Game 2

From Reydala

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(1) Tony: *************************************************************************
(14) Locke: ((sex0rz, first words))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: For the last 2 days, the party has taken advantage of the lodgings of the temple of Mulinel
(9) Tanja: ((*steals from the minibar*))
(1) GM Voice: And, thanks to langely, a sampling of the finest cuisine the city has to offer
(13) Evanthe: ((am I just automatically with the party?))
(14) Locke: ((I hired a prostitute))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(13) Evanthe: ((you would :P))
(11) Mikhal: (('cause it's legal now right? XD))
(1) GM Voice: ((If you perfer, or I can set you up in the scene ;) ))
(13) Evanthe: ((the latter :D)
(14) Locke: ((XD it's ok))
(14) Locke: ((Angel, we disbanded after the fight last time))
(13) Evanthe: ((oh okay))
(9) Tanja: ((and langley's a traitorous bastard who misled us))
(11) Mikhal: ((*whispers to patti* shoudl we include angel in out plan for Reydala domination?))
(9) Tanja: ((but fed us))
(14) Locke: ((wait... reydala domination? :o))
(13) Evanthe: ((then he's not ALL bad))
(14) Locke: ((yeah, I was starving when he fed me that chicken))
(1) GM Voice: During this time, priests and pilgrims have been entering and leaving the temple at all hours of the day..
(1) GM Voice: Your quarters, those donated by the high priest, are definitely among the upper class
(9) Tanja: ((*slow smile*))
(11) Mikhal: ((awesome))
(14) Locke: ((w00ts)
(11) Mikhal: ((Tanja: *steals everything she can*))
(9) Tanja: ((shh!))
(14) Locke: ((I desecrated the sanctuary by taking my prostitute there D: ))
(9) Tanja: ::inspects the smaller articles of her room::
(1) GM Voice: ((::full description::))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(1) GM Voice: The Temple of Mulinel (High Priest's Living Quarters)

This room appears immensely luxurious. I lush blue carpet covers the entire floor and the walls are covered in tapestries depicting the Goddess Mulinel. A painted window shines bright light upon the chamber. The furniture (Bed, Armoire, Dresser, Bookshelf) is all intricately carved with ornamentation of gilded gold. The antique bookshelf contains many difficult looking books.

(11) Mikhal: ((tony, is it that Armoire of Invulverability?))
(1) GM Voice: ((Not quite =p))
(11) Mikhal: ((damn((
(1) GM Voice: Then, on the evening of the 2nd day, you each have recieved a morning summon to see the head priest.
(9) Tanja: ::Musingly:: well, its good to see that the donations are put to good use....
(14) Locke: Yes, this is most luxurious
(1) GM Voice: The morning comes... a bit warmer than before, hovering at a nice 30 degrees outside..
(9) Tanja: it seems kinda...i don't know....wrong, somehow. to put the money to use like this, i mean.
(9) Tanja: it could be put to such better use!
(11) Mikhal: like..helping the needy of the town?
(9) Tanja: no, not exa---:::changes her mind::: yeah, like that.
(1) GM Voice: A gentle snowfall continues to blanket the outside in white..
(14) Locke: we are the needy
(9) Tanja: ((*decides to spend the game debating the morality of the temple instead of playing*))
(14) Locke: ((XD)
(1) GM Voice: The time of the summon is drawing near..
(9) Tanja: ::comes running in from outside, glad to be out of the cold:: god i hate this place! its so cold!  ::says loudly, until she remembers where she is::
(11) Mikhal: maybe we should go and see what the high priest has to say
(9) Tanja: ::looks suddenly faintly guilty::  ::whispers to mikhal:: what do you think this is about...?
(11) Mikhal: *whispers back* maybe a job offer for money?
(1) GM Voice: The summon asks for you to meet him at the priest's private chapel, upstairs
(9) Tanja: well...i'm waiting for the others. no way am i gonna go ahead and single myself out.
(11) Mikhal: ((
(14) Locke: I'll come along
(9) Tanja: ((*unplugs scott's phone*))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
** (11) Mikhal ascends to the private chapel **</font>
(9) Tanja: ::Mutters:: i hope they haven't forgotten about my rope..
(13) Evanthe: ((wait wait, was that your way of setting me up in the scene or am I jumping the gun?))
(9) Tanja: ((i dunno....i was trying to open it up))
(1) GM Voice: ((We'll get to you in a sec ;) ))
(14) Locke: oh, the acolytes gave this back to me yesterday night
(9) Tanja: ((i have no idea what goes through tony's mind))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal ascends the stairs to the second floor, turning down the hall to the doors of the second floor chapel..
(13) Evanthe: ((*digging for elven armor int he background*))
** (14) Locke hands Tanja the rope **
(9) Tanja: ::starry eyes:: my rope!
(1) GM Voice: He opens the door, and strides into the chapel..
(9) Tanja: ::follows after Mikhal, safely tucking the rope away from prying eyes and further use:::
(1) GM Voice: The Temple of Mulinel (Priest's Chapel)

This secondary chapel is subdued compared to the primary one below, and is probably for the priest's private use. Against the Far wall is a large statue of the goddess Mulinel smiling with open arms. At her feet a fountain bubbles forth fresh water. Wooden pews fill the rest of the room, with an aisle set with blue carpet. Additionally, There is a door in the far corner of the room.

