krast: After a few hours.. the path begins to curve southward around a mountain.. No wagons have appeared in awhile either, so it seems you're ahead of them now
(3) Tanja: ((uhoh))
** (4) Evanthe rides on, feeling a bit better **
(3) Tanja: ::warily keeps an eye out for trouble while still enjoying the ride::
(4) Evanthe: It just occurred to me how ravenously hungry I am
(3) Tanja: ((*blink*))
(4) Evanthe: I hope this Passel has nice foods
(3) Tanja: i don't know...Passel wasn't on my list of places to see
(2) Krast: Then the path turns back north... passing in a valley between two mountains...
(3) Tanja: Kresave was as far north as i wanted to be
(4) Evanthe: Mikhal do you know anything about the town?
** (1) Mikhal reaches into his pack and hands Tanja and Evanthe a travel ration **</font>
** (4) Evanthe notes the passing scenery with none too much concern **
(3) Tanja: ::takes it gingerly:: is
(4) Evanthe: Ooh, Mikhal you're a lifesaver! *gobbles it down*
(3) Tanja: it doesn't look much like food...::makes a face::
(1) Mikhal: nope..we havn't been there..we were gonna go there soon
(1) Mikhal: ((a travel ration lasts a whole day ;) ))
(4) Evanthe: It's not so bad Tanja
(3) Tanja: ((that doesn't mean i like it :P ))
(3) Tanja: ::nibbles it:: its...okay, i guess
(1) Mikhal: well, it's that or nothing *eats part of a travel ration*
** (4) Evanthe stretches her arms upward "Ahh I feel better now." **
(3) Tanja: ((lets take these horses and go! forget kresave!))
(2) GM Voice: Finally after passing around the southern of the mountains, the parth turns sharply south... and the tempeture seems to get a little warmer...
(4) Evanthe: At least I'm not feeling so cold anymore
(3) Tanja: ::perks up::: its not so cold!
(3) Tanja: ::grateful::
(2) GM Voice: The snow goes from constant presence to rough splotches on the ground here and there
(4) Evanthe: And I was starting to get used to the snow, too...hum.
(3) Tanja: not me... ::fervently::
** (4) Evanthe laughs "Warm blooded til the end, huh?" **
(2) GM Voice: And though winter's rage has removed the vegetation around and stripped the trees... it seems that this area will be quite temperate in the spring
(3) Tanja: and then some.  ::Nods firmly::
** (4) Evanthe glances back at Mikhal "Not much of a talker, are you?" **
(1) Mikhal: *shrugs*i'm just going over what happened
(3) Tanja: ::finishes off her travel ration::
** (4) Evanthe looks thoughtful. "Anything new come to mind?" **
(4) Evanthe: I keep thinking about what Krast said about Alain being new to the temple
(3) Tanja: i was thinking that earlier too
(4) Evanthe: It just seems...odd that they would allow that.
(1) Mikhal: not really..just wondering what would of happened if we stayed in town
(3) Tanja: about what it would take for someone to rise so quickly in the temple and still not be noticed
(4) Evanthe: My brother has been trying to get into the temple for awhile..*nods at Tanja* And to be given such immense trust in such a short time
(4) Evanthe: He must have done something really great for them
(3) Tanja: or...there's more than just him involved
(2) GM Voice: They pass a few farmhouses on the sides of the road... they seem well constructed.. clearly civilization is getting nearer...
(4) Evanthe: You know, before I thought you may have been overly cautious...but now...I think you're on to something
(1) Mikhal: Well, it obvious he was skilled with the mind power thing..maybe he used that to get to the top?
(1) Mikhal: ((it's*))
(4) Evanthe: It's just a horrible insult to all that Mulinel stands for. Hennet would *not* be pleased to hear about this.
(3) Tanja: he didn't have people hypnotized...
(4) Evanthe: Hmm.. and other people seemed to have the same power
** (4) Evanthe thinks of Aaron and her sunny demeanor darkens a little. **
(2) GM Voice: Ahead of them they start to see the massive walls of a city..
(3) Tanja: was Alain a snow elf? or was he just a sympathetic nut?
(4) Evanthe: See, that's another thing I can't figure out
(1) Mikhal: it's quite possible
(3) Tanja: ((*unravels tony's carefully laid plot before the second act*))
(4) Evanthe: The snow elves mostly keep to themselves, it's not normal for them to place trust in a human
(2) GM Voice: It seems even more fortified than the walls surrounding Krasevae.. and on every section of wall is a long Banner..