(1) GM Voice: The High priest stands near the statue, seemingly discussing something with an Elf..
(1) GM Voice: He looks up upon your approach.. "Ah! You have Arrived, I trust the quarters were to your liking"
(14) Locke: oh yes, thank you very much
(11) Mikhal: they were very nice
(9) Tanja: yes...they were...more than what i'm used to, certainly..
(1) GM Voice: "Forgive the Rudeness of our first meeting, I am Alain, head priest of the temple of Mulinel"
(1) GM Voice: Alain himself stands about 6 feet, garbed in a large blue robe.. his hair is a short blonde and eyes a sparkling blue, he seems to be quite frail, but with an undeniable charisma
(9) Tanja: ((*girls swoon*))
(13) Evanthe: ((haha))
(1) Alain: "Good, good.."
(1) Alain: "No doubt you are wondering why I have brought you here"
(14) Locke: ((*looks up to see Alain's face*))
(11) Mikhal: ((i have ot look up to see him too XD))
(9) Tanja: ((*unimpressed as the only human in the game* c'mon i need some human lovelove))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(13) Evanthe: ((I haven't even figured out a height yet >.>))
(14) Locke: ((*cuts ears off *gives the loving*))
(9) Tanja: i was kinda wondering why you were treating us so well...
(1) Alain: "As you might have guessed from the circumstances of our previous encounter... This city is often torn with conflict."
(1) Alain: "The Ice elves come from across the sea, and they wish to claim this land as their own, especially our Crystal falls..."
(1) Alain: "Not to mention the Native frost worms that make travel ever-perilous and occaisionally throw themselves against our walls.."
(1) Alain: "As a border town, this is our fate.." He closes his eyes slightly.
(1) Alain: "How does this concern you?.. You might ask.. Well, the temple here, and the city as well.. Is in need.."
(9) Tanja: ::shifts restlessly, thinking to herself---I'm not liking where this is heading...:::
(9) Tanja: you have an entire city guard out there....but you need us?
(11) Mikhal: ((i could probably take out a few of the city guard by myself, hehe))
(9) Tanja: (shh))
(1) Alain: The high priest paces a little... "There are problems with an army.. it's mired in beuracracy.. it has trouble making small movements.."
(11) Mikhal: what kind of "small movements"?
(1) Alain: "And the Frost Worm attacks have grown especially fierce as of late.. we dare not risk weakening them further..."
(9) Tanja: i didn't say throw everything you have into your problem....surely you have people you trust? not just some strangers?
** (13) Evanthe yawns a little. **
(13) Evanthe: I trust there'll be some sort of payment?
(14) Locke: ((ooh, Angel warped in :D))
(13) Evanthe: ((I assumed i was the elf he was talking to :o))
(9) Tanja: ::thinks to self--dammit...don't go cheap!::
(14) Locke: ((ah))
(1) Alain: Alain smiles gently "Surely, I would not allow strangers who I don't trust to sleep in my chambers, why the relics in there are quite valuable..."
(9) Tanja: ((....))
(9) Tanja: ((excuse me for a moment...))
(13) Evanthe: ((hahahaha)
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(13) Evanthe: ((I'm so not used to damn bubbles anymore))
** (14) Locke looks at Tanja strangely **
(9) Tanja: :::looks sufficiently innocent:::
(14) Locke: ::thinks to self-- maybe she isn't a thief after all::
(9) Tanja: ((*clanks when she walks*))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Alain: Alain coughs lightly "I shall get to the point.. after the most recent attack, we've lost contact with our neighbor town to the north.. a small mining hamlet called Zakrit"
(11) Mikhal: ((if you get full plate armor, you'd hav ea reason to clank when you walk ;) ))
(9) Tanja: ::Folds arms:: i didn't come here to get suckered into saving the offense.
(14) Locke: ((:D! ))
(13) Evanthe: ((I *am* the elf, right? Flamer made me doubt >.>))
(9) Tanja: i came here to sightsee, and see the falls. i've done that, and then some.
** (14) Locke nudges Tanja with a shoulder **
(14) Locke: ((I don't know :( ))
(9) Tanja: ::stumbles:: ow! hey, what'd you do that for??
(1) Alain: "Of course... as you have seen, the temple here is not destitute.. we can offer ample payment for your services..."
(9) Tanja: (("I don't even know you people!"))
(11) Mikhal: *whispers in Tanja* there is probably soem gold involved in this
(11) Mikhal: ((or tony says it beforei do))
** (13) Evanthe nods, satisfied. **
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Alain: "We simply want you to head to Zakrit and return with a survey of the conditions there.."
(9) Tanja: ::scowls:: okay, so maybe i did come here to be suckered into saving the world....
(9) Tanja: that doesn't mean i have to like it!
(14) Locke: fair enough
** (13) Evanthe grins. **
(13) Evanthe: I'm in.
(14) Locke: who are you?
(9) Tanja: whoare you?
(1) Alain: "And we won't be sending you in blind, either... This one here" He nods to Evanthe "Is a skilled Ranger who has proven her ability, just like you have... She'll get you through the snow in one piece"
(14) Locke: ((hey, I don't know XD))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(11) Mikhal: i giess i can go too
(11) Mikhal: ((guess*))
(14) Locke: that's a relief
(9) Tanja: more snow.... ::Shudder:: i'm cold already.
** (13) Evanthe gives an exaggerated bow. **
** (14) Locke bows lightly **
(9) Tanja: no offense alain, but it isn't the snow i'm mostly worried about.
** (13) Evanthe smirks at Locke **
(14) Locke: it's what comes with the snow isn't it? the ice elves?
(9) Tanja: ::nods::
(9) Tanja: ((okay you two, take it to your
(11) Mikhal: well, i'm pretty sure we could take care of them :)
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(13) Evanthe: ((not even close))
(13) Evanthe: (( :P))
(14) Locke: I have no doubt of that Mikhal
(14) Locke: you slaughtered all but two
(1) Alain: "The Ice elves..." he seems to think for a moment.. "What they're interested in is right here.. I doubt they would attack a random group of messengers.."
(1) Alain: "They are not savages... we know enough to admit that.."
(11) Mikhal: *a look of mock innocense* they attacked me first
(13) Evanthe: Let's not be naive here. They come to conquer, that brings out a little savagery in us all.
(14) Locke: yes, agreed
** (13) Evanthe crosses her arms. **
(13) Evanthe: I'd prefer you just tell it like it is, disadvantages and all. That's where all the fun's at, afterall
(9) Tanja: ::blinks::
** (14) Locke gets a gloomy look **
(1) Alain: "By that line, then perhaps we are no less savage than they are... They used to reside in this land as well.. " He bites his lip.. "But, regardless... that is the mission as it stands, we just want to know what happend"
(14) Locke: I find no fun in bloodshed
(9) Tanja: ::stretches:: well, lets get this over with then....the sooner we go, the sooner we can come back and get paid. THAT'S where the fun is.
(1) Alain: "And hopefully, there will be none... can I count on you?"
(14) Locke: ::thinks to self -- typical Tanja:: ((XD))
** (13) Evanthe looks at Locke strangely **
** (13) Evanthe then turns to Alain and nods **
(11) Mikhal: you can count on me
(14) Locke: if it's just a reconasance mission, count me in
(9) Tanja: i already said i would, didn't i?
(9) Tanja: ::slightly sulky, now that she's been conned into something::
(1) Alain: He clasps his hands in relief "I am glad... and I await your successful return"
** (13) Evanthe smirks **
(13) Evanthe: Immediate departure?
(9) Tanja: well...lead the way. i'm just a tourist, after all.
(11) Mikhal: i have to make a small stop first
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(14) Locke: ((couldn't you have went to the toilet before the meeting?))
(1) Alain: "As Soon as possible... If we are cut off too long from our neighbors, Krasevae will wither and die"
(11) Mikhal: ((not that kind of stop))
(13) Evanthe: ((:3))
(14) Locke: possibly, not certain
(9) Tanja: unless you know something we don't.
(9) Tanja: ((*Grills the NPC* tell us!))
(14) Locke: ((hahah))
(9) Tanja: :::flounces out ahead of the others, still put-out at being suckered::
(14) Locke: ::pats Tanja on the back:: think of the reward
(1) Alain: "Our essentials are all imported... Plants are impossible to grow among the frozen wastes here.. and animals are just as rare for meat... For our metals and our heat we rely on minerals mined from zakrit.."
(9) Tanja: ::gloomily:: rewards are only good if you're alive to collect them.
(1) Alain: Tanja heads out the door.
(13) Evanthe: Anything else useful to add?
(11) Mikhal: let's meet at the northin gate in about an hour or so?
(11) Mikhal: ((north*))
(1) Alain: "Not that I can think of... If you can, try to meet up with Krast there, he's the resident in charge and should be up to date on the situation as it stands"
(13) Evanthe: Right
(9) Tanja: ((you've had two days, and you want an hour?))
** (13) Evanthe lifts a shoulder at Mikhal, "Whatever works." **
(1) Alain: ((He was busy performing for chump change ;) ))
** (11) Mikhal walks out and heads over to meet the circus troupe **</font>
(14) Locke: ((or saying goodbye to that prostitute from last night))
** (13) Evanthe gives Alain a half-hearted salute before sauntering out the room. **
(9) Tanja: ((*stretches* well, not everybody can be quite as cool as the thief...))
(9) Tanja: ((or investigating a room closely...))
** (14) Locke walks out of the temple and into the pub **
(14) Locke: ((time to get pissed! :D))
(13) Evanthe: ((xD))
(9) Tanja: ::saunters into her room for the past two nights:: now that its slightly more quiet around here...
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal heads toward the circus tent in the southwestern sector of the city.. as Locke tours the local pubs
(14) Locke: ((yay! :D))
(1) GM Voice: ((Shall I roll the dice to see if you get drunk?))
(11) Mikhal: ((does he have an ogre slaying knife that has a +10 against ogres?))
(9) Tanja: ((lol i was just gonna type that and i decided not to))
(14) Locke: ((oh no, I went to get something to eat XD))
(9) Tanja: ((where're the cheetohs?!?))
(13) Evanthe: ((suuuure ;D))
(11) Mikhal: ((right next you you!))
(14) Locke: ((ssssh ;) ))
(13) Evanthe: ((that'll never die))
(13) Evanthe: ((:o))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(11) Mikhal: ((just like the pimp picture *Whistles innocently*))
** (13) Evanthe enters the pub, strolling right up to Locke with a surprised look **
(14) Locke: good evening
(13) Evanthe: Didn't strike me as the drinking type
(9) Tanja: ::investigates her room for easily-lifted valuables, after making sure her door was shut firmly:: i'm sure alain meant to offer us some sort of downpayment...
(14) Locke: ((*morning))
(14) Locke: ah, drinking is a good past time for my whole family
(9) Tanja: ((irish?))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja notes some quality looking silver around... though most of the material is in hard to pocket furniture
(14) Locke: ((hahah, naw))
(9) Tanja: hm...
** (13) Evanthe grins, "So I see." **
(9) Tanja: ::lifts only a few pieces, not wanting to be especially greedy::
(9) Tanja: ((*sets off the metal detector on th way out*))
(11) Mikhal: ((if you had a trenchcoat, i'm sure you could sneak off with the furniture))
(13) Evanthe: So you can hold your ale well?
(1) GM Voice: Tanja lifts a fork, a knife, and a spoon.
(13) Evanthe: ((xD))
(13) Evanthe: ((way to go for the essentials))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(9) Tanja: ((well, i'm set))
(9) Tanja: ((no roughing it for me))
(14) Locke: aye
(13) Evanthe: Care to put your money on that?
** (13) Evanthe smiles devilishly. **
** (14) Locke grins **
(9) Tanja: ::ensures the pieces are well hidden inside her pack and wanders out, already bored::
(9) Tanja: ((oh
(13) Evanthe: ((nothing like being led through the wilderness by a drunken ranger :D))
(9) Tanja: ((our guide gets shitfaced and we end up in kansas))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja leaves the temple without suspicion...
(11) Mikhal: (("i'm not drunk! *shoots mikhal in the back*"))
(14) Locke: sure, 10 silvers to who wins
(13) Evanthe: ((xD))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(13) Evanthe: Deal.
(13) Evanthe: ((now almighty GM, help us do this))
(9) Tanja: (("i luff you guyshh!"))
(11) Mikhal: ((10 silver is 1 gp ;) ))
(14) Locke: ((heheh))
(1) GM Voice: While.. at the local tavern.. a drinking contest is about to ensue!
(13) Evanthe: ((the money isn't the issue really...just the taking up of time while you use the toilet))
(14) Locke: ((lmao))
(1) GM Voice: A crowd begins to gather around the two in anticpation... some looking skeptically at the elf
(9) Tanja: hm...i wonder where everybody else went...
(11) Mikhal: ((even though i went to the circus to explain that i'm gonna be leaving))
(1) GM Voice: The bartender just chuckles and serves up five pints for both.
(11) Mikhal: ((it comes in pints?!))
(13) Evanthe: ((Um...elf powa? *hopehope* ))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(14) Locke: ((I'm half-elf :D ))
(9) Tanja: ((i don't think they did shots back then))
(13) Evanthe: ((okay FULL elf powa <3))
(13) Evanthe: ((with )) on the end))
(11) Mikhal: ((who knows?))
(13) Evanthe: ((are we rolling?))
** (13) Evanthe lifts a pint to her lips **
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: "ey , just don't be killing yaselves, ya hear?" he says, laying out the drinks
(9) Tanja: ((i gotta put on the D&D skit now))
(1) GM Voice: ((d20s ^_^))
** (14) Locke lifts a pint **
(13) Evanthe: ((awesome))
(14) Locke: [1d20] -> [8] = (8)
(13) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [10] = (10)
(14) Locke: ((oh noes))
(13) Evanthe: ((and d20s are the bane of my existence too))
(13) Evanthe: ((I foresee lots of 3s))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(11) Mikhal: ((patti, did you ever get the 2nd D&D thing?))
(14) Locke: ((lol))
(9) Tanja: ((yeah i've got it))
** (14) Locke wobbles~ **
(9) Tanja: ((its not as good, less bubbles, more drinking))
(1) GM Voice: Both down the first pint without really feeling anything, the crowd begins to stomp their feet
** (13) Evanthe grins at him **
(13) Evanthe: Not gone already are ya?
** (13) Evanthe reaches for the second pint **
(13) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [17] = (17)
(14) Locke: heheh, we'll see
** (14) Locke grabs a second **
(14) Locke: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
(9) Tanja: ::notices a crowd gathering in the vicinity of the tavern nearby:: oh wow...people...
(14) Locke: ((:O ))
(13) Evanthe: ((oh hell, i don't even know if high is good))
(14) Locke: ((psst, a good time for you to loot))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(11) Mikhal: ((high = always good on a d20))
(13) Evanthe: ((see, we're a helpful party :D))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(9) Tanja: ((*robs the town blind*))
(1) GM Voice: Both get past the second pint! Are these professionals?
** (14) Locke brings up the third pint **
(9) Tanja: ::squeezes in among the people::: what's going on?
(1) GM Voice: Already expectations seem to be exceeded for the elf.. the crowd is now cheering her own
(11) MyOtherName: Hello, World
(14) Locke: Cheers ::skulls::
(1) GM Voice: (on* >_>)
(14) Locke: [1d20] -> [20] = (20)
** (13) Evanthe downs the third pint **
(14) Locke: ((booyah))
(13) Evanthe: ((oh lordy))
(13) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
(13) Evanthe: ((HAHAHA)
(14) Locke: ((pwned))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(9) Tanja: ((aaaaaand our ranger is down for the count))
(13) Evanthe: ((STAY SOBER))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: Locke down's the third pint easily... Evanthe is starting to feel positively buzzed
** (13) Evanthe giggles a little **
(9) Tanja: ::jaw drops as she finally squeezes her way to the front::
** (14) Locke starts chuckling **
(13) Evanthe: Not done yetsh!
(1) GM Voice: The crowd is cheering loudly now...
** (13) Evanthe grabs the fourth **
(14) Locke: we'll sssshhheeee
(13) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
** (14) Locke grabs a fourth **
(14) Locke: [1d20] -> [20] = (20)
(9) Tanja: ((lol!))
(14) Locke: ((booyah :D ))
(13) Evanthe: ((whoa xD))
(1) GM Voice: ((This guy holds his liquor))
(13) Evanthe: ((no kidding xD))
(9) Tanja: of all the irresponsible...::Mutters::
(9) Tanja: and people call ME childish...
(14) Locke: ((XD))
** (13) Evanthe sways a bit. **
(1) GM Voice: Locke downs another point, seemingly unphased... an astonished crowd looks on.... Evanthe however is clearly a disoriented...
(9) Tanja: ::scowls at a random person and goes to console herself by acquiring random objects from the crowd::
(9) Tanja: ((can i steal, tony?))
(14) Locke: thinks you can holsd tah lasttth
(1) GM Voice: Bartender: "'ey... Maybe you should just call it off, there.."
(9) Tanja: ((promise i'll behave from now on))
** (13) Evanthe looks at Locke strangely **
(1) GM Voice: ((Sleight of hand ^_^))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(13) Evanthe: Whatsh yew said?
(13) Evanthe: ((xD))
(9) Tanja: ::assimiliates herself into the crowd next to a likely looking candidate and attempts to lighten him of some...objects::
** (13) Evanthe nods to the bartender **
** (14) Locke grabs the fifth pint to show (( :D )) **
(13) Evanthe: Aye aye cap'n
(1) GM Voice: The Bartender raises his hands "Your funeral"
(9) Tanja: ((poor
(1) GM Voice: Tanja ducks between the crowd members.. they're all watching the proceedings
** (13) Evanthe not to be outdone, picks up the last pint **
** (14) Locke drinks **
(14) Locke: [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
(13) Evanthe: I don't give up!
(14) Locke: ((shit XD))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(13) Evanthe: ((rofl))
(11) Mikhal: ((XD))
(13) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
(13) Evanthe: ((oh my god))
(14) Locke: ((lmao))
(9) Tanja: ((do i do a d20 for my slieght of hand?))
(1) GM Voice: ((Yup ^_^))
(11) Mikhal: ((*dying*))
(9) Tanja: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
(9) Tanja: ((*yoink*))
(9) Tanja: ((stronghold in the hills, here i come))
(1) GM Voice: Locke downs the last pint... it seems to happen like a floodgate, he suddenly appears just as inebriated as Evanthe was...
(14) Locke: ((we both collapse? :D))
(13) Evanthe: ((I'm about to acquaint myself with the floor))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
** (13) Evanthe starts laughing at random **
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe is feeling woozy, she falls from her stool..
** (11) Mikhal notices the huge crowd at the tavern and heads in **</font>
(13) Evanthe: Whooooo--ahahahaha
(1) GM Voice: ...and feels the sudden urge to get to a bathroom... quickly..
** (14) Locke laughs the random noises from the crowd **
(14) Locke: ((rofl))
** (13) Evanthe crawls around looking for the exit **
(14) Locke: hahehehah
(13) Evanthe: ((what a way to make an impression with my new friends))
(13) Evanthe: ((*wins*))
(9) Tanja: ::scowls::
(1) GM Voice: The crowd cheers locke on wildly! Though some look disappointed with their elven champion
(14) Locke: ((best way in the world XD))
** (11) Mikhal notices Evanthe crawling on the floor and sweatdrops **</font>
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe meekly crawls out the door
** (13) Evanthe mumbles, giggling **
(13) Evanthe: I'll getsh ya nexsht time
(9) Tanja: ((did i acquire random shiny objects, tony? i didn't see you say anything abuot my
** (14) Locke slumps onto the table **
(14) Locke: ((lol, more looting ;) ))
(11) Mikhal: ((Patti, you'd have fun playing a kender..hehe))
(9) Tanja: ((oh i know))
(13) Evanthe: ((kender <3))
(13) Evanthe: ((okay that doesn't work))
(13) Evanthe: ((forgot about html tags))
(1) GM Voice: As Tanja pockets 2 moneypouches, a piece of jewelry, and a set of housekeys off the unsuspecting crowd
** (13) Evanthe curls up, finding a nice the doorway to nap **
(14) Locke: ((didn't you need the toilet? :o))
(13) Evanthe: ((she's drunk, she forgot))
(13) Evanthe: ((i'm not...but i did too :o))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
** (11) Mikhal walks over to Locke and slings him unceramoniousaly over his shoulder **</font>
(9) Tanja: ::immediately pushes forward after acquiring said objects into the room:: what the heck are you guys doing?? we have a missi---err...someplace to be!  :changes wording after looking around at the crowd::
(14) Locke: whee heheh! :D
** (13) Evanthe stirs at Tanja's voice **
(13) Evanthe: Ready ta get?
** (13) Evanthe attempts to stand **
** (11) Mikhal shakes head and heads towards the door **</font>
(9) Tanja: oh for the love of.... ::assists evanthe to the door:: c'mon...lets just go...
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe can barely stay on her feet..
(9) Tanja: ::scowls at people in general::
** (13) Evanthe shrinks at Tanja's obvious disapproval **
(13) Evanthe: Jush a lil fun
(1) GM Voice: Suddenly they hear a shout from the tavern.. "...ey! My Pouch is gone!"
(9) Tanja: ::shuffles faster::  ::coughs::
(9) Tanja: lets just go
(14) Locke: ((XD))
** (13) Evanthe turns to look, giggling **
(14) Locke: whee! piggy back ride!!
(1) GM Voice: The group shuffles slowly away from the tavern as fast as they can manage
** (11) Mikhal looks slyly at Tanja but says nothing **</font>
(9) Tanja: ::refuses to make eye contact::
(13) Evanthe: ((can we sober up by dunking ourself in cold water or something?))
(13) Evanthe: ((I'm sure there's no lack of that here))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: Behind them the sounds of a barroom brawl begin to echo
(1) GM Voice: ((Myth!))
(13) Evanthe: ((darn!))
(9) Tanja: i'm sure a dunk in a snowbank will help with this...
(9) Tanja: where do we need to be now?  ::looks to mikhal::
** (13) Evanthe stares forlornly at the pub **
(11) Mikhal: well, were suppose to be headings to that north in the town
(14) Locke: ((can I just coma out, because I need to study))
(9) Tanja: do we have a map...?
(9) Tanja: ((aw...))
(11) Mikhal: but..we have extra baggage now *shakes Locke a little*
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(13) Evanthe: ((:x))
(1) GM Voice: Locke suddenly passes out... must've effected him more than anyone thought!
(9) Tanja: ((oh this is gonna be
(1) GM Voice: A few passersby give the group strange looks...