(3) Tanja: but it doesn't seem like they'd resort to subterfuge either...
** (4) Evanthe catches sight of the city "Wow...Kresevae has nothing on this city" **
(3) Tanja: ::stares::
** (1) Mikhal lets out a low whistle **</font>
** (4) Evanthe nods to Tanja's last comment. "There has to be more players than just the snow elves" **
(4) Evanthe: Otherwise, it just doesn't make sense
(1) Mikhal: i've only seen a few cities bigger then this
(2) GM Voice: Each banner has a long downpointing sword, set against a red background... they sway slightly in the wind..
(4) Evanthe: Or Alain is in a love tryst with some snow elf and wants to make her happy *smirks at the thought of stoic Alain in love*
(3) Tanja: ::laughs::
(3) Tanja: ((brb...bathroom >.>))
** (4) Evanthe increases to a gallop to reach the city **
(2) GM Voice: Then, the massive gates of the city appear on the horrizon... A massive wooden door, covered by a huge steel portilicus
(2) GM Voice: The three bring their horses up the imposing gates..
** (4) Evanthe dismounts and...knocks **
(2) NPC: A guard calls down from above, garbed in brilliant silver armor.. "You have reached the city of Passel...What is your business?"
(4) Evanthe: We bring news from Kresevae
(3) Tanja: ((okay back))
(4) Evanthe: ((wb))
(4) Evanthe: ...and wish an audience with the Regal Knights
(2) NPC: The guard eyes them suspciously...
(4) Evanthe: ((ooh fight us))
(4) Evanthe: ((*happy to see anything smaller than 40 feet))
(3) Tanja: something's happened!  ::can't keep quiet::
(4) Evanthe: ((*))
(2) NPC: "Very Well.. you may pass, but know the eyes of Regial are upon all who venture into the city"
(3) Tanja: ::Mutters:: that's comforting...
** (4) Evanthe waves a hand "Right, right" **
(4) Evanthe: We'll be good *grins up at the guard*
(3) Tanja: ((*steals everything not nailed down*))
** (1) Mikhal idlely wonders if they have that many people **</font>
(2) NPC: He steps back into the gate house... and then the massive clanking of an iron chain is heard.... the portillicus slowly rises..
** (4) Evanthe remounts her horse, and clops on in **
(3) Tanja: ::spurs her horse on an follows::
(2) NPC: The gate is pulled open slowly.... and the three travelers pull inside.. where they find themselves surrounded by 8 silver armored knights
(1) Mikhal: ((it would be amusing if we didn't have horses, but people following behind us with coconut shells, monty python-esque))
(3) Tanja: ::looks uneasy:: is...this necessary?
(2) NPC: One of the guards, with a flowing red cape speaks up.. "It is for your own protection" he looks at the horses.. "do you require a stable?"
(3) Tanja: will we get our horses back?
(3) Tanja: ::suspicious look::
(2) NPC: "There are no thieves in the City of Passel, they will be well cared for"
(3) Tanja: ((*snicker*))
(1) Mikhal: ((or so they think))
(3) Tanja: ((+1 thief))
(4) Evanthe: Then yes, we will
(3) Tanja: ::reluctantly dismounts and hands her horse over:: i guess...but take good care of him!
** (1) Mikhal dismounts also **</font>
** (4) Evanthe dismounts **
(2) NPC: The supposed captain calls a subordinate over.. who salutes, and then takes the reigns into his hands, leading them over to a building nearby the gate.
(4) Evanthe: Are you a Regal Knight? *eyes him*
(2) NPC: "I am Lieutenant Remel, of the Regal Knights" He says very professionally. "All of us are Regal Knights"
** (4) Evanthe looks at him suspiciously "And how long have you been a member of the Knights?" **
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((might as well cover our bases))
(2) NPC: Their armor seems exquisitely shiny... each of them wears a chain around their neck, with a pendant in the shape of a silver sword..
(3) Tanja: ((i need your name, and two references))
(4) Evanthe: ((hehehe))
(3) Tanja: ::fidgets being in such...shiny company::
(1) Mikhal: ((and after the two references, we'll think about letting you escorting us))
(2) NPC: The captain looks at the three... "This does not seem pertinent to the matter at hand.. You said you wished an audience?"
(3) Tanja: ((man...these guys are stiffs...))