** (13) Evanthe points and laughs "Ha!" **
(13) Evanthe: Didn't lose as badly as I thought
(13) Evanthe: ((*insert random slurs*))
(11) Mikhal: ...should i just dump him back in the temple?
(9) Tanja: they have a disease! a terrible, awful disease! hurry before you catch it too!  ::waves off the people::
(9) Tanja: we can't really leave without him
(1) GM Voice: The people shake their heads and carry on their way...
(11) Mikhal: ((ooo..i have a giant mace now! tony..what's the damage on a Locke mace? ;D))
(9) Tanja: we don't know how long we're going to be gone
(13) Evanthe: We can always
** (13) Evanthe snaps her fingers **
(1) GM Voice: ((He's definitely a two handed weapon))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(13) Evanthe: something..make a...something
** (13) Evanthe flounders for words, struggling to concentrate **
(11) Mikhal: ((tony, what's the damage? XD))
(9) Tanja: ::sighs:: well, maybe we can get a map and start on our own?
(9) Tanja: :::Looks somewhat doubtful::
(1) GM Voice: ((not worth it, he's too soft and mushy =p ))
(11) Mikhal: i'm sure we can get a map
(11) Mikhal: ((damn))
(9) Tanja: if anything, when these two sober up, they can figure out where we are
(9) Tanja: and get us going in the right direction
(13) Evanthe: ((can't we drag him along behind us?))
(14) Locke: ((damn right, if I was a dwarf I'd have been worth it))
(13) Evanthe: ((on a makeshift bed or something))
(9) Tanja: maybe we can get a sled of some sort...something to drag behind us..
(9) Tanja: ((dogsled!))
(13) Evanthe: ((muuush))
(11) Mikhal: ((lol))
(11) Mikhal: might as well try
(9) Tanja: ((seriously, lets do something))
** (11) Mikhal goes to find a general store **</font>
(9) Tanja: ((tanja wants to get moving))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal heads toward the shopping district..
(9) Tanja: ::follows with evanthe::
(1) GM Voice: Numerous stores lie strewen about... Weaponry, armor, general sundries, food..
(9) Tanja: i can wait out here with these'll look odd if you walk in with an unconscious half-elf flung over your shoulder
(9) Tanja: just a suggestion.
(14) Locke: ((XD))
** (11) Mikhal finds a place to set him down and goes into a store that looks like it has maps **</font>
(14) Locke: ((it's his weapon!!))
(13) Evanthe: ((we're in icy cold place and no sled? :o))
(14) Locke: ((I mean... I'm his weapon))
(9) Tanja: ::babysits the incapacitated/drunk people::
(1) GM Voice: A carpenter nearby has a collection of wagons and sleds..
(13) Evanthe: ((score))
(9) Tanja: ((get a the rate i'm going, i'll need it for my mass amounts of moolah))
(9) Tanja: ((just kidding.))
(1) GM Voice: Cartographers are harder to find.. but there is one corner shop that seems to specialise in it.
** (13) Evanthe stretches, shaking her head a little **
** (11) Mikhal heads inside **</font>
(1) GM Voice: An elderly man with glasses much too small for him is inside, inking a map as Mikhal enters... he's crouched far over his desk and his long beard is smearing most of the map ink
(9) Tanja: ::leans against a nearby building, silently debating lightening locke's load::
(9) Tanja: ::thinks to self---it'd make carrying him easier..::
(14) Locke: ((>.>;; ))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(13) Evanthe: ((xD))
(11) Mikhal: excuse me..but do you have a map of the general reigon including (insert town we are traveling to here)?
(1) GM Voice: (~_~)
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: (If you can't remember than your character can't remember!!)
(9) Tanja: ((it doesn't scroll up far enough!))
(11) Mikhal: ((exactly))
(13) Evanthe: ((kresavae isn't it?))
(11) Mikhal: ((if you REALLY want to be picky..*goes on LJ*))
(9) Tanja: ((oh right...'cause i thought it sounded a lot like crevasse))
** (13) Evanthe smooths her hair back. **
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(1) GM Voice: "Ehhh?!?!??" The old man darts up from his desk, looking panicy "Who are you? Whou sent you?!?!"
(13) Evanthe: I can still lead us in the right direction you know. I'm not that drunk
(11) Mikhal: ((Zakrit*))
** (13) Evanthe sways a little to prove her point **
(9) Tanja: ::eyes her skeptically::
** (13) Evanthe almost topples over as a result **
(11) Mikhal: no one sent me
(9) Tanja: sure you aren't.
(13) Evanthe: I know north from east, I'm a ranger damnit.
(1) GM Voice: The man's beard is covered in ink stains
(13) Evanthe: It's what we do
(13) Evanthe: ((am I too drunk to lead the way, Tony?))
(1) GM Voice: "..Did you say Map?... Map map map map..." he laughs to himself... "plenty of maps.."
(11) Mikhal: do you have a map of this region and including Zakrit?
(13) Evanthe: ((er wait, is that the shop that sells sleds as well?))
(1) GM Voice: ((Welll.. you won't do as good as before you got drunk ;) ))
(13) Evanthe: ((gotcha ;x))
(1) GM Voice: "Zakrit!.. Hahaha~! Scrapit Frapit Brapit.. Where the devil?..."
(1) GM Voice: A rack of maps is against the far wall..
(13) Evanthe: ((batty old NPCs are Tony's specialty))
(9) Tanja: ((yeah 'cause he patterns them all after the same guy lo))
(9) Tanja: ((
(14) Locke: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal sees quite a few copies that seem to resemble the local region..
(1) GM Voice: ((Heyyyy =p))
** (11) Mikhal goes over and selects one of the local region **</font>
(14) Locke: ((we love you for it ;) ))
(11) Mikhal: ((but none of them can be as good as fizban))
(9) Tanja: ((mmhm...i especially love the shiny objects you were so wonderful in letting me acquire....))
(1) GM Voice: ((not every crazy person is zifnab dangittt))
(11) Mikhal: ((well, the should be..woulb make thingsmore intresting))
(14) Locke: ((zifnab... that name is familiar))
(11) Mikhal: ((Death Gate Cycle series))
(9) Tanja: ((Death gate cycle))
(1) GM Voice: "Zakrit!... AH yes... 500 Platinum Terremes please... oh..wait.. 5?... 10?..." He looks down a moment, then back up.." Who are you?"
(14) Locke: ((I knew it!! I read the series :o ))
(1) GM Voice: ((Reading Death Gate = Instant Cool in this group))
(9) Tanja: ((500...))
(14) Locke: ((poor Haplo >.>;; ))
(13) Evanthe: ((i was gonna say.. xD))
(11) Mikhal: *sweatdrops* i'm Mikhal
(13) Evanthe: ((what the heck is a platinum terreme?))
(9) Tanja: ((*impatient*))
(9) Tanja: ((sounds expensive))
(13) Evanthe: ((steal the map))
(11) Mikhal: ((platinum piece))
(13) Evanthe: ((:D?))
(9) Tanja: (("look! over there!" *yoink*))
(13) Evanthe: ((*makes a scene*))
(14) Locke: ((*scolds* XD))
(1) GM Voice: "Mikhal..! Ah yes.. Did you ever find that fountain of youth?.. Why, it looks like you did!... Ah.. Well let's just leave it at 5 GP.."
(9) Tanja: ((go get drunk again so i can steal it!))
(14) Locke: ((lmao))
(11) Mikhal: ((*doesn't even have 5 gp >_>*))
(1) GM Voice: "Anything for My old Friend Mikhal, yes sir ree..."
(9) Tanja: ((...))
(13) Evanthe: ((I dooo xD))
(1) GM Voice: ((You got 40 last game =p))
(9) Tanja: ((didn't you think of that before you let me stay behind?))
(11) Mikhal: ((you offered to stay behind!))
(13) Evanthe: ((oh lordy))
(9) Tanja: ((well i thought you could handle yourself on your own!))
** (13) Evanthe raises her arms in frustration **
(13) Evanthe: Where'd that other guy go?
(9) Tanja: ((what happened to your GP from the last game?))
(11) Mikhal: well, i don't seem to have enough money. how about 2gp right now and i'll pay you later?
(11) Mikhal: ((err..oh yeah XD))
(11) Mikhal: ((strike out that last sentace))
(9) Tanja: ((spend your own mney!))
(13) Evanthe: ((oh boy xD))
(11) Mikhal: ((forgot about it XD))
(9) Tanja: ((*clings to GP*))
(9) Tanja: ((forgot to spend it, you mean))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal buys the map from the old coot
** (11) Mikhal hands him the 5gp **</font>
** (13) Evanthe stares at Locke's body **
** (11) Mikhal heads back out to the group **</font>
(13) Evanthe: Shouldn't we go buy a sled while waiting?
(1) GM Voice: As he leaves the store the old man waves "Farewell, Roger.. Hope that pirate thing works out for yas"
(9) Tanja: Mikhal, you babysit for a while....
(9) Tanja: i'm sick of standing here
** (13) Evanthe nods. "Locke is boring to watch" **
(9) Tanja: ::Whispers confidentially to Mikhal:: they smell like booze.
** (13) Evanthe hiccups, before settling back down. **
(1) GM Voice: Locke's snoring loudly now..
(11) Mikhal: *Whispers back* wasn't it obvious?
(9) Tanja: ::Heads off to the sled dealer::
** (11) Mikhal sighs **</font>
(1) GM Voice: Tanja heads off to the sled dealerr
** (13) Evanthe eyes Mikhal **
** (11) Mikhal glances back at Evanthe **</font>
(1) GM Voice: Who appears to be your standard shopkeep who's not at all a fun NPC.
(13) Evanthe: Got a problem there mister?
(13) Evanthe: ((xDD))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(13) Evanthe: What's your name, anyway?
(11) Mikhal: the name is Mikhal..yours?
(1) GM Voice: "Good day, Madam. What can I do for you today?"
(9) Tanja: ::saunters up, all smiles:: heya mr. i need a sled. got anything that might interest me?  ::smile smile::
(13) Evanthe: Evanthe
(13) Evanthe: And that other one?
(11) Mikhal: he's Locke
(11) Mikhal: and piss drunk
(13) Evanthe: No no, the girl.
(1) GM Voice: "Ah yes, a sled... I got plenty of em overthere.. depending on the load..."
(11) Mikhal: oh
(11) Mikhal: Tanja
(1) GM Voice: "My cheapest runs about 20 gp... quality construction, guarenteed"
(9) Tanja: needs to be able to hold a load....well....somewhat equal to what an unconscious half-welf would be
(13) Evanthe: ((quick question. is it okay to have background banter or is it better for us to keep quiet?))
(9) Tanja: a load which is not at all an unconscious half-elf
(14) Locke: ((welf?))
(9) Tanja: ((yes...welf))
(9) Tanja: ((wtf-elf))
(11) Mikhal: ((it's the welves!!))
(11) Mikhal: ((death gate cycle reference))
(11) Mikhal: ((*nods sagely**))
(1) GM Voice: The man looks at Tanja a bit strangely "Well that shan't weigh too much at all.. The smallest should do fine I reckon"
(9) Tanja: ::nods::that sounds fine....20GP you said?  ::thinks to self--this is going on alain's tab...:::
** (9) Tanja hands over 20GP **
(13) Evanthe: ((*readies her purse to pay everyone back after the game* :x))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(1) GM Voice: The shopkeep nods "Are ya interested?"
(9) Tanja: yessir
(9) Tanja: quite
(11) Mikhal: ((have a lot of moeny?))
(9) Tanja: ::smilesmile::
(1) GM Voice: The shopkeep takes Tanja's money..
(13) Evanthe: ((some, not overly a lot))
(13) Evanthe: ((but enough to pay all this))
(9) Tanja: ((i even did it honestly...))
(1) GM Voice: And she's face to face with 300 pounds of sled
(9) Tanja: ((tony sucks.))
(13) Evanthe: ((oh hell, do we need a horse now??))
(11) Mikhal: ((lol))
(13) Evanthe: ((let's hope our entire journey is downhill))
(11) Mikhal: ((nah..lwe want a battleship))
(13) Evanthe: ((we can sled down the whole way))
(1) GM Voice: ((You've got a horse.. mr. strong man there))
(14) Locke: ((it's snow.. you can drag it easily))
(9) Tanja: ::leans out of the shop:: oh mikhal!  ::waves wildly::
(13) Evanthe: ((*cracks whip*))
(9) Tanja: ((hyah mule!))
(13) Evanthe: ((go horsie :D))
(11) Mikhal: ((XD))
(1) GM Voice: There are ropes attached for horses, mules, dogs, wild elves...
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(13) Evanthe: ((specially made :D))
(14) Locke: ((lol))
(9) Tanja: ((can we all ride?))
(11) Mikhal: *looks over* yes?
(9) Tanja: i neeed youuu
(11) Mikhal: ((if you all don't weigh move then 300 pounds ;) ))
(11) Mikhal: ((more*))
(1) GM Voice: ((You can drag 1500 =p ))
(13) Evanthe: ((HA))
(9) Tanja: ((yah but i'm not the horse))
(11) Mikhal: ((but can the sled hold it?))
(13) Evanthe: ((and I doubt that tanja and i weight 1500 pounds combined))
(1) GM Voice: ((Quality construction, guarenteed ^_^))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(11) Mikhal: *goes to the store*
(9) Tanja: ::taps foot impatiently:: i'm not kidding! get over here!
(9) Tanja: ::points at the sled:: i can't drag that...can you help?
(9) Tanja: ::Smilesmile::
** (11) Mikhal hefts/drags the sled outside **</font>
(9) Tanja: ::follows, semi-pleased with herself::
(14) Locke: ((hawt strong man))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal strains a little, then lifts the sled over his head and walks outside... the shopkeep looks on stunned..
(9) Tanja: ::waves to the shopkeep:: thanks again!
(13) Evanthe: ((no kidding o.o))
(11) Mikhal: ((XD))
(13) Evanthe: ((we have the hulk on our team ))
(13) Evanthe: ((*mental note not to anger mikhal*))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(9) Tanja: ::follows after mikhal:: alright, get locke on the sled and lets get this over with
(11) Mikhal: ((i can even rage!))
(1) GM Voice: Finally they're all prepared, map in hand (only slightly ink smudged), strong sled, and mule
(13) Evanthe: ((xDD)
(9) Tanja: ((we're off! finally...))
** (13) Evanthe sits atop the sled next to Locke **
(14) Locke: ((Angel, you should've seen Mikhal last week))
(9) Tanja: make sure he doesn't roll!
** (11) Mikhal looks through locke's pack to see if he has a winter blanket and some rope **</font>
(9) Tanja: its okay....i think evanthe can hold him up there
(9) Tanja: ::looks impatient now::
(14) Locke: ((I got a winter blanket, if I remeber correctly))
(9) Tanja: ((hurry before the angry mob finds me))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal finds no blanket..
(9) Tanja: ((ooh! i'll looK!))
(1) GM Voice: ((Er did you?))
(9) Tanja: ((*eager to get grubby mits on locke's stuff*))
(1) GM Voice: ((let's just say you do.. =p))
(1) GM Voice: He finds a winter blanket
(1) GM Voice: But no rope, that went to tanja
(14) Locke: ((I don't remember.. I rememberi t was a winter coat or something for the cold))
** Sorry, don't understand what a /wraps is...
(9) Tanja: ((....))
(9) Tanja: ((*wails** noooooooooooooo))
** (11) Mikhal wraps locke in the blanket and lays him down on the sled **</font>
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(1) GM Voice: Locke is snug as a bug in a rug
(14) Locke: (( :D ))
** (11) Mikhal hands the map over the Tanja **</font>
(9) Tanja: ::Itching to get moving::
(9) Tanja: ((oooh...navigator))
(9) Tanja: okay...lest see....we're here...and we need to be... :::looks at map....:::
(1) GM Voice: All prepared, they set off toward the north gate...
(13) Evanthe: North
(9) Tanja: ::Follows, still looking at the map::
(11) Mikhal: ((it's actually more NE))
(1) GM Voice: The map shows a pretty straight path northeast to Zakrit.. which is right against the mountains
(9) Tanja: that way!  ::points northeast!::
(1) GM Voice: They exit the massive gates of Krasevae, and instantly feel how great it was to have those tall city walls blocking the wind..
(9) Tanja: ::Squeals:: ohmigod....this is....::chatters teeth as she follows::
** (11) Mikhal pulls out his winter blanket and wraps it around himself, making sure not ot let it touch the snow **</font>
(1) GM Voice: There is also an absolutely nasty stench in the air...
(9) Tanja: :::scowls at mikhal:::
** (13) Evanthe scoots closer to Locke, trying to share in the blanket warmth. **
(9) Tanja: some chivalrous person you are.
(13) Evanthe: What's that smell..
(9) Tanja: blech.
(1) GM Voice: Looking to the left and right are two huge corpses.. at least 40 foot long... riddled with at least a hundred arrows each... they appear to be worms..
(9) Tanja: ::gags::
(11) Mikhal: well, if you're traveling in the north, you should have a good blanket
** (13) Evanthe turns her face away. **
(9) Tanja: i came here on wagon! i got a ride! i wasn't planning on traipsing through the wilderness with people i don't even know!
(1) GM Voice: Turning away from the gruesome sight.. they carry on... Mikhal dragging the sled northeast toward Zakrit...
(11) Mikhal: ...and next you'll tell me you don't have a sleeping roll
(9) Tanja: ::challenging look:: i'm. not. an. adventurer.
(9) Tanja: how many different ways do i have to say it for you people?
(11) Mikhal: 105. and in atleast 15 different laguages
(9) Tanja: ::Murderous look::
(11) Mikhal: *shrugs* you asked
** (13) Evanthe stares at the two of them **
(9) Tanja: you wouldn't know 15 languages if you heard them.
(13) Evanthe: Great group chemistry
(11) Mikhal: 3 languages is enough for me
(9) Tanja: ::Sniffs:: its not my fault he's a pain.
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal leads the sled on for about 30 minutes...
(13) Evanthe: ((*sobers up a little?* :D?))
(1) GM Voice (whispering): You're certain you should head a bit more north..
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(13) Evanthe: ((*mental note to keep fun in the community rpness*))
(9) Tanja: ((Yes please...i need distractions))
whispering to Tony, even though this was suppose to be certain?</font>
** (13) Evanthe frowns a little **
(9) Tanja: ((i also need a locked box for my massive amounts of GP))
(13) Evanthe: We should be heading more east than this
(1) GM Voice (whispering): IMs are too hard.. =p You're pretty certain
(11) Mikhal: i think we should be heading more to the north
(13) Evanthe: Hey, Mikhal!
(13) Evanthe: East, I say!
(9) Tanja: ((don't make me stop this sled!))
(13) Evanthe: ((xD))
(11) Mikhal: north!
(13) Evanthe: EAST!
(9) Tanja: ::consults the map::
** (11) Mikhal intuit direction check **</font>
(1) GM Voice: Tanja consults the map... it's basically a snow plain, so there's not much landmarks to go by..
(13) Evanthe: ((if I have that too, I wanna do that :D))
(9) Tanja: ((sure there is))
(9) Tanja: ((there's that drift there...))
(1) GM Voice: ((There's no intuit direction in 3.5 =p))
** (14) Locke groans **
(11) Mikhal: ((err..which skill then? x.x))
(9) Tanja: ::Mutters oh great::
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe does appear more sober than she was back at the bar....
(13) Evanthe: ((well i have knowledge of geography huh? does that include directions?))
(1) GM Voice: ((This is survival))
(13) Evanthe: ((ooh))
(11) Mikhal: ((i think i have that))
(9) Tanja: ((lol...survivor))
** (13) Evanthe crosses her arms **
(9) Tanja: ((i'm voting mikhal off first))
(1) GM Voice: ((And I made the check for you already =p))
(13) Evanthe: Mikhal.
(11) Mikhal: ((oh XD))
(1) GM Voice: ((so you kno't KNOW who's right ^_^ *evil*))
(13) Evanthe: ((oh boy))
(9) Tanja: well...
(9) Tanja: the map says its by the mountains, right?
(11) Mikhal: are the i guess it's east
(9) Tanja: and mountains are pretty big, right?
(9) Tanja: so if we go north enough, we're bound to see the mountains
(9) Tanja: stop me if i'm going too fast here.
** (13) Evanthe blinks **
(11) Mikhal: aim for the mountains and then head east?
(1) GM Voice: A burst of stunning logic..
(13) Evanthe: There's also the fact that we want to save time out in the wilderness
(9) Tanja: :::thinks to self---wow.
(1) GM Voice: ((Certainly not the quickest way.. but no chance of getting lost..))
(13) Evanthe: Meaning, it's too damn cold to lollygag about
(9) Tanja: ::shrugs:: have it your way...but if we get lost, we'll be out here even longer
(9) Tanja: i don't want to hear then that we should've done it my way.
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal's the one dragging the sled, so it's his decision..
(9) Tanja: mikhal?
** (11) Mikhal goes on a more northernly route **</font>
** (13) Evanthe scowls. **
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal heads toward the north..
(9) Tanja: :::follows impassively::
(1) GM Voice: After about a half hour more of traveling... they finally reach where it starts to incline up sharply...
(11) Mikhal: ((*rocks out to devet*))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(9) Tanja: ((hope you can drag uphill))
** (13) Evanthe stares **
(13) Evanthe: What now, genius?
(11) Mikhal: ((if not, i'll be sure to hit atleast one of you :) ))
(9) Tanja: ::yawns::
(11) Mikhal: ((does the incline lessen towards the east?))
(9) Tanja: don't look at me.....i gave my bright idea before.
** (13) Evanthe looks at Mikhal **
(1) GM Voice: It's about even if you head east
(11) Mikhal: ((how migh up does it go?))
(11) Mikhal: ((high*))
(1) GM Voice: The incline starts gradual.. then steepens up a bit.. you can see the snowy caps of the mountains not too far off..
(11) Mikhal: ((ah..can we spot the city to the east then?))
(1) GM Voice: ((The snowfall makes seeing anything that far away pretty difficult..))
(11) Mikhal: *to the east!*
(11) Mikhal: *and on the look out for the city*
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal turns to the east and continues dragging the sled...
** (13) Evanthe sighs, no use being angry when we're all in this together. **
(9) Tanja: ::jingles her pack as she walks, reminding herself of why she's doing this::
(11) Mikhal: ((just listen to the Xenosaga anime opening, and everything will be fine))
(14) Locke: ((hahah, the reward people~))
(1) GM Voice: Some more minutes pass....
(9) Tanja: ((this is...reminding me of that Snow Wolf escapade, angel...))
(9) Tanja: ((for some reason, that always stuck in my head...when you and i were faced with two wolves 'cause scott disconnected...))
(13) Evanthe: ((oh good times))
(13) Evanthe: ((*looks for footprints*))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice (whispering): You notice something strange buried in the snow beneath your feet ahead.. it seems to be... white hair?..
(11) Mikhal: ((i don't remember that ^^;))
(13) Evanthe: ((cause we went through the pain alone ;_;))
(9) Tanja: ((you came back in towards the end...but you fell unconscious and complained a
(11) Mikhal: what's that? *motions to the in the snow*
(9) Tanja: what's...what?  ::sees...white::
** (13) Evanthe looks in the direction Mikhal points **
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal points out a patch of white hair ahead... it looks sort of like animal fur...
(9) Tanja: ((...))
(11) Mikhal: ((XD))
(13) Evanthe: ((you stink))
(9) Tanja: ((you're kidding me.))
(9) Tanja: ((tony sucks.))
(13) Evanthe: ((see what happens when you reminisce?))
(9) Tanja: ((that's it...tunnel vision from now on.))
(11) Mikhal: *walks overs towards it and digs a little*
(9) Tanja: ((*walks when told to))
** (13) Evanthe tenses a little. "What is it?" **
(9) Tanja: ((scott...))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal walks over to it... and touches the snow near it....
(11) Mikhal: ((*whistles innocently*))
** (13) Evanthe gapes at Mikhal **
(9) Tanja: ::mutters:: idiot!