** (4) Evanthe mumbles "You'd be surprised" **
(3) Tanja: ::makes a face::
(4) Evanthe: But yes, we do
(4) Evanthe: I assume we'll discuss this in private?
(2) NPC: "Of course, I shall bring you to my Superior.." He turns and starts walking along the road east... The other Knights form around the three, with two on each side and two behind.
(3) Tanja: ::looks around at the others::: this seems more like a guard than an escort...
** (4) Evanthe smiles at the one next to her "How's the food here?" **
(4) Evanthe: ((rely on Eva to be obtuse *victory sign*))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) NPC: The Guard next to Evanthe remains silent..
(2) NPC: There are no other people on this road..
(3) Tanja: where are all the people?
** (1) Mikhal gauges up the guard next to him **</font>
(3) Tanja: ::warily begins to slightly drag her feet::
** (4) Evanthe frowns "Not very friendly here" **
(2) NPC: None of the houses seem to have doorways conncecting to this street either..
(3) Tanja: this isn't looking right...
(2) NPC: Remel: "No civilians are allowed on this Road, it is for those with official Business Only"
** (4) Evanthe starts to feel uneasy, repeats Tanja's question "Excuse me, Mr. Captain sir? Where are all the people?" **
(4) Evanthe: ((oh strike that then))
(4) Evanthe: Well...okay
(3) Tanja: ::remains uneasy:: i've never heard of that before
(2) NPC: Remel: "Do not be alarmed, they have their own assigned Districts"
(3) Tanja: what purpose does that serve?
(3) Tanja: assigned districts...?
(3) Tanja: ::starts to worry for the incoming flux of people::
** (1) Mikhal starts to not like this city **</font>
(3) Tanja: ((i think we've stepped into nazi germany))
(4) Evanthe: ((we would, with our luck))
(2) NPC: Remel: "The army is often on the move, If there were merchants and civilians on the street they could not move effectively, thus, the center thoroughfare is always kept open"
(4) Evanthe: You know there will be others after us, right? They'll be taken care of?
(3) Tanja: ::mutters:: we haven't reallly told our story yet...
(4) Evanthe: I mean, cared for and all...*lamely*
(2) NPC: Remel: "Others?... Any travelers entering the city will be Cared for, Passel will not turn them away unless they seek evil"
** (4) Evanthe nods, looking more satisfied **
(2) NPC: They seem to have reached the center of town... the wide road splits to the north.. all the buildings look staid and functional.. The large one to the north waves two large banners similar to outside..
(2) NPC: Remel: "This way" He heads toward that building.
(3) Tanja: everything looks so....stark.
(3) Tanja: and...clean.
** (4) Evanthe follows, drinking in the sights of the city **
(4) Evanthe: Yeah...I feel like I'm too...*doesn't finish*
(2) NPC: "The Regal Knights Ensure that this city is the Pride of Kaltia, we would not have anything less"
(3) Tanja: it could be more....pleasing to the eye?
** (4) Evanthe mocks Remel when his back is turned. **
(3) Tanja: ::mutters:: this place makes me itch
** (1) Mikhal smirks at Evanthes antics **</font>
(2) NPC: Remel: "We seek objective function, rather than subjective opinion. Our city is built with this in mind" He steps up a grand stair
(3) Tanja: ::blinks::
(2) NPC: They pass under a large archway... into a large hall. They stop at a door ahead.
(2) NPC: Remel salutes the Guards at the door. "Captain Remel, Bringing Messengers from Krasevae"
(2) NPC: The Salute in turn and pull back the doors wide...
(3) Tanja: ((i'm expecting Alain))
** (4) Evanthe salutes the guard as well and follows Remel in **
(4) Evanthe: ((if so, mikhal can spin kick everyone))
(3) Tanja: ((i'm gonna stab that bastard in th back so hard... lol))
(3) Tanja: ::wanders in, still looking around ::
(1) Mikhal: ((mmm..blood fountains..yay!))
(2) NPC: They step upon a red carpet in the next room... This seems to be huge hall, with red banners and suits of armor along the walls, at the end of the carpet is a large desk, flanked by two guards....
(3) Tanja: ::looks with interest at the suits of armor::: very cool...
(2) NPC: at the desk sits an older, rugged looking knight, with helmet removed, seperating him from all of the others around.
** (4) Evanthe smiles in greeting, "Hello" **
(2) NPC: The guard next to Evanthe shoots her a rude Glance..