(1) GM Voice:
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives

(11) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [18,2] = (20) Init
(9) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [13,4] = (17)
(13) Evanthe: [1d20+4] -> [18,4] = (22)
(9) Tanja: ((oh...well, i suck))
(11) Mikhal: ((good rolls, atleast))

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(22): Evanthe

(13) Evanthe: ((so now i attack, yes))
(1) GM Voice: You see Mikhal head toward the fur....
(11) Mikhal: ((well..aslong as we don't come across a poison tarpped chest..we are fine))
(11) Mikhal: ((trapped*))
(9) Tanja: ::Has half a mind to let him keep going and get his arms bitten off::
(1) GM Voice: Any actions?..
** (13) Evanthe pulls out her longbow, poised to aim and shoot at any movement **
(13) Evanthe: What the hell is it, Mikhal?
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe Readies her longbow...

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(20): : Mikhal

(11) Mikhal: i'm..not sure
(11) Mikhal: ((does it look to be dead, alive, dangerous?))
(1) GM Voice: ((There's no wounds on it.. it looks like a buried animal as far as you can tell..))
(11) Mikhal: ((declaring dodge on it and holding my action))
(13) Evanthe: (what the who))

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(17): Tanja

(9) Tanja: ((no clue))
(11) Mikhal: ((holding your action = you can take you action whenever you want after someone))
(13) Evanthe: ((i declare immunity to all attacks and uh, 20 gp while i'm at it))
(9) Tanja: ::draws her shortbow too, but doesn't shoot::: i'm not gonna take any chances....
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(9) Tanja: ((not doing anything, just like th eothers....not gonna be the first to get this started))
(13) Evanthe: it alive?
(13) Evanthe: If it's not moving, let's keep moving along
(11) Mikhal: i don't see any wounds..looks kinda buried..
(13) Evanthe: I'd rather not awaken any sleeping beasts
(9) Tanja: ::Uneasy:::it could sneak up on us then...
** (14) Locke burps loudly **
(9) Tanja: we could pass...and it could come up behind us....
** (13) Evanthe glances at Locke **
(14) Locke: ((sorry, was tempting... a lot of tension XD))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe notices some movement from behind them...
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
** (13) Evanthe whirls around "Did you see that?" **
(9) Tanja: huh? what??
(11) Mikhal: ((*shoves the sled with locke towards the movement and runs off*))
(1) GM Voice: A small insect like creature is leaping through the snow, heading straight for mikhal!...
(9) Tanja: ((oh to be him...hops on the sled and heads off downslope))
(13) Evanthe: Mikhal!
(1) GM Voice: It seems to be covered in bristly white fur...
(13) Evanthe: ((rofl))
(11) Mikhal: huh..?
(1) GM Voice: ((Take your readied action if you want ^_^))
(9) Tanja: its...the....a....thing!  ::points!::
(13) Evanthe: ((all of us?))
(11) Mikhal: ((do i see it coming at at?))
(11) Mikhal: ((at me*))
(1) GM Voice: ((You're the only one who's seeing it and gets to react))
** (13) Evanthe shoots an arrow off at the furry insect **
(13) Evanthe: [1d20+5] -> [19,5] = (24)
(9) Tanja: ((...woah.))
(13) Evanthe: [1d8] -> [2] = (2)
(13) Evanthe: ((FAIL))
(14) Locke: ((critcal!! :D))
** (11) Mikhal goes and attacks the insect thingy **

(1) GM Voice: Evanth launches an arrow from her longbow, skewering the 8 legged monster... It limps onward..
(9) Tanja: ((wait i'm confused)
(11) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+5] -> [19,5] = (24)
(9) Tanja: ((all of us attack? or just evanthe and mikhal?))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal's back is turned to it
(13) Evanthe: ((just me, I thought as I'm the one who saw it :x))
(11) Mikhal: ((err..))
(9) Tanja: ((yah i thought so too))
(11) Mikhal: ((i misread then))
(9) Tanja: ((Scott just assumed he was important))
(9) Tanja: ((lol just kidding  :) )
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(11) Mikhal: ((i can't read))
(13) Evanthe: ((xD))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe notices that it's about 2 feet long.. and..spidery...
(13) Evanthe: It's some sort of spider
(9) Tanja: ((*shudders*))
(9) Tanja: ::gulps::
(13) Evanthe: ((*throws Locke at it*))
(11) Mikhal: ((thank you, captain obvious. XD))
(1) GM Voice: It leaps toward Mikhal!..... And sails past him... landing in front..
(13) Evanthe: ((eat him not us ;_;))
(13) Evanthe: ((I noticed, not you ;) ))
(9) Tanja: ((hhaha....i like how the names blended. MikSnow Spider..... McSnowspider.))
(11) Mikhal: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: The patch of fur suddenly leaps up from the snow toward Mikhal's face...!!... (Now readied action)
(9) Tanja: ((maybe its a friend?))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(14) Locke: ((YOUR FACE))
(13) Evanthe: ((pet it))
** (11) Mikhal stabs the sword at the patch of fur leaping at my face **

(11) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+5] -> [7,5] = (12)
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal's sword swings wide....!
(14) Locke: ((ok, I just read that as scott stabbing himself in the face :x ))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(13) Evanthe: ((rofl))
(9) Tanja: (("goodbye cruel world!"))
(13) Evanthe: ((*facestab*))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(11) Mikhal: (("o happy dagger!"))
(13) Evanthe: ((duck!))
(1) GM Voice: The spider jumps on Mikhal's chest and tries to sink in it's long fangs... but can't find an open hole in his armor..
(9) Tanja: (*shudder*))
(13) Evanthe: ((yipes))
(14) Locke: ((ooh, looking for a hole... kinky :o))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja notices another heading toward her....!
(9) Tanja: ::yelps!:::
** (13) Evanthe furrows her brow **
(1) GM Voice: ((Now you can take yours ^_^* haha))
(9) Tanja: ::steadies her bow and takes a shot::
(9) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [10,4] = (14)
(1) GM Voice: The arrow barely misses the creature.. sinking into the deep snow..
(9) Tanja: ::gasps:: no...! ((not my 8HP!))
(1) GM Voice: The spider jumps on her and injects it's fangs....!
(9) Tanja: ::yells::
(13) Evanthe: ((i have 7 ;_;))
(9) Tanja: :::slaps ineffectually at it::
(13) Evanthe: ((*doesn't want to yell out people's name SM style*))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: ((Fortitude Save))
(9) Tanja: ((neptune!!!))
(9) Tanja: ((d20?))
(13) Evanthe: ((*dramatically* Neptune! Nooooooooooo))
(9) Tanja: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)
(1) GM Voice: ((Yup ^_^))
(9) Tanja: ((dead man walking))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja shudders as she feels the fangs inject her skin... she starts to feel her muscles starting to go rigid... (1 damage)
(9) Tanja: ::Panicked look:: i...i'm having...a hard time moving..!
(9) Tanja: :::thinks to self----who the hell talked me into this?!??:::
(11) Mikhal: ((your lust of money?))
(14) Locke: ((*guilty*))
(1) GM Voice: 3 More Appear... and start to head toward the sled....!
(9) Tanja: ((3 more??!))
(9) Tanja: ((as addition to?))
(9) Tanja: ((or in other words...6?))
(14) Locke: ((wow, pwned XD))
(13) Evanthe: Hold on Tanja...((what the hell else can I say :o))
(9) Tanja: ((quiet, you!))
(1) GM Voice: One sails past Evanthe's head...!
(13) Evanthe: ((flying spiders o.o))
(1) GM Voice: ((Nah... Just really good jumpers.. ^_^))
(1) GM Voice: Another lands perfectly on her and sinks it's fangs in deep..
(1) GM Voice: ((Fortitude save whenever you get hit ^_^))
(13) Evanthe: [1d20+1] -> [6,1] = (7)
(13) Evanthe: ((winnah))
(13) Evanthe: ((that was right, yes?))
(1) GM Voice: ((Yup, two damage))
(1) GM Voice: The last also misses the elf...
(13) Evanthe: ((whoa being assaulted))
(9) Tanja: ((who's all for going back and pretending like we never saw the fur in the snow?))
(13) Evanthe: ((that's a lot of spiders))

(1) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(22): Evanthe

** (13) Evanthe aims at the closest spider to Locke, trying to protect him **
(9) Tanja: ((are the spiders still on us? or did they jump back to the ground?))
(13) Evanthe: [1d20+5] -> [15,5] = (20)
(13) Evanthe: [1d8] -> [4] = (4)
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe also feels her muscles responding less after the bite... ((They're hit and run types))
(9) Tanja: ((okay))
(1) GM Voice: That doesen't stop her from plunging an arrow into one of the spiders facing her... the arrow pins it to the ground, and it stops moving

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(20): : Mikhal

** (11) Mikhal slashes the one that attacked him **
(11) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+5] -> [6,5] = (11)
(11) Mikhal: ((bah))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(11) Mikhal: ((my rolls suck today))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal tries to slice one in half.. but it leaps back before his slice!

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(17): Tanja

(11) Mikhal: ((and i still hae dodge declared on it))
(11) Mikhal: ((have*))
(14) Locke: ((what happened to the blood thirsty rape!?))
(9) Tanja: ::still panicked from being bitten and bashes the spider in front of her with her light mace:::
(9) Tanja: [1d20+2[
(9) Tanja: oops
(9) Tanja: (())
(9) Tanja: [1d20+2] -> [6,2] = (8)
(1) GM Voice: Tanja finds herself too disorientated to land a blow on the creature...
(9) Tanja: ::breathing heavily::: get away from me!
(1) GM Voice: ((Fortitude saves again, Tanja and Evanthe))
(9) Tanja: [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
(13) Evanthe: [1d20+1] -> [7,1] = (8)
(13) Evanthe: ((oh hell))
(13) Evanthe: ((i can heal myself right?))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe's body stops responding entirely.. she's paralyzed..
(9) Tanja: ((oh hell))
(13) Evanthe: ((*statue*))
(9) Tanja: ((here's where the game ends....unceremoniously in the middle of nowhere))
** (13) Evanthe emits a small squeak **
(1) GM Voice: The spider behind Mikhal lands a bite.... Fortitude!
(11) Mikhal: Fortitude save: [1d20+4] -> [16,4] = (20)
(13) Evanthe: ((ooh lovely))
(1) GM Voice: ((1 damage))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja's spider misses her... disorientated with her blow..
(1) GM Voice: ((or miss as the case may be))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: The two spider's by Evanthe start to drag her away from the Sled..
(13) Evanthe: ((they're gonna eat me now))
(9) Tanja: ((maybe they'll be placated with an elvan sacrifice))
(13) Evanthe: ((oh thanks xD))
(9) Tanja: ((;cD))
(14) Locke: ((XD))

(1) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(22): Evanthe

(1) GM Voice: ((Paralyzed))

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(20): : Mikhal

(9) Tanja: ((Save me, save me, save evanthe...))
(13) Evanthe: ((pwned))
(11) Mikhal: ((can i take a 5-step adjectment and still attack spider 6?))
(11) Mikhal: ((adjustment*))
(1) GM Voice: ((If you want))
(9) Tanja: ((i can't decide on good spider fighting music))
** (11) Mikhal 5' adjustment north and sslashes at spider 6 **

(14) Locke: ((Gilgameshes theme song, FFV))
(11) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+5] -> [11,5] = (16)
(11) Mikhal: Damage! [2d6+6] -> [4,5,6] = (15)
(13) Evanthe: ((O.o))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal's Sword barely connects!... Cutting the thing clean in half!
(9) Tanja: ((he likes to overkill.))

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(17): Tanja

(13) Evanthe: ((you should whirl around and try to hit everyone :D))
(14) Locke: ((told you he's dangerous Angel :O))
(13) Evanthe: ((yeah, if he ever hits me, i'm gone))
(1) GM Voice: ((He wishes he had cleave right now))
(11) Mikhal: (you need to work up to get whirlwind attack))
(11) Mikhal: ((And you bet i do >_>))
(9) Tanja: :::bashbashbash with her mace:::
(9) Tanja: [1d20+2] -> [10,2] = (12)
(11) Mikhal: ((maybe i should get it next feat...))
(9) Tanja: ((whiffwhiffwhiff with her mace))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja still can't land a blow...
** (13) Evanthe gets dragged around **
(9) Tanja: ::still slightly freaked::
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe's spider decides Mikhal is a threat..
(1) GM Voice: It leaps at him, stabbing it's fangs in..!.. (1 damage, and fort..))
(11) Mikhal: Fortitude save: [1d20+4] -> [5,4] = (9)
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal's muscles tingle..
(14) Locke: ((kinky))
(13) Evanthe: ((so theoretically....if we all get paralyzed))
(13) Evanthe: ((game over?))
(9) Tanja: ((i dunno...i guess? that's how it happened in
(1) GM Voice: The other two spiders barely miss...
(11) Mikhal: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: ((Reload save?))
(13) Evanthe: ((mission failed: retry?))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(14) Locke: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja's spider bites her again, ripping it's fangs near where it bit previously..
(13) Evanthe: ((oh boy))
(9) Tanja: ::cries out--again.:::
(1) GM Voice: ((1 damage.. fort!))
(9) Tanja: please...! leave me alone!
(9) Tanja: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
(13) Evanthe: ((yay! maybe!))
(14) Locke: ((argh, keep it down, I got a hang over :( ))
(1) GM Voice: She fights back the poison..
(1) GM Voice: Locke snores away in his blanket
(13) Evanthe: ((*stabs Locke with an arrow*))
(9) Tanja: ::grits teeth::
(14) Locke: ((XD))

(1) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(22): Evanthe
(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(20): : Mikhal

(9) Tanja: ((you're not even worth a comment anymore))
** (11) Mikhal stabslashstab #5 **

(13) Evanthe: ((I'm in the corner crying))
(11) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+5] -> [19,5] = (24)
(11) Mikhal: Damage! [2d6+6] -> [6,5,6] = (17)
(13) Evanthe: ((yay :D))
(11) Mikhal: ((Aw..almost perfect))
(1) GM Voice: ((Crit threat))
(9) Tanja: ((i'm just distracting this spider while i wait for mikhal to get over here))
(13) Evanthe: ((good job :D))
(1) GM Voice: ((attack roll again))
(13) Evanthe: ((i can't even do that right))
(11) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+5] -> [13,5] = (18)
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: ((Critical hit... another damage roll ^_^))
(11) Mikhal: ((double damage! XD))
(9) Tanja: ((what...?))
(13) Evanthe: ((so maybe the damage will leak to the other spider))
(9) Tanja: ((can't you whip these awesome rolls out on some main boss?))
(9) Tanja: ((and not spiders with like 5 HP?))
(11) Mikhal: ((crit threat range on a greatsword is 19 and 20))
(13) Evanthe: ((xD))
(11) Mikhal: ((swor dit you roll a natural 19 or 20, you roll again to see if it's a critical hit))
(1) GM Voice: ((Damage againn scott.... ((Well.. not like it matters...>_>))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(11) Mikhal: Damage! [2d6+6] -> [1,1,6] = (8)
(11) Mikhal: ((
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(13) Evanthe: ((why question a good thing~))
(11) Mikhal: ((still 25 damage :) ))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal skewers a spider upon his great sword... lifts the blade and watches as the corpse slowly slides down the blade...
(9) Tanja: (("fatality!"))
(13) Evanthe: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: Then he smashes it to ground, exploding it in a pool of blood and ichor
(13) Evanthe: ((ew))
(1) GM Voice: It's thoroughly and completely dead
(13) Evanthe: ((messy boys))

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(17): Tanja

(11) Mikhal: ((woo..i like fatalities))
(9) Tanja: ::slightly more with it, changes her mace out for her bow once again.....aims and fires on the one on her:::
(9) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [4,4] = (8)
(9) Tanja: ((oh for the...))
(9) Tanja: ((*beats it with her bow instead*))
(1) GM Voice: ((Changing to a bow and attacking with it provokes an attack of oppurtunity..))
(13) Evanthe: ((quick! change your mind))
(1) GM Voice: ((Because it's using a ranged weapon in melee combat))
(9) Tanja: ((yes i change my mind, i guess.....why aren't these in the notes?  :P))
(1) GM Voice: ((I'm sure they're in the SRD somewhere... ^_^))
(13) Evanthe: ((*cough* she gets another roll yeees? :) ))
(9) Tanja: ::erases what's said before....bashbashbash with her mace:::
(9) Tanja: [1d20+2[
(1) GM Voice: ((no =p))
(13) Evanthe: ((that one shouldn't count!))
(9) Tanja: [1d20+2] -> [6,2] = (8)
(9) Tanja: ((doesn't matter))
(11) Mikhal: ((XD))
(13) Evanthe: ((neither shouldn that one!))
(1) GM Voice: ((I'll take the second rolll))
(9) Tanja: ((an 8's an 8's an 8))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja STILL can't land a hit with her mace...
(13) Evanthe: ((darn, foiled again))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
** (13) Evanthe WILLS her limbs to move **
(9) Tanja: ((forgive me for not studying the SRD more carefuly, sir.  :P ))
(13) Evanthe: ((Kill Bill style?))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal's two spiders leap.. but the barbarian has grown wise.. he dodges both of them
(9) Tanja: ((**passes around Tony Sucks fliers**))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja's spider likewise has failed me for the last time
(1) GM Voice: ((6,6,7.. so close))

(1) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round

(13) Evanthe: ((erha?))

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(22): Evanthe

(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(9) Tanja: ((i think tony WANTS us to die))
(1) GM Voice: ((Still paralyzed, but with comment))

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(20): : Mikhal

(13) Evanthe: ((I'm gonna agree with that))
(13) Evanthe: ((Oh thanks ;P))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
** (11) Mikhal spins around and slashes spider #1 **

** (13) Evanthe enjoys the view of the snow. **
(11) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+5] -> [4,5] = (9)
(1) GM Voice: ((>_>))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal puts some more dents in the snow
(13) Evanthe: ((hee heee))

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(17): Tanja

(1) GM Voice: ((No power attack for you!))
(9) Tanja: ((i'm gonna fall back on my secret weapon from the never failed me before.))
(9) Tanja: ::Light mace!:::
(11) Mikhal: ((XD))
(1) GM Voice: ((wonder wand?))
(9) Tanja: [1d20+2] -> [9,2] = (11)
(13) Evanthe: ((please :D))
(11) Mikhal: ((i thought your secret weapon was "den!"?))
(1) GM Voice: *Swish!*
(9) Tanja: ((  :::trident!::: always worked for me))
(13) Evanthe: ((how about a ds))
(13) Evanthe: ((or maybe a flame tongue would help ;_;))
(11) Mikhal: ((we should get a wacky sushi))
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: ((>_>...))
(9) Tanja: ((i want the smartalec sword back))
(13) Evanthe: ((well..not much would help me, as i'm lying in the snow))
(1) GM Voice: Both of Mikhal's spiders miss horribly... perhaps seeing their kin skewered has weakened their morale...
(11) Mikhal: ((t r teh winnar))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja's seems too preoccupied dodging Tanja's frantic swipes to land a blow of it's own

(1) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(22): Evanthe

(9) Tanja: ((lol))

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(20): : Mikhal

(13) Evanthe: ((kill it :D))
(11) Mikhal: *dieplzkthxbai*
(11) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+5] -> [14,5] = (19)
(11) Mikhal: Damage! [2d6+6] -> [3,6,6] = (15)
(9) Tanja: ((i just want to hit once))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal turns another spider into blood and guts... the snow is forever painted with spider goo

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(17): Tanja

(13) Evanthe: ((lovely picture))
(14) Locke: ((queen'd!)
(9) Tanja: :::macemacemacemacemace:::
(13) Evanthe: ((goooo patti :D))
(9) Tanja: [1d20+2] -> [10,2] = (12)
(9) Tanja: ((AAAARRRGGGHHH))
(14) Locke: ((getting there))
(13) Evanthe: ((you brought the low roll curse back with a vengeance))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja needs to regain her focus if she's going to land anything...
(1) GM Voice: ((>_<))
(14) Locke: ((just you watch, she'll land the last blow!)
(9) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal's insectoid friend is utterly disheartened... it leaps way wide..
(1) GM Voice: Tanja's spider seems just as afraid...

(1) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(22): Evanthe

(1) GM Voice: ((your ad here))

(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(20): : Mikhal

(14) Locke: ((XD))
(13) Evanthe: ((*facestab*))
(9) Tanja: ((well, the moral of this is that we can fight anything as long as tony's rolls suck))
** (11) Mikhal does the coup de grace **

(11) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+5] -> [17,5] = (22)
(11) Mikhal: Damage! [2d6+6] -> [5,3,6] = (14)
(1) GM Voice: ((I haven't rolled anything more than a 10 in 3 rounds...>_>))
(13) Evanthe: ((And we love you for it ))
(14) Locke: ((coincidence :D?))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal easily finishes off his last spider... *splat!* *Glurch!* *Splutter!*
(9) Tanja: ((come save me!))