(3) Tanja: ::coughs to hide a giggle::
(3) Tanja: ((jeezus...somebody needs to steal something, and soon))
** (4) Evanthe smiles bigger to him before turning back to the boss guy **
(4) Evanthe: ((yeah really x.x))
(2) NPC: Remel kneels before the desk, Putting his gauntlet over his heart. "Sire, these are some Messengers from Krasevae, They have requrested an audience"
(2) NPC: The older Knight smiles slightly at Remel "Very Well, You are Dismissed"
(3) Tanja: ((*gasp!* a smile!))
(4) Evanthe: ((*dies of shock*))
(2) NPC: Remel: "Yes Sir" He returns to his feet.. and him and his retinue file outside the room the way they came.
** (4) Evanthe makes a face at their backs **
(3) Tanja: ::resists the strong impulse to wander around the room and stands still::
** (4) Evanthe then scoots a little closer to the old knight, sobering "Um.." **
(2) NPC: The elder knight behind the desk has more than a few scars on his face, he's obviously a product of many battles..
(1) Mikhal: ((does that mean he's for sale?))
(3) Tanja: ((*blink*))
(4) Evanthe: ((that was wrong in so many ways ;D))
(1) Mikhal: ((i know :) ))
(2) NPC: He looks up at them.. "Messengers from Krasevae, I am Solomon, acting General of the Regal Knights... I pray that your welcome was warm, and await your message"
(1) Mikhal: ((legal postituion would liven this town up *nods*))
(4) Evanthe: ((most definitely))
(4) Evanthe: Well...*looks to see if any others want to take it away*
(3) Tanja: ::waves hands:: go for it
** (4) Evanthe nods. "I assume you've heard about the ice elves trying to take over Kresevae?" **
(2) NPC: The old knight nods.. "Yes, Krasevae has always been plagued with their attacks.."
** (4) Evanthe continues on, "Long story short, Kresevae was betrayed by a human named Alain. Both the people of Kresevae and Zakrit are headedt his way to seek refuge and safety. We ourselves seek out Alain and any help that you may have to spare." **
(3) Tanja: Kresave was attacked....and all-but-destroyed...
(4) Evanthe: Both towns are in ruins
(4) Evanthe: The frost worms have surfaced and attacked in droves
(4) Evanthe: We barely escaped one
(2) NPC: Solomon's expression turns deathly serious, as if it weren't already...
(4) Evanthe: ((*attacking even))
(4) Evanthe: ((hey hey, he smiled!))
(3) Tanja: ::debates making a crack about his face freezing that way, then decides against it::
(3) Tanja: ::bites lip instead::
(2) NPC: "These are grim tidings... Krasevae, in ruins you say?... A Traitor, now they see the flaws in their lack of proper Discipline..."
(1) Mikhal: Krasevae may not be to total ruins, we don't know
(4) Evanthe: It doesn't really seem to be the time to attack their structure, it's too late for any of that now
(4) Evanthe: Kresevae is now covered entirely by a dome of ice...which we credit to Mulinel's intervention
(4) Evanthe: Krast of Zakrit informed us that you may be able to help us.
(2) NPC: "Krast..." He closes his eyes and taps a gauntleted finger on his desk a few times...
(3) Tanja: ((that's probably code for "seize them!" ))
(4) Evanthe: ((:3 quick someone be ready to take him hostage))
(2) NPC: He pauses another moment.. "If Mulinel is intervening for her beloved city, the threat must be serious indeed.."
** (4) Evanthe nods in agreement. **
(2) NPC: He writes something on a piece of parchment in front of him with a feather pen.."I will send a Lance of Knights to investigate the matter, and assist in any way possible.. The least I can do, for an old friend"
(3) Tanja: ((a feather pen...teehee))
(4) Evanthe: Lance of Knights?
(4) Evanthe: I'm not familiar with your ranks
(3) Tanja: ((i keep thinking pink fuzzy feathered pen from Clueless...))
(4) Evanthe: ((it makes him feel pretty))
(1) Mikhal: ((i feel pretty, oh so pretty..))
(3) Tanja: ((i'm....too sexy for my pen....))
(4) Evanthe: ((*puts a bow in Scott's hair*))
(1) Mikhal: ((that'd look pretty funny, hehe))
(2) NPC: "Oh, do forgive me... a Lance is a squad of 6 knights headed by a captain" He takes the parchment in his hands and hands it to one of his subordinates beside him.. "Take this to Remel, have him choose his finest men"
(2) NPC: "And, see that these messengers be given compensation for their duties"
(3) Tanja: (($.$))
(3) Tanja: ::eyes light up::
(2) NPC: The knight salutes, and takes the parchment from Solomon..
(2) NPC: Solomon: "You have done a great service, and In Passel we see that no good deed goes unrewarded, and no evil deed unpunished"
(4) Evanthe: Thank you so much
(4) Evanthe: For..everything
(2) NPC: Solomon smiles warmly. "If you see Krast, tell him to meet with me immediately.. I understand it is a long time since he has walked these halls..."
(4) Evanthe: We'll be sure to pass it on *smiles back*
(2) NPC: The junior knight walks over to the group, parchment in hand, and bows before them. "If you would follow me, please"
** (4) Evanthe follows alongside the knight "Does this mean you'll be nicer to us now?" **
(3) Tanja: uh...sure....yessir.  ::follows awkwardly::
** (1) Mikhal bows to Solomon and then follows the junior knight **</font>
** (4) Evanthe waves goodbye to Solomon **
(2) NPC: The Knight looks suprised.. "Was Remel's welcome unkind?"
(4) Evanthe: A little stoic, but not unkind
(4) Evanthe: Is he stressed out?
(2) NPC: Solomon returns the hand wave kindly.. "Farewell Messengers, if there is anything else you need, don't hesistate to ask a Knight"
(2) NPC: The Knight leads the way out of the room. "Perhaps you have mistaken our Manner as coldness, it is a common perception of foreigners"
(4) Evanthe: Ahh okay
(2) NPC: He leads the group over to the presumed treasury... where he hands them a sizeable payment. "For your trouble, 500 Gold Terremes, Paid by the Regal Knights of Passel"
(3) Tanja: ::watches, eyes round::
(4) Evanthe: This is more than gracious, thank you very much.
(1) Mikhal: you have our thanks
(2) NPC: The Knight bows deeply. "Thank you for your service to our Country, if you would like to Accompany Remel, I shall inform the Captain"
** (4) Evanthe looks towards the others. **
** (1) Mikhal casts a glance at Evanthe and tanja **</font>
(3) Tanja: ::shrugs:: why not? we've gone this far...
(4) Evanthe: first guess would be to say yes. I still want to find clues to Alain
** (4) Evanthe nods. **
** (1) Mikhal nods in agreement **</font>
(4) Evanthe: Not to mention, I'm anxious to see if Remel is capable of smiling
(2) NPC: The Knight nods.. "In the meantime, I will show you to the guests quarters..."
(3) Tanja: ::smiles::
(3) Tanja: ((my goal is to have a collection of silverware from all around the world))
(4) Evanthe: ((haha))
(2) NPC: He leads them down another hall.. and shows them to their rooms, plain, yet quite comfortable...
(1) Mikhal: ((it'll be much easier once we rule the world))
(3) Tanja: ((mmhmm))
(3) Tanja: ((we'lll make this place our Vegas, i think))
(1) Mikhal: ((*nods* it's very dull))
(2) NPC: The knight salutes once more. "I am sure Remel will be quite pleased to be able to show you his knights in action.. I will call for you when it is time"
(4) Evanthe: Thanks again....I uh, didn't catch your name.
(3) Tanja: ::Smiles:: okay...thanks.
(4) Evanthe: ((quick tony, think of a name :D))
(2) NPC: ((you people are so difficult))
(3) Tanja: ((Remel the 3521 ... they're all clones))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((heeey, it's my character ;D))
(3) Tanja: ((fifi))
(1) Mikhal: ((Cookie?))
(2) NPC: "I am Nolan, Squire of the Regal Knights" he says officially, as if he has said it thousands of times before
(4) Evanthe: ((WCG!))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((who was..jason or something right?))
(3) Tanja: ((yah...jason))
(1) Mikhal: ((a knight named Cookie would be funny..))
(3) Tanja: ((WCG *melt*))
(4) Evanthe: Nice to meet you Nolan *waves goodbye*
(4) Evanthe: ((or some girly name))
** (1) Mikhal waves to him **</font>
(2) NPC: He bows deeply, and shows himself out.
(2) NPC: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(3) Tanja: lol
(4) Evanthe: 500 gold isn't too shabby
(4) Evanthe: too bad we couldnt' steal anything off the worm

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