(1) GM Voice:
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives

(1) GM Voice: ..>_>
(9) Tanja: ((hey!))
(9) Tanja: ((you missed me!))
(1) GM Voice: Go Tanja ^_^
(9) Tanja: ::one last huge bashbashbash:::
(9) Tanja: [1d20+2] -> [14,2] = (16)
(9) Tanja: ((*gasp!*))
(13) Evanthe: ((one spider left, right?))
(14) Locke: ((told you!!))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja finally lands her mace into the spider's head!
(9) Tanja: ((could it be?))
(9) Tanja: [1d6] -> [5] = (5)
(13) Evanthe: ((yay :D))
(14) Locke: ((:D))
(13) Evanthe: ((DIE))
(1) GM Voice: Splatting it dead resoundly!
(11) Mikhal: ((patti r teh winnar))
(9) Tanja: ((*victory sign*))
(13) Evanthe: ((and roll my mummified body to the sled :D))
(14) Locke: ((hahah, now Angel is decapacitated by paralyze, not drinking XD))
(9) Tanja: ::breathing heavily::
(13) Evanthe: ((yeah really what luck))
(9) Tanja: ::checking for shiny objects to make this battle seem worthwhile...::
** (11) Mikhal hefts Evanthe's body onto the sled and warps her in along with Locke's blanket **

(9) Tanja: (( cute))
(9) Tanja: ((*takes polaroid*))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja notices spider claws.. spider eyes.. spider venom glands...
(13) Evanthe: ((it would be if i could move))
(1) GM Voice: But sadly.. only people in Ragnarok would buy these things
(13) Evanthe: ((xD))
(11) Mikhal: ((XD))
(9) Tanja: ((*sigh*))
(13) Evanthe: ((oh give us loot you stingy beast))
(11) Mikhal: ((well, as assassin might like the venom glands))
(9) Tanja: ((ts 'cause i lifted items from the crowd, you watch))
(9) Tanja: ::limps her injured self back to the sled::
(14) Locke: ((*unconciously hugs Angel in the blanket ;D )
(9) Tanja: ((if the sled's a-rockin'...))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal hefts Evanthe back onto the sled..
(11) Mikhal: ..i get to drag everyone now?
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(9) Tanja: ::tiredly:: no, i can long as we're going in the right direction
(14) Locke: ((1500 pounds right? mush!!)
(13) Evanthe: ((*cracks whip*))
** (11) Mikhal starts walking again **

(9) Tanja: ::Trudgetrudgetrudge:::
(1) GM Voice: ((Hmm.. If anyone wants to risk it, you can take the venom glands...>_>))
(14) Locke: ((take them :D ))
(9) Tanja: ((*withering look*))
(9) Tanja: ::disgusted look at the spiders::
(1) GM Voice: ((Just don't throw a 1 =p))
(11) Mikhal: ((a greatsword isn't an ideal things to be cutting with))
(14) Locke: ((lol))
(9) Tanja: i supose..the venom...and my arrows...somehow...
(11) Mikhal: ((well..small things like that, that is))
(1) GM Voice: ((What, appedix taken out?.. Orderly! Greatsword Please!))
(1) GM Voice: ((d20 if you want to try it ^_^))
(9) Tanja: ::attempts to extract the venom somehow....with as little description as possible::
(9) Tanja: [1d20] -> [8] = (8)
(13) Evanthe: ((hehe))
(9) Tanja: ((*death*))
(9) Tanja: ((three for the sled))
(13) Evanthe: ((woo))
(14) Locke: ((spawns another spider! XO))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja removes the venom sacs carefully... and tucks them into a pouch
(13) Evanthe: ((And these are...worth money?))
(9) Tanja: ((they'll give my arrows a real kick, i bet))
(1) GM Voice: ((Who doesen't want para-arrows?))
(13) Evanthe: ((ooh))
(9) Tanja: ((spider venom sacs...check.))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal resumes dragging the party along to Zakrit..
(1) GM Voice: After about an hour of additional dragging... they start to see some buildings on the horizon..
(9) Tanja: ::tired::
(13) Evanthe: ((yay))
(13) Evanthe: ((I'm just about to be kicked out anyway :D))
(9) Tanja: are we there yet?
(14) Locke: ((heh))
(11) Mikhal: almost, it seems like
(13) Evanthe: ((can I move at least a little yet?))
(1) GM Voice: The tall lift towers of the Zakrit mines...
(13) Evanthe: ((or do I need some special item))
(9) Tanja: ((only to be found at the 8th level of the mines))
(14) Locke: ((can I stir around? :o))
(1) GM Voice: ((Well.. if someone thought to do a heal check... ))
(13) Evanthe: ((EVILDOERS))
(9) Tanja: ((*whistles*))
(11) Mikhal: ((i don't have heal..i'd probably make it worse))
(9) Tanja: ((do you hear anything? i don't.))
(13) Evanthe: ((hehe))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe starts to feel her muscles gradually respond... over the course of many minutes... sensation comes back to her..
(14) Locke: ((feel the sensation! :D))
** (13) Evanthe tests her limbs by moving them slowly.. **
(13) Evanthe: ((:D))
(14) Locke: ((can I wake up? >.>;;))
** (13) Evanthe smiles tiredly **
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal drags the sled to within 10 feet of the town..
(13) Evanthe: At least we made it in once piece, huh guys?
(13) Evanthe: ((one, even))
(9) Tanja: piece...hah...::false cheer::
** (13) Evanthe pokes the sleeping Locke **
(1) GM Voice: The largest house ahead on their right seems to have a massive hole in it... as if something bored straight through it....
(13) Evanthe: This one sleeps like the dead.
(9) Tanja: ::stops and stares::
(11) Mikhal: that..doesn't look good
(9) Tanja: that....doesn't look right...
** (14) Locke snores loudly **
(1) GM Voice: It's nearly 10 feet in diameter...
** (13) Evanthe studies the hole. **
(1) GM Voice: The one on the left has it's roof ripped entirely off....
(9) Tanja: ::feels like crying----whatever happened to easy GP?::
(13) Evanthe: Now we know why they sent us instead of their own ::dryly::
(1) GM Voice: ((You can wake up if you want locke =p))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(9) Tanja: ::Gulps::
(1) GM Voice: Nearby the houses... huge holes in the snow...
** (14) Locke snorts **
(1) GM Voice: Thoughts go back to those massive corpses outside Krasevae..
(9) Tanja: ::wide eyes::
(9) Tanja: i dont have enough arrows for this...
(13) Evanthe: I..
(13) Evanthe: ((I gotta get going))
(14) Locke: ((aww))
(9) Tanja: ((can w stop here then?))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe suddenly feels the paralysis engulf her once more..!
(13) Evanthe: ((xD))
(9) Tanja: ((guess not))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(13) Evanthe: ((*falls back onto the cart :P*))
(1) GM Voice: ((We're almost done.. almost done))
(9) Tanja: :::looks at Evanthe::: that's a pretty damn good idea
(13) Evanthe: ((I'll grab the log to see the rest))
(9) Tanja: :::tries to fake paralysis::
(13) Evanthe: ((bye guys!))
(9) Tanja: ((seeya!))
(1) GM Voice: ((byeeee))
(13) Evanthe: Disconnecting from server...
(13) Evanthe (exit): 01:47
(14) Locke: My hea... woah, what happened? whe... why am I sleeping next to this beauty in the open?
(9) Tanja: ::looks to mikhal:: what?
(1) GM Voice: Most of the other houses in the city seem to have suffered a similar fate...
(1) GM Voice: Ahead of them.. from the center of town.. they hear the crunch of snow.. a footstep...
(11) Mikhal: check for signs of life and hope the worms don't find us?
(9) Tanja: ::skitters behind the sled:: shhh!
(14) Locke: Worms? where are we?
** (14) Locke looks around **
(9) Tanja: ::pays no mind, too intent on who's coming::
(9) Tanja: ::or what:
(1) GM Voice: A voice sounds over the silence..
** (14) Locke looks at Mikhal's sword **
** (14) Locke turns to look in that direction **
(1) NPC: "Halt!.... Whoever's there... If ye be looters my Axe will make you regret it!..."
(9) Tanja: ::looks immediately guilty::
(1) Tony: More crunching snow...
(11) Mikhal: we are not looters
(9) Tanja: yeah...wha the said!  ::still behind the sled::
(9) Tanja: what* he*
(1) Tony: Around the corner of a building comes an armored dwarf, wielding a huge axe...
** (14) Locke is too confused to pay any notice to Tanja **
(14) Locke: ((ooh, a dwarf *pokes*))
(9) Tanja: ((dwarves....elves....))
(9) Tanja: ((not a human to be had))
(14) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Tony: "...Not Looters?..." He stares at the group, to the two in the sled... "...If yae be seeking a hospital, there's none left here... I'm sad to say..."
(14) Locke: where are we?
(1) Tony: "It'd be best if you went on to Krasevae... by the Gods if they made it through..."
(9) Tanja: ::loses temper a little:: you got drunk, you passed out, we saved your life, and now we're on our mission! at what point did you get lost?
(1) Tony: "This be... or this was Zakrit.."
(9) Tanja: ::frayed from fight::
(11) Mikhal: we were sent here on a survey mission from the high priest in krasavea
(14) Locke: a long time ago ::sweat drops::
(11) Mikhal: ((err..with it spelt right, of course))
(9) Tanja: what happened here....?
(1) Tony: "Ah.. the lads made it alright... wish I could say the same for us..."
(9) Tanja: ::sufficiently awed to not be thinking about looting/thieving::
** (14) Locke runs behind the sled with Tanja and asks what happened **
(1) Tony: "Blasted Frostworms!!... They've never attacked us before, as long as we didn't bother 'dem they left us well alone..."
** (9) Tanja brings Locke up to date as quickly as possible **
** (14) Locke is awed and wide eyed **
(1) Tony: "All of sudden there's three of em... seem panicked out of their minds.. ran right through the whole city... We dinnae stand a chance..."
(9) Tanja: what could panic a frost worm...?
(9) Tanja: they seemed.....intimidating just on their own...
(1) Tony: "Blast if I know!!.. I nev' did see any like that..."
(1) Tony: "Everyone I could save I led them into the mines... Our food is running low... Please.. Tell Alain we need help"
(11) Mikhal: how many survivors are there?
(9) Tanja: ::Sighs:: well,, we did our survey....we can go back to krasevae. (correct spelling as necessary)( and tell them what we saw....they'll know what to do.
(1) Tony: "We have less than Forty..."
(14) Locke: it might be better to see how we can do to help here first, get a better survey
(14) Locke: ((*what, not how))
(9) Tanja: the longer we take, the longer it'll take to get real aid and food here for these people
(1) Tony: "Aye..'Lest you can make food from snow lad, Yer feet are the best way to help.. we need someone to get to Krasevae.."
(14) Locke: very well
(9) Tanja: we need to get evanthe aid anyway
(9) Tanja: ((turn the sled around and get going, mikhal))
(14) Locke: ::thinks to self -- I need to get rid of this head ache::
(1) Tony: "Jus' one moment..." He ducks into the ruins of a building.. and comes out with a paper with a wax seal on it...
(1) Tony: "I've nae time for a dissertation.." he presses a ring on his finger into the wax... "Give 'im this... Tell 'em Krast sent ya... He'll believe.."
(14) Locke: I can provide Evanthe Heal ((Heal skill))
(9) Tanja: ::nods:: right. krast sent us. we'll remember
** (11) Mikhal takes the paper **

(1) Krast: "Now, Hurry!.... I'll tell the lost souls that help is underway..."
(14) Locke: ::thinks to self -- at least he'll remember, I can't even remember who won::
(1) Krast: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(9) Tanja: lol
(11) Mikhal: log off!

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